OUTLINE FOR HURCO CONVERSATIONAL PROBING PART PROBE INSTALLATION: Disassemble the MP700 probe body, set the appropriate dipswitches within the body per the Hurco drawing. The switches as a default from Renishaw are not to Hurco standards. o Refer to the supplied MP700 Renishaw manual for assembly instructions and location of switches. o Switch settings: SW1-1=off, SW1-2=off, SW1-3=on, SW1-4=off. o Switch settings: SW2-1=on, SW2-2=off, SW2-3=off, SW2-4=on. Insert the MP700 probe assembly into the spindle. Indicate the Ruby stylus to obtain a maximum run out of .0002”. Adjust the 4 grub screws in the alignment plate to achieve run out. Refer to the supplied manual for detail. Create the part probe tool as a dedicated tool within the machine’s tool library. In the tool library select a tool number and create the description of the tool to be a Probe. Set the dipswitches within the OMI unit per the Hurco drawing. Reference the Renishaw OMI manual for location and procedure to disassemble. o Mount the OMI interface within the machine enclosure. NOTE: the OMI must be able to receive a signal from the part probe at any position within the stroke of the machine tool. PART PROBE PARAMETERS: Fast federate is the initial touch on the feature. Slow federate is for the actual measurement. Repetitions is the quantity of slow touches desired for data averaging. Travel limits typically equal the stroke limits of the machine tool. Max Spread is the allowable deviation of the repetitions. 8/23/01 Part probe parameters are user definable to select the feedrate of the probe and the iterations of the probe deflections. Parameters selectable in the part setup to allow for probe stylus diameters, and the working range of the probe within the machine limits OUTLINE FOR HURCO CONVERSATIONAL PROBING PART PROBE CALIBRATION: Deflection offset routine needs to be performed at the initial installation of the probe system to maximize the accuracy of the probing hardware on the machine tool. These offsets will be utilized each time a probe deflection occurs. Deflection offsets will need to repeat if a stylus change occurs to compensate for a change in the hardware. Deflection offsets are best performed with a ring gage. The ring gage should be set on the machine’s table and swept in with an indicator to determine the true X and Y-axes center line of the gage to perform the offset routine. PART PROBE CYCLES: 8/23/01 Preset X or Preset Y is used to shift the part zero location from the probed locations. Probe direction is selectable to work from any direction. The operator jogs the probe to position and stores each start point either from the control or the remote jog unit. Six (6) standard canned cycles within the conversational software to perform part offset calibration in either manual or automatic cycles. o Edge o Hole o Cylinder o Rectangular Pocket OUTLINE FOR HURCO CONVERSATIONAL PROBING o o Rectangular Solid Plane Intersection. PART PROBE SKEW CYCLES: Skew cycles available in auto part setup as well as manual. Preset X and Y values must be entered; values entered are relative to the blueprint dimensions. Lack of entry of Skew presets will not create a skew angle value in the part setup. Five (5) Skew cycles, within the conversational software to perform a skew offset for irregular shapes or non-square fixturing. Skew cycles can be performed in either manual or automatic cycles. o Edge o Hole o Cylinder o Rectangular Pocket o Rectangular Solid PART PROBE INSPECTION CYCLES: Part inspection start locations are relative to machine zero. The operator must locate the stylus within the geometry of the part to store the probe start values. General information is entered as to the approximate radius length, etc to create a working range for the probe to function within. Extract as a text file or as a file to import into a spreadsheet. Extract via floppy diskette or with the Ultinet option. 8/23/01 Six (6) Conversational data blocks insert able within the automatic program of the machine to inspect geometry while part are still fixtured upon the machine tool. o Inspection setup is relative to machine zero. OUTLINE FOR HURCO CONVERSATIONAL PROBING Inspection data stored within the machine’s hard drive relative to the name of the program. Time and date stamped files. o Files are a continuation of data. And not overwritten. INSPECTION .TXT FILE OUTPUT EXAMPLE: Cylinder inspection (block # 13) executed 6:52:14 8/03/2001 Part Count = 1 Center ******************************* X 0.9063 inches ( 23.019 mm) Y 3.0357 inches ( 77.108 mm) Diameter **************************** 0.5058 inches ( 12.848 mm) Rectangular solid inspection (block # 14) executed 6:52:54 8/03/2001 Part Count = 1 Center Length ******************************* ******************************* X 2.9453 inches ( 74.812 mm) X 6.0266 inches ( 153.076 mm) Y 2.1023 inches ( 53.398 mm) Y 3.9990 inches ( 101.573 mm) INSPECTION .DAT FILE OUTPUT EXAMPLE: BLOCK TYPE TIME DATE COUNT CENTER X 13 Cylinder 6:52:14 8/03/2001 1 14 Rect Solid 6:52:54 8/03/2001 15 Hole 6:53:12 8/03/2001 16 Hole 6:53:28 17 Rect Solid 6:54:00 LENGTH LENGTH X Y CENTER Y DIAMETER 0.9063 3.0357 0.5058 N/A N/A 1 2.9453 2.1023 N/A 6.0266 3.999 1 2.0387 2.9758 0.3735 N/A N/A 8/03/2001 1 3.0785 3.5521 0.3738 N/A N/A 8/03/2001 1 4.223 1.1122 N/A 1.0046 0.6267 TOOL PROBE Hurco offers the tool probe option either as a TS27R touch tool probe or as the NC-1 Laser noncontact probe. TOOL PROBE INSTALLATION: Probes can be mounted anywhere on the table surface. Probing can be performed in X or Y-axis. Probe system must be accurately indicated true to the axes travel on the machine tool. The NC1 laser probe must have the internal dipswitches set to the Hurco drawing. The switches as a default from Renishaw are not to Hurco standards. o Refer to the supplied NC1 Renishaw manual for assembly instructions and location of switches. o Switch settings: SW1=Off, SW2=On, SW3=On, SW4=Off. 8/23/01 OUTLINE FOR HURCO CONVERSATIONAL PROBING PARAMETERS TS27R TOUCH PROBE: Fast feedrate is the initial touch on the feature. Slow federate is for the actual measurement. Repetitions is the quantity of slow touches desired for data averaging. Z min. value typically equals the stroke limits of the Z-axis. Contact points are the physical indicated position of the stylus to the machine tool’s home position. Max Spread is the allowable deviation of the repetitions. Parameters are user definable to select the position of the hardware on the table surface. Parameters are user definable to select probing federates and the iterations of the probe deflections. Parameters selectable in the tool setup to allow for probe stylus diameters, and the working range of the probe within the machine limits PARAMETERS NC1 LASER PROBE: Same feedrate, repetition, max spread features as the TS27R touch probe. Center beam values are stored to align the probe along the probing axis. Z min. value typically equals the stroke limits of the Z-axis. Beam offset values are relative to the diameter of the setup reference tool and the length the reference tool is to go in Z axis to obtain a diameter offset. CALIBRATION: 8/23/01 Beam or deflection offset routines must be performed to maximize the accuracy of the probe hardware upon the machine tool. Offsets are stored in memory. Calibration and offsets will only need repeated if the probe is moved upon the machine tool or if a replacement is made. A reference tool is needed to calibrate the probe system. If a part probe is resident upon the machine tool, then the part probe becomes the reference calibration tool. OUTLINE FOR HURCO CONVERSATIONAL PROBING TOOL SETUP PAGES: Set up length, dia., or both. Spindle can be used idle or in rotation to capture run out of tooling. Offsets used for the TS27R touch probe to offset the tool for the flutes to contact the probe styli surface. Probe enable allows for tool to be probed in a multiple tool calibration. Spare tool creation to change out defective tools during tool monitor cycles. PROBE Z OFFSET The probe Z value is the offset of the part surface relative to the tool probe stylus or laser beam. When a MP700 part probe is used, the part probe will create the reference from the part surface to the tool probe. When a tool probe only is installed, a reference tool is needed to touch off the tool probe and the part surface, and store the PROBE Z value to establish a reference for all tools. TOOL PROBE CYCLES: Tool probe cycles within the tool setup menu offer the ability to probe calibrate single tools or probe calibrate multiple tools selected within the machine’s tool library. Tools can be probed for tool length, tool diameter, or length and diameter. Tool probing can be performed with tools idle, oriented, or running at feedrate. 8/23/01 OUTLINE FOR HURCO CONVERSATIONAL PROBING TOOL MONITOR CYCLES: Tool monitor cycles are either breakage, length, diameter, or length and diameter. The tolerance for monitoring the tools are user definable. The user can change the RPM and/or spindle rotation that was originally used in the tool setup. The original probed values for the tool is displayed on the right side along with a spare tool number if applicable. Conversational data blocks for tool monitoring. Check tools for breakage or wear in cycle. o User definable values for wear checking. Spare tool programming for continuous unmanned operation. INTEGER PARAMETERS: Integer parameters are accessed through the Auxiliary function on the control panel Tool Probe: o F96-22 X axis probe safety range. o F96-23 Y axis probe safety range o F96-24 Z axis probe safety range o F96-159 Probe safety region jog speed Part probe: o F96-205 8/23/01 Probe in spindle jog speed OUTLINE FOR HURCO CONVERSATIONAL PROBING 8/23/01 OUTLINE FOR HURCO CONVERSATIONAL PROBING 8/23/01