IPPF commitments

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is a global service provider and a
leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. We are a
worldwide movement of 151 national organizations working in 173 countries.
IPPF is committed to universal access to SRHR, as an essential prerequisite for reducing
maternal and child mortality, morbidity and improving the well being of women, families and
communities across the world, and so contributing to sustainable social and economic
development, and the attainment of the MDGs, in particular, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
In 2009 IPPF provided 69 million SRH services. By providing SRH for the poorest, most
marginalized, underserved and vulnerable and implementing its ‘Declaration of Sexual
Rights,’ IPPF makes an important contribution to poverty reduction, and promoting and
protecting the rights of women and girls.
IPPF pledges the following in support of the UN Secretary General’s Global Strategy for
Women’s and Children’s Health:
1. IPPF pledges to build on many years of successful national, regional and global
advocacy to support policy and legislation changes which ensure universal access to
SRHR, and support the universal right to the highest attainable standard of health, and
the advancement of women and girls. We will continue to monitor commitments made
to women’s and children’s health, the SRHR of young people, and HIV prevention,
treatment and care. We will hold stakeholders accountable to their national, regional
and global commitments, including those made at the International Conference on
Population and Development, Beijing and the 2005 and 2010 High Level meetings to
review the MDGs.
2. IPPF commits to ensuring its SRH services reach the poorest, most marginalized,
vulnerable and underserved sectors of society. By 2015, at least 80% of our SRH
services will reach this target group.
3. IPPF will provide comprehensive and integrated, rights-based SRH services, including
family planning, antenatal, postnatal and newborn care, comprehensive abortion care
(where legal) and post-abortion care (in all settings), and those related to sexually
transmitted infections, HIV, gender-based violence, and reproductive cancers.
4. IPPF will strive to contribute to meeting the needs of the 215 million women with unmet
need for contraception by increasing the number of new users of IPPF contraceptive
services by at least 50% by 2015, and at least doubling the number of unintended
pregnancies averted.
5. IPPF is committed to meeting the SRHR needs of young people. We will increase our
services to young people by at least 50% by 2015. We will scale up comprehensive
sexuality education through rolling out ‘It’s All One Curriculum’ to all IPPF Member
Associations, so integrating gender, human rights, HIV prevention and sexuality.
6. IPPF commits to scaling up its HIV related services, with the aim of providing integrated
SRH/HIV services to at least 10 million people by 2015.
7. As part of IPPF’s commitment to the highest attainable standard of health IPPF will
continue to protect the right to legal and safe abortion.
8. IPPF is committed to upholding human rights. Its ‘Declaration of Sexual Rights,’ will be
integrated into service delivery and advocacy.
9. IPPF commits to integrating SRHR in humanitarian settings through its SPRINT Initiative
and will continue to promote and implement the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP)
for SRH in Crisis Situations. The prevention of sexual violence and care of rape survivors
will be a priority.
10. IPPF commits to extending its partnerships with national governments, UN agencies,
donor governments, the private sector, research institutions and civil society. These
partnerships will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practice and contribute
to galvanizing ourselves and other stakeholders to implement our shared commitment
to accelerating progress towards MDGs 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Dr Gill Greer