Multiple-Mouse Multiple-Monitor Applications CS 691 Project Documentation James Murithi Academic Supervisor: Dr. Duke Hutchings Spring 2008 Department of Computer Science Bowling Green State University, Ohio Abstract With the advent of multiple monitors it becomes interesting to build applications that support multiple users simultaneously interacting with mice. This project explored the existing software development kits used to build multiple mouse applications. Limited support was found for the multi-user, multi-mice, multi-monitor scenario this paper discusses these limitations. The project focuses on one multi-mouse toolkit whose implementation has some interaction limitations. This paper presents general ideas that were developed to counter these limitations. These ideas can be used to improve the toolkit or to build a new toolkit. This paper presents the ideas developed during this project and provides an analysis of the solutions that were built. 2 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Goals and Objectives .................................................................................................................. 4 Contribution ................................................................................................................................ 4 Project Overview ............................................................................................................................ 6 Related Work .................................................................................................................................. 7 Framework for enabling collaboration........................................................................................ 7 CPN Mouse ................................................................................................................................. 7 Windows Multipoint ................................................................................................................... 8 SDGToolkit ................................................................................................................................. 9 Project Details ............................................................................................................................... 10 Drag and click ........................................................................................................................... 10 Project Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 12 Future Work .................................................................................................................................. 14 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 15 3 Introduction There are a number of reasons why multiple mice would be desired on a system. Michael Westergard talks about several where one mouse would be better than one. In graphic applications it would be helpful to have different mice draw different types of objects; a user could also do two handed resizing of objects using two mice [Westergaard. 2002]. It could also be helpful to have multiple mice if one has huge screen space, this would significantly reduce mouse movement and the probability of losing track of the mouse cursor. These scenarios show a single user with multiple mice. Multiple mice could also be useful in a group setting. Two collocated users can share a system and complete tasks collaboratively or competitively. A good example of a competitive multi mouse task is a two player tic-tac-toe game. Each player clicks on items in the screen using their mouse when it is their turn to play. Collaborative tasks require cooperation between users. When the two players finish playing their tic-tac-toe game and want to start a new one, who will activate the new game? This task requires cooperation, the system may be designed to support this kind of collaboration and if not the users will learn to collaborate without the computers’ support for them to proceed with the task. To write applications that support multiple mice there has to be support for two or more cursors on the screen. Microsoft Windows does not natively support this. When more than one mouse is connected to the system a distinction cannot be made between the different input streams. The result is that both devices control the same cursor on the screen. To distinguish between mouse input streams it becomes necessary to first identify the different devices, draw cursors for each then associate hardware input with the cursors. I explore different techniques of enabling multiple mice on the screen. The raw input API introduced in Windows XP provides rich information regarding hardware devices; this can be used to separate hardware input streams and draw cursors for each. Another option would be to use multi mouse toolkits. These toolkits come with built in ability to distinguish between mice and support for rapid prototyping of multi mouse applications. Using a toolkit eliminates the need for developing a custom solution for each application a programmer would like to develop. This project explores existing multi mouse toolkits. Applications were written to support multiple monitors. Goals and Objectives To explore existing Multiple Mouse toolkits for the Windows Operating System, use and improve the toolkit where possible. To write applications that allow interaction using more than one mouse and also allow users to collaborate when completing a task Contribution I found existing Windows multiple mouse toolkits and explored them giving their strengths and weaknesses. Only one of the toolkits allowed me to write applications that span more than one monitor. This was a key requirement for this project. However this toolkit does not have widgets that the multiple mice could interact with. I implemented a technique that allows the toolkit 4 cursors to interact with windows toolkit widgets. Using this technique it is now possible to write applications that use windows widgets which respond to the toolkits mouse cursors. 5 Project Overview Out of three toolkits found two of them could be installed and used with programming tools to rapidly prototype multi mouse applications. Windows multi point was found to lack multi monitor support and therefore no further work was done using this toolkit. SDGToolkit (Single Display Groupware Toolkit) was found to have multi-monitor support but it lacked user interface components. However it has a default style of interaction that lets the toolkits cursors interact with windows toolkit components in a limited way. This default behavior is slow when there is more than one user on the system because it utilizes the system cursor. The system cursor has to keep switching its position to the location of the then active toolkit cursor for any interaction to be possible. Improving this default behavior was one of the major things that I focused on during this project. 6 Related Work Framework for enabling collaboration A study was done that focuses on support of multiple mice with an aim of determining what differences exist when collaborative tasks are done using mice versus when using laser pointers. During this study a framework was built for enabling multiple mice in an application. This framework is a client server architecture where a pair of socket connections is created to handle events from different mice. The sockets keep track of user interface component states for each of the connected devices and transmit these events to higher level client applications for processing. [Vogt, et al. 2004] This framework is a good idea for supporting multiple mice because the authors of this paper proved the concept and it served their experimental purpose. However to use this technique the framework would have to customized for each application that needs to support multiple mice. One of the conclusions drawn for from this work is that it is necessary to distinguish between cursors on the screen either by coloring them differently or labeling the cursors. This would enhance the interaction process by allowing users to recognize their cursor. The relevance of this work to my project is its emphasis on the importance of distinguishing between cursors on the screen, there is also a limit to the number of cursors that can be used effectively in a certain screen size. When building a new toolkit it will be necessary to include functions for changing mouse cursor colors or labeling the cursors with an identity tag. CPN Mouse CPN Mouse is a filter driver that enables multiple mice on Windows operating systems; the project was motivated by the ongoing CPN tools project that seeks among other things to investigate advanced interaction techniques using multiple pointing devices. The solution to enabling multiple pointing devices that existed before the CPN Mouse project was a non generic method of probing a secondary mouse for events and transmitting them to an application. The solution did not scale well with increasing number of mice and different mouse interfaces. The CPN Mouse created a generic mouse interface and an application programming interface (API) to access it. The CPN Mouse filter driver is generic in that it allows different mouse interfaces to make use of the driver [Westergaard. 2002]. The driver also solved the problem of scaling to many mice. Further a user does not need to have an idle mouse that is only active within CPN applications. By running programs from a special folder the toolkit enables multiple mice. The driver comes with an application programming interface that allows a programmer to write multi mouse applications. This toolkit has some limitations. To start the driver is built to support a framework specific to CPN tools and it may not be suitable for other frameworks or applications. My project aimed to write windows applications that do not necessarily follow the CPN tools framework; therefore I was not guaranteed support. Little documentation was found for this toolkit and there exists no 7 examples on how to use it. The only reference to the API is found on the toolkits website. The reference is code for the various headers that the toolkit is made up of, this was not helpful. It made it hard for me to get started using the toolkit. Besides that I needed to use a language that allows rapid development of windows applications. Such a language should provide user interface components like buttons and text boxes. CPN Mouse restricts me to using C which does not support rapid application development; I therefore opted against using this toolkit. Further the latest updates to the toolkit were done in 2004, it is documented to support windows 2000 and XP, for my project I had Windows Vista therefore I was not guaranteed it would work. This toolkit would have caused incompatibility issues for my project. Windows Multipoint Windows Multipoint is a multiple input device-enabling toolkit that was the result of a study done concerning the high ratio of students to computers in developing countries. This study looked at how having a single input device impacts the learning process among children using educational software. And according to the study children immediately understand the concept of multiple mice and using multiple mice enables sharing of expensive hardware [Pawar, et al. 2006]. This toolkit has several desirable features for multiple mouse interaction, one of which is the ability to distinguish between multiple mice and draws cursors for each on the screen without the programmer having to write any code. Further the toolkit uses color in a good way that allows a programmer or user to differentiate between cursors belonging to different mice. The toolkit comes with a template for rapidly writing multiple mouse enabled applications in C#. This template speeds up development. Another feature of this toolkit is its user interface components. These components include a readily made Multipoint button that can receive a Multipoint event from the different mice and distinguish between them. This feature of the toolkit makes it possible to write applications that can be used by different users all of who interact with components while distinguishing between different user inputs. The button is the only ready made Multipoint control but the toolkit makers included a template for rapidly prototyping other Multipoint controls. The toolkit comes with a sample two player tic-tac-toe game and compiled documentation which was valuable in introducing basic concepts of programming using the toolkits event model and controls. For several reasons I found this toolkit unsuitable for my project. First and foremost this toolkit has a known issue of disallowing movement of cursors across extended monitors. The toolkit was made to work for a single display. For my project I wanted to explore how interaction would proceed with multiple users each with their input device and with my application spanning multiple monitors. Also the toolkit was made to use the newer Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) style of interface design over the old Windows Forms style. A major limitation of WPF to my project is its lack of support for the traditional multiple document interface applications approach of writing applications that allow independent movable and re sizable windows to exist within a container window. With WPF multiple windows in an application need to be tabs within the container. The toolkit comes with a compiled documentation file which teaches how to use and write Multipoint controls, no on line documentation exists, this impacted on my project negatively since it took me a long time to figure out that multiple monitor support was a known issue. Finally from experiments conducted during a study it shows that applications built using this toolkit are good for competitive activities like games, little has been done that is focused on 8 collaboration but rather applications that model the turn taking model are favored. A good example was children playing an educational game, when it was time to start a new one it was not clear who was supposed to start the new game since all children had control.[Pawar, et al. 2006] SDGToolkit Before this toolkit was written several studies had been done on single display groupware. However there was no easy way of managing simultaneous use of multiple input devices or rapidly prototype applications that make use of multiple input devices. SDG toolkit was built to solve this problem; it allows rapid prototyping of applications that use several input devices.[Tse, et al. ] The toolkit comes with excellent on line documentation and more than a dozen sample applications that illustrate the various features of the toolkit. The documentation also clearly states the toolkits’ limitations. I found this toolkit suitable for my project because it allowed me to write applications without restricting cursors to a single screen. This toolkit also uses windows forms interface design style which was a desired feature for my project because I could have multiple independent windows within a container. The toolkits major limitation is lack of user interface components that can distinguish between mice. Since one of my project objectives was to improve a toolkit where possible I decided it was worthwhile to do it for this toolkit because the documentation allowed me to easily understand how the toolkit works. Another limitation of this toolkit is in its native style of interaction, the windows system mouse remains active for the duration of the interaction, depending on how a programmer implements their application the system mouse can be a problem. 9 Project Details Drag and click Dragging was one of the first behaviors I choose to implement for the SDG toolkit. The default drag behavior was not appropriate. While it was possible to move a component like a button around using the SDG cursors I noticed that once the user let go of the component it did not drop down to the exact position of the SDG toolkit mouse cursor. From reading the toolkit documentation manuals I found that the toolkit cursors are in fact little windows, this dropping behavior could be explained by this fact. Its possible that once the object is dropped it is dropped to the SDG cursor windows top left coordinate where as the cursor drawn is somewhere within the containing window and not exactly at the top left coordinate. To rectify this behavior I made API calls that give me the power to capture a windows image using its unique identifier. Instead of moving the actual object I move its representation and on dropping the object I replace its picture with the real object. Interaction with windows toolkit user interface components was not supported by SDG mouse cursors therefore there is no way to click a standard graphical user interface component using an SDG cursor. I tried several techniques of to implement a click behavior. Firstly I sub classed the toolkit and made a component that can be clicked by the toolkits cursors, the object was meant to be a button that can be clicked by the toolkits cursors. Then instead of writing special components I enabled interaction with standard windows toolkit components since these are ready made. The premise was, if I could get it to work for one then there is a chance my method can be extended to the other windows toolkit components. I implemented the click method by hit testing, a method of determining if and where an object is hit by a mouse cursor. By making API calls to windows its possible to get a windows bounding rectangle and I can tell a windows location by its coordinates relative to its container or to the screen. By doing some calculations I can tell if the SDG cursor is within the bounding rectangle of a given window. Subsequently I can activate any function or even call an objects methods when this condition is met. Once the click method was done I wrote a simple application that allows text entry facilitated by clicking windows toolkit labels using SDG cursors. I then built an application to investigate how collaboration can be achieved by two people trying to accomplish a task like browsing the Internet. The application is a web browser extended into two monitors and with multiple mice enabled. The idea is to have two people interact with their browser component without interfering with each other. The approach to enabling multiple mice that I implemented used the system cursor to achieve interaction. The toolkit cursors in this approach were powerless, interaction with the web browsers was achieved by allowing the system cursor to invisibly follow the currently active toolkit cursor. When the toolkit performs an operation like clicking it causes the underlying system cursor to perform the operation. In this way I can interact with windows toolkit objects using the SDG toolkit cursors. Since it is undesirable to have the system cursor follow both mice at the same time I use a visual technique to try enforce a turn taking model where one user has to wait until the other used is done for them to perform an operation. I also wrote code to enable interaction by just SDG cursors, this 10 can be done by hit testing a component and then activating a methods to manipulate the component only when its hit by an SDG cursor. I got to the level where I was able to scroll a browser component by using SDG cursors. The toolkits native behavior did not allow dragging objects in an acceptable manner. On dragging and dropping a component the drop location is not the exact cursor position. I solved this problem by first detecting if a component has been clicked. After determining whether the toolkit cursor is on the object I take the components’ image and hide the component. I can then move the image around and when a user lets go of the mouse place unhide the component and place it exactly where its’ image is on the screen. Simultaneous dragging led to a flickering image in the native behavior. By identifying components and distinguishing mice I was able to keep certain mice from interacting with specific components. This makes sure that one user does not interfere with another users’ component. 11 Project Analysis I implemented a dragging technique. Since the technique makes use of SDG toolkit cursors I conclude that SDG cursors can be empowered to be as useful as the system cursor is. The method also shows that two users can interact with an object without one person’s action hindering the others; both collaboration and turn taking can be built into applications. In a demo application I wrote two users can drag their unique objects around using different mice. I did not observe any interference or undesirable behavior when the objects were being moved around. Further while the default toolkit behavior resulted in a misplaced drop when dragging the method we came up with does not. It solved the problem of a misplaced drop that existed as the toolkits default behavior. The shortcoming of this technique is that it is hard to apply it to larger components like windows. When I applied the technique to a window there are some parts of the window that give an immediate result informing me that the window has received a hit. There are sections of a window that do not return a hit notably the title bar. This can be explained by windows design, the title bar is a special section of the window referred to as the non client area. The non client area of a window shows when a window is active by having a dim color or a brighter one if the window has focus. This is also the portion of the window used to drag a window around. I could not get hits on this portion of the window because toolkit cursors cannot send messages to this portion of a window. On testing the click technique it was found to improve interaction speed. While previously the toolkit allowed clicking windows toolkit objects solely by allowing the system cursor to invisibly follow the SDG cursors using this technique it is now possible to click a windows toolkit component. The default style of interaction was slow because each time one of the SDG cursors was moved the system cursor had to move to perform an action on behalf of the SDG cursor. Using the method we developed its no longer necessary to use the system cursor, since no relocation of the system cursor is needed interaction speed improves. The button made by subclassing the SDG toolkit could be used in place of windows toolkit buttons, this button does not need the system cursor to invisibly click it. However because of toolkit restrictions it was not possible to include standard properties like text in this object. Having text on a button is a feature that would be desired to communicate the buttons purpose, the SDG button would need to have an image with text explaining its function as its background. Using such buttons in an application would thus be tedious because the programmer needs to make an image with a suitable background for each button needed. The hit test method I made can be applied to any component which has a window handle, one of the problems encountered was that when it came to some level some components were not well documented possibly due to the assumption that nobody would need to use them. An example is the scroll bar button, the windows documentation was insufficient in helping me determine how I can access the button there was no example code either. My hit test function works for every window that has a handle, if the window does not have a handle this technique cannot be used. Since I could not uniquely identify the scroll bar button the only way toolkit cursors can scroll a document is by holding anywhere within the document. The visual technique used to enable collaboration does not restrict users from using their mouse. With this technique we can only hope that the visual busy indicator stops the user from 12 attempting any interaction. The technique simply suggests to the user that they should not move their mouse; they still have the ability to move their mouse. This would interfere with the other person’s interaction. Finding a way of disabling currently inactive mice when another person is performing an operation using their mouse would be a better way of enforcing turn taking. The locking mechanism I implemented for buttons and smaller objects could possibly be abstracted to suit entire windows. However the aim was to allow collaboration and not turn taking. 13 Future Work The work done so far enables better faster interaction with windows toolkit components using the toolkits cursors which were not meant to do this. One of the problems that needs more work is extending these ideas to more windows toolkit components like scroll bars, window title bars and hyperlinks are good examples. Currently there is no way the SDG cursors can sense that a link therefore though a user can browse what is currently on the browser the only way they can move to another link is by typing an address in a text box then navigating to it. The visual technique of enabling collaboration needs to be more restrictive. Though the technique works for users with some knowledge of how the system works it would not be appropriate for standard users to work with such an application. This is because accidental movement of a mouse when another mouse is active results in delayed interaction or inexplicable feedback for example when dragging. If a second user moves their mouse when another user is dragging an object then the object switches back and forth between the two mouse cursors. Disabling other mice when a user is actively engaged in some interaction would eliminate this problem. The windows system is made with a single user and single mouse in mind. Therefore its hard for applications designed for two people when trying to enable two users to interact seamlessly to be built because of problems like change of focus or sharing of focus. It would be worthwhile to write applications that spawn multiple windows sessions then send messages back and forth as a work around to the design that was made for a single user with a single mouse. 14 Bibliography BIER, E.A. AND FREEMAN, S. 1991. MMM: a user interface architecture for shared editors on a single screen. In UIST '91: Proceedings of the 4th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, Hilton Head, South Carolina, United States, Anonymous ACM, New York, NY, USA, 79-86. HOURCADE, J.P. AND BEDERSON, B.B. Architecture and Implementation of a Java Package for Multiple Input Devices (MID). Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. KIM, Y.B., SHIM, M.S., SONG, C.G. AND KIM, Y.S. 2007. 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