POETRY JOURNAL - St. Fabian Catholic School

_____ / 3 Cover Page - Name your journal. Put your name clearly on the front. Decorate
the cover in some way.
_____ / 2 Table of Contents - Each poem should have its own title created by the student
clearly displayed on the page. In the table of contents, each student should write the title
of the poem and its page number. Each individual poem should have its own page.
_____ / 3 Name Poetry - Each letter of the student’s first and last name is used as the
initial letter for one line of the poem. This type of poem need not rhyme. I expect each
line is more than one or two words.
_____ / 5 Poetry Patterns - Concrete poem written in the shape of the poem’s main ideas.
They do not have to rhyme. For example, a poem about love shaped like a heart, or a
poem about the sky shaped like a cloud.
_____ / 3 Haiku – An unrhymed Japanese poem of three lines. The first line has five
syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables.
_____ / 3 Tanka – Another verse form much like haiku except that two more lines of
seven syllables. Line 1 – 5 syllables, Line 2 – 7 Syllables, Line 3 – 5 Syllables, Line 4 – 7
Syllables, and Line 5 – 7 Syllables
_____ / 3 Lanterns – A light and airy Japanese poem that is written in the shape of a
Japanese lantern. Line 1 – 1 Syllable, Line 2 – 2 Syllables, Line 3 – 3 Syllables, Line 4 –
7 Syllables, Line 5 – 1 Syllable
_____ / 5 Diamonte – Line One: One Noun (subject #1)
Line Two: Two Adjectives (describing the subject in #1)
Line Three: Three Participles (ending in –ing, telling about subject #1)
Line 4: Four Nouns (first two related to subject #1, second two related to subject #2)
Line 5: Three Participles (ending in –ing about subject #2)
Line 6: Two Adjectives (Describing subject #2)
Line 7: One Noun (subject #2)
_____ / 4 Couplets – A poem about the subject of your choice consisting of two lines
rhyming together. You should have at LEAST 3 stanzas
_____ / 2 Clerihew – A four line poem, humorous.
Line 1: Ends with a person’s name.
Line 2: Rhymes with line one.
Line 3 and 4: Rhyme with each other but not the first two.
_____ / 4 Quatrains – Four line poem with the first and third and the second and fourth
line of each stanza rhyming. You should have at LEAST 2 stanzas.
_____ / 3 Cinquains – Line 1: 1 word of 2 syllables
Line 2: 4 syllables – describing the subject
Line 3: 6 syllables – showing action
Line 4: 8 Syllables – expressing a feeling
Line 5: 2 syllables – describing the subject
_____ / 4 Alliteration – Alliteration is the repetition of the beginning consonant sound
like “Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers.” Write a four to six line poem and
start as many words as possible (and still make sense) with the same consonant sound.
Hint: Sounds can be the same with different letters! Ex. Cider and Spider
_____ / 3 Limericks – A humorous five line poem. Lines 1,2,5 Rhyme and Line 3 and 4
Rhyme. The rhythm of the poem is extremely particular. (We will talk much more with
examples on this in class!!!)
_____ / 2 Dada – Write down 10 verbs, 8 nouns, and some pronouns on small pieces of
paper randomly. Jumble them up in a bowl and draw them out one at a time. Arrange the
words on a piece of paper until you like the way they look/fit together. Try not to have a
premade idea of what it will be.
_____ / 3 Parts of Speech Poem – A poem about one subject with connecting words from
different parts of speech.
Line 1: one article (a, an, the) + one noun
Line 2: one adjective + one conjunction + one adjective
Line 3: one verb + one conjunction + one verb
Line 4: one adverb
Line 5: one noun
_____ / 3 ABC Poetry – A five line poem. The first four lines are clauses expressing an
emotion. The initial letters of the first four lines are written alphabetically, but not
necessarily beginning with the letter A. Line 5 is a sentence beginning with any letter.
Total: _____ / 55
- All poems must be legibly typed on its own page. The font and the size is up to the
student. Each page must also be decorated creatively and neatly.
- This rubric must be attached to the BACK of the poetry journal.
- In class, each day we will work on a few poems a day. I will give you examples and
give you time to write rough drafts and ask questions.