WL3014 Washday for the clouds By Bev Kemp The sky is drying his shape-changing sheets on the west wind today. He rinsed the sheets last night, and pounded them on the thunder stones. Tomorrow, when the sheets have aired, there will be dragons and castles in the sky. Source: '100 New Zealand Poems for Children', Illustrated by David Elliot, Edited by Jo Noble. Random House, 1999. Read the poem and answer the questions below. a) This poem says that clouds are like sheets. What are two ways clouds are like sheets? i) _________________________________________________________ ii) _________________________________________________________ b) This poem gives clues about what the weather is like at different times. Draw pictures or write in words on the chart below to show what the weather is like at different times in the poem. Time Weather Last night Today Tomorrow c) In this poem the sky is described as if it is a person. What does the sky do in this poem which makes it seem like a person? ____________________________________________________________ d) The end of this poem says "there will be dragons and castles in the sky." What does this really mean? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ WL3014 Scoring: 2 marks (1 mark each) Answers/Responses: a) Any 2 similarities, e.g., b) 1 mark They are white. They fly/move/change shape in the wind. They are soft/thick/woolly/fluffy (i.e., flannelette sheets). They cover the sky/are big. They are thin. Last night – any 1 of: Y4 (11/00) 2 correct – difficult 1 correct – easy moderate Rainy/wet Stormy/thunderstorms 1 mark Today – Windy/west wind moderate 1 mark Tomorrow – any 1 of: moderate 1 mark c) cloudy fine/sunny/warm. windy Any 1 of: difficult 1 mark d) Drying his washing. Rinsing his sheets. Any 1 of: moderate The clouds will look like dragons and castles. There will be clouds in the sky. The clouds will form pictures in the sky/will make shapes. Total: 7 marks Strand Writ Function CloseR Level 2 Resource type BCR Process Explore/Think WL3014 Keywords Poem; comprehension; personification; metaphor. Description Students explore the language of personification and metaphor in the poem called ‘Wash day for the clouds’. The questions require the students to think about the metaphors and personification.