Curriculum Vitae

Name: Bernard Weiner
Date of Birth:
September 28, 1935
University of Chicago,1952-1955. B.A., 1955
University of Chicago, 1955-1957. M.B.A., 1957
University of Michigan, 1959-1963. Ph.D., 1963
Occupational Experience:
1992 (3 mos.)
1987 (3 mos.)
1983 (3 mos.)
Visiting Professor, University of Washington
Visiting Professor, University of Michigan
Visiting Professor, Max-Planck-Institute, Munich, Germany
Visiting Professor, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
Visiting Professor, Graduate Center, City University of New York
Assistant Professor to Distinguished Professor of Psychology,
University of California, Los Angeles. Vice Chair, 1994-2002
Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
Luckman UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award, 1999
Distinguished Teaching Award, Department of Psychology, 1997
Honorary Doctor’s Degree
University of Manitoba, Canada, 2010
University of Turku, Finland, 2000
University of Bielefeld, Germany, 1991
Honorary Societies
Finnish Academy of Letters and Science, 200l
National Academy of Education, 2011
Distinguished Scientist Award, Society of Experimental Social Psychology, 2010
Edward L. Thorndike Career Achievement Award, Division 15, American
Psychological Association, 2008
Palmer O. Johnson Publication Award, American Educational Research
Association, 1994
Donald T. Campbell Distinguished Research Award in Social Psychology,
Division 8, American Psychological Association, 1990
Guggenheim Fellow, 1970
Fellow, Division 8 (Personality and Social Psychology) and Division 15
(Educational Psychology), American Psychological Association
Fellow, American Psychological Society
Fellow, Society of Experimental Social Psychology
Journal Affiliation: Advisory Board and/or Consulting Editor:
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Cognition and Emotion
Cognitive Development
Journal of Educational Psychology
Journal of Personality
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Research in Personality
Motivation and Emotion
Personality and Social Psychology Review
Psychological Inquiry
Social Behavior and Personality
1979-1980; 1994
Publications (Chronologically)
Jones, E.E., Kanouse, D., Kelley, H.H., Nisbett, R.E., Valins, S., & Weiner, B. (1972).
Attribution: Perceiving the causes of behavior. Morristown, N.J.: General Learning
Weiner, B. (1972). Theories of motivation: From mechanism to cognition. Chicago:
Rand McNally. (Translated into German)
Weiner, B. (Ed.) (1974). Achievement motivation and attribution theory. Morristown,
N.J.: General Learning Press.
Weiner, B. (1975). Success and failure in education: Motivators of performance.
Stuttgart: Klett Verlag.
Weiner, B. (Ed.) (1975). Cognitive views of human motivation. New York: Academic.
Weiner, B., Rundquist, W., Rundquist, P.A., Raven, B.H., Meyer, W.J., Leiman, A.,
Kutscher, C.L., Kleinmuntz, B., & Haber, R.N. (1977). Discovering psychology.
Chicago: Science Research Associates.
Gorlitz, D., Meyer, W.U., & Weiner, B. (Eds.) (1978). Bielefeld conference on
attribution. Cambridge, Ma.: Ballinger. (Translated into German).
Weiner, B. (1980). Human motivation. New York: Holt-Rinehart, & Winston.
Reprinted by Springer-Verlag, 1985; Erlbaum, 1989. (Translated into German and
Feshbach S., & Weiner, B. (1982; 2nd Edition, 1986; 3rd Edition, 1991; 4th Edition,
1996). Personality. Lexington, Ma.: D.C. Health.
Weiner, B. (1986). An attributional theory of motivation and emotion. New York:
Springer-Verlag. (Translated into Chinese).
Weiner, B. (1992). Human motivation: Metaphors, theories and research. Newbury
Park, Ca: Sage. (Translated into German and Chinese).
Weiner, B. (1995). Judgments of responsibility: A foundation for a theory of social
conduct. New York: Guilford. (Translated into Chinese).
Weiner, B. (2006). Social motivation, justice, and the moral emotions. Mahway, N. J.:
Erlbaum (translated into Chinese, Japanese, and Polish).
Articles and Book Chapters
Jones, A., Manis, M., & Weiner, B. (1963). Learning as a function of subliminal
reinforcements. Psychological Reports, 12, 387-398.
Weiner, B. (1965). Need achievement and the resumption of incompleted tasks. Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, 165-168. Reprinted in Mischel, H., &
Mischel. W. (Eds.) (1973), Readings in Personality. New York: Holt, Rinehart,
Weiner, B. (1965). The effects of unsatisfied achievement motivation on persistence and
subsequent performance. Journal of Personality, 33, 428-442. Reprinted in
Atkinson, J. W., & Raynor, J. O. (Eds.) (1974), Motivation and achievement.
New York: Winston.
Weiner, B., & Rosenbaum, R. M. (1965). Determinants of choice between achievement
and nonachievement-related activities. Journal of Experimental Research
Personality, 1, 114-121.
Greenberg, M., & Weiner, B. (1966). The effects of reinforcement history on riskpreference. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 587-592.
Kernoff, P., Weiner, B., & Morrison, M. (1966). Affect and short-term retention.
Psychonomic Science, 4, 75-76.
Weiner, B. (1966). The role of success and failure in the learning of easy and complex
tasks. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 3, 339-343. Reprinted in
Atkinson, J. W., & Raynor, J. O. (Eds.) (1974), Motivation and achievement. New
York: Winston.
Weiner, B. (1966). The effects of motivation on the availability and retrieval of memory
traces. Psychological Bulletin, 65, 24-37.
Weiner, B. (1966). Motivation and memory. Psychological Monographs, 80, (Whole
Weiner, B. (1966). Achievement motivation and task recall in competitive situations.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 6, 693-696.
Weiner, B., & Walker, E. L. (1966). Motivational factors in short-term retention.
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 190-193. Reprinted in Silverman, R.
(Ed.) (1972), Readings in Psychology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Weiner, B. (1967). Current conceptions of achievement motivation and their
implications for research and performance in the classroom. Psychology in the
Schools, 4, 164-171.
Weiner, B. (1967). The experimental study of achievement motivation. Bulletin for the
National Association of Secondary School Principals, 323, 51-68.
Weiner, B. (1967). Motivational factors in short-term retention: II. Rehearsal or
arousal? Psychological Reports, 20, 1203-1208.
Weiner, B., & Feldman, P. (1967). Information processing related to stimulus novelty
and stimulus complexity in a signal detection paradigm. British Journal of
Psychology, 58, 69-75.
Wasserman, E., Weiner, B., & Houston, J. P. (1968). Another failure for motivation to
influence retrieval. Psychological Reports, 22, 1007-1008.
Weiner, B. (1968). Motivated forgetting and the study of repression. Journal of
Personality, 36, 213-234.
Weiner, B., Johnson, P., & Mehrabian, A. (1968). Achievement motivation and the
recall of examination questions. Journal of Educational Psychology,59, 181-185.
Reprinted in Lindzey, G., Hall, C., & Manosowitz, M. (Eds.) (1973), Theories of
personality: Primary sources and research. New York: Wiley.
Weiner, B. (1969). Motivation. Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Fourth Edition
(pp.877-887). New York: McMillan.
Weiner, B. (1969). Thoughts and actions associated with achievement motivation. Irish
Journal of Education, 3, 105-116. Reprinted in McClelland, D. C., & Steele, R.
(Eds.) (1972), Human Motivation. Morristown, N. J.: General Learning Press.
Weiner, B., & Higgins, J. (1969). A mediational paradigm for the study of motivated
forgetting: Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 677-680.
Weiner, B., & Reed, H. (1969). The effects of instructional sets to remember and forget
on short-term memory: Studies of rehearsal control and retrieval inhibition
(repression). Journal of Experimental Psychology,79, 226-232.
Kestenbaum, J., & Weiner, B. (1970). Achievement performance related to achievement
motivation and test anxiety. Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology, 34, 343344.
Weiner, B. (1970). New conceptions in the study of achievement motivation.
In Maher, B. (Eds.), Progress in experimental personality research, Vol. 5. (pp. 67109). New York: Academic Press.
Weiner, B., & Kukla, A. (1970). An attributional analysis of achievement motivation.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 13, 1-20. Reprinted by Bobbs-Merrill.
Also reprinted in Higgins, E. T., Kruglawski, A. (Eds.) (2000), Motivational Science:
Social and Personality Perspectives. Philadelphia: Psychology Press. Designated a
"citation classic" by Current Contents, 1980.
Weiner, B., & Potepan, P. A. (1970). Personality characteristics and affective reactions
towards exams of succeeding and failing college students. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 61, 144-151.
Frieze, I., & Weiner, B. (1971). Cue utilization and attributional judgments for success
and failure. Journal of Personality, 39, 591-606.
Weiner, B., Frieze, I., Kukla, A., Reed, L., Rest, S., & Rosenbaum, R. M. (1971).
Perceiving the causes of success and failure. Morristown, N. J.: General Learning
Weiner, B., & Schneider, K. (1971). Drive vs. cognitive theory: A reply to Boor and
Harmon. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 8, 258-262.
Heckhausen, H., & Weiner, B. (1972). The emergence of a cognitive psychology of
motivation. In Dodwell, P. C. (Ed.), New horizons in psychology, II. (pp. 126-147).
London: Penguin Books.
Weiner, B. (1972). Attribution theory, achievement motivation, and the education
process. Review of Educational Research, 42, 203-215.
Weiner, B., Heckhausen, H., Meyer, W. U., & Cook, R. E. (1972). Causal ascriptions
and achievement motivation: The conceptual analysis of effort. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 21, 239-248. Reprinted in Ihrle, M. (Ed.) (1978),
Readings in social psychology. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett. Also in Wittrock, M. C.
(Ed.), Readings in educational research. New York: Wiley.
Kun, A., & Weiner, B. (1973). Necessary versus sufficient causal schemata for success
and failure. Journal of Research in Personality, 197-207.
Rest, S., Nierenberg, R., Weiner, B., & Heckhausen, H. (1973). Further evidence
concerning the effects of perceptions of effort and ability on achievement evaluation.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 8, 187-191.
Weiner, B. (1973). For each according to his abilities: The role of effort in a moral
society. Human Development, 16, 53-60.
Weiner, B. (1973). Die subjectiven Ursachen von Erfolg und Misserfolg (The subjective
causes of success and failure). In Edelstein, W., & Hopf, D. (Eds.), Bedingungen
des Bildungsprozesses (pp. 79-93).
Weiner, B., & Peter, N. V. (1973). A cognitive-developmental analysis of achievement
and moral judgments. Developmental Psychology, 9, 290-309.
Weiner, B. (1974). Achievement motivation as conceptualized by an attribution theorist.
In Weiner, B. (Ed.), Achievement motivation and attribution theory. (pp. 3-48).
Morristown, N. J.: General Learning Press.
Weiner, B. (1974). A conceptual analysis of locus of control. In Weiner, B. (Ed.),
Achievement motivation and attribution theory. (pp. 105-113). Morristown, N. J.:
General Learning Press.
Weiner, B. Motivational psychology and educational research. Educational
Psychologist, 11, 96-101.
Weiner, B. (1975). An attributional interpretation of expectancy-value theory. In
Weiner, B. (Ed.), Cognitive views of human motivation. (pp. 51-70). New
York: Academic Press. Reprinted in Schmalt, H., & Meyer, W. U. (Eds.) (1976).
Leistungsmotivation und Verhalten. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett.
Weiner, B. (1975). On being sane in insane places: A process (attributional) analysis
and critique. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 84, 433-441. Reprinted in Grusky,
O., & Pollner, M. (Eds.) (1981), The sociology of mental illness: Basic studies.
New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
Weiner, B., & Sierad, J. (1975). Misattribution for failure and the enhancement of
achievement strivings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31, 415-421.
Meyer, W. U., Folkes, V. S., & Weiner, B. (1976). The perceived informational value
and affective consequences of choice behavior and intermediate difficulty task
selection. Journal of Research in Personality, 10, 410-423.
Weiner, B. (1976). Motivation from the cognitive perspective. In Estes, W. K., (Ed.),
Handbook of learning and cognitive processes, Vol. 3 (pp. 283-308). Potomac,
Maryland: Erlbaum Press.
Weiner, B. (1976). Motivational psychology and sports activity. In Craig, T. T. (Ed.).
The humanistic and mental health aspects of sports, exercise, and recreation (pp.
55-57). New York: American Medical Association.
Weiner, B. (1976). An attributional approach for educational psychology. In L. S.
Schulman (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, Vol. 4, (pp. 179-209). Itasca, Il:
Weiner, B., Nierenberg, R., & Goldstein, M. (1976). Social learning (locus of control)
versus attributional (causal stability) interpretations of expectancy change. Journal
of Research in Personality, 44, 52-60. Reprinted in Southwell, E. H. (Ed.) (1979),
Personality; Readings in theory and research. New York: Harper and Row.
Folkes, V.S., & Weiner, B. (1977). Motivation determinants of coalition formation.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 13, 536-542
Weiner, B. (1977). Some psycho-social determinants of evaluation. Educator, 19, 5-9.
Weiner, B. (1977). Attribution and affect: Comments on Sohn’s critique. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 69, 506-511.
Hoffman, J., & Weiner, B. (1978). Effects of attributions for success and failure on the
performance of mentally retarded adults. American Journal of Mental Deficiency,
82, 449-452.
Weiner, B. (1978). Achievement strivings. In London, H., & Exner, J. E. (Eds.),
Dimensions of personality (pp. 1-36). New York: Wiley.
Weiner, B., & Landes, S. (1978). A cognitive psychology for infrahumans. The
Behavioral Brain Sciences, 1, 606-608.
Weiner, B., Russell, D., & Lerman, D. (1978). Affective consequences of causal
ascriptions. In Harvey, J. H., Ickes, W. J., & Kidd, R. F. (Eds.), New directions in
attribution research, Vol. 2. (pp. 59-90). Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum
Weiner, B. (1979). A theory of motivation for some educational experiences. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 71, 3-25. Reprinted in Krohne, H. W., & Laux, L. (Eds.)
(1981), Achievement, stress, and anxiety. Washington, D. C.: Hemisphere.
Translated into Portuguese, In Psicologia de Educacao. 1984, No. 2. Identified by
Current Contents, March 26, 1990 as the most cited article between 1966-1988
published in the Journal of Educational Psychology.
Weiner, B., Russel, D., & Lerman, D. (1979). The cognition-emotion process in
achievement-related contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37,
Weiner, M., & Weiner, B. (1979). Fritz Heider. International Encyclopedia of the Social
Sciences, 18, 287-289.
Weiner, B. (1980). The role of affect in rational (attributional) approaches to human
motivation. Educational Researcher, 9, 4-11.
Weiner, B. (1980). A cognitive (attribution) - emotion - action model of motivated
behavior: An analysis of judgments of help-giving. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 39, 186-200. Reprinted in Pettijohn, T. F. (Ed.) (1995).
Sources: Notable Selections in Social Psychology. Guilford, Ct: Dushkin
Publishing Group.
Weiner, B. (1980). May I borrow your class notes? An attributional analysis of helpgiving in an achievement-related context. Journal of Educational Psychology, 72,
Weiner, B., Kun, A., & Benesh-Weiner, M. (1980). The development of mastery,
emotions, and morality from an attributional perspective. In Collins, W. A. (Ed.),
Minnesota symposium on child development, Vol. 13 (pp. 103-130). Hillsdale, N.
J.: Erlbaum. Reprinted in Gorlitz, D. (Ed.) (1983), Attribution theory in
developmental psychology. Basil: Beltz.
Weiner, B., & Litman-Adizes, T. (1980). An attributional analysis of learned
helplessness and depression. In Seligman, M. E. P., & Garber, J. (Eds.), Human
control (pp. 35-57). New York: Academic Press.
Forsterling, F., & Weiner, B. (1981). Some determinants of task preference and the
desire for information about the self. European Journal of Social Psychology, 11,
Weiner, B. (1981). The role of affect in sports psychology. In Roberts, G., & Landers,
D. M. (Eds.), Motor behavior and sports. (pp. 37-48). Champaign, Il: Human
Wong, P. T. P., & Weiner B. (1981). When people ask "why" questions and the
heuristics of attributional search. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40,
650-663. Reprinted in Schroeder, D. A., Johnson, D. W., & Jenson, T. D. (Eds.)
(1985). Contemporary Readings in Social Psychology. New York: Nelson-Hall.
Benesh-Weiner, M., & Weiner, B. (1982). On emotion and motivation: From the notes
of Fritz Heider. American Psychologist, 37, 887-895.
Betancourt, H., & Weiner, B. (1982). Attributions for achievement events, expectancies,
and sentiments in Chile and in the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology, 13, 362-374.
Weiner, B. (1982). An attributionally-based theory of motivation and emotion: Focus,
range, and issues. In Feather, N. T. (Ed.), Expectancy, incentive, and action. (pp.
163-206). Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum.
Weiner, B. (1982). The emotional consequences of causal ascriptions. In Clark, M. S.,
& Fiske, S. T. (Eds.), The 17th annual Carnegie symposium on cognition: Affect
and cognition (pp. 185-210). Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum.
Weiner, B., Graham, S., & Chandler, C. C. (1982). An attributional analysis of pity,
anger, and guilt. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 8, 226-232.
Weiner, B., Graham, S., Stern, P., & Lawson M. E. (1982). Using affective cues to infer
causal thoughts. Developmental Psychology, 18, 278-286.
Benton, C. J., Hernandez, A. C., Schmidt, A., Schmitz, M. D., Stone A. J., & Weiner, B.
(1983). Is hostility linked with affiliation among males and with achievement among
females? A critique of Pollak and Gilligan. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 45, 1167-1171.
Weiner, B. (1983). Speculations regarding the role of affect in achievement-related
change programs guided by attributional principles. In Levine, J. M., & Wang, M.
C. (Eds.), Teacher and student perceptions: Implications for learning. (pp. 5774). Hillsdale, N. J. : Erlbaum.
Weiner, B. (1983). Some thoughts about feelings. In Paris, S. G., Olson, G., &
Stevenson, H. W. (Eds.), Learning and motivation in the classroom. (pp. 165-178).
Hillsdale, N. J. : Erlbaum.
Weiner, B. (1983). Some methodological pitfalls in attributional research. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 75, 530-543.
Weiner, B., Graham, S., Taylor, S. E., & Meyer, W. U. (1983). Social cognition in the
classroom. Educational Psychologist, 18, 109-124.
Weiner, B. Stone, A. J. , Schmitz, M. D., Schmidt, A., Hernandez, A. C., & Benton, C. J.
(1983). Compounding the errors. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45,
Zoeller, C., Mahoney, G., & Weiner, B. (1983). The effects of attributional training on
the assembly task performance of mentally retarded adults. American Journal of
Mental Deficiency, 88, 109-112.
Brown, J., & Weiner, B. (1984). Affective consequences of ability and effort ascriptions:
Empirical controversies, resolutions, and quandaries. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 76, 146-158.
Weiner, B. (1984). Principles for a theory of motivation and their practice within an
attributional framework. In Ames, R., & Ames, C. (Eds.), Student motivation, Vol.
1.(pp. 15-38). New York: Academic.
Weiner, B., & Brown, J. (1984). All's well that ends. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 76, 169-171.
Weiner, B., & Graham, S. (1984). An attributional approach to emotional development.
In Izard, C., Kagan, J., & Zajonc, R. (Eds.), Emotion, cognition, and behavior. (pp.
167-191). Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press.
Weiner, B. (1985). "Spontaneous" causal thinking. Psychological Bulletin, 97, 74-84.
Weiner, B. (1985). An attributional theory of achievement motivation and emotion.
Psychological Review, 92, 548-573. Reprinted in Cooper, C. & Pervin, L. (Eds.)
Personality: Critical Concepts in Psychology. London: Routledge, 1998.
Weiner, B. (1985). Cognition, emotion, and action. In Sorrentino, R. M., & Higgins, T.
(Eds.), The handbook of motivation and cognition. (pp. 281-312). New York:
Weiner, B., & Handel, S. J. (1985). A cognition-emotion-action sequence: Anticipated
emotional consequences of causal attributions and reported communication strategy.
Developmental Psychology, 21, 102-107.
Graham, S., & Weiner, B. (1986). From attribution theory to developmental psychology:
A round-trip ticket? Social Cognition, 4, 152-179.
Yirmaya, N., & Weiner, B. (1986). Perceptions of controllability and anticipated anger.
Cognitive Development, 1, 273-280.
Graham, S., & Weiner, B. (1987). Some educational implications of sympathy and anger
from an attributional perspective. In Snow, R. E. & Farr, M. F. (Eds.), Aptitude,
learning, and instruction, Vol. 3 (pp. 199-222). Hillsdale, N. J. : Erlbaum.
Weiner, B. (1987). The role of emotions in a theory of motivation. In Halish, F., &
Kuhl, J. (Eds.), Motivation, intention, and volition (pp. 21-30). New York:
Weiner, B. (1987). In the Atkinson tradition: The motivational function of emotion. In
Brown, D. R., & Veroff, J. (Eds.), Frontiers of motivational psychology (pp. 26-37).
New York: Springer-Verlag.
Weiner, B. (1987). The social psychology of emotion: Applications of a naive
psychology. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 5, 405-419.
Weiner, B., Amirkhan, J., Folkes, V. S., & Verette, J. A. (1987). An attributional
analysis of excuse-giving. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 316324.
Dalal, A., & Weiner, B. (1988). Measurement of causal stability and the prediction of
expectancy of success. In Dalal, A., (Ed.), Attribution theory and research (pp. 1532). New Dehli: Wiley Eastern.
Schmidt, G., & Weiner, B. (1988). An attribution-affect-action theory of motivated
behavior: Replications examining judgments of help-giving. Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 14, 610-621.
Weiner, B. (1988). Attribution theory and attributional therapy: Some theoretical
observations and suggestions. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27, 99-104.
Weiner, B. (1988). An attributional analysis of changing reactions to persons with
AIDS. In Berk, R. A. (Ed.), The social impact of AIDS in the U.S. (pp.123-132).
Cambridge, Ma.: ABT Press.
Weiner, B., Perry, R. P., & Magnusson, J. (1988). An attributional analysis of reactions
to stigmas. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55, 738-748.
deRivera, J., Possell, L., Verette, J. A., & Weiner, B. (1989). Distinguishing elation,
gladness, and joy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 1015-1023.
Schuster, B., Forsterling, F., & Weiner, B. (1989). Perceiving the causes of success and
failure: A cross-cultural examination of attributional concepts. Journal of CrossCultural Psychology, 20, 191-213.
Stipek, D., Weiner, B., & Li, Kexing. (1989). Testing some attribution-emotion relations
in the People's Republic of China. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56,
Weiner, B., & Graham, S. (1989). Understanding the motivational role of affect:
Lifespan research from an attributional perspective. Cognition and Emotion, 3, 401418. Reprinted in Izard, C. (Ed.), Development of Emotion-Cognition Relations.
Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum.
Weiner, B. (1990). Attribution in personality psychology. In L. Pervin (Ed.), Handbook
of Personality (pp. 465-485). New York: Guilford.
Weiner, B. (1990). Searching for the roots of applied attribution theory. In S. Graham &
V. S. Folkes (Eds.), Applications of attribution theory (pp. 1-13). Hillsdale, N. J. :
Schwarzer, R., & Weiner, B. (1990). Die Wirkung von Kontrolleirbarkeit und
Bewaltigungsverhalten auf Emotionen und soziale Unterstutzung. Zeitschrift fur
Sozialpsychologie, 118-125.
Weiner, B. (1990). History of motivation research in education. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 82, 616-622. Reprinted in A. Woolfolk (Ed), Readings in Educational
Psychology, 1998. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Hayamizu, T., & Weiner, B. (1991). A test of Dweck's model of achievement goals as
related to perceptions of ability. Journal of Experimental Education, 59, 226-234.
Himelstein, S., Graham, S., & Weiner, B. (1991). An attributional analysis of maternal
beliefs about the importance of child-rearing practices. Child Development, 62, 301310.
Schwarzer, R., & Weiner, B. (1991). Stigma controllability and coping as predictors of
emotions and social support. Journal of Social and Personality Relationships, 8, 133140.
Weiner, B. (1991). An attributional look at explanatory style. Psychological Inquiry, 2,
Weiner, B. (1991). On perceiving the other as responsible. In R. A. Dienstbier (Ed.),
Nebraska symposium on motivation, Vol. 38 (pp. 165-198). Lincoln, Ne.:
University of Nebraska Press.
Weiner, B. (1991). Metaphors in motivation and attribution. American Psychologist,46,
Weiner, B., Figueroa-Munoz, A., & Kakihara, C. (1991). The goal of excuses and
communication strategies related to causal perceptions. Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 17, 4-13.
Weiner, B., Graham, S., Peter, O., & Zmudinas, M. (1991). Public confession and
forgiveness. Journal of Personality, 59, 281-312.
Graham, S., & Weiner, B. (1991). Testing judgments about attribution-emotion-act
linkages: A lifespan approach. Social Cognition, 9, 254-276.
Anderson, C., & Weiner, B. (1992). Attribution and attributional processes in
personality. In G. V. Caprara & G. L. Van Heck (Eds.), Modern personality
psychology (pp. 295- 324). New York: Harvester-Wheatsheaf.
Liu, J. H., Karasawa, K., & Weiner, B. (1992). Inferences about the causes of positive
and negative emotions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 18, 603-615.
Schwarzer, R., Dunkel-Schetter, C., Weiner, B., & Woo, G. (1992). Expectancies as
mediators between recipient characteristics and social support intentions. In R.
Schwarzer (Ed.), Self-efficacy: thought control of action (pp. 65-87). Washington:
Hemisphere Publishing.
Weiner, B. (1992). Excuses in everyday interaction. In M. L. McLaughlin, M. J. Cody,
& S. R. Read (Eds.), Explaining one's self to others (pp. 131-146). Hillsdale, N. J.:
Weiner, B. (1992). Motivation. In M. Alkin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational
Research, Sixth Edition (pp. 860-865). New York: Macmillan.
Graham, S., & Weiner, B. (1993). Attributional applications in the classroom. In T.
Tomlinson (Ed.), Motivating students to learn: Overcoming barriers to high
achievement (pp. 179-196). Berkeley, Ca: McCutchen.
Graham, S., Weiner, B., Giuliano, T., & Williams, E. (1993). An attributional analysis
of reactions to Magic Johnson. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 9961010.
Juvonen, J., & Weiner, B. (1993). An attributional analysis of students' interactions:
The social consequences of perceived responsibility. Educational Psychology
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Hareli, S., & Weiner, B. (2000). Accounts for success as determinants of perceived
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Weiner, B. (2000). Intrapersonal and interpersonal theories of motivation from an
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Roesch, S. C., & Weiner, B. (200l). A meta-anlytic review of coping with illness. Do
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Weiner, B. (2001). For whom do these bells toll? Review of Berkowitz, L., Causes
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Hareli, S., & Weiner, B. (2002). Dislike and envy as antecedents of pleasure at
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Chipperfield, J. G., Perry, R. P, & Weiner, B. (2003). Discrete emotions in later life.
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Rudolph, U., Roesch, S. C., Greitemeyer, T., & Weiner, B. (2004). A meta-analytic
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Weiner, B. (2004). On responsibility inferences and the perceived moral person.
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INPM Press, Abbotsford, BC., Canada.
Takaku, S., Lee, Y-T., Weiner, B., & Ohbuci, K-I. (2005). A cross-cultural examination
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Weiner, B. (2007). Examining emotional diversity in the classroom: An attribution
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Greitemeyer, T., & Weiner, B. (2008). Asymmetrical effects of reward and punishment
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Weiner, B. (2008). Life experiences and their legacies. In Levine, R., Rodrigues, A.,
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Weiner, B. (2008). Reflections on the history of attribution theory and research:
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Perry, R. P., Stupinsky, R. H., Hall, N. C., Chipperfield, J. G., & Weiner, B. (2010).
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Weiner, B. (2013). Little-known truths, quirky anecdotes, seething scandals, and even
some science in the history of (primarily achievement) motivation. Personality
and Social Psychology Review, 17, 293-304.
Shapiro, M., Kazemi, E., & Weiner, B. (2013). Whose fault is it anyway: How do parents
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Weiner, B. (in press). Sometimes, is something of greater importance than the truth? In
Sternberg, R. J. & Fiske, S.T. (Eds.), Ethical Issues in Psychology (pp.
Cambridge University Press,
Weiner, B. (in press). The attribution approach to emotion and motivation: History,
hypotheses, home runs, and headaches/heartaches. Emotion