ARTOUR-O IL MUST a Firenze 2012

Press Release
ARTOUR-O the MUST 2012
A Red Carpet for Italian Interiors
Private View, Wednesday 10 October 5.30 pm.
11 І 26 October 2012
Ventique | 77 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN
in collaboration with
Italian Cultural Institute | 39 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NX
where a special exhibition will be displayed
Accademia di Brera MI- Stefano Pizzi, Marco Pellizzola e Beppe Sabatino | Albanian Embassy in London - Alfred Milot
Mirashi | Atelier TO - Diego Gugliermetto I Berengo Studio VE - Juan Ripollés | CAMEC SP - Franco de Courten |
Cimameriche Film Festival – Trio MalAcorda | Municipality of Albissola Marina SV - Silvia Celeste Calcagno | Municipality
of Assisi - Ginestrelle PG - Sabato Angiero, Cate Nuto e Ignacio de Grado | Municipality of Impruneta FI - André Parodi
Monti e Silvano Zanchi | Ellequadro Arte Contemporanea GE - Giorgio Faletti, Andrea Piotto, Giua | Fondazione Fiumara
d’Arte CT - Adalberto Abbate I Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi PT - Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri | Fondazione
Pablo Atchugarry ROU - Pablo Atchugarry e Franco Repetto | Fratelli Levaggi GE - Davide Conti | Giovannetti Collezioni
PT - Special Project “Anfibio Forever” with Tommaso Cascella, Pablo Echaurren, Alba Folcio, Giorgio Gatto, Giua,
Andrea Piotto Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri and Alessandro Becchi, Mauro Lovi, Sergio Giobbi, Atelier Associati,
Sandro Santantonio | Lifeforms GE - Lino di Vinci | Luca Curci Architects BA | Marchesato degli Aleramici SI - Brunivo
Buttarelli and Stefano Soddu | Matteo Bianchi Studio London | Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica Bo e Villa
la Vedetta Fi- Nicola Evangelisti | Museo Luzzati GE - Daniele Bisagni, Marina Profumo and Giampiero Poggiali
Berlinghieri | Palazzo Cigola Martinoni – Cesare Feiffer | Paraxo Centro Culturale SV - Alba Folcio, Fukushi Ito and
Renza Sciutto | Plastic Food PG - Valeria Catania and Potsy Monsignori | Studio Sarah Angelica Pardo Cortona AR Antonio Massarutto | Teatro della Tosse GE - Raffaella Benetti | Università di Parma PR - Pinuccio Sciola | Ventique
London UK - Matteo Margaroli | XXI SILICO BI - Alessandro Ciffo | Zatoo GE - Valerio Tunesi and Martina Zappettini.
ARTOUR-O il MUST is a project platform that aims to bridge the gap between public and private, between past and
present thanks to a scene that animates during every edition. The Temporary Museum is an innovative format that
constantly promotes in Italy and abroad the creativity typical of who lives in Italy.
ARTOUR-O favors the projects, believing that the ideas are the engine of the economy. The contents of every edition are
selected in a glocal perspective, to promote networking and the dialogue between Arts and Business, focusing on the
pivotal role of Patronage.
Our counterparts
The project is aimed to public and private institutions, Museums, Municipalities, Businesses, Architecture and Design
Studios, Foundations and Universities that present a project about their identity.
Ellequadro Documenti Archivio Internazionale Arte Contemporanea
Palazzo Ducale - Piazza Matteotti 6, Loggiato del Primo Piano
16123 Genova |
T. +39.010.2474544 | F. +39.010.2474475
M. +39.348.3358530 | +39.389.5126874
ARTOUR-O il MUST back in London
For the second year ARTOUR-O comes to London to present the exhibition "A Red Carpet for Italian Interiors",
organised by Tiziana Leopizzi with the ideas of the Project Leaders of the public and private institutions.
Arts and Design join in Chelsea in the venue of Ventique that for two weeks vill become an "Italian Style Interior".
The malAcorda trio will perform some pieces during the opening, while on the 11th Giua and Armando Corsi will play at
the Italian Cultural Institute.
Special project “Anfibio Forever”
ARTOUR-O il MUST in London presents for the first time a special project designed for Giovannetti Collezioni and the
famous "Anfibio" sofa: a unique, famed, informal piece permanently displayed at the MOMA in New York.
The project is articulated in three steps: in this first in this occasion the studies of the artists who have been invited to
elaborate their own version of Anfibio will displayed.
The second step during ARTOUR-O in Florence next march other studies will be presented and the production
candidates selected.
The third step will take place in Pistoia in the Giacometti factory where for the first time a crossover ARTOUR-O and
MISA will take place.
The event takes place under the patronage of the Italian Institute for Culture in London where two sculptures of Brunivo
Buttarelli and Giampiero Poggiali Berlingeri will be displayed.
We wish to thank all those who cooperated to the realisation and mainly Carlo Presenti, Vanessa Hall-Smith and Elena
Rasori and our partners in London Matteo Bianchi, Matteo Margaroli and Eamon Spelman.
Ellequadro Documenti Archivio Internazionale Arte Contemporanea
Active since 1978 plans and organises events, exhibitions in Italy and abroad focusing on italian creativity. The main
project is ARTOUR-O il MUST from which the spin-off MISA (International Open Air Sculpture Museum) network was
ARTOUR-O il MUST Press Office
Valeria Barbera -
Ellequadro Documenti
t. +39.O1O.2474544
fax +39.O1O.2474475
m. +39.389.5126874
Comune di Chiavari
Ellequadro Documenti Archivio Internazionale Arte Contemporanea
Palazzo Ducale - Piazza Matteotti 6, Loggiato del Primo Piano
16123 Genova |
Comune di Albissola Marina
T. +39.010.2474544 | F. +39.010.2474475
M. +39.348.3358530 | +39.389.5126874
Ellequadro Documenti Archivio Internazionale Arte Contemporanea
Palazzo Ducale - Piazza Matteotti 6, Loggiato del Primo Piano
16123 Genova |
T. +39.010.2474544 | F. +39.010.2474475
M. +39.348.3358530 | +39.389.5126874