2011-2012 Scholarships Scholarship Name Qualifications Deadline Wendy’s High School Heisman Award Senior; 3.0 GPA; participate in at least one school-sponsored sport; apply online at www.wendysheisman.com Oct. 2nd Danforth Scholars Program Sr.; attend Washington University; nomination Oct. 15th Acorn Equality Fund Senior; sexual orientation; academic performance; references Sept. 30th Voice of Democracy Grades 9-12; 3-5 minute audio essay on “Is There Pride in Serving our Military?” Senior; 3.0 GPA at end of junior year; U.S. citizen; pursue degree at post-secondary institution; apply online at www.coca-colascholars.org Grades 9-12; minimum GPA 2.0; submit essay less than 100 words describing a special skill, talent or interest that helps you standout from your peers Senior; financial need( $50,000 or lower adjusted gross income); 2.0 GPA; U.S. citizen; plan to pursue a Bachelor’s degree; activities Submit digital photo (limited to one per month) Coca-Cola Scholars Program College Peas Student Standout College Scholarship Horatio Alger Association Scholarship Program 2011 “I Am An Entrepreneur” Photo Competition Young ARTS 2011 AES Scholarship Prudential Spirit of Community Awards LeTendre Education Fund 2011 Formals Next Top Prom Gown Designer Scholarship Senior; audition or portfolio; cinematic arts, dance, jazz, music, photography, theater, visual arts, voice, or writing; U.S. citizen; apply online at www.youngarts.org Senior; attend post-secondary institution; no more than 1000 word essay on “What impact will the Natural Disasters of 2010 have on the global economy? How should these events affect future political, business and personal decisions?” Grades 5-12; community service; apply online at http://spirit.prudential.com Senior; lacks fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence; essay; transcript; recommendation Grades 9-12; submit sketch of formal wear gown, short or long; personal bio and photo Nov. 1st Oct. 31st Aug. 30th Oct. 30th Sept. 30th Dec. 15th Oct. 15th Oct. 7th Nov. 1st Sept. 12th Oct. 1st U.S. Senate Youth Program/William Randolph Hearst Scholarship Scholarshipzone.com Scholarship Jr. or Sr.; elected position; leadership; academics; community involvement Register at www.scholarshipzone.com Oct. 5th First Freedom Competition Grades 9-12; 750-1450 word essay or video; sponsored by English or Social Studies teacher Grades 9-12; invent something noteworthy or improved a process that affects fellow students, city or town during high school career Grades 9-12; dedicated time to working for the greater good Nov. 14th Nov. 26th Dec. 15th Senior; have documented learning disability; financial need; essay; transcript; 3.0 GPA; recommendations; pursue a degree Senior; parent is an AFSCME member; essay; transcript; full time student in a 4 year degree program Dec. 31st Grades 3-12; maximum essay of 250-300 words on nonfiction topic Oct. 18th Feb. 15th July 18th Dec. 6th April 12th August 15th Dec. 1st High School Innovator of the Year Scholarship The Lead With Your Heart Scholarship The Anne Ford Scholarship American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Family Scholarship Creative Communications Essay Contest Young Poets Contest Grades K-12; original poem not more than 21 lines U.S. Air Force ROTC Scholarship Senior; 3.0 GPA; ACT 24; leadership; community service; fitness; no military commitment for the first year Grades 9-12; 1000 word essay on “The Second Amendment to the Constitution: Why it is Important to our Nation” Grades 7-12; 500 word essay on “What Freedom of Speech Means to Me” Senior; 3.0 GPA; U.S. citizen; 25 ACT; leadership; major in computer science or computer/electrical engineering; eligible to be granted security clearance Grades 9-12; 400-600 reflective essay based on one of Dr. Parker’s quotes or messages; attend post-secondary institution; transcript Senior or college student planning a career in education; parent is a member of IEA-NEA; economic need; academic achievement; extra-curricular activities; essay; transcript Senior; attend Illinois College; nomination; meets 2 0f 3 following criteria: top 10% of graduating class; 3.5 GPA in core courses: ACT 25 Grades 8-10; 600-1200 word essay on 1 of 3 topics related to Ayn Rand’s Anthem Jr. or Sr.; 800-1600 word essay on 1 of 3 topics related to Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund 2011 Youth Essay Contest Americanism Essay Contest Stokes Education Scholarship Program Crosslites Essay Contest IEA-NEA Education Scholarship Illinois College Heritage Scholarship Anthem Essay Contest Fountainhead Essay Contest Aug. 31st Dec. 15th Dec. 31st Dec. 1st Dec. 1st Nov. 15th Dec. 15th Dec. 2nd Oct. 15th March 20th April 26th Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship National Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship Awards eCampusTours.com Scholarship National Peace Essay Contest 2012 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest NextStepU.com Free Tuition Illinois PTA Lillian E. Glover Scholarship AXA Achievement Foundation “Stress No More” Scholarship CBAI Foundation for Community Banking Annual Scholarship Program Elks National Foundation Legacy Award Elks National Foundation 2012 Most Valuable Student Scholarship ChristianConnection.com Scholarship William Hudson Scholarship Blackburn Alumni Scholarship Blackburn Trustee Scholarship Gideon Blackburn Scholarship Blackburn Heritage Scholarship Blackburn Presidential Scholarship Grades 9-12 or college student; legal resident of U.S.; maximum essay of 250 words Senior; essay under 300 words stating why applicant is planning career in government service; recommendations; transcript Apply online at www.eCampusTours.com Dec. 31st July 31st Jan. 15th Grades 9-12; 1500 word essay; Topic: The Impact of New Media on Peacebuilding and Conflict Management Grades 9-12; register online at jfklibrary.org; essay of less than 1000 words with 5 bibliography sources on an elected official that occurred during or after 1956 Grades 9-12; original oration of 5-6 minutes on event, personality, or document pertaining to the Revolutionary War and show relationship to America Today Enter drawing at www.nextstepu.com Feb. 1st Sr.; upper 33% of class; planning to enter education or education-related degree program; transcript Senior; U.S. citizen; demonstrate ambition and self-drive as evidenced by outstanding achievement in activity in school, community, or workplace Grades 10 – college; 3.0 GPA; U.S. citizen; complete online application; submit video of 3 minutes or less to share tips on how to “stress no more” about school Senior; essay – “How can a community bank make a difference in a down economy?” Senior; child or grandchild of Elk member; transcript; ACT; references; community service; essay; apply online at www.elks.org/enf/scholars Senior; U.S. citizen; ACT; references; community service; parental financial statement; essay; activities; transcript Senior; enroll in a Christ-centered Christian college; apply online at www.ChristianConnector.com Sr.; attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria:ACT 20-21; GPA 3.00-3.19; Class rank 31%-40% Sr. attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria:ACT 22-23; GPA 3.2-3/39; Class rank 26%-30% Sr.; attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria; ACT 24-25; GPA 3.4-3.59; Class rank 21%-25% Sr.; attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria: ACT 26-36; GPA 3.6 or higher; Class rank 11%-20% Sr.; attend Blackburn College; meet 2 of 3 following criteria; ACT 28-36; GPA3.7 or higher; Class rank top 10% Sr.; attend Blackburn College; ACT 30-36; GPA 3.8 or higher; Feb. 17th March 31st Jan. 7th June 8th Jan. 2nd Dec. 1st Sept. 23rd Feb. 6th Feb. 1st Dec. 2nd Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed South Central Wild Turkey Chapter Scholarship Illinois Electric Cooperatives (IEC) Thomas H. Moore Memorial Scholarship LaVern and Nola McEntire Lineworker’s Scholarship Illinois Americanism Essay Contest Walmart Associate Scholarship 2010-2011 First Amendment Poster Contest Illinois Chemical Education Foundation $2000 High School Scholarship Courageous Persuader Video Contest Holocaust Remembrance Project AXA Achievement Community Scholarship The Art Institutes Passion for Fashion Scholarship Competition The Art Institutes Storytellers Photography Competition The Art Institutes Best Teen Chef Competition 2012 High School Writers Contest Menza Education & Research Foundation Scholarship National Multiple Sclerosis Society Scholarship Program Beta Sigma Psi Lutheran Alumni Scholarship Senior; pursue degree at post-secondary institution; 3.0 GPA; copy of current valid hunting license; essay; school activities; community involvement; recommendations; current NWTF membership; transcript Senior; child of an electric cooperative customer or employee; attend post-secondary institution full-time; ACT; school & community activities; short essay Attend LLCC in one of Electrical Distribution Lineman programs; relative of employee or director of an AIEC member electrical cooperative; recommendations; biographical statement; short essay Grades 7-12; less than 500 word essay on “America’s Constitutional Freedoms”; submitted to Kim Garland by Employed by Walmart for at least 6 months; apply online at http://www.act.org/walmart/assoc Grades 8-12; depict theme Freedom to Petition in poster; may be computer-generated or hand-drawn/painted; entry form Senior; transcript; class rank; ACT; recommendations; one page essay; activities; community service Grades 9-12; individual or team commercial to warn middle school students about the dangers of underage drinking; video must be 30 seconds or less Grades 9-12; essay of no more than 1200 words Dec. 1st Senior; U.S. citizen; outstanding achievement in nonacademic activity or project; recommendation; apply online at www.axa-achievement.com Senior; attend one of the Art Institutes; GPA 2.0; essay; submission of garment or plan Senior; attend one of the Art Institutes; GPA 2.0; transcript; submit 6 photos telling a story and in less than 800 words tell what is happening in the story Senior; attend one of the Art Institutes; GPA 2.0; essay; submit recipe & photo Jr. or Sr.; enter one work in each category; may enter more than one category; fiction up to 3000 words, nonfiction up to 2000 words, or poetry up to 40 lines; sponsoring teacher Senior; essay under 550 words describing career, vocational, or academic goals; U.S. citizen; attend post-secondary institution Senior; have MS or a parent with MS; U.S. citizen; attend post-secondary institution; apply online at www.nationalMSsociety.org/scholarhip Attend University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign; male; essay; Lutheran; recommendations Feb. 1st Dec. 31st April 30th Feb. 3rd Varies Dec. 16th March 2nd Feb. 9th April 19th Jan. 20th March 2nd Feb. 3rd Feb 10th Jan. 15th Jan. 13th Jan. 31st 2012 GROWMARK Essay Contest 2012 NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award KFC Colonel’s Scholars Program ACT High School Poster Concept Contest Signet Classics Student Scholarship Essay Contest 2011 Duck Brand Duct Tape “Stick or Treat Jack-O-Lantern” Contest Illinois Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship Burger King Scholars Program The Illinois Odd Fellow-Rebekah Scholarship U.S. Bank Internet Scholarship Program FFA member; approximately 500 word essay on the benefits of co-ops Senior; attend post-secondary institution; has an officially established business; academics; apply online at www.NFIB.com/YEA Senior; GPA 2.75; enroll in public college in state of legal residence; pursue a bachelor’s degree; U.S. citizen; financial need Junior or Senior; create poster (electronic or non-electronic) with ACT logo to promote college and taking the ACT test as the entrance exam Grades 11-12; essay 2-3 double-spaced typed pages on Emma by Jane Austen 14 and older; decorate and/accessorize a pumpkin (real or artificial) using duct tape; must be original work; submit color photograph Senior; 3.0 GPA; ACT Math 29 & English 25; engineering major in accredited IL or MO college; recommendations; transcript Senior; 2.5+ GPA; enroll full-time at post-secondary institution; apply online at http://www.haveityourwayfoundation.org/bksp_scholarship_ eligibility.html Senior; transcript; essay; recommendations; citizen; IL resident; financial need; C average; photograph Senior; U.S. citizen; plan to enroll full-time in a 4 year college; apply online at www.usbank.com/scholarship Senior; taken ACT March 15th Dec. 15th Feb. 8th Jan. 28th April 13th Nov. 1st Feb. 10th Jan. 10th March 1st March 31st Illinois AMVETS Service Foundation Scholarship Illinois AMVETS Sad Sacks Nursing Senior; accepted in approved nursing program; academics; Scholarship character; interest; financial need Illinois AMVETS Trade School Scholarship Senior; accepted in approved trade school March 1st Illinois AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Senior; taken ACT; child of deceased parent who was a Worchid Scholarship veteran Illinois AMVETS Junior ROTC Scholarship Senior; taken ACT; participate in Junior ROTC program March 1st Illinois AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Memorial Scholarship George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest Senior; taken ACT; child or grandchild of a veteran March 1st Grades 10-12; 800-1200 word essay with references on event, person, philosophy, or ideal associated with American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, or Constitution Senior; 2.5 GPA; IL resident; able to document voluntary contributions to Illinois natural resources; enroll in 2 or 4 year college program; transcript Feb. 14th Illinois Conservation Foundation Conservation Achievement Scholarship March 1st March 1st March 1st Nov. 30th Healthy Lifestyles Scholarship AFA Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship The Alice Madden Barton Scholarship Program Eastern Illinois University Presidential Scholars Eastern Illinois University Freshman Honors Scholarship Annie’s Sustainable Agriculture Scholarships Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Being an American Essay Contest 2011 NACD/Auxiliary Photo Contest Hadden Scholarships Stephen J. Brady STOP Hunger Scholarships 2012 Junior Duck Stamp Contest SAE 2012 Engineering Scholarships Best Buy @15 Scholarship Program Sr.; U.S. citizen; under 1000 word essay on “Why is a healthy lifestyle important in school?” and under 500 word essay “Describe your career plans, goals and personal ambitions” Senior; attend 4 year college; U.S. citizen; autobiography; 1200-1500 word essay on how Alzheimer’s disease has changed or impacted your life & what you have learned in the face of coping with the disease Attend cosmetology or barbering school May 30th Feb. 15th Dec. 31st June 30th Attend EIU; 30 ACT and either 3.5 GPA or top 10% of class or 28 ACT and either 3.75 or top 5% of class Attend EIU; 26 ACT and 3.5 GPA or top 10% of class Feb. 1st Senior; attend 2 or 4 year post-secondary institution with a focus on classes in sustainable agriculture; personal statement, transcript; two recommendations Grades 9-12; create original greeting card of any type; apply online at www.gallerycollection.com/greeting-cardsscholarship.htm Grades 9-12; U.S. citizen; essay less than 1000 words on “ How does the Constitution establish and maintain a culture of liberty?” Submit original digital photo in one of the following categories: Conservation Practices, Close Up Conservation; Conservation in Action or Agriculture and Conservation Across America; enter maximum of 5 photos per year Senior; U.S. citizen; 3.5 GPA; financial need; community service; extra-curricular activities; must request application form K-12; demonstrate on-going commitment to community by performing unpaid volunteer services impacting hunger in the U.S. at least within the last 12 months Dec. 15th K-12; submit one original design of a live portrayal of a Native American duck, swan, or goose Senior; pursue degree in engineering or related science; U.S. citizen; eligibility varies with scholarship; www.sae.org/scholarships Grades 9-12; GPA 2.5; demonstrate commitment to and involvement in community volunteer service or work experience; attend post-secondary institution; apply online at www.at15.com or www.bestbuycommunityrelations.com/scholarship.htm March 15th Feb. 1st Jan. 14th Dec. 15th Dec. 1st Dec. 1st Dec. 5th Jan. 15th Feb. 16th Archer Daniels Midland Company FFA Scholarship 2012-2013 2012 Greenhouse Scholars Program Children of Veteran’s Scholarship Illinois Retired Teachers Association Foundation Scholarship 2012 Bernice L. Fox Classics Writing Contest National Defense Transportation Association Scholarship American Legion Auxiliary Ada Mucklestone Memorial Scholarship Spence Reese Scholarship American Legion Auxiliary Past Presidents Parley Nurses Scholarship American Legion Auxiliary Mildred R. Knoles Scholarship American Legion Auxiliary Children and Youth Scholarship American Legion Auxiliary Illinois Scholarship for Junior Members Louis and Temple Marsch Scholarship Sons of Confederate Veterans Scholarship Macoupin County Agriculture Education Foundation Scholarship Sherwood and Evelyn Kresin Memorial Scholarship Senior; 2.8 GPA; FFA member; leadership; community service; pursue degree in agriculture or related area; apply online at www.ffa.org/programs/grantsandscholarships Senior; 3.5 unweighted GPA; U.S. citizen, IL resident; community service; leadership; financial need- family income less than $70,000; transcript; recommendations; apply online at www.greenhousescholars.org Attend any campus of the University of Illinois; copy of transcript with ACT scores; natural or legally adopted child of a veteran; photocopy of veteran’s papers Jr.or Sr. in college; accepted into a teacher certification program; 3.0 GPA; transcript; financial need Grades 9-12; essay, short story, play, poem, or any original literary work on the following topic: write a proposal or a pilot episode for a TV series based on Classical Mythology but set in the United States in the 21st century. Senior; essay; two recommendations; transcript with ACT Feb. 15th Senior; child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran; recommendations; activities; essay; transcript Senior male students planning a career in medicine engineering, law, or political science Senior; enroll full-time in accredited school or hospital program; essay; recommendations; transcript; financial need; academics Presently attending college; veteran, child, grandchild or great-grandchild of a veteran; financial need; recommendations; activities; essay; transcript Soph. or Jr. in college; working toward degree in education; upper half of class; financial need; recommendations; essay Senior female; junior member of Department of Illinois American Legion Auxiliary; daughter, granddaughter, greatgranddaughter of sister of veteran; recommendations; transcript; parent tax return; community service Senior; study engineering or science-related field as a fulltime student; transcript; references Senior; attend post-secondary institution; descendent of male who served in Army, Navy, Judicial, Executive, or Civil Service of the Confederate States of America; 500 word essay, transcript; documented genealogical descendency chart High school senior or college freshman, soph. or jr.; attend post-secondary institution in Illinois; major in agriculture Senior; no Masonic affiliation required; maintain a B average March 15th Jan. 20th March 1st March 7th March 15th March 1st April 1st April 10th March 15th March 15th March 15th April 1st March 15th March 25th April 1st Shopko Teammate and Family Scholarship Program U.S. citizen; Shopko teammate or dependent of teammate; academics; leadership; community service; work experience; financial need; goals; recommendations Illinois Lumber & Material Dealers Attend post-secondary institution; pursue certificate or Association Educational Foundation degree in lumber & building materials or allied field; recommendations; transcript; essay 2012 Farm Credit Agriculture Scholarship Senior; attend post-secondary institution; plan to pursue degree in agriculture or related field; apply online at http://www.fcsillinois.com/scholarships.html Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year Senior; GPA 3.2+; athletic excellence; leadership; Award Program (SAMMY) community service; attend 4 yr post-secondary institution; apply online at www.facebook.com/milkmustache or https://www.sammyapplication.com Louis L. Williams Memorial Fund Senior; must attend Illinois Wesleyan University full-time; Scholarship be a blood relative of a Scottish Rite Mason; maintain a B average Kathryn G. Hansen Scholarship Senior; attend four-year Illinois school; pursue a business or office career; essay; transcript; recommendations Illinois Scottish Rite Scholarship Fund Senior; pursue a career in health related field; resident of IL; attend school contiguous to Illinois full-time; maintain a B average; no Masonic affiliation required Robert B. Perkins Scholarship Senior; must reside in IL and attend a school contiguous to IL full-time; must be blood relative of a Scottish Rite Mason Grand Lodge of Illinois, A.F. & A.M. Senior; reside in IL; maintain a B average; requires Masonic affiliation Abbott Scholarship Current college student; minimum GPA 2.75; child or grandchild of a Scottish Rite Mason in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction Alice L. Haltom Educational Fund Pursue degree related to careers in information and records Scholarship management; essay; transcript; recommendations A.O. Smith Contractor Scholarship Program Senior; spouse, child, or grandchild of a PCA member with desire to continue education; transcript Boomer Esiason Foundation Scholarship Cystic fibrosis diagnosis; financial need; transcript; Program academic achievement; leadership Samsung American Legion Scholarship Junior; direct descendant (child, grandchild, or greatgrandchild) of a US veteran who served during a period of war and is a delegate to either an American Legion Boys State or American Legion Auxiliary Girls State program Abbott & Fenner Scholarship Jr. or Sr.; 500-1000 word essay on “What was the most difficult time in your life, and why? How did your perspective on life change as a result of this difficulty?” Walton Dependent Scholarship Senior; dependent of an associate of Walmart who has been actively employed for at least 6 month as of 03/25/2012; financial need; apply online at http://www.act.org/walmart/depend March 1st April 1st March 2nd March 19th April 1st March 9th April 1st April 1st April 1st April 1st May 1st April 5th March 15th June 15th April 30th June 15th March 15th Buick Achievers Scholarship Program PIECES 2012 SIU-E Scholarship Sharon Miller Memorial Scholarship BBG Communications Scholarships The Big Dig Scholarship Odenza Marketing Group Scholarship Dr. Aura-Lee A. and James Hobbs Pittenger American History Scholarship The Lucinda Beneventi Findley History Scholarship Caroline E. Holt Nursing Scholarship Occupational/Physical Therapy Scholarship Madeline Pickett (Halbert) Cogswell Nursing Scholarship Lincoln Land Community College Foundations Scholarship Program The Fred S. Bailey Scholarship Program County Line Sportsmen Scholarship Program Tri-County Beauty Academy Focus on Your Future Scholarships Senior; attend post-secondary institution full-time; plan to major in science, technology, engineering, math, marketing, finance, accounting, design, or business; U.S. citizen; financial need; academics; activities; apply online at www.buickachievers.com Senior; attend SIU-E School of Engineering; U.S. citizen; financial need; academic merit; communication skills; professional motivation Senior; pursue a career in public school teaching; activities; community service; essay; recommendations; transcript Ages 16-21; attending or will attend post-secondary institution; GPA 2.5; U.S. citizen; two essay questions Senior or college freshman or sophomore; 500-1000 word essay on what item would you bury today that will be valuable in 200 years Ages 16-25 as of March 30th; 2.5 GPA; U.S. citizen; two essay questions Senior; pursue degree in American History and American Government; recommendation; transcript; essay; activities; Senior; demonstrated interest in history and planning to major in history as full-time student in post-secondary institution in U.S.; recommendation; transcript; essay; activities Accepted and enrolled into an accredited school of nursing; financial need; recommendations, transcript; essay; activities Accepted and enrolled into an accredited school of occupational therapy (including art, music, or physical therapy); recommendation; transcript; essay, activities Accepted or enrolled in an accredited school of nursing; member, descendent of member or eligible for membership in NSDAR; recommendations; transcript; essay; activities Attend LLCC; varies with scholarship; can access online at www.llccfoundation.org Senior; attend University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign; community service; leadership; financial need; academic achievement; apply online at www.universityymca.org/bailey Senior; 3.0 GPA; pursue degree at post-secondary institution; school activities; essay on the importance of wildlife conservation Senior; attend Tri-County Beauty Academy; enroll in June class; short essay Senior; attend Lincoln Land Community College, Benedictine University in Springfield, UIS, or Robert Morris University in Springfield; transcript; recommendation; short essay Feb. 29th March 1st March 2nd June 30th June 1st March 30th Feb. 15th Feb. 15th Feb. 15th Feb. 15th Feb. 15th April 2nd Feb. 28th March 15th April 29th Feb. 10th Heneghan and Associates 2012 Scholarship Kohl’s Kids Who Care Scholarship Simon Youth Foundation Community Scholarship Program Illinois Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship Louis and Temple Marsch Scholarship Springfield Area Home Builders Association – Robert E. Von Behren Scholarship Palmyra Lions Scholarships Visine Student With Vision Scholarship Program Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarship National Rural Education Association 2012 Essay Contest Rachel Carson Book Award Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund 2012 Psi U Scholarship Grant Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarship 2012 Temple Hoyne Buell Memorial Scholarship Family Service Center Scholarship Mr. John’s School of Cosmetology Scholarship Men of Achievement Academic Scholarship The W. Ray Alborn and Nelle Jaynes Alborn Memorial Scholarship Senior; attend post-secondary institution in engineering, surveying, or mathematics program Ages 6-18 nomination; volunteer work that has made a positive impact on others/community; nomination to be made online at www.kohlskids.com Senior; attend post-secondary institution as a full-time student Senior; permanent Illinois resident; attend post-secondary institution in Illinois as full-time student; short essay Senior; study engineering or science-related field as a fulltime student; transcript; references Senior; construction related career path; C+ grade average; apply online at www.tinyurl.com/REVBscholarship2012 April 2nd Senior; academic achievement; extra-curricular activities; community service; essay; recommendation Senior or first three years of college; community service/school activities; financial need; have a clear vision and communicate it through essay or video presentation; GPA 2.8 or above; apply online at https://aimapplyists.net Senior male; attend University of IllinoisUrbana/Champaign; transcript; leadership; academics; can apply online at www.illinoissigeps.com Grades 3-12 students attending a rural school; up to 500 word essay on “Why my rural school is unique or outstanding.” Junior; female; attend Chatham University; interest in science and English; concern for environment Senior; attend four year college; U.S. citizen; 3.0 GPA; leadership; activities or community service; financial need Attend University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign; male; apply online at www.illinipsiu.com Attend SIU-E; male; academics; leadership; athletics and community service Senior male; attend University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign; extra-curricular activities; community involvement Senior; attend post-secondary institution; adopted or placed in foster care during lifetime; recommendation Senior; attend Mr. John’s School of Cosmetology in Decatur or Jacksonville Senior; male; attend University of Missouri; 3.0 GPA; recommendation; transcript; activities; essay Senior ranked in the top ten of class; community service; school activities; financial need; preference given to Scottville Township resident April 25th March 15th March 1st March 12th April 1st March 1st April 16th April 16th June 1st April 1st March 31st Aug.2, 2012 June 1st May 25th April 30th April 15th April 30th April 25th Educational Foundation Scholarships Lawrence Technological University Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Laws of Life Contest Mayes Family Scholarship Miss Illinois USA B. Davis Scholarship Vancouver Restaurant Scholarship The Neoma Eyer Memorial Scholarship American Legion Palmyra Post #1034 Scholarship Senior; 2.0 GPA; school citizenship; school activities; community activities; leadership; attendance Junior; attend Lawreance Technological University; completed one year chemistry or physics and at least 2 years of college prep math by June 2012; 3.0 GPA and 22 ACT Senior; attend post-secondary institution; 500-1000 word essay or video of 2 minutes or less Senior; 2.0 GPA; school citizenship; school activities; community activities; leadership; attendance Single female; age 14-19 as of 2/1/13; never married or had child; entry form and photo No age restriction; Essay of 1000 words or less on “How your education has contributed to who you are today, or how it will affect who you will become.”; submit essay by email to awards@studentawardsearch.com Age 15-21 as of 5/30/2012; resident of US or Canada; full time student in high school or college; essay of 500 words or less on ”The cost of a post secondary education has been increasing for a number of years. What do you think are the three main causes of this increase?”; complete application at http://www.studentscholarships.org/italianrestaurantsvancou ver.php Senior; intent to become a business teacher or teacher of any subject; intent to attend ISU; intent on obtaining a business degree; community involvement; school activities; employment Senior; attend post-secondary institution; FAFSA; financial need May 2nd May 1st Aug. 31st 2012 May 2nd July 1st May 28th July 31st May 1st April 30th