Ms. Fuentes at Belmont High School
1575 W. 2nd. St. Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 250-0244
Course Description: Biology is the science that studies living things. This laboratorybased course focuses on the process of scientific investigation through the study of
living things and the world in which we live. AP biology is a college level introductory
biology course usually taken by biology majors during their first year. Students who
pass the class and AP exam with satisfactory marks, are permitted to take upper level
biology classes or classes for which biology is a prerequisite.
Objectives: As a student you will be exposed to new scientific language and concepts,
technology, and research. You will actively participate in laboratory investigation
using the scientific method to help you develop or strengthen scientific attitudes and
interests. You will be encouraged and guided towards taking more independent
responsibility in your own learning, which will prepare you for college. This will be
measured by your success in meeting the requirements to pass the class and the AP
biology exam at the end of the year.
Classroom Rules – 5 P’s
1. Be Prompt – Be in your assigned seat before the bell rings. Meet deadlines.
2. Be Prepared – Bring necessary materials, including homework. Study for tests.
3. Be Polite – Respect school property and those around you. Discipline yourself
so others don’t have to!
4. Be Productive – Participate arduously in all class activities. Follow instructions.
Use your time and energy wisely. Finish all work. Everything has its time!
5. Be Positive – My expectations for you are to: set high academic and personal
goals, be a problem solver, help others, and as for help when necessary.
Special Requirements:
1. Attend class daily
2. Pay careful, intelligent attention in class
3. Participate in class activities by asking questions, contributing to class
discussions, and performing laboratory exercises.
4. Take detailed notes during lectures and the playing of videos.
5. Pay careful attention to the completion of all readings and homework
6. Spend extra time to complete lab work/projects after school, weekends and
7. Take the AP Exam in May
Course outline: based on the College Board’s AP Biology course outline, I have
decided to cover the following topics this semester.
1. Molecules & Cells: Chemistry of Life, Cells, and Cellular Energetics
2. Heredity & Evolution: Heredity, Molecular Genetics, and Evolutionary Biology
Benchmarks: Lab Reports, Poster Presentations, Tests, Computer Presentations,
Research Paper, Science Fair, etc.
Grading Policy/Standards
Class Materials you must bring everyday
Your grades are based on the point system - Three ring biology binder - organized
and equal the following percentages:
as indicated with all previous and
current assignments in it
 Tests/Quizes (50%)
- Composition notebook for labs
 Exam Prep essays (10%)
- Textbook –
 Classwork/homework (20%)
- Color pencils
 Labs/groupwork (20%)
- Lined paper & pens
 Homework (10%)
Grading Scale:
100% - 90% = A
89% – 80% = B
79% – 70% = C
69% - 60% = D
Bellow 60 = F
Multiple Opportunities: I am responsible to provide you with many ways to learn the
material, but ultimately you are responsible for your own learning and success. Find
ways to help yourself. I am available to help you most days during nutrition and
lunch in the classroom and after school in the library. Mr. Husing (B-track) who has
been teaching AP biology for years is also available some days. Forming a study-group
can be another way to help you study.
Late Assignments: Not accepted (exceptions at my discretion)
Absences: CANNOT BE AFFORDED. Numerous ongoing projects/lab activities are
planned in this class and absences will jeopardize your success. It is your
responsibility to find out about missing work. ASK a classmate or the teacher before
or after class. Do not interrupt class time.
Tardies: School tardy policy is strictly reinforced in the classroom.
*Challenge yourself everyday.
YOU are my Biology !
Dear parents/legal guardians
I welcome you and your son/daughter in my classroom. Please read this syllabus with
your child, sign it and return it with your child. If you have concerns or questions,
PLEASE contact me through the school. Students please bring this syllabus signed
and show it to me for credit. This syllabus must remain in your Biology binder at all
Student’s name _______________________________________
Date ______ Period ____
I have read the course syllabus and agree to pledge all my support and cooperation in
urging my son/daughter to comply with the above requirements, rules, and policies.
Parent Name __________________________
Best time to call _______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________ Daytime phone #_________