OSFC: Learning Plan COURSE: Tutorial CLASS: Year 12 Tutorial NO. ON REGISTER: TUTOR: DATE: PERIOD: Context: Students will answer a quiz on blood donation and watch Differentiation and learning styles (please refer to how the more able several video clips about blood to widen their knowledge and will be stretched) understanding of donation. This session is linked to citizenship. Video clips and question sheet (visual/auditory) Blood IQ Quiz (kinaesthetic) ECM Strand: Make a positive contribution Discussion (auditory) More able stretched through questioning, further research outside lesson, or even through enrolment to donation. Aims: How ILT will be used during the session to enhance learning: To raise the awareness of Blood Donor service. IWB used for the video clips. To provide students with the main facts about blood donation so that they can make informed decisions. To encourage students to promote donating blood to others. Learning outcomes (Objectives of the session): By the end of this session students will have the opportunity to sign up as potential donors by the end of the session. will be more cognisant of the value of blood donation and will recognise how it links with citizenship issues. will be better informed about how blood is donated and used and will be able to answer questions related to the donation process. I.T. Key Skills are developed discretely through ozone or the weblinks after the lesson. Plan of activities Topic & Timing (approx) Teaching activity Resources Method of assessing attainment/learning Learning activity Register, aims of session, bulletin. (5) Register tutees and give out notices from the bulletin. Answer names, note relevant information in diaries. Register or CASE Bulletin & Careers bulletin. Noting relevant information in diaries. Blood Quiz. This is to establish what the students already know on blood donation (7) Teacher puts quiz questions on EWB Students answer each question through a show of hands. Teacher will need the answer sheet. Formal method of establishing what the students know prior to the session. Completion of quiz. Q & A. Introduce the work of the NBS and explain why blood donation is so important. Briefly mention the types of blood and general rules for donation(10) Go through slides paying particular attention to the top ten uses for blood (slide 4) and main rules for donating blood. Listen and volunteer answers verbally for the top ten uses of blood. PowerPoint and sheet explaining the different uses of blood. Tutees may ask questions or be asked. More details about blood constituents and what is involved in donation. (12) Teacher shows 3 short clips on blood. Listen and watch the videos. Ozone: 1st yr tutorial > links > videos > Blood Donation_its easy when you know how Observation of body language. 1. All about blood (3:41). 2. Amazing stories (3:00). 3. Donors Explain (4:51). IWB and Internet links. Summary: Discussion and opportunity to sign up to donate (5) Open up a general discussion about any issues raised by the group. Join in discussion. . Point out places for further reading after the lesson (www.blood.co.uk) Q & A and discussion. Tutees understand that they can sign up for blood donation. Case studies at http://www.giveandletlive.co.uk/en/ Discuss with students what they realstories/video/ have seen and how they feel. Q and A to establish what the students know post lesson. Time to speak to individual tutees who may need to see the personal tutor or anyone whom the personal tutor is concerned about. Attendance/ punctuality monitoring needs to be undertaken. (45) Speak to individual tutees where necessary. Speak to tutor if required/desired. Web site for blood: www.blood.co.uk CASE, attendance checks, referrals etc. Progress made on any problems and issues raised.