I. Executive summary

Annual Narrative Report 2014
Programme/ Project Title:
Contract number (for EU)
Project ID:
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System
of RM
00057446 / 00047658
Programme Duration:
National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Regional development
and constructions, Ministry of Economy, other data producers and
August 2007-December 2014
Programme Budget:
$1,154,028 (total award, UNDP managed funds 2007-2014)
Project ID (Atlas Award ID)
Outputs (Atlas Project ID
and Description)
Strategic Plan and/or CPD
Atlas Output: The National Statistical System strengthened to
improve data collection, dissemination and utilization of statistical
information (emphasis on geographic, age, and gender
disaggregation) with particular attention to national needs and
overall conformity of official statistics with international standards
Country Programme / UNDAF Outcome # 1.1: Increased
transparency, accountability and efficiency of central and local public
$221,137 (UNDP managed funds)
Implementing Partner:
2014 Annual Work Plan
Revenue received
Participating Agencies:
o Donor
o Trust Fund Cost Sharing
 Total
Project Manager: Aurelia Spataru
UNDP Portfolio Manager: Alexandru Oprunenco
Table of Content
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 2
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................ 3
PROGRESS REVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 3
PROJECT RISKS AND ISSUES ................................................................................................. 10
UPDATED PROJECT RISKS AND ACTIONS .................................................................................................... 10
UPDATED PROJECT ISSUES AND ACTIONS .................................................................................................. 10
LESSONS LEARNED .................................................................................................................. 11
CONCLUSIONS AND WAY FORWARD .................................................................................... 11
FINANCIAL STATUS ............................................................................................................... 13
ANNEX .................................................................................................................................. 13
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
I. Executive summary
This report reflects the interventions undertaken within the Joint UN Project during 2014 by the main implementing partner,
National Bureau of Statistics, and its counterparts – concerned line-ministries, in particular Ministry of Regional
Development and Constructions, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, as well as UN
partner agencies and National Statistical Institute of Romania.
Building on strong and productive relationships established with the National Bureau of Statistics and mentioned
institutions, work has been undertaken smoothly and concrete results were achieved, the major part of the annual targets
being accomplished:
3 sources of administrative data (Land Relations Agency and Cadastre, Social Insurance House, Agricultural
Information Center) assessed towards the official statistics’ quality requirements; NUTS regulation applied to draft
options for Moldova’s statistical regional distribution;
4 statistical methodologies (ANNUAL STRUCTURAL SURVEY ON ENTERPRISES, discharge of POLLUTANTS INTO
SANITATION) and stat.3 toolkits developed or revised to ensure territorial perspective and comply with
EU/international standards and responding to internal data users' needs;
Post-Enumeration Survey carried out and implementation of Population and Housing Census supported;
3 software produced, tested and put in practice for statistical data inputting and processing (TURNOVER INDEX IN
territorial perspective;
TRAINING for the personnel of Territorial Statistical Offices on methodological and data collection aspects in the
regions within the WAGE STATISTICS SURVEYS (7 surveys that produce data at the level of rayon and/or region);
Statisticians offered opportunities of PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT on new data production (on WAGES AND
EU/international standards, Romanian best practices and exchange initiatives;
results of GENDER-sensitive and TERRITORIALLY representative, child-focused statistical SURVEYS disseminated
in line with the minimum set of gender indicators recommended by the UNSC, regional statistics of EU and
responding to data users’ needs;
3 analytical / informative notes based on the territorial statistical data, produced to facilitate users’ understanding
and usage of the data;
KNOWLEDGE and ABILITIES of 50 data users (staff of Regional Development Agencies) strengthened within 2
tailored trainings on USE of REGIONAL STATISTICS for evidence-based policy-making;
Small Areas Deprivation Index was methodologically revised and indicators updated in line with the objectives set in
the national, sector, and regional strategic framework;
Recommendations on improvement of Government M&E activity developed to tackle territorial disparities (Small
Area Deprivation Index, NUTS) developed.
Activities were implemented both, in time and with certain delay due to specific (periodically reported) circumstances.
Partner institutions and donors were informed on the progress on regular basis and involved in the undertaking of planned
activities. The Project Management Module in Atlas System has been updated with notes on issues, risks, achievements, and
other relevant information.
Total funds spent:
UNDP managed: $221,137.00, including Romanian Government=$144,563 (100% delivery), UN Women=$61,311 (35%
delivery), UNFPA=$15,097 (100% delivery)
Parallel funding: UNFPA=$991,576 (incl.Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Romanian Government) ,
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
II. Background
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System joins the efforts of UNDP (as managing agency), UN
Women, UNIFPA, UNICEF and ILO who provide support in the field of statistics since 2007.
Project aims at strengthening the national statistical system through improving data production, dissemination and use of
statistical information with particular attention to national needs and overall conformity of official statistics with
international standards.
In 2013 the Project was complemented with a new component on Improvement of availability and reliability of regional
statistics for Moldova’s decision-makers, representing developmental assistance from the Government of Romania in
partnership, besides NBS, with the Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions and Ministry of Economy. The
Component had to respond to the Government of Moldova needs to improve the availability and the quality of the territorial
statistics with the purpose of improving the evidence based planning, programming, monitoring and evaluation of regional
development and diminishing the discrepancies among the development regions. To increase the comparability of Moldova
regional development data with the data of other EU countries, it was important to assess the possibilities of aligning
Moldova regional development zones to the EU statistical requirements regarding the territorial classification – the
Nomenclature of Territorial Unit of Statistics (NUTS). The need for the Project Component was defined also by the limited
availability of statistical data at the local level. For example, Small Area Deprivation Index, calculated on the basis of
administrative data produced by a variety of institutions (central and local public authorities) that have limited capacities
regarding the data collection, data quality control and data processing and, therefore, the quality of this index was a subject
for discussions.
The successful accomplishment of the Regional statistics Project Component’s targets have led to the improvement of: 2)
the information flows, leading to the enhanced usage of administrative and statistical sources of information for production
of reliable and disaggregated statistical data needed for the operation of LPAs and RDAs.
Project’s interventions have helped to:
 improve the system of socio-economic statistical indicators at regional/territorial levels (including data collection)
and calculation methodologies on topics insufficiently disaggregated or unavailable before;
 contribute to implementation of Government priority of European integration, in particular alignment of the national
regional statistics to EU standards and acquis communautaire1;
 support the Government in the implementation, monitoring & evaluation of the national and sectorial strategies and
reforms, international partnership agreements, conventions and fulfilment of international commitments by Moldova
(e.g. national reporting on Beijing Platform for Action +20).
Thus, in 2014, the UN, engaging in joint programmatic actions, continued to play an important role in enabling
disaggregation of national data by territorial units, sex, and other categories, improving users’ statistical literacy and
ensuring that data are widely available to feed into policies and programs for better outcomes at sector or national levels, as
well as to enhance addressing of development issues by media and CSOs making use of the increased range of available
statistical data.
III. Progress Review
In the reported year the following progress has been achieved on Project output level versus annual targets set:
OUTPUT 1: Quality and reliability of multi-dimensional disaggregated data (including regional statistics) improved in
conformity with international and EU standards
EU-Republic of Moldova Association Agreement under Title 4: chapter 6 on Statistics)
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
Target 1. Three EU regulations are used to produce national statistics [status: fully achieved]
Result: NBS was supported to implement CAEM Rev.2 Classifier (equivalent to EU nomenclature NACE rev.2) and
Nomenclature of Products PRODMOLD 2013 (adjusted to EU Classifier of goods PRODCOM 2010) in the field of industry
statistics. EC Regulation concerning short-term statistics (No 1165/1998 and No 1158/2005) were used to calculate
Turnover Index in Industry at regional level.
Impact: This aimed to improve the quality of statistics on industry, adjusted to current national needs and in line with
European requirements, and making them available to decision makers for planning and monitoring the state programs
and policies.
Evidence: Starting with March 2014 data regarding industry activity in the Republic of Moldova, compliant with the new
Classifiers, are made available for public on NBS website http://www.statistica.md/newsview.php?l=ro&idc=168&id=4375.
Furthermore, starting with March 2014, the database on industry statistics is updated in line with the new classifiers
CAEM, rev.2 and PRODMOLD-2013, http://statbank.statistica.md/pxweb/Database/RO/14%20IND/IND01/serii%20lunare/serii%20lunare.asp.
Indicators: 3 EU regulations used to update national classifiers and industry data series
Target 2. At least 5 statistical methodologies and 2 toolkits revised to comply with international standards and respond to
internal data users' needs. [fully achieved]
Result: 5 statistical methodologies (ANNUAL STRUCTURAL SURVEY ON ENTERPRISES, discharge of POLLUTANTS
SANITATION, monthly estimation of number of EMPLOYEES) and 3 statistical toolkits (SWERAGE, WATER SUPPLY
AND SANITATION) were developed or revised to ensure territorial perspective and comply with EU/international
standards and responding to internal data users' needs.
 The quality of data (meaning their territorial representativeness) on enterprises’ activity has improved. The use of
recalculated data on enterprises’ activity at sub-national/local level would increase the role and abilities of the LPAs
in developing feasible policies/programs for local development better targeting entrepreneurship.
 The use of Turnover Index in Industry is important in the short term analysis of economic situation, thus being a
reliable evidence to assess the current sales trends, and therefore, referral to market fluctuations.
 Methodology and experimental calculations for estimating the pollutants emissions from households per different
categories of pollutants (to be further implemented by NBS) would improve the environment statistics of NBS.
 New tools for collection of more reliable data on water supply, sewerage and sanitation will help national partners
to produce the basic statistical indicators needed for achieving the Government objectives and monitoring the
regional development and environmental reforms, as well as for the implementation of policies to ensure the
population access to public utilities.
Evidence: All mentioned methodologies were approved by NBS Council and are published on website
http://www.statistica.md/pageview.php?l=ro&idc=441&. Starting with January 2015 data on Turnover Index in Industry by regions
will be included (first ever) in all thematic communications/publications developed by the NBS.
Performance indicators: 3 expert reports, 5 methodologies approved, 3 toolkits developed, 2 series of consultations with
national counterparts carried out with 29 participants from state agencies/ministries
Resources: 2 national consultants (on Annual Structural Survey, on sewerage& water) 1 expert from National
Environmental Protection Agency of Romania
Target 3. Population and Housing Census 2014 (PHC) conducted and Post-Enumeration Survey (PES) carried out to measure
the quality of Census. [fully achieved]
1. International expertise for the organization and general management of the PHC
2. The content of the questionnaire and methodology for the PES developed
3. NBS increased the capacity for the overall management and oversight of the preparation for the PHC through the
regular assistance provided by the International Technical Advisory Board (ITAB) in order to meet the international
standards of 2010 Census Round
4. 14,000 census and PES staff from whole country on the enumeration exercise were trained
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
Technical equipment for data matching (5 computers) procured
International expertise provided for the census methodology, coding, editing and matching, Post-Enumeration
Survey, cartography, overall management of the post-enumeration exercise and data dissemination.
NBS supported on data dissemination of the census results
NBS staff trained on using CS Pro software.
Impact: NBS improved national capacity to generate reliable and comparable demographic, social and economic
numeric profile of Moldova according to International Standards for Census Activities and that could be used as a basis
for socio-economic assessments and decision-making.
Evidence: 13 press-releases on NBS website, including 3 communication materials on the status of PES
Performance indicators: 3 phases of trainings for Census staff, 14264 people trained, 1 Training Coordinator, 100 people
trained for PES; 1 communication campaign “from people to people” in 16 rayons with the participation of over 300
representatives of LPA, NGOs from the regions, 300 young people from all regions of the country, 20 volunteers for each
district were involved, 5 press conferences; 2 ITAB meetings, 1 meeting of the National Census Commission and 1
meeting with Vice-Prime-Minister; 1 259 207 houses, 1 062 615 households and 2 913 281 people covered by the PHC.
Resources: 3 individual expertises during 7 missions to Chisinau, 2 missions of ITAB members.
Target 4. At least 3 software produced, tested and put in practice for statistical data inputting and processing in territorial
perspective [fully achieved]
 One new software application has been designed on the basis of new methodology, to enable inputting and
processing data to calculate TURNOVER INDEX IN INDUSTRY at the regions’ level (never available before), and as a
quality assurance measure the soft was validated by the NIS-Romania specialist.
 The second application, aimed to process data from statistical report 1-air „ATMOSPHERIC AIR PROTECTION”, was
developed to replace an old one, thus facilitating the entry of primary data, the performance of the logical and
arithmetical controls, generate cross-tabulations in territorial profile and offers possibility to add/erase variables.
 The third application has been updated through changes of output tables taking into account the amendments to
the questionnaires of ANNUAL SURVEY ON WAGES and LABOR COST and the transition to the new version of
 Forth application was developed and used to support the transition of industry statistics to CAEM Rev.2 Classifier
(see target 1 above).
Impact: Use of designed IT applications help to fill the gaps in the short-term statistics, and thus to enable the alignment
of national statistics with EU standards; as well as to increase the availability of regional indicators.
Evidence: Data on wages http://statbank.statistica.md/pxweb/Database/RO/03%20SAL/SAL01/serii%20anuale/serii%20anuale.asp, air
pollution http://statbank.statistica.md/pxweb/database/RO/TER/01%20GEO/01%20GEO.asp by raions and/or regions.
Performance indicators: 4 software applications designed, 4 expert reports including documentation on produced softs
Resources: 4 local consultants, IT experts
Target 5. Capacities of statisticians to produce new data in at least 3 statistical fields built are strengthened/improved. [fully
Result: Personnel of Statistical Department of Chisinau Municipality and of raions’ Territorial Statistical Offices was
trained on methodological (changes in questionnaires) and data collection aspects (gaps in reporting, confidentiality,
validation) in the regions within the WAGES-related statistical Surveys (7 surveys that produce data at the level of rayon
and/or region).
Impact: Capacity of TSOs’ staff strengthened in the field of the data validation that should ensure a better quality of the
territorial statistical information collected by the TSOs.
Performance indicators: 52 TSO personnel and 5 specialists from the central office of the NBS trained.
Resources: catering and transport
Target 6. Statisticians offered opportunities of PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (at least 3 missions) learning from EU/int.
standards and exchange initiatives. [fully achieved]
Result: Specialists of NBS got familiar with the experience of Romania and EU requirements in certain fields (unexplored
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
before - Turnover Index in Industry, Construction Cost Indexes, discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere by
households) that enabled them to pilot new statistical methodologies, test and do experimental estimates and validate
them through on-the-job technical assistance on behalf of Romanian NIS, territorial dimension being given a special
Impact: A roadmap of next steps to be followed by NBS has been defined regarding the future calculation of
Construction Cost Indexes, including first of all the development, via a pilot survey, of classifiers of construction
materials, construction facilities, transportation means used in constructions. Experimental tools and estimates on
emissions from households if put in practice by NBS will improve the environment statistics.
Evidence: 4 mission reports
Performance indicators: 1 mission of 2 NBS staff benefiting of advice of 3 Romanian NIS, 1 mission of NIS-Romania
specialist and 1 mission of expert from National Environmental Protection Agency of Romania sharing experience with 5
NBS statisticians.
Resources: travel costs and DSAs.
OUTPUT 2: Data dissemination improved and policy-makers’ capacities enhanced to undertake evidence-based policymaking (of regional development and other)
Target 7. RESULTS of gender-sensitive and territorially representative statistical surveys disseminated in at least 3 userfriendly outputs, responding to data users’ needs. [fully achieved]
 Government’s DATABANK of statistical data has been added a new compartment on TERRITORIAL STATISTICS
containing over 100 hundred indicators at territorial level and disaggregated by other dimensions and made
available for the public.
 3 ANALYTICAL NOTES based on the territorial statistical data, produced to facilitate users’ understanding and
usage of the data (topics addressed: business activity, roads, water supply).
 NATIONAL SET of (42) GENDER INDICATORS compliant with the sets recommended by UNStatCom made
available for the public use through dissemination via NBS databank, in the chapter „Gender statistics”. Innovative:
Indicators grouped not by statistical sectors, but by issues of gender equality concern at the national level:
education and life-long learning of women (13), economic empowerment of women (11), women’s participation in
decision-making (4), health status (14). Most of indicators calculated for the first time ever.
 Results of gender-sensitive statistical survey on TIME USE were disseminated as a set of ANALYTICAL BRIEFS
through which policy-makers and civil society were exemplified how to use statistical data to understand the
phenomena in the society. Innovative: Focus put on specific/narrow topics described in a brief manner instead of
comprehensive analytical reports overcrowded of data. Survey results were communicated differently as
combinations of brief analytical text, info-graphs, tweets in social media and NBS/UN/DP webs.
 Development and printing of information booklets regarding the purpose, content, and results of HBS and LFS to
be distributed to the households participating in the survey over 2015, was supported, as well as the multiplication
of the revised version of the Classifier of Economic Activities of RM.
 Country Analytical Report on the functioning of the alternative care system for children in Moldova, on the basis of
the latest available disaggregated data, drafted and made available at national and CEE/CIS level to ensure
systematization of child-related data and comparability between CEE/CIS countries [under UNICEF CEE/CIS project
Transformative Monitoring for Enhanced Equity (TransMonEE)].
Impact & sustainability: Strengthening the counterpart-managed knowledge platforms like NBS’ databank, implies the
institutionally embedding of territorial and gender statistics into the national statistical system, thus, guaranteeing its
further production regardless of outside support. Once the full ownership of these products taken by NBS, the creation of
time series within the Gender or Territorial statistics chapters will facilitate the continuous/regular dissemination of sexand territorially-disaggregated data, as well as their accessibility by data users. As a concrete example in this regard is the
dissemination of the second edition of “Territorial statistics” publication by NBS in December 2014, at their expense
Listed results are to support the evidence-based policy making in the country, improve the access and understanding of
data by users because they contains also the graphical representation of statistics via maps (innovative for NBS), graphs
and analytical interpretation of data. Also, these will represent a solid basis for national reporting on international
conventions (such as Beijing Platform for Action +20).
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
Evidence: Information note of NBS as of 30.06.2014 on Territorial statistics chapter of Databank
http://www.statistica.md/newsview.php?l=ro&id=4447&idc=30 and as of 18.12.14 on Gender statistics
http://www.statistica.md/newsview.php?l=ro&idc=30&id=4587; Time Use briefs on
http://www.statistica.md/newsview.php?l=en&id=4444&idc=30 or/and Info-graphs http://www.statistica.md/pageview.php?l=ro&id=4448&idc=350
Performance indicators: Gender – 25 tables by 4 priorities of National Gender Equality Action Plan, including 42 gender
indicators, Territorial statistics - about 160 indicators for 20 statistical fields, 1 active option on data representation in the
form of a map for tables containing the territorial variable; Time – 10 briefs and 10 info-graphs, 1 launching event; 3 pressreleases, 9000 copies of HBS booklet, 9600 copies of LFS booklet, 100 copies in Romanian and 50 copies in Russian of the
new version of CAEM published.
Resources: Direct Cash Transfer to NBS on compilation of required tabulations, institutional contract on Time Use,
design and printing costs.
Target 8. KNOWLEDGE and ABILITIES of at least 50 data users, strengthened within at least 2 tailored trainings on
evidence-based and justification of new policies/strategies, etc. [fully achieved]
Result: Staff of MRDC and RDAs has been transferred knowledge on international standards in official statistics,
functioning of a national statistical system, production and dissemination of regional statistics, and practical skills have
been developed on relevant use of regional statistics in developing evidence-based policies and their M&E, on performing
integrated analysis of the economic and social development of a region using available data
Government-offered civil service training periodically includes the topic.
Impact: Training participants obtained a complex set of practical tools to apply in their daily work, including
presentations of the trainers, publication with regional statistics, database with about 160 territorial indicators, electronic
maps with territorial indicators, user guidelines for socio-economic analysis (all designed / developed within the Project).
Usefulness of trainings was estimated by participants at 4.5 points out of 5 points maximum possible. And trainees have
self-assessed their knowledge after the training (= 3.8 points) as a growth by 1.5 points than knowledge before the
training (rated at 2.3 points).
Evidence: http://mdrc.gov.md/libview.php?l=ro&idc=27&id=2826&t=/Serviciul-de-presa/Noutati/Specialisti-din-cadrul-Ministerului-DezvoltariiRegionale-si-Constructiilor-si-Agentiilor-de-Dezvoltare-Regionala-participa-in-perioada-29-30-mai-la-seminarul-Utilizarea-statisticilor-teritoriale-inanaliza-regiunilor/
Performance indicators: 53 specialists from MRDC and RDAs trained during 2 trainings, 2 trainers from NIS-Romania, 2
trainers from NBS, 1 trainer from RDA North-East Romania involved, 1 article in UN magazine
Resources: travel costs and DSAs, training facilities, communication costs.
OUTPUT 3. Recommendations on improvement of Government M&E activity based on evidence to review the
territorial disparities developed for the Government, in order to improve the use of these statistics.
Target 9. Feasibility of Moldova’s alignment with EU NUTS statistical territorial Classification is assessed. [fully achieved]
Result: A study for reasoning the need and the feasibility of aligning RM to the NUTS Regulation has been developed. It
includes suggestions and recommendations regarding the possible options for the most adequate organization of the
country for statistical purposes, according to the requirements of the Council of Europe, but also taking into account the
economic, social, political factors and the peculiarities of the country. The feasibility report also contains a road map,
with the main actions for short-, mid-, and long-term to be undertaken by the Government, from the political/strategic
perspective and in the context of the statistical area.
The results of the study were validated with the EUROSTAT specialists and NIS-Romania expert, and the next steps,
lessons learned and stages to be followed by RM and NBS were identified so as to implement de facto the classification
of the statistical units in the RM, which would comply with the EU requirements set in the NUTS Regulation.
Impact & sustainability: The sustainability of undertaken effort depends on MRDC, State Chancellery and NBS’ further
commitment to implement a step-by-step action plan on revision (using the feasibility study) of the developed NUTS
options depending on latest Census results and foreseen territorial-administrative reform (in which NBS should play an
active role), keeping the population threshold as the core criteria of division, thus facilitating the future negotiations with
Eurostat and EC, promoting the NUTS options and advocating for them in the Government, continue gradual
harmonization of the regional statistics in line with the EU requirements and start gradual integration of the Transnistrian
statistics in the national statistics of RM.
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
Evidence: 1 feasibility report, 3 activity reports, 1mission reports, 2 expertises, 2 articles in press,
Performance indicators: 1 international and 2 national consultants, 3 missions of intern.consultant to Chisinau, 1 mission
of 3 participants from Moldova to consult 3 experts of Eurostat, 1 large consultation process with representatives from 8
types of institutions, launching event with 32 participants, 1 feasibility report developed, 1 interview issued in 2 media
Resources: expert fees and travel, mission costs, room facilities and coffee-breaks for launching event, communication
Target 10. Qualitative and methodological review of Small Areas Deprivation Index (SADI) is undertaken to better observe
disparities at the level of rural communities. [fully achieved]
 As a result of evaluation of SADI’s relevance towards the current policy framework and the development context of
the Republic of Moldova a NEW SET OF INDICATORS (64 indicators selected and grouped into 13 areas and subareas, out of the total 500 assessed indicators) was identified to comply with data users needs;
 3 SOURCES OF ADMINISTRATIVE DATA (Land Relations Agency and Cadastre /7 indicators, Social Insurance
House/ 25 indicators and local public administration - primarias), previously used for calculation of the Small Area
Deprivation Index, have been assessed towards the official statistics’ quality requirements (6 quality criteria of
 10 centralized data sources (ATOFM, MF, MMPSF, Moldtelecom, ANRCTI, ARFC, BNS, CNAS, FISC, CIA), which have
data at primaria or village level, were identified and tested in the framework of new methodology;
 New SADI methodology includes a list of 86 absolute indicators, used to calculate 50 relative indicators which are
grouped into 8 domains with 8 sub-domains that describe the deprivation in the country in line with the objectives
set in the national, sector, and regional strategic framework. Out of 86 indicators 35 will be collected at primaria
level and 24 at village level, both by primaria, and the rest being collected from 10 centralised data sources;
 The methodology has been tested on 4 raions (Fălești, Dondușeni, Cimișlia, Orhei) in 112 rural primaria from these
raions, which include 212 settlements, through combination of data from LPAs and centralised data sources.
Methodology was described, data collection form and instructions drafted, recommendations on
institutionalisation of SADI and next steps suggested.
Impact & sustainability: The sustainability of undertaken effort depends on the Ministry of Economy, as actual holder of
SADI, and its further efforts on piloting the proposed methodology ensuring the national coverage, pushing for the data
collection at the central level applying one single standard/classification of local settlements by all holders of
administrative data so as to facilitate the establishment of the integrated database, taking a decision on SADI’s
institutionalization and advocating for it.
Evidence: 3 expert reports produced, 1 news on UNDP website
Performance indicators: 509 questionnaires collected from LPAs during data quality assessment, 2 reports on quality
assessment of administrative sources and LPAs produced, 1 methodology, 1 toolkit and instructions, 1 integrated activity
report provided, 3 national consultants involved, 1 launching event with 47 participants, 1 communication material on
UNDP website.
Resources: expert fee, room facilities and coffee-breaks for launching event, communication costs.
Target 11. Assistance to design a new NATIONAL STRATEGY on development of the national statistical system [to be
completed in 2015]
Result: Experts’ desk review and one 2-day training on strategic planning techniques and tools for the senior managers
and statistician staff of NBS and other institutions was carried out aiming to support the creation of Government’s
ownership of the process.
Expected impact: The future strategy for a long term (2015-2020), with an Action Plan for a shorter period of time (20152017), should include a complex approach and should focus on improving the entire statistical sector, and not only on the
institutional development of NBS. This document should serve as a tool (which the NBS is still missing) for influencing
other data holders so as to ensure the access to administrative data and to coordinate the improvement of these data
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
quality. As well, another challenge to be tackled through the implementation of the new strategy would be to establish
compliance between the data requested by the national authorities and the produced statistics, which poorly correlated.
Evidence: 1 mission report and 1 evaluation report
Performance indicators: one 2-days training, 2 trainers, 37 participants from NBS and 25 participants from State
Chancellery, line ministries and state agencies
Resources: expert fees and travel, training facilities and coffee-breaks.
OUTPUT 4. UN programmatic activity and commitment to strengthen national capacity and to build result-based M&E
systems, to collect, analyze and use data is conceptually guided by the UN Joint Project on Statistics.
Target 12. Technical guidance and conceptual support is provided upon request to UN/DP Projects to enable and facilitate
the M&E under UNPF [initiated, to be continued in 2015].
 Analysis of the current regulatory framework related to electoral data collection (responsible units, procedures and
toolkits/forms/instructions applied by the CEC, register of electoral personnel /electoral administrators, etc.)
undertaken, amendments on the regulatory framework and amendments on the methodological framework (data
forms, instructions, trainings) were formulated [Under the UNDP Democracy Programme/Elections Component];
 Negotiations with Transnistrian authorities were held on potential UNDP&EU support on statistical activities, but
consequently they were denied at least for 2015 [Under the UNDP & EU Confidence Building Measures Programme];
 Technical requirements for development of gender sensitive analytical report on Parliamentary elections 2014, on
the basis of CEC data, formulated [Under the Women in Politics Programme of UNDP & UN Women];
 Participation in the Evaluation Panel for job vacancies and M&E services announced by other projects ensured
[under CBM, Energy & Biomass, UN RC Office, Democracy/Parliament]
Performance indicators: 2 TORs revised, 1 TOR and 1 concept note developed, 2 expert reports commented, 6
evaluations done
Resources: cost-sharing of Project management expenses.
In December 2014 the EVALUATION of the UN Joint Project Component on Improvement of availability and reliability of
regional statistics for Moldova’s decision-makers, representing the developmental assistance from the Government of
Romania and was implemented by NBS in partnership, with the Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions and
Ministry of Economy.
The evaluation concluded that:
The key success factors for the implementation of this Project Component were the high level of commitment of the
NBS staff and other key partners, the openness and professionalism of the NIS from Romania in transferring the
knowledge and the dedication of the project management team;
The key stakeholders, especially the NBS and the MRDC, appreciated the Project Component as highly relevant in the
context of the implementation of Moldova –EU Association Agreement and Republic of Moldova policies in regional
development and decentralisation;
Effectiveness. Despite many challenges due to political circumstances, small project staff, short time line and ambitious
purpose, the effectiveness of the Component was ensured by the methodological approach used by the Project
management. Participatory approach and involvement of all stakeholders (donors, partners, data producers and users)
in the development of the component concept, in the implementation of activities and monitoring and supervision of
the Project Component progress, increased the responsibilities of key stakeholders and ensured their ownership over
the Project Component outputs/outcomes;
Efficiency. Despite the fact that the project implementation time line was in delay due to some external factors, the
Project Component achieved all planned outputs and outcomes and even provided additional outputs based on NBS
requirements, within the same financial budget. To ensure the efficient use of human and financial resources the
project management staff has undertaken several steps, like limited project staff, location of project in NBS premises
with no payment for rent, procurement of services and goods through the transparent tender process, hiring national
consultants instead of international ones where it was possible, hiring the short term consultants with concrete tasks
that cannot be performed by NBS staff instead of long term consultants, engaging the NBS staff in development of
some methodologies and producing some data with no cost, hiring the international consultants with high level of
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
experiences and similar language, to avoid the translation services etc. This approach was qualified by the evaluator as
a successful one that can be used by other projects for improving the cost-efficiency.
Sustainability. The sustainability of the Component was built in the project proposal and was based on risks and
stakeholders assessment. To improve the sustainability, the project was focused on increasing the ownership of the key
project partner – NBS - over the outputs and outcomes of the project and on building the institutional capacities to
produce and disseminate the territorial statistical data harmonized with EU requirements. However, there are still
some concerns regarding the adequate financial resources and political commitment to continue the implementation
of some outputs and outcomes of the project component in order to ensure their sustainability. The capacity building
activities targeting both data producers and users made a significant impact but they may not be sustainable in the
long run as they did not become institutionalized within NBS or other key Government policy institutions. In the
conditions of the new coming EU project on regional statistical development, the Project Component limitations and
concerns need to be taken into consideration for the sustainable development of the territorial statistics in general.
According to evaluator’s recommendations for further improvement of regional/territorial statistics NBS should:
- develop a long-term Strategy for development of territorial/regional statistics and action plan;
- optimise the structure and capacities of regional NBS offices;
- develop a coherent nationwide IT system;
- improve the use of territorial administrative data for statistical purposes;
- improve the contacts with regional statistical data users;
- improve the role of coordinator of donors support in the field of statistics in general and regional statistics in particular;
- take care of increasing the sustainability of some outcomes produced under the UN Project component on territorial
Follow-up: In the conditions of the new coming EU project on regional statistics development, all recommended activities
must be part of a new project for the sustainable development of the territorial statistics in general.
IV. Project Risks and Issues
a. Updated project risks and actions
Project Risk 1: The sustainability of the progress achieved until now can get weaker when the project’s support comes to an
Actions taken: Responding to the need for future assistance so as to continue enhancing the national statistical system in
Moldova, as an economy sector (especially in relation to harmonization with EU standards, as well as the need to ensure the
use of the available data for evidence-based policies), there was developed the concept of a new project for assistance in the
area of statistics and evidence-based decision making. This concept was consulted with agencies, members of the UN family,
that have shown an interest to be part of the future project, within the limits of the UN-RM Partnership Framework for 20132017. As well, the concept note was shared with NBS and State Chancellery.
Follow-up activities: Raising of funds, Discussing and approving the concept with the NBS and State Chancellery, some line
ministries, Finalizing the project document, plus all the relevant annexes, Approving the project.
Project Risk 2: Insufficient involvement and collaboration between the stakeholders (especially the line ministries) in the
project activities
Actions taken: Mutual information about the progress, participation in developing the terms of reference, formulation of
needs, undertaken measures to solve problems, participation in events of common interest, etc. contributes to a constructive
partnership between the Project, MRDC, Ministry of Economy and NBS.
Project Risk 3: Non-coordinated assistance for statistical activities of the CPA undermines the sustainability and coherence of
Actions taken: The operation of the Sector Council for Coordinating Foreign Assistance for Statistics Sector would be the most
appropriate for carrying out the dialogue with the donors’ community. The establishment of this Council becomes even more
timely due to the increased number of donors and development partners providing assistance or planning to provide technical
assistance in this sector.
b. Updated project issues and actions
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
Project Issue 1: Limited expertise on statistics at the national level.
Actions taken: Contracting qualitative expertise in the area of statistics remains to be difficult and needs high efforts and
responsibility from all the involved parties (beneficiaries, partners, etc.) at the stage of recruiting/procuring the service, as well
as during the entire consultancy activity through guidance, feedback and conceptual support.
V. Lessons Learned
Through the project implementation the following successful practices were used that contributed to project effectiveness,
efficiency, impact and sustainability:
 The project addressed both: data demand and supply during the same period of time. This approach contributed to
building a link among the data producers and the data users and to make the territorial statistical data more responsive
to the needs of the policy developers.
 The project addressed all stages of the statistical process: the development of indicators, enhancing of data collection
and data production processes, establishment of quality control mechanisms, data production in user friendly format,
users capacity building to utilize territorial statistics in policy development and monitoring. This approach contributed
to both: increasing the quality of produced data and the sustainability of the produced outcomes.
The project component sustainability was ensured due to the combination of factors: 1) sustainability mechanism based
on risk analysis and stakeholders’ analysis; 2) increased ownership of the key project partner over the outputs and
outcomes of the project and 3) strengthened institutional capacities of NBS to produce and disseminate the territorial
statistical data harmonized with EU requirements.
 The efficiency of the project component was ensured through certain steps – mentioned under evaluation conclusions
 The transfer of international knowledge and expertise to the NBS staff was successful due to the following factors: a)
close collaboration with the NIS from Romania, a country with similar historical background and advanced experience
in adjusting the statistics to the EU requirement and with the same language; b) a proper mix of international and
national consultants hired to work together on the production of indicators, methodologies, guidelines, analytical
reports etc.; c) a combination of a theoretical training with on-the-job technical assistance; and d ) pro-active
involvement of NBS staff in development of new methodologies for calculation of statistical indicators, in producing
new data in territorial profile, in revision of the quarterly and annual publications from the perspectives of territorial
statistical data.
The main lessons learned from the implementation of Project are as follows:
Increasing use of territorial statistic data for monitoring the regional development progress requires comprehensive capacity
building of the line ministry staff. To improve using of territorial statistical data in M&E of progress of regional
development there is a need for a comprehensive approach toward the capacity building of the MRDC/RDAs staff.
Reforms of territorial statistics are a time consuming process that requires continuous commitment of multiple stakeholders
and strong political will. The reforms of statistics should be linked to promotion of evidence based decision making
culture and should have strong support of central public administration.
The NBS capacities in producing qualitative territorial data need to be used for improving the capacities of the line ministries
in administrative data production and use.
The improvement of the territorial statistics needs to be linked to users’ needs and to have a clear focus on users. In this
regards it is important to establish a functional permanent mechanism for identification and studying users’ level of
satisfaction with statistical data and their needs.
The NBS should assume the leading role in coordination with various donors the support they need for the development of
statistic in general and of territorial statistics in particular. In this regards, there is a need for a strategy and action plan
on territorial statistic development.
VI. Conclusions and Way Forward
Challenges that have been faced by the Project team, contracted consultants and its partners during implementation
included, but were not limited to, a variety of factors:
 certain political circumstances, sometimes ambiguous policies, contradictory legislation and inefficient regulatory
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
weakness of NBS coordination role;
continuously increasing data demand versus low capacities to assimilate/use it;
insufficient implication and delayed feedback on behalf of some government institutions on Project’s request mainly
because of weak recognition of statistics’ role and low commitments of such institutions to contribute, or insufficient
lack or insufficient data quality control mechanisms and procedures within institutions holders of administrative sources,
incompatible IT systems used and non-use of statistical classifiers (e.g. CUATM);
insufficient commitment and readiness of authorities to enhance efforts on addressing the Transnistrian region as part of
the national policy or statistical framework;
weak acknowledgment on behalf of governance that the gradual harmonization of the national statistics with the
international / EU standards and to fulfilment of other sectors’ requirements set in the EU Association Agreement and in
the Action Plan which should go in parallel and support each other;
programming issues like small project staff, short timeline and ambitious purpose/targets, Project’s explorative
character making difficult to plan concrete and fixed set of outputs and outcomes in advance.
The previous parts of the report describe the output level results, backed by actual data and indicators. Moreover, if to refer to
Project’s progress and achievements towards the outcomes of the UNDP CPD (Country Program Document), this
contributed to achievement of the Increased transparency, accountability and efficiency of central and local public authorities
(Country Programme / UNDAF outcome # 1.1) and national priority regarding Responsible and Efficient Public Administration.
Increasing the availability of territorial and sex-disaggregated data, improving their quality through methodological reviews
and harmonisation in line with EU standards, facilitating the physical and cognitive access to statistical data for data users,
building theoretical knowledge and practical abilities of the latest to use data, and strengthening the skills of statisticians to
produce statistics the Project managed to provide advice and support the capacity for national reforms, brought regional
knowledge to manage changes and EU agenda. Also, through joining different national stakeholders to obtain outputs of
common interest and utility, the confidence among Project’s partner institutions and the beneficiaries of produced outputs
has increased.
The most significant is that Regional statistics compliant with EU standards has been already institutionalized in the NBS’s
production process. It will result in enhanced coordination among public authorities, evidence-based planning, analysis of
disparities, and sustainability of actions within cross-sectorial territorial development strategies. Of course regional statistics
needs further improvement, enhancement and harmonization, the relationship between data demand and supply requires
optimization, relationship and cooperation between data producers and data users needs to be better regulated and made
fully functional, but the UN Joint Project has ensured a good starting point for their further development. In this respect, the
Project limitations and concerns, lessons learned and recommendations need to be taken into consideration by national
institutions and their development partners (e.g. EU project on regional statistics) for the sustainable development of the
territorial statistics in general.
The Project also supported South-South and Triangular Cooperation efforts. Cooperation with Romanian National Institute
of Statistics resulted in the methodological revision of regional statistics (business structural statistics, earnings and wages,
industry) to comply with EU standards and to produce user-friendly qualitative data in territorial perspective for regional level
policy-making in Moldova. Romanian statisticians transferred knowledge and developed capacity of the civil servants dealing
with the regional statistics.
As for the UN further support of the statistical sector, it will most probably focus on strengthening the cooperation and
dialogue between different data producers (of official and administrative statistics), producers and data users, developing
national capacities to efficiently use data in decision and policy-making.
In conclusion, the effect of technical assistance provided in the field of statistics (increasing lately), which should stay under
NBS coordination, will be more sound if supported by the operation of the Sector Council for Coordinating Foreign Assistance
for Statistics Sector.
UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System of RM – Annual Narrative report 2014
Financial Status2
United Nations Development Programme
Interim Donor Report (IPSAS)
Country -
Moldova, Republic of
Period -
Donor -
Projects -
current year
+ full asset
00047658 Statistics Project
including funding:
Government of Romania
UN Women
Disclaimer: Data contained in this financial report section is an extract of UNDP financial records. All financial provided above is provisional.
Disclaimer: UNDP adopted IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards) on 1 January 2012, cumulative totals that include data prior to that date
are presented for illustration only.