Review Game - Raleigh Charter High School

The active ingredient of marijuana (THC)
A category of psychoactive drugs that depress brain activity (depressants)
A stimulant found in tobacco (nicotine)
ANY drug that alters normal consciousness, perceptions, mood, and behavior is called
5. Schizophrenia-like symptoms may result from prolonged use of these drugs
6. A condition in which increasing amounts of a physically addictive drug are needed to
produce the original desired effect (tolerance)
7. What happens at the molecular level to causes tolerance (down-regulation of receptors)
8. unpleasant reaction that occurs when a person abstains from a drug on which he is she is
9. Class of drugs that arouses the sympathetic nervous system and suppresses appetite
10. Name that drug AND class: During a party, Jordan becomes less and less inhibited as the
night wears on and by the time the party is nearly over, he is very uncoordinated and
unbalanced and has trouble walking. (alcohol, depressant)
11. Harold has used a powerful synthetic drug for a number of years to create sensory and
perceptual distortions and to alter his mood, but he is now experiencing “flashbacks”,
depression, and occasional psychotic reactions. (LSD, hallucinogen)
12. Henrietta was a heavy coffee drinker and has now quit cold turkey. She is experiencing
headaches, irritability, drowsiness, and fatigue (caffeine, stimulant)
13. Following surgery Gregory was given a common prescription drug under medical
supervision to alleviate his pain (morphine or codeine, depressant)
14. A condition in which a person regularly experiences the inability to fall asleep, stay
asleep, or feel adequately rested by sleep.(insomnia)
15. Type of sleep during which dreams occur (REM0
16. Brain wave pattern associated with relaxed wakefulness (alpha waves)
17. A sleep disorder in which a person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep (sleep apnea)
18. A graphic record of brain activity. (EEG)
19. The phenomenon in which a person who is deprived of REm sleep greatly increases the
amount of time spent in REM sleep att he first opportunity to sleep uninterrupted.. (REM
20. Short burst of brain activity during stage 2 sleep (sleep spindles)
21. vivid sensory phenomena that occur at the onset of sleep (hypnogogic hallucinations)
22. Why is REM sleep called paradoxical sleep?
23. Hormone released by the pineal gland that regulates sleep cycles (melatonin)
24. 24 hour sleep-wake cycles are called (circadian rhythms)
25. The theory that dreams are your brains attempt to make sense of random neuronal firing
(activation synthesis)
26. According to Freud, the underlying symbolic meaning of a dream is called its (latent
27. Name Three things happening in your body during REM sleep.
28. Stage of sleep with consistent delta waves (4)
29. Nightmares occur during this stage (REM)
30. Two common themes in near-death experiences (tunnels, lights, replay of past emotional
events, geometric forms)
31. Someone who believes that the mind and the body are distinct and that the mind can exist
without the body (dualist)
32. Some people believe that NDE’s are NOT spiritual experiences, but rather, are caused by
(oxygen deprivation or seizures)
33. According to Freud, what is the consequence of not dreaming?
34. Widely used stimulant that is inhaled (nicotine)
35. Neurotransmitter whose reuptake is blocked by cocaine (dopamine)
36. Theory suggesting that dreams help fix daily experiences into memory (information
37. A person who falls asleep in the midst of a heated argument probably suffers from
38. How long does the sleep cycle last (approximately)? 90 min
39. Austrian physician who discovered “animal magnetism”? (Mesmer)
40. A state of heightened suggestability (hypnosis)
41. Reason why hypnotists use the watch.
42. a split in consciousness that some believe happens during hypnosis (dissociation)
43. Two reasons why we sleep (1 to repair the body, 2 to process memories, 3 to protect
44. A “high” in the world of hypnosis is __ (a person who has a high hypnotic ability)