ISSN 0352-5139
J. Serb.Chem. Soc. Vol 68, No. 10(2003)
Organic Chemistry
G. S. U{}umli}, A. A. Kshad and D. @. Mijin: Synthesis and investigation of solvent effects on the ultraviolet absorption spectra of 1,3-bis-substituted-5,5-dimethylhydantoins
K. Penov-Ga{i, S. Stojanovi}, M. Saka~, E. Djurendi}, S. Jovanovi}-[anta, S. Stankovi}, N. Andri} and M.
Popsavin: Synthesis, crystal structure and antiaromatase activity of 17-halo-16,17-seco-5-androstene derivatives
A. D. Nikoli}, M. R. Mladenovi}, L. Gobor, D. G. Antonovi} and S. D. Petrovi}: FTIR study on N-H.......p hydrogen bonding: N-alkylpropanamides - aromatic donor system
Z. D. Petrovi}, D. Andjelkovi} and Lj. Stevanovi}: Vitamin B12-catalyzed synthesis of some peracetylated alkyl b-D-xylopyranosides (Short communication)
V. V. Dabholkar and R. P. Gavande: A microwave-catalyzed rapid, efficient and ecofriendly synthesis of substituted pyrazol-5-ones (Short communication)
Inorganic Chemistry
H. S. Seleem, B. A. El-Shetary, S. M. E. Khalil and M. Shebl: Potentiometric and spectrophotometric studies of the complexation of Schiff-base hydrazones containing the pyrimidine moiety
W. Ferenc, A. Walkóv-Dziewulska and J. ChruÑciel: Spectral and thermal behaviours of rare earth element complexes with 3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid
Analytical Chemistry
S. M. Ran~i}, R. P. Igov and T. G. Pecev: Kinetic determination of As(III) in solution
K. I. Popov, S. B. Krsti}, M. ^. Obradovi}, M. G. Pavlovi}, Lj. J. Pavlovi} and E. R. Ivanovi}: The effect of the particle shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. I. Modeling of a representative powder particle
K. I. Popov, M. G. Pavlovi}, Lj. J. Pavlovi}, E. R. Ivanovi}, S. B. Krsti} and M. ^. Obradovi}: The effect of the particle shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. II. The experimental verification of the model of the representative powder particle
J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 68(10)699–706(2003)
UDC 542.913+547.78:541.8:535.342
JSCS – 3088
Original scientific paper
Synthesis and investigation of solvent effects on the ultraviolet absorption spectra of 1,3-bis-substituted-
Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, P. O.
Box 3503, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 17 March, revised 23 May 2003)
Abstract: A series of 1,3-bis-substituted-5,5-dimethylhydantoins was synthesized using the reaction of 5,5dimethylhydantoin with the corresponding alkyl halide in the presence of trimethylamine as catalyst and sodium hydroxide, according to a modified literature procedure. The experimental investigation included modification of the synthetic procedure in terms of starting materials, solvent, temperature, isolation techniques, as well as purification and identification of the products. The absorption spectra of the 1,3-bis-
substituted-5,5-dimethylhydantoins were recorded in twelve solvents in the range 200–400 nm. The effects of the solvent polarity and hydrogen bonding on the absorption spectra were interpreted by means of linear solvation energy relationships using a general equation of the form n = n0 + sp* + aa + bb and by twoparameter models presented by the equation n = n0 + sp* + aa, where p* is a measure of the solvent polarity/polarisability, a is the scale of the solvent hydrogen bond donor acidities and b is the scale of the solvent hydrogen bond acceptor basicities. The solvent and substituent effects on the electronic absorption spectra of the investigated hydantoins is discussed.
Keywords: ultraviolet absorption spectra, solvent effects, linear solvation energy relationships, 1,3-bissubstituted-5,5-dimethylhydantoins.
1. J. D. Dutcher, J. R. Johnson, W. F. Bruce, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 67 (1945) 1736
2. J. H. Bateman, in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, vol 12, 1980, p. 692
3. S. H. Park, A. K. Bose, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2001) 1917
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6. J. Consaga, US 4,214,928 (29.07.1980) and US 4,944,815 (31.07.1990)
7. G. U{}umli}, M. Mi{i}-Vukovi}, J. Mol. Struct. 266 (1992) 315
8. G. U{}umli}, S. Drmani}, V. Krsti}, Indian. J. Chem. 36B (1997) 193
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13. D. Porret, R. Aenisaenslin, GB 1,148,570 (16.04.1969)
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15. M. J. Kamlet, J. L. M. Abboud, R. W. Taft, J. Org. Chem. 48 (1983) 2877.
J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 68(10)707–714(2003)
UDC 547.92+542.913+548.735:66.099.73
JSCS – 3089
Original scientific paper
Synthesis, crystal structure and antiaromatase activity of 17-halo-16,17-seco-5-androstene derivatives
1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, 21000 Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja
Obradovi}a 3, (E-mail:, 2Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of
Novi Sad, 21000 Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovi}a 4 and 3Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,
University of Novi Sad, 21000 Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovi}a 2, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 14 April, revised 2 June 2003)
Abstract: Starting from 3b-acetoxy-15-cyano-17-oxo-16,17-seco-5-androstene (2) and 3b-acetoxy-15cyano-17-hydroxy-17-methyl-16,17-seco-5-androstene (11), new 17-halo-derivatives (5–10 and 13) were obtained. The fluoro derivative 5 was obtained from 17-tosylate 4 in reaction with tetrabutylammonium fluoride. The structure of the 17-iodo-devitive 10 was unambiguously proved by the appropriate X-ray structural analysis. Compounds 5–10, as well as 12 and 13, were tested for possible anti-aromatase activity, whereby only compound 9, with bromine as the C-17 substituent, induced 19.4 % inhibition of aromatase activity compared to the control.
Keywords: 17-halo derivatives of 5-androstene, D-seco-steroids, aromatase inhibitors.
1. A. M. H. Brodie, J. Steroid Biochem. Molec. Biol. 49 (1994) 281
2. W. C. Schwarzel, W. G. Kruggel, H. Brodie, J. Endocrinol. 92 (1973) 866
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Stojanovi}, S. Andri}, D. Molnar Gabor, R. Kova~evi}, Steroids 66 (2001) 645
6. S. Jovanovi}-[anta, V. Pejanovi}, J. Petrovi}, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 64 (1999) 393
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J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 68(10)715–718(2003)
UDC 546.171+547–327:547.556.9
JSCS – 3090
Short communication
FTIR study of N–H ... p hydrogen bonding: N-alkylpropanamides – aromatic donor systems
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Trg Dositeja Obradovi}a 3, 21000 Novi Sad (E-mail: and *Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 3 December 2002)
Abstract: This paper reports the results of an FTIR study in the region of the fundamental NH stretching vibration for N-methyl, N-isopropyl, N-tert-butyl and N-1,2,2-trimethylpropanamide – aromatic hydrocarbon systems. In addition to the spectroscopic parameters, the equilibrium constant for the 1:1 N–H
¼ p complexes (at 298 K) are given.
Keywords: hydrogen bonding, N-monosubstituted amides, aromatic hydrocarbons.
1. A. D. Nikoli}, N. L. Kobilarov, A. N. Brzi}, J. Mol. Struct. 99 (1983) 179
2. A. D. Nikoli}, M. Tarjani, N. Peri{i}-Janji}, S. D. Petrovi}, J. Mol. Struct. 174 (1988) 129
3. A. D. Nikoli}, I. I. Ivan~ev-Tumbas, S. D. Petrovi}, D. G. Antonovi}, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 61 (1996) 773
4. A. D. Nikoli}, S. Petrovi}, D. Antonovi}, L. Gobor, J. Mol. Struct. 408/409 (1997) 355
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(1975) 955.
J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 68 (10)719–722(2003)
UDC 577.164.1+66.095.12+547.81:66.097
JSCS – 3091
Short communication
Vitamin B12-catalyzed synthesis of some peracetylated alkyl b-D-xylopyranosides
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Radoja Domanovi}a 12, P. O.
Box 60, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 28 March, revised 30 May 2003)
Abstract: The vitamin B12-catalyzed glycosylation reaction of brominated b-D-xylose peracetate with alkanols ROH (C1-C8) has been studied. The catalytically active species in this reaction was cob(I)alamin, obtained by chemical reduction of Vitamin B12 with NaBH4 (Co(III) to Co(I)). The reaction was carried out with 2 mol% of vitamin B12, with respect to xylosyl bromide 1, under argon at room temperature.
Under these conditions, peracetylated C1-C8-alkyl b-D-xylopyranosides (3a–3f) were obtained in moderate yield (55–70 %). In all cases 3,4-di-O-acetyl-D-xylal (4) was obtained, as the product of reductive elimination of peracetylated xylosyl bromide (15–25 %).
Keywords: alkyl b-D-xylopyranosides; brominated b-D-xylose peracetate; glycosylaton; vitamin B12.
1. J. Retey, J. A. Robinson, Stereospecificity in Organic Chemistry and Enzymology, Verlag Chemie,
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J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 68(10)723–727(2003)
UDC 547-304.6+547.853:536.75:66.022.362
JSCS – 3092
Short communication
A microwave-catalyzed rapid, efficient and ecofriendly synthesis of substituted pyrazol-5-ones
Department of Chemistry, Organic Research Laboratory, K. C. College, Mumbai - 400020, India
(Received 5 February, revised 7 May 2003)
Abstract: A series of 1-(3,4-dihydro-3-oxo-2H-1,4-benzoxazine-2-carbonyl)-3-methyl-4-(substituted phenylhydrazono)-2-pyrazolin-5-ones have been synthesized by the reaction of 2H-3,4-dihydro-3-oxo-1,4benzoxazine-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide with substituted acetoacetic ester derivatives using acetic acid as solvent under microwave irradiation (MWI), as well as by conventional methods. The reaction rate is enhanced tremendously and the yields are improved under MWI as compared to conventional methods.
Keywords: o-amino phenol, 1,4-benzoxazine, hydrazine hydrate, 1,3,4-substituted pyrazol-5-one.
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J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 68(10)729–748(2003)
UDC 547–304.6+547.853:536.75:66.022.362
JSCS – 3093
Original scientific paper
Potentiometric and spectrophotometric studies of the complexation of Schiff-base hydrazones containing the pyrimidine moiety
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Roxy, Cairo, Egypt
(Received 26 November 2002, revised 7 May 2003)
Abstract: Three Schiff-base hydrazones (ONN – donors) were prepared by condensation of 2-amino-4hydrazino-6-methylpyrimidine with 2-hydroxyacetophenone, 2-methoxybenzaldehyde and diacetyl to yield
2-OHAHP, 2-OMeBHP and DHP, respectively. The structures of these ligands were elucidated by elemental analysis, UV, IR, 1H-NMR and mass spectra. The metal–ligand stability constants of Mn2+,
Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, UO22+ and Th4+ chelates were determined potentiometrically in two different media (75 % (v/v) dioxane–water and ethanol–water) at 283, 293, 303 and 313 K at an ionic strength of 0.05 M (KNO3). The thermodynamic parameters of the 1:1 and 1:2 complexes were evaluated and are discussed. The dissociation constants of 2-OHAHP, 2-OMeBHP and DHP ligands and the stability constants of Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+ with 2-OHAHP were determined spectrophotometrically in 75 % (v/v) dioxane–water.
Keywords: stability constants, thermodynamic parameters, spectrophotometric determination of stability,
Schiff-base hydrazones containing the pyrimidine moiety.
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J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 68(10)751–763(2003)
UDC 546.65+547.543.2:543.42:543.57
JSCS – 3094
Original scientific paper
Spectral and thermal behaviours of rare earth element complexes with 3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid
1Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie-Sk»odowska University, PI 20-031 Lublin, Poland and 2Institute of
Chemistry, University of Podlasie, PI 08-110 Siedlce, Poland, E-mail:
(Received 14 February, revised 30 May 2003)
Abstract: The conditions for the formation of rare earth element 3,5-dimethytoxybenzoates were studied and their quantitative composition and solubilities in water at 293 K were determined. The complexes are anhydrous or hydrated salts and their solubilities are of the orders of 10-5 – 10-4 mol dm-3. Their FTIR,
FIR and X-ray spectra were recorded. The compounds were also characterized by thermogravimetric studies in air and nitrogen atmospheres and by magnetic measurements. All complexes are crystalline compounds. The carboxylate group in these complexes is a bidentate, chelating ligand. On heating in air to
1173 K, the 3,5-dimethoxybenzoates of rare earth elements decompose in various ways. The hydrated complexes first dehydrate to form anhydrous salts which then decompose in air to the oxides of the respective metals while in nitrogen to mixtures of carbon and oxides of the respective metals. The complexes are more stable in air than in nitrogen.
Keywords: 3,5-dimethoxybenzoates, rare earth elements, thermal stability of 3,5-dimethoxybenzoates, magnetic properties of complexes.
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J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 68(10)765–769(2003)
UDC 546.19+541.8:543.23:543.4/.5
JSCS – 3095
Original scientific paper
Kinetic determination of As(III) in solution
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Ni{, 18000 Ni{, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 7 July 2002, revised 7 May 2003)
Abstract: A new reaction is suggested and a new kinetic method is elaborated for the As(III) traces determination in solution, on the basis of their catalyzing effect on komplexon III (EDTA) oxidation by
KMnO4 in a strong acid solution (H2SO4). Using a spectrophotometric technique, a sensitivity of 72 ng/cm3 As(III) was achieved. The relative error of method varies from 5.5 to 13.9 % for As(III) concentration range from 83 to 140 ng/cm3. Appropriate kinetic equations are formulated and the influence of some other ions, including the As(V), upon the reaction rate is tested.
Keywords: kinetic method, As(III) determination, EDTA, spectrophotometric technique.
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J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 68(10)771–777(2003)
JSCS – 3096
UDC 54–72.001.57:541.135.2:546.56–034.3
Original scientific paper
The effect of the particle shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. I. Modeling of a representative powder particle
1Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade, 2ICTM -
Department of Electrochemistry, Njego{eva 12, 11000 Belgrade and 3Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Belgrade, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (E-mail:
(Received 10 March 2003)
Abstract: One of the most important properties of copper powder is its flowability which depends on the shape and the structure of the powder particles. A procedure for the determination of a representative powder particle permitting the free flow of copper powder is proposed.
Keywords: copper powder flowability, representative particle of flowing powder, surface structure of particles of flowing powder.
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J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 68(10)779–783(2003)
JSCS – 3097
UDC 54-72.001:541.135.2:546.56–034.3
Original scientific paper
The effect of the particle shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. II. The experimental verification of the model of the representative powder particle
1Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade, 2ICTM -
Department of Electrochemistry, Njego{eva 12, 11000 Belgrade and 3Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Belgrade, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (E-mail:
(Received 10 March, revised 27 May 2003)
Abstract: An analysis of the effects of the shape, surface structure and size distribution of particles on the flowability of the copper powder was performed. It is shown that the most important property of the particles of a powder, regarding the flowability of the powder, is the surface structure of the particles.
Keywords: copper powder flowability, surface structure of particles of a flowing powder.
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