SF.242 AMMONIA PLANTROOM CHECKLIST Thornliebank Ind Estate, Glasgow G46 8JW Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111 e-mail: star@star-ref.co.uk Page 1 of 6 Client: Auditor/Date: Site Address: Site Tel: Site Contact: Emergency Contact: This checklist is designed to help identify compliance or non compliance of equipment in Ammonia Plant Rooms to EN 378 Refrigeration Safety, DSEAR (Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmospheres Regulations, 2002) & EPS (The Equipment & Protective Systems for use in Potentially explosive Atmospheres Regulations, 1996) The checklist is not in itself exhaustive in terms of the above nor does it cover all other relevant regulations that will apply. DSEAR implements the ATEX 137 (99/92/EC) Directive concerned with Use of Equipment in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres in the UK. EPS implements the ATEX (94/9/EC) Product Directive concerned with Supply of Equipment for Use of Equipment in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres in the UK. NOTE – All workplaces must now comply with DSEAR even if installed before 2003. For further information refer to www.hse.gov.uk Notes: 1. Work through the list noting responses as you go; a simple yes / no answer is required but you may wish to make additional notes e.g. Number off Sensors, or if you identify an adequately controlled hazard note the Customers risk assessment that covers it, but if you find a hazard that is not adequately controlled you should state what action is required e.g. no work in that area until a suitable site specific risk assessment is produced, etc. 2. Where you identify that a site-specific assessment is needed you can write it immediately if you wish or if you are confident that work can be prevented in that area you may defer writing the assessment until work in that area becomes necessary. 3. You will need to draw your findings to the attention of the Customer & Star staff. The Star Site Safety and Welfare Instructions form may be useful for this. 4. Site-specific risk assessments, method statements, COSHH assessments and other procedures should be attached to this document. 5. It is unlikely that you will be able to complete this checklist without the help and support of the client, therefore, please involve them in appropriate parts of the process. DSEAR, Section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work act 1974, the Occupiers Liability Act 1957/1984 and other more specific regulations all place a duty on them to help protect our staff whilst on their site, therefore, as this process helps them to comply with the law they will usually be only too pleased to assist and provide a safe environment for Star and their own Staff to work. 6. As a general rule a “Yes” response means no further action. A “No” response may give rise to the need for a design or risk assessment. If you find a large number of “No” answers you should consider whether it is possible to work safely on the site. D:\106729479.doc SF.242 AMMONIA PLANTROOM CHECKLIST Thornliebank Ind Estate, Glasgow G46 8JW Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111 e-mail: star@star-ref.co.uk Page 2 of 6 Response Questions Comment/Action Yes 1.0 Refrigerant Detection System & Detectors 1.01 Are Gas Detectors installed at High Level (1) 1.02 Is there at least 1 detector at ceiling level on a grid of 10m to 20m intervals? (2) 1.03 Are the detectors above or to both sides of compressors or downwind in direction of continuously operating extract fans? (1) 1.04 If the plant room has deep ceiling beams are detectors installed between & under beams? (1) 1.05 Is there an emergency power supply, e.g. battery or UPS for the detection system? (1) 1.06 Does the detector provide a low level alarm at 500PPM (0.05%) & a high level alarm at 30,000 PPM (3%) max Detection values for older systems will probably be Low 5,000 PPM (1/2%) High 10,000 PPM (1%)(1) 1.07 Does the Detector low-level alarm start the extract fans? (1) 1.08 Does the Detector low level alarm activate an alarm in a supervised area? (1) 1.09 Does the Detector low level Alarm activate an alarm local to the plant room? (1) 1.10 Does the Detector High Level Alarm start extract fans? (1) 1.11 Does the Detector High Level Alarm activate an alarm in a supervised area? (1) 1.12 Does the Detector High Level Alarm activate an alarm local to plant room? (1) 1.13 Does the Detector High Level Alarm cut all power to plant, controls & apparatus in the plant room that are not rated for use in a hazardous area? (1) 1.14 Are Sounders & Beacons fitted & operational? (1) 2.0 Ventilation D:\106729479.doc No If the detection system has been installed since 2000. SF.242 AMMONIA PLANTROOM CHECKLIST Thornliebank Ind Estate, Glasgow G46 8JW Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111 e-mail: star@star-ref.co.uk Page 3 of 6 Response Questions Comment/Action Yes 2.01 Are there plant room extract fans fitted? (1) 2.02 Is the fan motor explosion proof type (Ex), or alternatively installed outside the plant room & air stream? e.g. bifurcated fans. (1) (7) Is there risk that the fan construction & materials shall contribute to fire or sparking? (1) (7) 2.03 2.04 Are there sufficient fans installed? (1) 3.0 Electrical Installation 3.01 Are there switches to disconnect all electrical circuits & apparatus in plant room, unless suitable for operation in a hazardous area? (1) 3.02 Does the refrigerant detection alarm system automatically disconnect all electrical circuits entering the plant room? (1) (7) 3.03 Is the switch room where control panels/power distribution panels are housed Positively Pressurised with a fresh air supply? (1) 3.04 Is adequate emergency lighting provided to allow operation of controls & evacuation of personnel when normal lighting fails or is disconnected? (1) Is emergency lighting that operates after a High Level Leak hazardous area rated? (1) (7) 3.05 4.0 Plant Room 4.01 Is the area an ear protection zone? (1) 4.02 Is there a drench shower available adjacent to the plant room? (1) D:\106729479.doc No Air extract of 15 air changes/hour or sized to BS EN 378-3-2000 section 5.5.3. (1) Apart from hazardous area circuits e.g. Ventilation Fans, Emergency Lighting & Alarm Sounders & Beacons Not required if there is no door direct from Switch Room to Plant Room & dividing wall is 60-minute fire rated & imperforate SF.242 AMMONIA PLANTROOM CHECKLIST Thornliebank Ind Estate, Glasgow G46 8JW Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111 e-mail: star@star-ref.co.uk Page 4 of 6 Response Questions Comment/Action Yes 4.03 Is there eyewash available adjacent to the plant room? (1) 4.04 Are there appropriate fire extinguishers in the area? (1) (7) 4.05 Is there an emergency plan posted? (1) (7) 4.06 Is there a supply of fresh water in, or near to, the plant room? (1) 5.0 DSEAR & EPS 5.01 Has the Employer implemented a suitable Risk Assessment for the risks arising from use of Ammonia? (3) (6) 5.02 Is there a Permit to Work system? (3) (6) 5.03 Does the customer have Safety Method Statements for maintenance, repair & service available? (3) (6) 5.04 Has Explosion relief been catered for? (1) (3) (4) (6) 5.05 Are Plant Rooms separated from other parts of the premises by physical fire resistant barriers? (1) (4) 5.06 Do Ammonia Vent pipes discharge to a safe place? (1) (4) (8) 5.07 Do vessels That may contain liquid ammonia have pressure relief valves? (1) (4) (7) (8) 5.08 Has the Employer carried out an assessment of all Ignition Sources within the plant room? (3) (5) 5.09 Is there safe access for emergency services for fire fighting & rescue? (3) (6) 5.10 Is there a Manual override switch to shut down equipment? (3) (6) 5.11 If Plant Room has Natural Ventilation only, is there at least 2 outside walls louvered? (3) (5) D:\106729479.doc No SF.242 AMMONIA PLANTROOM CHECKLIST Thornliebank Ind Estate, Glasgow G46 8JW Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111 e-mail: star@star-ref.co.uk Page 5 of 6 Response Questions Comment/Action Yes 5.12 Is plant room clear of waste than can be readily ignited or it is stored in a closed metal bin? (3) (5) 5.13 Are all doors in a physical barrier of fire resisting construction and self closing? (1) (3) (5) 5.14 If fitted glazed-viewing panels in doors confirm that they do not exceed 20% of door area? (3) (5) 5.15 Are fire walls & fire resisting structures that provide containment for leaks free of perforations & openings? (3) (5) 5.16 The employers Risk Assessment must include other areas where the Ammonia may spread? (3) 5.17 Is there a record of equipment intended to operate when a potentially explosive atmosphere is present? (3) 5.18 Are there maintenance records for the equipment? (3) 5.19 Is there a record of maintenance for equipment located outside the hazardous area but required for safety e.g. Leak Detection & it’s power supplies? (3) 5.20 Do the Plant Rooms have warning signs at entry doors? (3) 5.21 Does the Employer emergency plan? (1) (3) 5.22 Is First Aid Equipment available? (1) (3) 5.23 Are site emergency procedures displayed in a safe place? have an accident, incident No & (3) 5.24 Is Equipment intended to operate after an Ammonia leak `Ex` rated – note this applies to Mechanical as well as Electrical equipment? (3) (7) 5.25 Do gas detectors with Sensors inside & controllers outside the Plant Room comply with EPS & CE mark including ATEX mark? (3) (4) (5) (7) REFERENCES (1) BS EN 378: 2000 Refrigerating Systems and Heat Pumps. Safety and environmental requirements. HSE Guidance Note PM 81. Safe Management of ammonia refrigeration systems. (3) DSEAR, The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002. (Implements (2) D:\106729479.doc SF.242 AMMONIA PLANTROOM CHECKLIST Thornliebank Ind Estate, Glasgow G46 8JW Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111 e-mail: star@star-ref.co.uk Page 6 of 6 ATEX 137). Also Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L138. DSEAR, Design of plant, equipment and workplaces, Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L134. (5) DSEAR, Control and mitigation measures, Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L136. (6) DSEAR, Safe maintenance, repair and cleaning procedures, Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L137. (7) EPS, The Equipment and Protective Systems for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations, 1996. (Implements ATEX 95). (8) The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000. (4) D:\106729479.doc