ANNUAL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT REPORT 2014-15 POST-ROTATION TAUGHT TRACKING (ELECTIVES) BVetMed For the BVetMed programme, during the Autumn term the draft AQI Report relating to the preceding academic years PRTT reviews must be submitted to the BVetMed Course Management Committee (CMC) for approval (via the Academic Development Administrator). A member(s) of a Teaching Quality Committee sub-group (TQCsg) will attend the CMC to note consideration of the AQI Report and ensure the CMC fully scrutinises the report to assure itself that its programme(s) of study are running successfully. The notes taken by the TQCsg member will be submitted to the Academic Quality Manager so that they may write a summary report of all Undergraduate AQI Reports. The summary report will be considered by the Teaching Quality Committee in the Spring term, with a view to: i. drawing any relevant comparisons; ii. identifying any College-wide issues arising from the reports; iii. alerting the College as a whole to any obstacles which are preventing a programme of study from achieving its objectives; iv. assuring itself that the Course Management Committee has given the report appropriate scrutiny. Where the Teaching Quality Committee identifies issues in the summary report which give rise to concern, actions are referred back to the relevant CMC and/or individuals for resolution. The Action Plans from the Undergraduate Annual Quality Improvement reports are submitted to Spring meeting of the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee for approval. PRTT (Elective) Titles Birds Equine Anaesthesia Feline Medicine Neurology Poultry Practice – From Clinical to Commercial Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Clinical Nutrition Large Animal Therapeutics Pig Farming Systems Reptiles and Others Small Animal Internal Medicine Small Animal Oncology Animal Welfare and Ethics Equine Medicine Global Veterinary Practice Small Animal Cardiology Small Animal Therapeutics Principles of Science Dermatology Equine Diagnostic Imaging PRTT (Elective) Leaders Michael Waters Oliver Garden Patrick Kenny Martin Smith Dan Chan Andrew Rycroft Dan Chan Ludovic Pelligand Mandy Nevel Michael Waters Stijn Niessen Chiara Leo Troy Gibson Josh Slater Michael Waters Virginia Luis-Fuentes Ludovic Pelligand Brian Catchpole Annette Loeffler Renate Weller 1 Equine Stud Medicine Farm Animal 2 (beef cattle and sheep) Livestock and Farm Reproduction Small Animal Anaesthesia Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging Nervous System and Special Senses Small Mammals Zoological Medicine Professional Skills and Communication Locomotor Lymphoreticular and Haemopoeitic Mandi de Metre and Imogen Johns Neil Paton Mandy Nevel Livia Benigni Michael Waters Michael Waters Liz Chan Sarah Channon Balazs Szladovits 1. PROGRESS ON ACTION PLAN FOR 2014-15 List all actions identified for 2014-15 and indicate whether they have been completed or the extent to which progress has been made towards their completion. Action Rationale for action 1.1 Learning objectives and content 1.2 Teaching methods 1.3 Assessment 1.4 Formative Feedback 1.5 Staffing 1.6 Other resources 2 Actual/ expected date of completion If action is incomplete, describe progress made to date 1.7 Other 2. COURSE REVIEW 2014-15 When completing review, all evidence should be considered including: Elective Reviews Student Elective survey results If you cannot locate any items please contact the Academic Development Administrator (Sandra Ward, 2.1 Content (in particular, identify omissions/duplication, areas of content requiring more/less coverage or a change in emphasis) 2.2 Teaching methods (in particular, identify effectiveness of different methods, forms of teaching which might require more/less emphasis) 2.3 Assessment (in particular, evaluate the effectiveness of the methods of formative assessment used) 2.4 Formative Feedback (in particular, evaluate the effectiveness of the methods of formative feedback used) 2.5 Staffing and other resources (summarise changes during the year in question and changes currently proposed to staffing, classrooms, laboratories, libraries, computing and any other relevant resource areas) 2.6 Reflective statement (things that worked well and examples of good practice) 2.7 Any other issues (comment on any other issues which lead to proposals for changes which will affect the quality of the course and any actions already taken) 3 3. ACTION PLAN FOR 2015-16 During Autumn, this action plan must be discussed and approved by the BVetMed Course Management Committee. It will subsequently be considered by the Teaching Quality Committee sub-group and approved by the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee. Action Rationale for action 3.1 Learning objectives and content 3.2 Teaching methods 3.3 Assessment 3.4 Formative Feedback 3.5 Staffing 3.6 Other resources 3.7 Other 4 Actual/ expected date of completion REPORT SUBMISSION Elective Directors name Signature Required submission date September 15th 2015 5