Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship

Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship
Publications (last 5 years):
Locke R, Maxwell M, Leatham J, Schwartz A, Leef K, Locke K. Peripartum
Depression: Efficacy of a Prenatal Prevention and Intervention Program. Pediatric
Research 1999;45(4,2 of 2):105A.
Spear ML, Hassink SG, Leef K, O’Connor D, Kirwin S, Moran M, deLancey E,
Spitzer AR, Funanage VL. Leptin Predicts Somatic Growth in the Premature
Infant. Pediatric Research 45(4): 291A, 1999.
Paul DA, Leef KH, Sciscione A, Stefano JL. Risk of Intraventricular hemorrhage
in very low birth weight infants: Vaginal vs cesarean delivery. Pediatric Research
45:218, 1999.
Attardi DM, Paul DA, Tuttle DJ, McCloskey JJ, Leef KH, JS Greenspan.
Endotracheal intubation in awake versus sedated premature infants; a
randomized double blind, placebo-controlled trial. Pediatric Research 45:183,
Guida JD, Paul DA, Leef, KH, Stefano JL. Differences in total white blood cell
counts and absolute neutrophil counts between very low birth weight African
American and Caucasian neonates. Pediatric Research 45:262, 1999.
Touch SM, Leef, KH, Pearlman SA, Stefano JL, Paul DA. Outcomes in twin
pairs: is the smaller twin at greater risk? Pediatric Research 45:257, 1999.
Paul DA, Locke R, Lankiewicz M, Stefano JL. Reduced blood donor exposure
with 42 day-old AS-3 preserved red blood cells. Pediatric Research 45:264,
Paul DA, Kepler J, Leef KH, Sciscione A, Palmer C, Stefano JL. Effect of
preeclampsia on mortality, intraventricular hemorrhage and need for mechanical
ventilation in very low birth weight infants. American Journal of Perinatology
15:381-386,1998. Also reprinted in Neonatal Intensive Care 12:25-32,1999.
Paul DA, Greenspan JS, Davis DA, Russo P, Antunes M. The role of
cardiopulmonary bypass and surfactant in pulmonary decompensation following
surgery for congenital heart disease. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery 117:1025-1026, 1999.
Paul DA, Pearlman SA, Finkelstein MS, Stefano JL. Cranial Sonography in very
low birth weight infants: do all infants need to be screened? Clinical Pediatrics
38:503-509, 1999.
Finer NN, Horbar JD, Carpenter JH (Pearlman SA, Leef KH as part of the
Vermont Oxford Network). Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the very low birth
weight infant: the Vermont oxford network experience. Pediatrics 1999;104:428434.
Paul DA, Leef KH, Sciscione A, Tuttle DJ, Stefano JL. Preeclampsia does no
increase the risk for culture proven sepsis in very low birth weight infants.
American Journal of Perinatology 16:365-372, 1999.
Dembofsky C, Gibson E, Greenspan J: Assessment of infant CPR rescue
breathing technique: Relationship of Infant and caregiver facial measurements.
Pediatrics, 103(2), pp. e17, February, 1999.
Dembofsky CA, Gibson E, Nadkarni V, Robin S, Greenspan JS: Assessment of
Infant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Rescue Breathing Technique:
Relationship of Infant and Caregiver Facial Measurements. Pediatrics 1999;
Driska SP, Laudadio RE. Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH. Isolation of elongated tracheal
smooth muscle
cells from adult and preterm sheep by digestion with papain. J Appl
Greenspan JS, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH. Liquid Ventialtion: Clinical Experiences.
Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology 1999;33:253-259. 54.
Shaffer TH, Wolfson MR, Greenspan JS. Liquid Ventilation: Current Status. Neo
Reviews. American Academy of Pediatrics, Accepted for publication, December,
Greenspan, JS, MR Wolfson, and TH Shaffer: Liquid ventilation: Clinical experiences. Biomed
Instrum Technol.33(3):253-259,1999
Heckman, JL, J Hoffman, TH Shaffer, and MR Wolfson: Software for real-time control
of a tidal liquid ventilator. Biomed Instrum Technol.33(3):268-276,1999.
Leung JC, Spear ML, Locke R, Epps S. Developmental Changes in Family
Reactions during their infant’s prolonged hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit. Pediatric Research 1999;45(4,2 of 2)207A
Major D, Cloutier R, Fournier L, Shaffer TH, Wolfson MR. Improved pulmonary function after surgical
reduction of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in lambs. J Ped Surg 34: 426-429,1999
Miller TF, B Milestone, R Stern, TH Shaffer, and MR Wolfson. Efffect of Single Vs.
Multiple Dosing on Perfluorochemical Distribution and Elimination Profile During
Partial Liquid Ventilation. Liquid ventilation. Pediatr Pulmonol 27: 410-418,1999.
Philips, CM, C Weis, WW Fox, MR Wolfson, and TH Shaffer: On-line techniques for
vapor sampling and measurement. Biomed Instrum Technol. 33(4): 348-355,1999.
Shaffer TH and Wolfson MR: Liquid Ventilation - State -of-the-Art, Part 1 An editorial.
Biomed Instrum Technol. 33(4):251-252,1999.
Wolfson, MR, TF Miller, G Peck and TH Shaffer: Multifactorial analysis of exchanger
and liquid
conservation during perfluorochemical liquid assisted ventilation. Biomed Instrum
Paul DA, Leef KH, Sciscione A, Stefano JL. Antenatal Management of Very Low Birth Weight
Infants: Inborn vs Outborn. Pediatric Research 47, 423A, 2000.
Gelman SB, Biridepalli S, Leef KH, Paul DA, Stefano JL. Growth at One Year in
Very Low Birth Weight Infants. Pediatric Research 47, 310A, 2000.
Paul DA, Leef KH, Taylor S, McKenzie S. The Role of Thrombopoietin in
Neonatal Thrombocytopenia Secondary to Preeclampsia. Pediatric Research 47,
334 A, 2000.
Paul DA, Leef KH, Taylor S, McKenzie S. Thrombopoietin Response in Infants
with Sepsis and Thrombocytopenia. Pediatric Research 47, 335 A, 2000.
Resto M, Nadkarni V, Tice L, Tuckosh J, Cox T, Mass K, Pearlman S.
Distribution and effect of central arterial versus central venous epinephirne
administration in a pocine model of neonatal cardiac arrest and mechanical CPR.
J Perinatology 20, 463, 2000.
Locke R, Leef K, McGreevey T, Stefano J. Nonthermoregulatory Effects of
Supplemental Incubator Humidity in Premature Infants. Pediatric Research
Paul DA, Leef KH, Stefano JL. Increased white blood cells in infants with
intraventricular hemorrhage. Pediatric Neurology 22:194-199, 2000.
Paul DA, Leef KH, Stefano JL, Bartoshesky L. Thyroid function in very low birth
weight infants with intraventricular hemorrhage. Clinical Pediatrics 39:651-656,
Porcelli, P, Schanler R, Greer F, Chan G, Gross S, Mehta N, Spear M, Kerner J, Euler AR.
Growth in human milk-fed very low birth weight infants receiving a new human milk
fortifier. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 44; 2 – 10, 2000.
Al-Rahmani, A, K Awaid, TF Miller, MR Wolfson, and TH Shaffer: Effects of partial liquid
ventilation with perfluorodecalin in the juvenile rabbit lung following saline injury. Crit Care Med
28(5):1459-1464, 2000
Beers MF, Hamvas A, Moxley MP, Gonzales LW, Guttentag SH, Solarin KO,
Nogee LM, Ballard PL: Pulmonary Surfactant Metabolism in Infants Lacking
Surfactant Protein B. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular
Biology. 22(3) 380-91, March 2000
Gibson E, Culhane J, Saunders T, Webb D, Greenspan J: Effect of nonviable
infants on the infant mortality rate. American Journal of Public Health 90(5), pp14, 2000
Gibson E, Dembofsky C, Greenspan JS. Infant sleep position two years into the
"Back to Sleep" campaign. Clinical Pediatrics, 39(5), 285-289, 2000.57.
Greenspan JS, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH: Liquid Ventilation. Seminars in
Perinatology, 24(6), 396-405, 2000.
Greenspan, JS, MR Wolfson, and Shaffer, TH: Liquid Ventilation. Seminars in
Perinatology 24(6):396 405, 2000
Bernstein IM, Horbar JD, Badger GJ, Ohlsson A, Golan A for the Vermont Oxford
Network Pearlman SA. Morbidity and mortality among very low birth weight
neonates with intrauterine growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol
Libros R, CM Philips, MR Wolfson, and TH Shaffer: A perfluorochemical
loss/restoration(L/R) system for tidal liquid ventilation. Biomed Instrum &
Technol. 34(5): 351-360, 2000.
Libros R, CM Philips, MR Wolfson, TH Shaffer. A perfluorochemical
loss/restoration (L/R) system for tidal liquid ventilation. Biomed Instrum Technol.
Lofland JH, Touch SM, O'Connor JP, Chatterton ML, Moxey ED, Paddock LE,
Nash DB and Desai SA: Palivizumab for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prophylaxis
in High-Risk Infants: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Clinical
Therapeutics,22(1):1357-1369, 2000.
Shaffer, TH, JS Greenspan, and MR Wolfson: Liquid Ventilation: Trials and
Tribulations. Biology of the Neonate 78(3):264-266, 2000
Weis C, WW Fox, CM Philips, MR Wolfson, and T.H. Shaffer: Liquid -Assisted
ventilation; Effect of initial dosing volume on elimination from the lungs. Pediatr.
Pulmonol. 30(4):324-329, 2000.
Wolfson, MR and TH Shaffer: Liquid Ventilation. News & Views, Life Sciences
Publishing, No. 16:67, 2000.
Hersberger ML, Peeke KL, Levett J, Spear ML. Effect of sleep position on apnea
and bradycardia in high rish infants. JPerinatol 21:85-89, 2001.
Resto M, O’Connor D, Leef K, Spear ML, Locke RL. Leptin levels in preterm
human breast milk and infant formula. Pediatrics 108:E15, 2001
Chappell SE, MR Wolfson and TH Shaffer: A comparison of surfactant delivery
with conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV) and partial liquid ventilation(PLV)
in meconium aspiration injury. Respiration Med. 95: 612-617, 2001
Chappell SE, MR Wolfson, TH Shaffer: A comparison of surfactant delivery with
conventional mechanical ventilation and partial liquid ventilation in meconium
aspiration injury. Resp Medicine 95:612-617,2001
Spear ML, Hassink SG, Leef K, O’Connor DM, Kirwin SM, Locke R, Gorman R,
Funanage VL. Immaturity or starvation? Longitudinal study of leptin levels in
premature infants. Biology of the Neonate. 80:35-40, 2001.
Pearlman SA, Leef KH (as part of the Vermont Oxford Network Study Group). Early postnatal
dexamethasone therapy for the prevention of chronic lung disease. Pediatrics. 108:741-748,
Paul DA, Leef KH, Voss B, Stefano JL, Bartoshesky L. Thyroxine and Illness
Severity in Low Birth Weight Infants. Thyroid 11:871-875, 2001.
Paul DA, Epps S, Leef KH, Stefano JL. Prenatal consultation with a
neonatologist prior to preterm delivery. Journal of Perinatology. 21:431-437,
Paul DA, Epps S, Leef KH, Stefano JL. Prenatal consultation with a
neonatologist prior to preterm delivery. Journal of Perinatology. 21:431-437,
Chen JS, Agnissey KA, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH: Experimental and numerical
studies of heat transfer in human uteri during cryoablation." Proceedings of
MECE 2002 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,
New Orleans, LA, November 17-22, 2001.
Coleman M, Spear ML, Pearlman SA, Gross GW, Finkelstein M, Leef KH, Taylor
S, McKenzie SE. Umbilical Artery Catheter Thrombosis: Detection by Ultrasound
and Association with Thrombin-Antithrombin III (TAT). Pediatric Research 49,
396A, 2001.
Coleman MM, Spear ML, Pearlman SA, Finkelstein M, Leef KH, Taylor SM,
McKenzie SE. Umbilical Artery Catheter Thrombosis: Detection by Ultrasound
and Association with TAT, F1.2 and Platelet Count. Journal of Perinatology 21,
504, 2001.
Cox CA, AB Cullen, MR Wolfson, and TH Shaffer: Intratracheal administration of
PFC-Gentamicin suspension: A comparison to IV administration in normal and
injured lungs. Pediatr Pulmonol. 32: 142-151, 2001
Cullen AB, Touch SM, Greenspan JS, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH: Thermal
Responses During Neonatal Transition with a Hybrid Warming Device. FASEB
Journal, 2001.
Foust R, C Cox, JM Davis, MR Wolfson, TF Miller, S Horowitz, TH Shaffer:
Pulmonary antioxidant enzyme (AOE) activity during early development: effect of
ventilation. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2:63-68,2001.
Foust, R, S Horowitz, JM Davis, J Tierney, C Cox, MR Wolfson, N Kechner, TF
Miller, and TH Shaffer: Pulmonary antioxidant enzyme activity during early
development: Effect of ventilation. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2(1): 63-68, 2001.
Greenspan JS, Cullen AB, Touch SM, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH: Thermal Stability
and Transition Studies with a Hybrid Warming Device for Neonates. J of
Perinatol, 21:167-173, 2001.
Jeng MJ, D Trevisanuto, C M Weis, WW Fox, AB Cullen, MR Wolfson, and TH
Shaffer: The Role of Ventilation Strategy on Perfluorochemical (PFC)
Evaporation from the Lungs. J Appl Physiol. 90(4):1365-1372, 2001.
Jeng MJ, D Trevisanuto, CM Weis, WM Fox, MR Wolfson, TH Shaffer: The role
of ventilation strategy on perfluorochemical (PFC) evaporation from the lungs. J
Appl Physiol 90(4):1365-72,2001.
Miller, TF, BN Milestone, RG Stern, TH Shaffer and MR Wolfson: Effects of
perfluorochemical distribution and elimination dynamics on cardiopulmonary function.
J Appl Physiol 90: 839-849,2001.
Naksad B, Wolfson MR, Aspelin T, Lindemann R, Shaffer TH, Fugelseth D,
Lybert T: Perfluorochemical (PFC) liquids do not simulate endohelin-1 or nitric
oxide production in human blood leukocytes. Biol Neonate 80(4): 267-272, 2001
Nakstad, B, MR Wolfson, H Kalhter , R Lindemann, TH Shaffer, D Fugelseth, and
T Lyberg: Perfluorochemical (PFC) liquids modulates cell-mediated inflammatory
responses. Crit Care Med. 29(9):1731-1737, 2001
Shaffer TH and MR Wolfson: Efficacy of specific perfluorocarbons for use in
partial liquid ventilation(To the Editor- Authors Reply). Crit Care Med. 29(4):916917, 2001
Shaffer TH, AB Cullen, and MR Wolfson: Immature airways at risk. MD Vista
Journal of Medicine, URL. March, 2001
Solarin KO, Wang W, Beers MF: Synthesis and Post-translational Processing of
Surfactant Protein-C. Journal of Pediatric Pathology and Molecular Medicine. 20:
471-500, November 2001
St Clair N, Touch SM, Greenspan JS. Supplemental oxygen delivery to the nonventilated neonate. Neonatal Network, 20: 2001.
Touch S, Kornhauser M, O'Connor J, Greenspan JS, Spitzer AR, Nash D.
Variations in the Day of the Week of Discharge: An Example of Unwarranted
Variation? Pediatrics, 107:73-77, 2001.
Touch SM, Greenspan JS, Cullen AB, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH. Temperature and
heater responses
during transition between radiant and incubator thermal environment in newborn
preterm lambs. Biol Neonate 80:286-294,2001.
Touch SM, Greenspan, JS, Cullen AB, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH: Temperature
and heater responses during transition between radiant and incubator thermal
environment in newborn preterm lambs, Biology of the Neonate, 80:286-294,
Mantell LL, Horowitz S, Foust R, Wolfson MR, Cox CA, Shaffer TH, Khullar P,
Kazzaz JA, Scott W, Davis JM: Distinct patterns of apoptosis in the lung during
liquid ventilation compared to gas ventilation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol
Physiol 283:L31-41, 2002.
Coleman M, K Solarin, C Smith: Sedation and Pain Management in Ventilated
Babies. Advances in Neonatal Care, 2:123-139 June, 2002
Chen JS, Agnissey K, Shaffer TH, Philips C, Wolfson MR: Transient Heat
Transfer in Human Endometrium during Cryoablation. Proceedings of the
Northeast Biomedical Engineering Conference, April, Philadelphia PA 2002.
Bhutani VK and Shaffer TH: Airway and airflow abnormalities with chronic lung
disease. Tufts University School of Medicine and Floating Hospital for Children
Reports on Neonatal Respiratory Diseases. Vol 12, No 4, pp 1-12, 2002.
Paul DA, Leef KH, Locke RL, Stefano JL. Transfusion volume in very low birth
weight infants: a randomized trial of 10 vs 20 cc/kg. Journal of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology. 24, 43-46, 2002.
Paul DA, Sciscione A, Leef KH, Stefano JL. Cesarean delivery and outcome in
very low birth weight infants. Australian New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology.42. 41-45, 2002 .
Feingold E, Sher-Neiss G, Melnychuck J, Bacharach S, Paul D. Eating disorder
symptomatology is not associated with pregnancy and perinatal complications in
a cohort of adolescents who were born preterm. International Journal of Eating
Disorders. 31, 202-209, 2002.
Paul DA, Leef KH, Taylor S, McKenzie S. Thrombopoietin in preterm infants:
gestational age-dependent response. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
24, 304-309, 2002.
Spear ML, Leef K, Epps S, Locke R. Family reactions during infants’
hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit. American Journal of
Perinatology. 19, 205-213, 2002.
Feingold E, Sher-Neiss G, Melnychuk J, Bacharach S, Paul D. HRQL and
severity of brain ultrasound findings in a cohort of adolescents who were born
preterm. Journal of Adolescent Health. 31,234, 2002.
Paul DA, Kantor M, Leef KH, Bartoshesky LE, Getchell J. Do Sick Term Infants
Exhibit Transient Hypothyroxinemia. Pediatric Research 51, 288A, 2002.
Parikh NA, Locke RG, Chidekel A, Leef KH, Emberger J, Paul DA, Stefano JL.
Effect of Inhaled Corticosteroids on Inflammatory on Inflammatory Cytokine in
Preterm Infants with Evolving Chronic Lung Disease. Pediatric Research 51,
356A, 2002.
Paul DA, Locke RG, Leef KH, Stefano JL. Prenatal Steroids: The Effect on
Mortality and Outcome in Surviving Preterm Infants. Pediatric Research 51,
415A, 2002.
Adeniyi-Jones S, Hsieh-Ebling H, Esangbedo I, Greenspan J: Neonatal Outcome
following administration of Infasurf and Survanta in a single level III center.
Pediatr Res, 51(4):399A, 2002
Cullen AB, Wolfson MR and Shaffer TH: The maturation of airway structure and
function. American Academy of Pediatrics, NeoReviews. 3(7): July, e125-130,
Cullen AB, Wolfson, and Shaffer TH: Impact of mechanical ventilation on the
developing airway. American Adademy of Pediatrics, NeoReviews. 3(7), July,
e137-142, 2002.
Epstein M, Gibson E: Infant home apnea monitors provide technological bridge;
Advance: Respiratory CareVol 11(1) pp10-12 January, 2002.
Feingold E, Sher-Neiss G, Melnychuck J, Bacharach S, Paul D. Eating disorder
symptomatology is not associated with pregnancy and perinatal complications in
a cohort of adolescents who were born preterm. International Journal of Eating
Disorders. 31, 202-209, 2002.
Feingold E, Sher-Neiss G, Melnychuk J, Bacharach S, Paul D. HRQL and
severity of brain ultrasound findings in a cohort of adolescents who were born
preterm. Journal of Adolescent Health. 31,234, 2002
Paul DA, Leef KH, Chidekel A, Tran K, Eppes S, Stefano JL. Home delivery of
palivizumab in Delaware: outcomes and compliance in regional preterm infants.
Delaware Medical Journal.74, 11-16, 2002.
Jeng MG, Yang SS, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH: Perfluorochemical combinations
for acute lung injury: An in vitro and in vivo study. Pediatr. Crit Care Med.
3(3)163-170, 2002
Jeng MJ, Oliver R, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH. Partial liquid ventilation: effect of
initial dose and redosing strategy in acute lung injury. Pediatr Crit Care Med 3:
Jeng MJ, Oliver R, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH. Partial liquid ventilation: effect of initial
dose and redosing strategy in acute lung injury. Pediatr Crit Care Med 3: 163170,2002.
Shaffer TH and Wolfson MR: If art imitates life, can laboratory models imitate
clinical disease processes? Crit Care Med. Vol 30, No 10: 2399-2400, 2002.
Shaffer TH, Cullen AB, Wolfson MR: Clinical Assessment of Airway Function in
Health and Disease. American Academy of Pediatrics, NeoReviews. 3(7), July,
e131-136, 2002.
Shaffer TH, O Rees, MR Wolfson, JS Greenspan: Liquid Ventilation. In:
Neonatology. Eds. A.R Spitzer. McGraw Hill, NY , 2002.
Shaffer TH, Wolfson MR: Liquid Ventilation. In: Neonatal Respiratory Disorders, 2 nd Edition. Eds. A.
Greenough and A. Milner. Arnold, London, 2002.
Shashikant MP, Badellino MM, Cooper B, Shaffer TH, Myers SI, Wolfson MR:
Physiochemical properties of perfluorochemical liquids influence ventilatory
requirements, pulmonary mechanics, and microvascular permeability during
partial liquid ventilation following ischemia/reperfusion injury. Soc. Crit Care
Med. 30(10):2300-2305, 2002.
Spinner S, Epstein M, Gibson E: Apnea of Prematurity: Physiology, Theory, and
Home Management. Neonatal Network. Vol 20(13) 2002.
Spitzer AR, Greenspan JS, Fox WW and Shaffer TH: Special Ventilatory
Techniques. In: Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate (4th Edition). Eds. J.
Goldsmith and E Karotkin, WS Saunders, Philadelphia, 2002.
Touch SM, Epstein ML, Pohl CA, Greenspan JS. The impact of cobedding on
sleep patterns in preterm twins. Clin Pediatr 41:425-431, 2002.
Touch SM, Shaffer TH and JS Greenspan. "Managing Our First Breaths: A Reflection on the Past
Several Decades of Neonatal Pulmonary Therapy." The Neonatal Network. 21(5):1320, 2002.
Paul DA, Coleman MM, Leef KH, D Tuttle, Stefano JL. Maternal antibiotics and
decreased periventricular leukomalacia in very low birth weight infants. Archives
of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 157, 145-149, 2003.
Guida J, Leef KH, Kunig A, McKenzie S, Paul DA. Platelet count and sepsis in
very low birthweight neonates: is there an organism-specific response?
Pediatrics. 111, 1411-1415, 2003.
Cox C, R L Stavis, Wolfson MR, . Shaffer T H .Long-Term Tidal Liquid Ventilation in
Premature Lambs: Physiologic,Biochemical and Histological Correlates. Biol
Neonate. 84(3):232-42,2003.
Kantor Herring MJ, Leef KH, Locke RG, Stefano JL, Bartoshesky L, Paul DA. Are
perinatal risk factors helpful in predicting and optimizing treatment strategies for
transient hypothyroxinemia in very low birthweight infants? American Journal of
Perinatology 20, 333-339,2003.
Kantor Herring MJ, Leef KH, Bartoshesky L, Getchell J, Paul DA. Admission
thyroid evaluation in very low birth weight infants: association with death and
severe intraventricular hemorrhage. Thyroid. 13, 965-969, 2003.
Padula MA, Leef KH, Paul DA. Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Preterm Infants
with Antenatal versus Postnatal Periventricular Leukomalacia. Pediatric
Research 53, 499A, 2003.
Paul DA, Leef KH, Locke RG, Stefano JL. The Effect of Multiple Gestation Births
on a Large Cohort of Very Low Birth Weight Infants. Pediatric Research 53,
500A, 2003.
Goodman M, Greene C, Hsieh-Ebling H, Desai S, Adeniyi-Jones S, Greenspan
J. A retrospective study comparing standard versus High serum phenobarbital in
the treatment of neonatal seizures. Pediatr Res, 53(4):550A, 2003.
Hirschl RB, Fox WW, Glick PL, Greenspan JS, Smith K, Thompson A: A
prospective, randomized pilot trial of perfluorocarbon-induced lung growth in
newborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Pediatr Surg 38:283-289,2003.
Jeng , MJ, Yang SS, Wolfson MR, Shaffer, TH. Perfluorochemical (PFC)
Combinations for Acute Lung Injury: An in Vitro and in Vivo Study. Pediatr Res
53: 81-88,2003.
Naglapura S, Chen JSJ, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH: Convective heat transfer
during endometrial cryoablation using PFC fluid. BMSE, Boston, 2003.
Oliver R, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH: Partial liquid ventilation: Effect of initial dose
and redosing strategy in acute lung injury. Pediatr Crit. Care Med. 3(2):163-170,
Padula MA, Leef KH, Paul DA. Neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm infants
with antenatal versus postnatal periventricular leukomalacia. Journal of
Investigative Medicine 51, s430, 2003.
Padula MA, Leef KH, Paul DA. Neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm infants
with antenatal versus postnatal periventricular leukomalacia. Pediatric Research
53, 499A, 2003.
Sherman TI, Blackson T, Touch SM, Greenspan JS, Shaffer TH: Physiologic
Effects of CPAP: Application and Monitoring. The Neonatal Network. Nov-Dec;
22(6): 7-16, 2003.
Touch SM, Greenspan JS. High Frequency Ventilation. Spitzer AR, Greenspan
JS, Fox WW, Shaffer TH. Special ventilatory techniques and modalities II: Lung
protective strategies and liquid ventilation. In:Goldsmith J and Karotkin E, eds
Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co. 219234, 2003.
Trevisanuto D, MJ Jeng MJ, WW Fox, MR Wolfson, and TH Shaffer: Positive end
expiratory pressure (PEEP) modulates perfluorochemical (PFC) evaporation from the
Lungs. Biol. of Neonate.
84(1):53-58, 2003.
Wolfson, MR and TH Shaffer: Liquid Ventilation In: Rudolf's Pediatrics, 21 st
Edition Eds. A.M. Rudolf, C.D. Rudolf, N.J. Siegel, G. Lister, and M. Hostetter.
Mc Graw-Hill, NY, 2003.
Coleman MM, Spear ML, Finkelstein M, Leef KH, Pearlman SA, Chien C, Taylor
SM, McKenzie SE. Short-term use of umbilical artery catheters may not be
associated with increased risk for thrombosis. Pediatrics.113, 770-774, 2004.
Paul DA, Leef KH, Stefano JL, Bartoshesky L. Factors influencing levels of 17hydroxyprogesterone in very low birth weight infants and the relationship to death
and IVH. Journal of Perinatology.24, 252-256, 2004.
Parikh N, Locke R, Chidikel A, Leef KH, Emberberger J, Paul DA, Stefano JL.
The effect of inhaled corticosteroids on markers of pulmonary inflammation and
lung maturation in preterm infants with evolving chronic lung disease. Journal
American Osteopathic Association. 104. 114-120, 2004.
DiPentima M C, Doyle R, Locke R, Tuttle D. Late-onset Mycobacterium
Abscessus Sepsis in a Very Low Birth Weight Premature Infant: Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Challenges. Am J Perinatology 21. 365-368, 2004.
Pearlman SA, Leef KH, Sciscione AC. Factors that affect neonatal-perinatal
fellowship training. Am J Perinatology 21. 371-375, 2004.
Paul DA, Locke R, Walrath J, Esterly K, Stefano JL. Is Infant mortality in
delaware truly increasing? evidence for increasing illness severity and shift to
fetal deaths and previable births. Delaware Medical Journal. 76.399-404, 2004.
Unger S, Paul DA, Nino M, McKay C, Miller S, Sochett E, Braverman N, Clarke
JTR, Cole DE, Superti-Furga A. Mucolipidosis II presenting as severe neonatal
hyperparathyroidism. European Journal of Pediatrics. 164, 236-243, 2004.
Tuttle DJ ( as part of The Near-Term Respiratory Failure Research Group). The
epidemiology of respiratory failure in neonates born at an estimated gestational
age of 34 weeks or more. Journal of Perinatology. 25, 251-257, 2004.
Locke R, Paul D, Ratledge E. Breast Feeding Income and Race. Pediatric
Research 55, 174A, 2004.
Kline TA, Mackely A, Paul DA. Hematologic Characteristics of Infants with
Trisomy 21: a Case for Platelet Underproduction. Pediatric Research 55, 546A,
Paul DA, Mackly A, Locke R, Stefano JL. Peak Serum Bilirubin and Illness
Severity Are Inversely Correlated in Very Low Birth Weight Infants. Pediatric
Research 55, 552A, 2004.
Tuttle DJ, Leef KH, Stefano JL (as part of Neopain trial investigators group).
Effects of morphine analgesia in ventilated preterm neonates: primary outcomes
from the NEOPAIN randomized trial. Lancet. 363, 1673-1682, 2004.
Adeniyi-Jones S, Hsieh-Ebling H, Desai S, Greenspan J: Neonatal Morbidity in
Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) Infants: Impact of Initial Stabilization on
Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (NCPAP). Pediatr Res, 55(4):505A,
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