ENV-2E1Y FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY Examples of Previous Examination Questions and notes on how to solve numeric questions for Slope Stability and Related Topics. Exam Questions Pre-1999 ENV-2E1y -GEOMORPHOLOGY Selected Examples of previous examinations questions. The following are a selection of the questions which have appear over the years in Geomorphology. You should note that the previous Course Number was ENV-2B07, before that ENV 264, and prior to that it was ENV 210 Note: in several years similar types of question have been set. Accordingly the wording and values in any one question will not necessarily be exactly as set, but will cover the full range of possibilities. Sometimes only parts of former questions are given below, as actual full questions have been developed from aggregating different combinations in various years. YOU SHOULD ALSO NOTE THAT SEVERAL WORKED EXAMPLES WERE GIVEN IN THE HANDOUTS, AND THESE SHOULD BE CONSULTED TO. A. Numeric Questions - as actually set 1. Describe how you would assess the consolidation characteristics of a soil. A layer of homogeneous clay (unit weight 18 kNm-3) is 9 m thick and underlies a 7m layer of sand (unit weight 19 kNm-3). The water table is 3m below the surface, while beneath the clay is a permeable, incompressible layer of sand. If the water table falls to the interface between the upper sand and the clay, estimate the reduction in thickness of the clay layer given the following data relating the coefficient of volume compressibility (mvc) to stress level:stress (kPa) mvc (kPa-1) 100 120 140 160 200 250 0.00768 0.00597 0.00461 0.00358 0.00210 0.00170 The unit weight of water may be approximated to 10 kPa. [Numeric Part 60%] - this question was set in 1992 and solution follows example given in section 3.9.2 of handouts. 2. A 20m high slope is shown in Fig. 1. Estimate the factor of safety along the potential failure surface if the soil has the following properties:f c g = 20o = 20 kPa = 19.3 kNm-3 The actual figure was just a general profile of a slope Estimate the depth to which tension cracks could develop at the slope crest, and the effect these would have on the stability of the slope. Clearly state the assumptions and limitations of the method of analysis you use, and indicate how you would improve the estimates of the factor of safety. [ numeric part 70%] This question was set in 1992 and a very similar one in 1989 In 1989, (40 minutes allowed) the areas of the slices were given as shown in Fig. 1 as were the positions of the slices. In 1992, neither of these were given as 60 minutes was now allowed for the question. The solution begins by following exactly the procedure used in the Slope Stability Practical. However, one can estimate the depth of tension cracks from d 2c 1 and if one is cunning, one of the slice boundaries would intersect the failure surface at exactly this depth below the surface - see sections 5.7.7 and 5.8.6 of handout. Two effects of tension crack. (1) a reduction of the length of the failure surface - i.e. neglect all slices to right of tension crack and recalculate; (2) water filling crack will cause a lateral pressure tending to increase likelihood of failure. Fig. 1 Question 2 Profile and Geometry of Slope In 1989 the following data about the weight of the various slices was given. In 1992 you were expected to evaluate these as 50% more time was allowed. Slice Number 1 2 3 4 5 Area of Slice (m2) 18.2 43.2 47.2 27.8 2.4 2 3. A 4 m thick layer of fine sand of unit weight 19 kN m-3 overlies a 1.2 m thick layer of clay (16.67 kN m-3). The water table is at the surface. The results from a one-dimensional consolidation test on a sample of the clay from 4.6 m below the surface are as follows:effective stress (kPa) 10 20 40 60 90 160 320 480 voids ratio 1.450 1.425 1.400 1.388 1.340 1.170 0.970 0.850 What is the overconsolidation ratio of the soil? If an additional layer of sand 5 m thick (unit weight 16.4 kN m-3) were now deposited on the surface, how much settlement could be expected in the clay layer? (Take the unit weight of water to be 10 kN m-3). see Question 5: 1980. First plot up graph on log paper. Where there is a kink in the curve, this indicates the previous maximum stress in the soil. Now work out the present in situ stress (see section entitled Estimation of effective vertical stress at depth in handout). The ratio of maximum to in situ stress gives the over consolidation ratio. Now work out the new stress (after adding sand) and use graph to work out change in voids ratio. Finally convert this change in voids ratio to a change in thickness 4. A 6 m layer of a sandy sediment is underlain by a thick layer of clay. The area is known to have been glaciated at some point in the past. Results from a standard consolidation test on a sample of clay from 10 m below the present ground surface are summarised in the table below. Comment on the shape of the curve and estimate the over consolidation ratio of the sample in the field if the water table is 7 m below ground surface. The unit weight of the clay is 15 kN m-3 and the degree of saturation of the sand is 6.3%, and its voids ratio is 0.8. Estimate the overlying thickness of ice if, during glaciation, the water table was at the sediment surface. The following assumptions may be made:(i) The sand sediment is incompressible for stresses up to 5000 kPa, (ii) The unit weight of water is 10 kN m-3 kPa 60 120 240 480 960 1920 3000 300 30 voids ratio 1.402 1.380 1.357 1.279 1.173 1.068 1.000 1.075 1.150 see Question 1: 1981. This question is similar to question 4 above except that there is an added complication that the sand is only partially saturated. The initial in situ stresses can be found using the various formulae in the basic set of definitions. Once both the in situ and previous maximum stresses have been found, the difference can be related to the overlying burden of ice (unit weight of ice is in data sheet). One point to watch though is that the sand is fully saturated during the glaciation period, so allowance for this extra buoyancy must be made. 5. With the use of sketches to illustrate your answer, describe how a clay consolidates. Partially processed data from a consolidation test undertaken on a soil sample taken from a depth of 16m below the surface at the position show in the simplified bore hole log (Fig. 2) are show in the following data. 3 normal stress (kPa) 10 25 50 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 sample thickness (mm) 28.00 27.80 27.65 27.50 27.16 26.40 25.65 24.90 24.14 At the end of the test the voids ratio was 1.414. Determine the over-consolidation ratio of the soil, and the voids ratio associated with the previous maximum pressure. If previous changes in the vertical pressure have only occurred through changes in the water level, determine the lowest level the water table has reached. Describe how the shear behaviour of a sample located at position A in Fig. 2 would differ from that tested. see Question 3: 1990 - this question requires the manual solution of the consolidation data as done in the practical write up by many of you - see practical sheet handout. The key point for the last past of the question is that the overconsolidation ratio of the sample at A will be much higher than that at the base - you will need to compute the values. Then noting the comments in section 4.9 of the handout you can make statements about the likely behaviour of the respective samples under shear. Remember the critical value of OCR is 1.7 Fig. 2 [Question 5] 6. Indicate how the Atterberg Limits of soil may be determined. Indicate how a knowledge of these limits may be used to predict the shear and consolidation behaviour of the soil. A uniform bed of clayey soil having a specific gravity of 2.65 covers an area which has been glaciated in the past. Apart from partial desiccation of the top 0.625 m to a degree of saturation of 61%, the soil stratum has remained undisturbed since the retreat of the glacier. A sample is taken from 2.125m below the surface and found to have a moisture content of 40.0%. Estimate the in situ unit weight of the sample of soil, and also the in situ stress on the sample (you may assume that the water table is also 0.625m below the surface, and that the unit weight of water is 10 kN m-3). The liquid limit is measured at 54.7% while the plastic limit is 33.2%. Plot these points on a suitable graph, and hence, or otherwise, estimate the undrained shear stength of the sample of soil in situ. Would you expect a drained test on the sample starting from the in-situ stress conditions to expand or contract? In a laboratory consolidation test, the following results were obtained. If the water table was initially at the surface during cover by the glacier, estimate the maximum thickness of ice. 4 TABLE 1 stress (kPa) 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 180.0 125.0 98.0 void ratio 1.060 1.048 1.041 1.039 1.011 0.989 0.970 0.953 0.939 0.946 0.949 ------- end of test At the final stress indicated in the consolidation test, the sample is sheared in a drained test. Estimate the change in volume during the shearing. Comment on the results. see Question 3: 1993 First evaluate in situ unit weight of the soil using the general definitions formulae (the soil is full saturated), and then work out the current in - situ stress. Plot the Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit information as a Liquidity index plot against shear strength remembering the key values of 1.7 and 170 kPa for the shear strengths at the two limits. From this get the in situ shear strength. Now plot the consolidation data, and plot the point corresponding to the in situ voids ratio and stress. You will find this plots below the normal consolidation line. Now plot the Critical Stress Line which is parallel to the normal consolidation line and displaced towards axis by a factor of 1.7 (the critical OCR). In a drained test, the stress path will move either vertically upwards or downwards until the critical state line is reached. Read of the change in voids ratio and convert this to a change in thickness (i.e. proportion reduction in thickness = e ) and hence from initial thickness of clay layer, work out settlement. 1e 7) Describe how you would assess the consolidation characteristics of a soil. [1995 paper] A region of Holocene deposits between Acle and Yarmouth has a borehole section as shown in Fig. 3. Originally the water level was at the surface, but as some time in the past drainage took place and the current mean water table is located at the base of the upper sand. There is no evidence to suggest that further shrinkage is taking place in the upper clay, while the upper sand may be considered as being incompressible. The borehole was drilled with a piston sampler and several undisturbed samples were taken for unit weight determination, the results of which are also shown on Fig. 3. A sample for consolidation was taken from mid depth in the lower clay layers and a piezometer installed at the same depth. The equilibrium water level in the piezometer tube was initially found to be 1.548m below present ground level and found to drop to 1.706m below ground level after 10 years. Results from the consolidation test are shown in Fig. 3. As part of the environmental reconstruction of the area, a sample of the surface clay was reconstituted at high water content in the laboratory and allowed to settle in a tall sedimentation tube. The mean bulk unit weight of this sample was measured at 14 kN m-3. Estimate how high above the present ground level was the original ground surface before drainage started, and also estimate approximately how long ago this was. Have far into the future can it be expected that 90% of consolidation has been completed, and how much will be this additional settlement.? Clearly state all assumptions you make. The unit weight of water may be assumed to be 10 kN m-3 5 Fig. 3 Borehole log through sediment TABLE 1. Consolidation characteristics of the soil. Effective Stress (kPa) 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 Voids Ratio 2.202 2.172 2.142 2.112 1.918 1.638 1.359 1.080 [Hint: divide the lower clay into three sections] - we have covered most of this question in lectures [Description 20%; Assumptions 10%; Calculation 70%] =============================================================== 8. Describe the tests you would carry out to determine the consolidation characteristics of a soil. [30%] Fig. 4 shows the profile of a holocene deposit in an estuary. The mean tide level is at the ground surface. It is proposed to enclose an area with a sea wall and to drain it so that the mean water table will be 3.4 metres bewlo the ground surface. At the location of the proposed sea wall, which is to be constructed as an earth embankment, the overlying clay deposit is stipped and fill of unit weight 20 kN m-3 added to a height of 5 metres. Determine the settlement which is likely to take place beneath the embankment. The consolidation characteristics of the middle and lower clay are similar; these results are shown in Table 2. If the highest tisdes reach 2 m above the mean sea level, and if sea level is predictecto rise by 0.3 m in the next century through global warming, detemine whether the sea wall adequately perform its task to prevent flooding of the area. [70%] This question was set in January 1996. Solution To estimate settlement we need to compute the values of mvc and plot these on a graph of mvc against mean effective stress. It is possible to avoid plotting graph and use linear interpolation, but it is expected that most people will prefer to plot graph as the computation can get tedious. By definition:- mvc 1 e . 1 eo hence values in column 6 can be evaluated. 6 Fig. 4 [Question 8] Profile of sediment pressure (kPa) 10.0 voids ratio 20.0 1.264 40.0 1.174 60.0 1.121 e mean pressure mvc 0.090 10.0 15.0 0.003823 0.090 20.0 30.0 0.001968 0.053 20.0 50.0 0.001219 0.067 40.0 80.0 0.000790 0.052 50.0 125.0 0.00506 0.038 50.0 175.0 0.00380 1.354 100.0 1.054 150.0 1.002 200.0 0.964 0.061 120.0 260.0 320.0 0.903 [30 marks ex 70 to this point] with graph plotted if using graphical method, or [20 if not] 7 0.00259 Split clay layers up into 2 m thick sections and work out initial stresses. Thus we analyse behaviour 1m, 3m, and 5m below top of middle clay, and same distances below top of lower clay. Call these layers 1 - 6 respectively (see figure overleaf). Thus 1m below top of middle clay, initial stress will be 2 * (17-10) + 1.5* (19 - 10) + 1*(17.5-10) = 35 kPa Other two mid points of middle clay will be 35 + 2*(17.5-10) = 50 kPa and 65 kPa respectively. Stress at base of lower sand will be 65 +1*(17.5-10)+2*(19.75-10) = 92 kPa and stress 1 m below top of lower clay will be 92 + (18 - 10) = 100 kPa, while at 3 and 5m the initial stress will be 100 + 2*(18-10) = 116 kPa and 132 kPa respectively. Layer Initial Stress (kPa) Final Stress (kPa) Mean Stress (kPa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 35.0 50.0 65.0 100.0 116.0 132.0 135.0 150.0 165.0 200.0 216.0 232.0 85.0 100.0 115.0 150.0 166.0 182.0 mvc from graph or by interpolation 0.000758 0.000664 0.000569 0.000443 0.000403 0.000370 thickness (m) settlement (m) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total 0.152 0.133 0.114 0.089 0.081 0.074 0.643 Stripping clay layer and lowering water table by 3.4 m will change initial stresses by:- 2* (17 - 10) + 1.4 * 10 = 0 kPa , so stress increment after completion of wall = 0 +100 kPa = 100 kPa. This is added to original value and placed in table above. We now read of values of mvc from the graph and work out settlement from:settlement = mvc t where t is the thickness of the layer. Summing all the settlements gives the total settlement of 0.768 m Thus we can expect the final height of the sea wall after settlement to be 5 - 2 - 0.643m above present mean sea level = 2.357 m. This value is less than the 2.4 m predicted for high tide plus the sea level rise, and thus the proposed sea wall will be insufficient to prevent flooding in the future. 8 Marks for this section:Working out initial stresses will generate 20 marks: the stress increment 5 marks. the values of mvc correctly read will give 5 marks (if read from graph) or 15 marks if obtained by interpolation). Ten marks will be generated from calculation of settlement giving a total of 70 for the numeric part. ========================================================== 9. Briefly review the methods available for analysing the stability of slopes indicating the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods. [30%] You are asked by a National Park Board to comment on plans to construct a footpath 10m from the creat of 1 60 o slope which is 20m high (Fig. 5.). Test of the soil reveal that it has a cohesion of 30 kPa, and angle of fraiction of 19 o and a unit weight of 16 kN m-3. Review the stability of the slope, by considering ptoetntial striaghtline failure surfaces, and comment on the proposed location of the footpath. You may assume that the footpath imposes negligible surcharge on the slope. This question was set in January 1996. [70%] Solution Empirically, it is expected that the most critical straight line failure will occur when the failure surface is approximately ( + ) /2, i.e. about 40o. Therefore initially examine potential failures for case with no tension crack at 35o, 40o, and 45o, and then insert a fourth value depending on initial results. The most critical failure surface found will then be analysed with a tension crack present, and also one filled with water. There is no need to repeat trials for these other two situations as a good approximation of the most critical surface will already have been found. The solution is best solved in tabular form, and may be done graphically, by measurement from the figure, or trigonometrically. We need the length of the failure surface (L), and also the weight of the sliding mass. failure surface angle [1] 35 40 45 38 failure surface length [2] 34.9 31.1 28.3 32.5 area of wedge weight of wedge cohesion xL Normal Force Shear Force Factor of Safety [3] 170.2 122.9 84.5 140.5 [4] 2722 1966 1352 2248 [5] 1046 933 849 975 [6] 768 519 329 610 [7] 1562 1264 956 1384 [8] 1.162 1.149 1.232 1.145 the weight (W) of the wedge is area x unit weight (16 kN m-3) the Normal Force is W cos tan the Shear Force is W sin the factor of safety is then ([5] + [6]) / [7] 9 or from the Data Sheets Fs c . L W . cos . tan W . sin [45 marks out of 70] up to this point After first three trials, critical value must line between 35o and 40o, so try another value at 38o, this gives a factor of safety of 1.145 so critical failure angle is about 38o (see also graph below). Note, strictly, one would expect to refine the calculation further by additional trials, but the increased accuracy hardly warrants extra time spent unless one has access to a computer (In fact the critical Fs is still 1.145 to three significant figures (although the most critical angle is actually 38.5o. Tension crack depth = 2 . c 20 x 30 3. 75 m 16 [5 marks out of 70} Now repeat above, but this time taking failure surface only as far as the tension crack. The failure surface length and the area (and hence weight are this reduced). failure surface angle [1] 38 failure surface length [2] 26.4 area of wedge [3] 131.5 weight of wedge [4] 2104 cohesion xL [5] 792 Normal Force [6] 571 Shear Force Factor of Safety [7] 1296 [8] 1.052 The slope is still stable, but is now becoming somewhat critical as Fs is only just over 1.000 [10 marks out of 70] We finally repeat the calculation with the crack filled with water. This will exert a hydrostatic pressure so that the total horizontal water force (U) will be:- U 0. 5 w hc2 where hc is the depth of the tension crack. There is now a modification to the factor of safety relationship. The normal force is now ( W cos - U sin ) tan and the Shear Force is ( W sin + U cos ) failure surface angle [1] 38 [10 marks out of 70] failure surface length [2] 26.4 area of wedge [3] 131.5 weight of wedge [4] 2104 cohesion xL Normal Force [5] 792 [6] 556 Shear Force Factor of Safety [7] 1351 [8] 0.997 The factor of safety is less than unity and failure is likely. Since the critical failure surface intersects the top of the slope beyond the footpath, the path is likely to be lost in any failure. Two preventative measures are called for. move the footpath further from the crest minimise the risk of tension crack formation by encouraging vegetation growth and keeping surface moist to prevent shrinkage and hence creation of tension cracks. 10 B. Modified versions of Numeric Questions set 1. Fig. 6 shows a cross-section through a slope in a frictionless soil. Estimate the factor of safety against failure along the circular arc shown if the unit weight of the material is 16 kN m3 and the cohesion (c) = 20 kPa. A cardboard template of the outline of the slope is provided. Versions of this question have been set twice in the last 15 years. Section 5.5 of the handout indicates how to solve this question. [Use the template to find centre of gravity, and use squares on graph paper to find area of sliding section]. Fig. 6 [ Question B1] 2. The top of a 4.5m thick layer of clay of unit weight 16 kN m-3 is 9 m below the surface. Below and above the clay is silt of unit weight 18 kN m-3. The water table is 2 m below the ground surface. By sub-dividing the clay layer into three layers, estimate the settlement which will occur when 3 m of sand of unit weight 17 kN m-3 is deposited on the surface. Values of mvc are given in the table below. stress kPa 10 20 40 80 120 160 200 320 mvc kPa -1 0.00405 0.00355 0.00300 0.00233 0.00200 0.00179 0.00169 0.00153 3. Fig. 7 shows (a) the profile and (b) the cross-section of the debris (unit weight 16 kN m-3 from a landslide which flowed across a 20 m wide gully creating a dam. A lake formed upatream of the obstruction. Estimate the discharge through the central 10 m of the Sand if the permeability is 10 m s 1-. Plot the variations in total stress and effective stress along the line A-B. 11 The first part requires drawing a suitable flow net, counting the number of squares and pressure drops and working out discharge as show in section 2.13. The is a slight catch here as the top flow line must be first drawn in. This will be of parabolic form similar to that shown in Fig. 5.18 of handout. Once the flownet has been drawn, the excess water pressure at select points along A - B can be estimated, and hence the total and effective stresses. For this it is necessary to use slices to divide up the section above A - B. Note, the provision of the section (b) is largely a red-herring since one is asked only to work out the discharge in the central 10m which is of constant depth only, so the sloping sides can be neglected. 4. Outline the Infinite Slope method for analysis of stability of a slope. Clearly indicate the assumptions involved and the various situations to which this method may be applied. A slope of 45 0 is cut into a soil having a cohesion of 30 kPa, a unit weight of 15 kN m-3 and an angle of friction of tan-1(0,5). Estimate the maximum height for which the slope will be stable. Essentially, solution to this question is covered in Section 5.7 of the handouts 12 5. In the determination of the liquid limit of a soil by the fall cone method, the following readings were take:moisture content (%) 57.5 63.0 69.5 74.2 78.0 cone penetration (mm) 13.8 16.5 19.7 22.1 24.0 The plastic limit was determined as 30% The soil is saturated and normally consolidated to 50 kPa, and has a unit weight of 17.10 kN m -3. If the soil is consolidated to 500 kPa, estimate the shear strength of the soil. Assume the Specific Gravity of the soil is 2.65, and the unit weight of water may be taken as 10 kN m-3. Clearly state and assumption made in the analysis. Briefly describe other applications of the Atterberg Limits. First plot up the data in the table to work out the liquid limit (i.e. at a penetration of 20mm). Hence get the slope of the consolidation line Cc = 1.325 (LL - PL). From the initial stress of 50 kPa, find the initial voids ration from the General Definition formulae and the data give about unit weight etc. (i.e. work the general definition formulae backwards). Now plot the point on an e - log s plot and draw a line with the computed gradient of Cc. Where this crosses the 500 kPa line, read of the voids ratio and convert this into a moisture content and finally into a liquidity index. Finally plot the Liquidity Index vs Shear Strength diagram (section 1.6.5 of handout) and read off the shear strength corresponding to the computed value of Liquidity Index. Several Examples of calculations were given in the Lecture Notes and you should be familiar with these. e.g. (1) calculation of effective vertical stresses (2) calculations of quicksand formation (3) U - ÖTv calculations for time of primary consolidation (4) calculation of reduced thickness (5) settlement calculations - see section 3.9.2 (6) calculations of settlement times in field - section 3.11 and also practical (7) environmental reconstruction 3.13 (8) examples involving time - dependant pore-water dissipation section 3.13 - 3.14 and 3.15 (9) comparisons between Atterberg Limits and Cc - see section 3.16 Questions could be framed involving combinations of the above - see for example section 3.15 involves a computation of effective vertical stress (1) before proceeding with main calculation. NOTE: the following Question (i.e. number 2 in 1990) is beyond the scope of the topics covered in this years course. but has been included in this list for reference purposes. *. Describe the possible mechanisms of failure in a composite river bank. Fig. 8 shows the profile of a composite river bank. Erosion of the non-cohesive bank is only effective at or near bankfull conditions when a mean erosion rate of 5mm per hour has been measured. A series of observations on the stability of the bank begins immediately after the stage has fallen to 1.3m below the bank top where is remains until the onset of heavy rain 10 days later. The rain continues for 24 hours, and the stage then rapidly rises to bankfull conditions where it remains for 20 hours before falling in a subsequent period of prolonged dry weather. Fig. 9 shows a simplified model of the change in unit weight through desiccation and wetting, and also the rate of development of desiccation cracks upwards from the base of the overhang. By the use of the Stability Charts, or otherwise, investigate the stability of the upper bank, and estimate when, if at all during the study period, the bank fails. 13 Fig. 8 Profile of River Bank Fig. 9 Drying, Wetting and Crack Propagation Curves C. Descriptive Questions as set Note: in some years, the questions were 45 minutes long (pre - 1987), some were 40 minutes long, and currently they are 60 minutes long. Some times similar questions in different years were set but the allowable time was different. Where longer times were allowed more detailed answers were expected. As previously, the wording has been modified in some questions to cover similar questions in different years. 1. What is meant by the terms:Effective stress Total stress 14 Critically review the methods available to measure or estimate the shear strength of soils. 2. With particular reference to the Mam Tor Landslide in Derbyshire, discuss the possible causes of landslides. Summarise the methods you would use to investigate the stability of a slope. 3. Outline the erosion processes and mechanisms of failure associated with river banks which have a composite structure. How would you assess the stability of such banks? 4. Why do the undrained and drained shear-strengths of soils differ? Outline the methods available for determining the drained and undrained strengths of soils in the field and in the laboratory. For each method you should indicate its advantages and disadvantages. 5. What are the Atterberg Limits of a soil? Describe how they are measured and indicate how they are used to classify soils. How may they be used to predict the consolidation and shear strength behaviour of a soil? 6. Critically review the different techniques for measuring the mechanical properties of soils. Briefly explain the value of the parameters derived from such tests. 7. Discuss the mechanism by which river banks may fail. Explain why traditional slope stability analysis techniques are often inappropriate in these situations. 8. The process of consolidation is frequently explained in terms of spring and dashpot models. To what extent do these represent the true situation. Critically review the assumptions made in classical consolidation theory. How may a knowledge of the consolidation characteristics of a soil be used to understand the past behaviour and predict the future behaviour of a soil? 9. What field and laboratory investigations would you undertake to examine whether or not a slope was stable? How would your approach differ if you were to examine a slope which had actually failed? Illustrate your answer with reference to one or more specific landslides. 10. Discuss, giving examples, why it is essential to understand how water flows through a soil when analysing the response of the soil to mechanical loading. What analytical techniques would you employ in such studies of ground water flow? 11. What is meant by the following geotechnical terms a) total stress, and b) effective stress. Describe how you would carry out an investigation to determine the cause of a landslide. Indicate in what circumstances you would use a total stress analysis, and in which cases you would choose an effective stress analysis. 12. Describe the mechanisms by which soil consolidates, indicating any deficiencies in the 'classical' theories of consolidation. Describe the test you would carry out to determine the consolidation characteristics of a soil, indicating how the characteristic properties may be used for other purposes. 13. Discuss the full cycle of events which cause river banks to fail. Explain why traditional slope stability analysis methods are usually inappropriate in these situations. [1995 exam] 14 A knowledge of how water flows through a soil is essential in understanding the behaviour of the soil and river engineering structures. Discuss why it is essential to understand how water flows through a soil when analysing the response of the soil to mechanical loading or to the performance of river engineering structures. What analytical techniques would you employ in such studies of ground water flow? [1995 exam] 15. Describe the field and laboratory tests you would carry out to determine the shear characteristics of soils. Include a review of any subsequent analyses which may be needed to predict the future behaviour of the soil. 15 ENV-2E1Y Fluvial Geomorphology - Previous Exam Questions. 1999 – onwards In 1999, the Course Code was ENV-2B07 and the unit was 20 credits with a 2 hour exam in which 2 questions were to be answered. There were three questions from the Slopes Section and 3 from the Rivers Sections. The number of numeric questions in the two sections used to alternate form year to year (i.e. in 1997 there were two numeric questions in the rivers Section, in 1999 there were two numeric questions in the Slopes Section. 1999 Paper 1) Discuss the similarities and differences in potential modes of failure between river banks and normal slopes. Why do methods developed for the latter not always apply to the former? Describe the field measurements, laboratory tests, and analyses you would make to assess the stability of of composite river banks. 2). Describe how you would determine the consolidation behaviour of a sediment, and critically review any assumptions made in classical consolidation theory. Fig. 1 shows a simplified borehole taken in 1990 from within the site reclaimed for the new Hong Kong International Airport. The sequences identified as M1 and M2 represent the marine deposits in the Holocene and last inter-glacial periods, while T1 is the part of the M2 affected by desiccation and pedogenesis during the fall in sea level during the last glaciation. The area itself was not glaciated, and it may be assumed that during the glacial period, the local ground water level was at the base of the T1 unit, and that the unit weight and degree of saturation of the T1 unit during that period were 16.50 kN m-3 and 0.4 respectively. Estimate: a) the unit weight of the desciccated layer after the sea level rises, b) the effective overall stress increment when depositiion of the holocene sediments is complete c) the consolidation of the pre-holocene layers as a result of the recent deposition. The consolidation in the M2 and T1 units during the Holocene if the consoldation behaviour of the two units are as shown in Table 1, while it may be assumed that the specific gravity of the sediment in all layers is 2.65.. normal stress (kPa) 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 2560 5120 M2 unit voids ratio 1.600 1.450 1.300 1.150 1.000 0.850 0.700 0.550 0.400 Table 1. Consolidation behaviour of M2 and T1 units 16 T1 unit voids ratio 0.805 0.780 0.754 0.729 0.703 0.678 0.652 0.550 0.400 Fig. 1 Simplified borehole of sediments at Chek Lap Kok Airport site. Part (a) - need to calculate initial voids ratio ( G s S r e ). w (1 e ) or e ( Sr ) ( G s ) w w if S r 0 . 4 , G s 2 . 65 , and 16 . 5 or e ( 2 . 65 1. 65 ) 0. 8 (1. 65 0 . 4 ) Now calculate the unit weight of the saturated layer after it becomes saturated. Here we assume that resaturation takes place with no change in voids ratio (valid unless smectitic). ( G s S r e ). w (1 e ) or ( 2 . 65 0 . 4 ). 10 19 . 17 (1 0 . 4 ) Part (b) depth top mid top mid top mid top mid T1 T1 M2a M2a M2b M2b M2c M2c 0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5 6.25 7.5 8.75 initial unit wt (kNm-3) 0 16.5 16.5 16.6 16.6 17.05 17.05 17.48 total water effective new unit stress pressure stress weight (kPa) (kPa) (KpA) (kNm-3) 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.63 20.63 19.17 41.25 0.00 41.25 19.17 62.00 12.50 49.50 16.60 82.75 25.00 57.75 16.60 104.06 37.50 66.56 17.05 125.38 50.00 75.38 17.05 147.23 62.50 84.73 17.48 Part (c) - using mid points of each layer as being representative. 17 Not needed 0.00 11.46 22.92 31.17 39.42 48.23 57.04 66.39 Stress net stress decrement increment 0.00 9.17 18.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 55.00 45.83 36.67 36.67 36.67 36.67 36.67 36.67 The key issue here is to estimate mvcand there are several methods to estimate this. One involves working out the change in voids ratio with stress and correcting by the factor (1 + e o) followed by plotting a graph of mvc so that values of mvc can be read off appropriately. Another method involves an incemremtal approach where the change in e and change in stress are computed and explicit values of mvc are computed for each increment. All methods will give approximately the same answer for mvc. All methods use the formula m vc 1 e . 1 e o Using the latter method Layer 1 2 3 4 T1 M2a M2b M2c 1.25 3.75 6.25 8.75 and total setllement = 20.63 49.50 66.56 84.73 . m 66.46 86.17 103.23 121.39 vc Stress initial voids increment ratio 45.83 0.804 36.67 1.414 36.67 1.350 36.67 1.291 Final Void Change in ratio e 0.76 0.041 1.29 0.126 1.26 0.094 1.22 0.069 mvc .mvc 0.000501 0.001423 0.001090 0.000818 Summation 0.022979 0.052162 0.03997 0.030007 0.145117 . z All layers are 2.5m thick so total settlement will be 2.5 * 0.145117 = 0.363m ========================================== 3). How are "Factors of Safety" used to assess the stabilioty of slopes. Discuss wht some slopes with low factors of safety are stable, while others with high factors fail. [20%] Fig. 2 shows a simplified cross section of the winter dyke on the south side of the Rhine opposite Wageningen in the Netherlands. The landward side is an extensive area including many hundred houses. During floods in February 1995, the river rose to within 0.5 m of the crest of the dyke. Investigate the stability of the dyke based on the slip circle and slices shown. The meaen values of the unit weight, cohesion, and angle of friction are 17.8 kN m-3, 20 kPa, and 11o respectively. [70%] In the circumstances prevailing at the peak river flow, what recommendations would you have given, both in the short term and long term regarding the stability of the dyke? [10%] Fig 2 Section through winter dyke on south bank of Rhine near Wageningen, The Netherlands 18 ===================================================================================== ENV-2E1Y Fluvial Geomorphology Exam 2001 1. Briefly discuss the validity of the assumptions made in Terzaghi’s Theory of consolidation. [30%] A study is to be made on the behaviour of a layer of marine clay 1.999m thick buried between two sandy-silty layers. Initially the layer is in equilibrium with no excess pore pressure. During two storm events exactly one year apart cause additional sedimentation leading to a stress increment of 10 kPa on both occasions. Estimate and plot the excess pore water distribution with depth immediately preceding the second increment, and also after two years. Data from a laboratory oedometer test done on a sample 19.5 mm thick is shown in table 1. [70%] Table 1 Time (minutes) 0.0 1.0 3.9 8.9 15.8 25.0 35.9 50.0 70.9 106.0 141.3 188.8 247.5 405.0 2. Settlement (mm) 0.000 0.120 0.240 0.360 0.480 0.604 0.720 0.837 0.960 1.080 1.140 1.200 1.236 1.296 In the analysis of the stability of slopes, some assumptions lead to unsafe solutions while others lead to safe solutions. Explain why these differences occur, and the approach you would take for an initial appraisal of the stability of a slope. [30%] A 60o slope is 20m high. By considering potential planar failure surfaces, determine whether the slope is stable. Data from standard shear box tests done on the material of the slope are shown in Table 2. The unit weight of the material is 17 kN m-3. You may assume that the water table is below any potential failure surface and you may ignore the effects of tension cracks. [70%] Normal Force (N) 100 200 300 400 500 600 Shear Force (N) 134.8 161.6 188.4 215.2 242.0 268.8 The shear box is 6cm x 6cm in size 19 3. You have been asked to investigate the causes of a major landslide in a slope approximately 100 m high and 150 wide. Describe the field and laboratory studies you would undertake to establish the causes of the failure. In your answer you should include a discussion of the resources of manpower, time, and equipment you are likely to require to complete the survey. 4. Explain why the mechanisms of failure of river banks are often very different from those of normal slopes. [30%] What field and/or laboratory measurements would you do to ascertain the stability of such river banks? [70%]. ================================================================ 1. Model Answer Evaluate (time) and plot settlement against (time) Time (mins) Time (mins)1/2 Settlement (mm) 0.0 1.0 3.9 8.9 15.8 25.0 35.9 50.0 70.9 106.0 141.3 188.8 247.5 405.0 0.000 1.000 1.969 2.979 3.969 5.000 5.990 7.071 8.419 10.296 11.885 13.739 15.732 20.125 0.000 0.120 0.240 0.360 0.480 0.604 0.720 0.837 0.960 1.080 1.140 1.200 1.236 1.296 % Settlement (worked out after construction of graph) 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.4 60.0 69.8 80.0 90.0 95.0 100.0 1/2 Time - (mins ) 0 5 10 15 0.0 Experimental Data 0.2 Approximate Line Construction Line Settlement (mm) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 A B 1.2 1.4 20 First part of curve is linear. (see approximate line. Plot line with gradient 1.155 times that of original line. Intersection at A defines 90% consolidation point, hence scale to find theoretical 100% consolidation point in absence of secondary consolidation at point B corresponding with a settlement of 1.2 mm. [suggest that 30 ex 70 marks are given for getting this graph and values] So evaluate the proportions of consolidation for other values and enter them in table. [35 marks] Also since the material in field and lab are the same the following relationship is valid Tlab 2 d lab Tfield 2 d field So the equivalent of one year in field in terms of lab = 365 * 86400 * 0.01952 / 1.9992 = 3000 seconds = 50 minutes This corresponds to one of the lab times and represents the 69.8% (~ 70%) consolidation.. [10 marks] Representing a time factor of 0.4. So plot up values from graph corresponding to T v=0.4. These must be multiplied by 10 as the annual increment is 10 kPa. Further after 2 years, the corresponding value of T v would be 0.8 and this is the relevant line for the residual pressure for the first increment after 2 years. Since there is a second increment after 12 months, at the end of 2 year from the start, this increment will have dissipated to Tv = 0.4, so the final pore pressure distribution after 2 years would be the equivalent of the curve from Tv=0.8 added to the curve for T v=0.4. This does assumes linearity and that increments can be added which is a reasonable first approximation. A more detailed analysis would require a finite difference approach. Excess Pore Pressure (kPa) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 Depth (m) 0.5 1 year 1 2 year 1.5 2 [10 marks for distribution at end of 1st year and 5 at end of 2nd year] 21 2. Determine shear and normal stresses Normal Force (N) 100 200 300 400 500 600 Shear Force (N) 134.8 161.6 188.4 215.2 242.0 268.8 Normal Stress (kPa) 27.8 55.6 83.3 111.1 138.9 166.7 Shear Stress (kPa) 37.4 44.9 52.3 59.8 67.2 74.7 Now plot Shear Stress against Normal Stress 80 70 Shear Stress (kPa) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 Normal Stress (kPa) This gives and intercept of 30 kPa for cohesion and 15o for angle of friction Initially, one does not know the critical failure surface but it is likely to be around about 40 o so try angles of 35, 40 and 45o and then revise when results from these are known. Analysis is best done in Tabular form. 22 failure surface angle 35 40 45 38 37 37.5 failure surface length 34.9 31.1 28.3 32.5 33.2 32.9 area of wedge weight of wedge cohesion xL Normal force Shear Force Factor of Safety 170.2 122.9 84.5 140.5 149.9 145.2 2892.7 2089.0 1437.0 2388.8 2549.0 2468.0 1046.1 933.4 848.5 974.6 997.0 985.6 634.9 428.8 272.3 504.4 545.5 524.6 1659.2 1342.8 1016.1 1470.7 1534.0 1502.4 1.0131 1.0145 1.1030 1.0056 1.0055 1.0052 1.12 Factor of Safety 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1 0.98 0.96 35 37 39 41 43 45 Failure Angle Critical failure surface lies between 35 and 40o so refine analysis leading to critical angle at 37.5o. At this angle factor of safety is 1.005 and so only just stable. Note depending on precision of analysis, some students my find slope is marginally unstable - this will get full marks provided final value is within range of 0.98 to 1.02 and comment on stability is consistent. 100% of marks available if gets precision to 0.5o, 95% for precision to 1o and 90% marks for this part if precision is to nearest 5 o. 80% maximum marks if only one slip surface done. 23