Transition Plan Examples Instructions: Below you will find three stories of special education students, each followed by a sample transition plan for that student. These stories and transition plans were originally developed by the Georgia Department of Education, but have been altered by DLC to reflect local practice and our view of federal and state law. Please use these with care, understanding that every student is assessed differently, even students with similar disabilities, and that local practices vary considerably between school districts. Transition Plan Examples Case Study 1 “Rosario” is an 18-year old student in the 9th grade with moderate intellectual disabilities and corresponding limitations in her adaptive skills. She is enrolled in a self-contained classroom in her local high school. Rosario possesses basic positive social skills and gets along well with teachers and classmates. Rosario has many acquaintances in school but very few close friends beyond a few in her self-contained classroom. Rosario, however, is very outgoing, and has a tendency to approach and attempt to talk with everyone. She participates in a social club for adults with disabilities, which includes group outings and participation in the Special Olympics. She lives with her mother, and it is just the two of them in their two-bedroom apartment. Rosario’s mother does not drive and her community does not have public transportation. Rosario herself has no job experience, other than a couple of volunteer positions at a local animal shelter. Rosario does participate in her school’s post-graduate vocational program, and attends occasional job trainings at Wal-Mart with her class. Rosario really liked her work at the animal shelter, but her mother is doubtful as to whether Rosario can hold down an actual paid position in the future. Rosario’s mother expects that Rosario will live at home after graduation. Rosario’s mother wants her to remain in school until she is 21 years old. Rosario’s mother depends upon the school’s SPED resources and has always relied on Rosario’s SPED teachers for information and advice. Rosario’s mother is not currently aware of other community resources available to her, nor is she currently pursuing possibilities for post-school services/activities. Rosario’s class recently completed a job assessment test. Rosario’s results lean towards a career in Conventional-Enterprising occupations. Some of the occupations in this category which appeal to Rosario are: animal shelter clerk, ticket seller/taker, usher, and counter attendant in a cafeteria. Name: Rosario- Case Study #1 Projected Date of Graduation: June 2013 Date of Initial Transition Program: Development _____________________ Update ________________________ Preferences, strengths, interests and course of study based on present levels of performance and age appropriate transition assessments (Areas for consideration include course of study, postsecondary education, vocational training, employment, continuing education, adult services and community participation) Rosario enjoys working with animals and is quite social and comfortable around other people. She participates in Access Courses as well as a self-contained special education class which provides instruction in daily living and vocational skills. According to her recent vocational assessment, Rosario is interested in the following occupations: animal shelter clerk, ticket seller/taker, ushers, or counter attendant in a cafeteria. At this time, Rosario’s Course of Study is to complete her IEP goals and to complete her Access Courses. Desired measurable post-secondary/outcome completion goals (These goals are to be achieved after graduation and there must be a completion goal for Education/Training and Employment) Education/Training: After graduation, Rosario will participate in a job training program offered by Vocational Rehabilitation in animal care Employment: After graduation, Rosario will work in a supported employment setting in animal care Independent Living (as appropriate): After graduation, Rosario will live at home with her mother until she feels comfortable enough to move out on her own (preferably nearby) Based on age appropriate transition assessments, in the spaces below include measurable Transition IEP Goals and Transition Activities/Services appropriate for the student’s post-secondary preferences, strengths, and needs. Note: There must be at least a measurable Transition IEP Goal to help the child reach each of the desired Measurable Post-Secondary/Outcome Completion Goals. I. Education/Training (Goals based on academics, functional academics, life-centered competencies or career/technical or agricultural training needs and job training) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Rosario will receive training in two employment placements, including one in animal care through Community Based Vocational Training (CBVT) Transition Activities/Services 1a. Participate in CBVT program 1b. Receive “Satisfactory” on all weekly progress sheets Person/Agency Involved Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome 1a. Student, case manager 1b. Student, case manager 1c. Complete instruction in three job skills and three work ethics as pertain to her community based work setting 1c. Student, case manager, LCCE instructor 1d. Participate in daily independence training activities in the classroom 1d. Student, CBVT instructor II. Development of Employment (Goals based on occupational awareness, employment related knowledge, and skills and specific career pathway knowledge and skills) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Rosario will identify two options for volunteer positions Transition Activities/Services 1a. Contact local libraries, churches, animal shelters, etc., to inquire about volunteer positions 1b. Maintain a log of contacts, including dates, person contacted, and call back number 2. Rosario will list five facts about two post-school supported employment options 2a. Access websites, make phone calls, gather pamphlets about postschool agencies such as: Person/Agency Involved 1a. Student, case manager, mom 1b. Student, CBVT instructor 2a. Student, case manager, mother, agency representatives Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome Achieve, Inc., Jobs for the Future (JFF), and High Schools that Work 2b. Student, mother, agency representatives 2b. Tour the facilities/programs of the two vocational settings where Rosario may work after graduation III. Community Participation (Goals based on knowledge and demonstration of skills needed to participate in the community, i.e.: tax forms, voter registration, building permits, consumer activities, and knowledge of how to use various forms of transportation) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Rosario will access and utilize two community resources Transition Activities/Services 1a. Assist her mother in visiting and completing two identified tasks (possible tasks: bank deposit, buy stamps and post office, obtain library card and check out a book, pay utilities bill) Person/Agency Involved Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome 1a. Student, mother 1b. Student, case manager, mother 1b. Participate in two Special Olympics events 2. Rosario will identify two transportation options and learn how to use them 2a. List two reputable private transportation options by researching on the internet and through the yellow pages 2b. List two public transportation options by researching on the internet and through the yellow pages 2a. Student, case manager, mother 2b. Student, case manager, mother IV. Adult Living Skills & Post-School Options (Goals based on skills for self-determination, interpersonal interactions, communication, health/fitness, and the knowledge needed to successfully participate in Adult Lifestyles and other Post-School Activities, i.e.: skills needed to manage a household, maintain a budget, and other adult responsibilities) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Rosario will make two contacts to Transition Activities/Services 1a. Apply for Supplemental Security Person/Agency Involved 1a. Student, case manager, mother Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome obtain financial assistance 2. Rosario will complete two social skills in school, community, and work settings listed Income (SSI) 1b. Apply for a Medicaid Waiver 1b. Student, case manager, mother 1c. Contact family’s insurance agency to obtain information about coverage for Rosario 1c. Student, case manager, mother 2a. Call a friend and set up a social outing at least once a month 2a. Student, mother 2b. Student, mother 2b. Spend a night away from home 2c. Attend a social skills class in school 2c. Student, case manager V. Related Services (Goals based on Related Services that may be required now to help a child benefit from regular and special education and transition services, i.e.: speech/language, occupational therapy, counseling, vocational rehabilitation training, or the planning for related services that the student may need access to as an adult) Transition IEP Goal(s) Transition Activities/Services 1. Rosario will identify two appropriate agencies to link up with upon graduation 1a. List five possible agencies by researching on the internet and through the yellow pages 1a. Student, VR counselor 1b. Contact Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and discuss services and options through Dept. of Human Resources 1b. Student, case manager, VR counselor 1c. Tour a minimum of two facilities Person/Agency Involved Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome 1c. Student, VR counselor, mother VI. Daily Living Skills (Goals based on adaptive behaviors related to personal care and well-being to decrease dependence on others) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Rosario will participate in Transition Activities/Services 1a. Enroll in Community Based Instruction Person/Agency Involved 1a. Student, case manager Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome Community Based Instruction with her class a minimum of three times per week 2. Rosario will perform three daily chores at home following a prepared checklist six days per week for four consecutive weeks 3. Rosario will assist her mother with meal preparation on two weekdays by choosing and following a recipe for four consecutive weeks 1b. Attend work sites 1c. Receive “Satisfactory” on all performance ratings 1b. Student, case manager 1c. Student, case manager 2a. Identify three daily chores at home 2b. Create and follow a checklist for the allocated time 3a. Assist mom will identifying recipes, including steps necessary to complete recipes 3b. Assist with grocery shopping and budgeting for meals 2a. Student, case manager, mother 2b. Student, case manager, mother 3a. Student, mother 3b. Student, mother Transition Plan Example Case Study 2 “Jeff” is a 14-year old student in the 8th grade. He is currently eligible for SPED services due to his Asperger’s Syndrome diagnosis. Jeff currently receives assistance from a SPED teacher in a resource affective skills class, as well as support from an occupational therapist for organizational skills development and help with calming strategies. The occupational therapist has taught Jeff various calming techniques to help him relax when he becomes frustrated. Jeff is a very bright student but struggles in his regular education classes. His strongest subjects are history and science, which are his passions. However, despite his enthusiasm and performance on graded work, Jeff often forgets to turn in assignments on time. Jeff becomes easily upset at himself when he forgets things. This brings out some immature, inappropriate behaviors, such as hitting his head with his hand and calling himself “stupid.” Jeff is generally outgoing and friendly, but misses certain social cues. He often interrupts others when they are speaking to bring up irrelevant stories, but usually he can be easily re-directed. Jeff plans to pursue a college prep diploma in high school. While he has a strong positive outlook for the future, his goals are not always realistic. Jeff recently discussed dreams of becoming a major league baseball player, or a fighter pilot. He recently spoke about working at the local aquarium, because it fits well with his passion for science. Jeff lives at home with his mother, father, and younger sister. Jeff’s parents are supportive and realistic. They claim that Jeff is somewhat lazy at home, and does not have any regular chores to complete. Jeff has expressed an interest in driving in the future, but his mother is a little nervous about the idea. Jeff’s parents would like to see him begin to take on more responsibility in the house, and possibly volunteer somewhere in the community. They are concerned about his unstructured time during the summer, and have inquired about summer camp options. Jeff’s case manager recently performed some vocational testing with Jeff. According to the results, some careers that might be suitable for Jeff include: museum director, tour guide, historian, researcher, and librarian/media specialist. Name: Jeff- Case Study #2 Projected Date of Graduation: June 2015 Date of Initial Transition Program: Development _____________________ Update ________________________ Preferences, strengths, interests and course of study based on present levels of performance and age appropriate transition assessments (Areas for consideration include course of study, postsecondary education, vocational training, employment, continuing education, adult services and community participation) Jeff’s course of study is a diploma with an emphasis in college prep courses, and his goal is to take as many science courses as possible. According to the ONET vocational assessment, some careers Jeff might be interested in include: museum director, tour guide, historian, researcher, and librarian/media specialist, though Jeff has also expressed an interest in a baseball career. Desired measurable post-secondary/outcome completion goals (These goals are to be achieved after graduation and there must be a completion goal for Education/Training and Employment) Education/Training: After graduation, Jeff will attend college and major in marine biology Employment: After graduation, Jeff will work at the local aquarium. Independent Living (as appropriate): After graduation, Jeff will live at home with his family while he attends college, and he may consider transferring to a more distant institution to live on his own at a later point Based on age appropriate transition assessments, in the spaces below include measurable Transition IEP Goals and Transition Activities/Services appropriate for the student’s post-secondary preferences, strengths, and needs. Note: There must be at least a measurable Transition IEP Goal to help the child reach each of the desired Measurable Post-Secondary/Outcome Completion Goals. I. Education/Training (Goals based on academics, functional academics, life-centered competencies or career/technical or agricultural training needs and job training) Transition IEP Goal(s) Transition Activities/Services Person/Agency Involved 1. Jeff will register for college prep classes upon entering high school 1a. Discuss all required and elective courses with counselor 1a. Student, counselor, case manager 1b. Select courses for freshman year prior to spring registration 2. Jeff will visit the high school setting three times before the first day of school to relieve anxiety about the new environment 1c. Complete 4-year plan within two months of entering freshman year, considering the possibility of a fifth year 2a. Attend 8th grade orientation night 2b. During August registration, identify and meet relevant staff 2c. Use a map to locate classrooms and important 1b. Student, counselor, case manager 1c. Student, counselor, case manager, parents 2a. Student, parents 2b. Student, case manager 2c. Student, case manager, occupational therapist Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome offices in the school before the first day 2d. Student, case manager 2d. Schedule a time to meet with new case manager II. Development of Employment (Goals based on occupational awareness, employment related knowledge, and skills and specific career pathway knowledge and skills) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Jeff will complete three chores at home, without prompts, for six weeks 2. Jeff will visit the New England Aquarium and inquire into volunteer opportunities there Transition Activities/Services 1a. Create a chore chart 1b. Create a system of rewards and consequences for chore completion 2a. Visit and tour the aquarium 2b. Place follow-up call to Director of Volunteer Activities and inquire about volunteering 2c. Request volunteer application and review with case manager 3. Jeff will research three careers in the marine biology field 3a. Research possible careers in the field on the internet 3b. Identify three careers and print information 3c. Create a list of the requirements for each career: education/training, skills/abilities, and job outlooks Person/Agency Involved 1a. Student, occupational therapist, parents 1b. Student, parents, occupational therapist 2a. Student, parents 2b. Student, case manager, parents 2c. Student, case manager 3a. Student, case manager 3b. Student, case manager 3c. Student, occupational therapist, case manager Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome III. Community Participation (Goals based on knowledge and demonstration of skills needed to participate in the community, i.e.: tax forms, voter registration, building permits, consumer activities, and knowledge of how to use various forms of transportation) Transition IEP Goal(s) Transition Activities/Services 1. Jeff will attend two professional and two high school baseball games 1a. Express an interest in attending Red Sox games to his parents 1a. Student, parents 1b. Discuss the game schedule (pro) and ticket purchase with his parents and they will select two games to attend 1b. Student, parents, case manager 1c. Remain after school to attend two home baseball games (HS) 1c. Student 2. Jeff will identify three community resources Person/Agency Involved Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome 2a. Student, parents 2a. Accompany parents as they complete tasks around the community (possible tasks: bank deposit, buy stamps and post office, obtain library card and check out a book, pay utilities bill) 2b. Student, case manager 2b. Become familiar with emergency services in the community and how to access them IV. Adult Living Skills & Post-School Options (Goals based on skills for self-determination, interpersonal interactions, communication, health/fitness, and the knowledge needed to successfully participate in Adult Lifestyles and other Post-School Activities, i.e.: skills needed to manage a household, maintain a budget, and other adult responsibilities) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Jeff will increase self-determination skills by becoming aware of and articulating three personal strengths Transition Activities/Services Person/Agency Involved 1a. Participate in selfdetermination curriculum through affective skills class 1a. Student, case manager 1b. Research Asperger’s 1b. Student, case Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome and three weaknesses 2. Jeff will demonstrate appropriate peer relations in three settings Syndrome on the internet to be able to discuss it with others manager, occupational therapist 1c. Identify three strengths and three weaknesses with case manager and be able to share t the next IEP meeting 1c. Student, case manager, occupational therapist 2a. Discuss and role play three various situations in affective skills class 2a. Student, case manager, teachers 2b. Student, parents 2b. Accompany a peer on a social outing at least once a month 2c. Demonstrate acquired self-monitoring strategies to decrease impulsive behavior by role playing strategies 2c. Student, case manager, behavior specialist, occupational therapist V. Related Services (Goals based on Related Services that may be required now to help a child benefit from regular and special education and transition services, i.e.: speech/language, occupational therapy, counseling, vocational rehabilitation training, or the planning for related services that the student may need access to as an adult) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Jeff will demonstrate two effective uses of calming skills in three stressful situations for a sixmonth period 2. Jeff will demonstrate use of three organizational skills in four academic class settings Transition Activities/Services Person/Agency Involved 1a. Identify three stressful situations at school and at home 1a. Student, occupational therapist, case manager, parents 1b. Identify three effective calming techniques and role play 1b. Student, occupational therapist, case manager, parents 1c. Utilize and role play calming strategies 1c. Student, occupational therapist, case manager, parents 2a. List three organizational skills that need improvement (i.e. using a planner, organizing notebooks, keep backpack organized) 2a. Student, occupational therapist, case manager 2b. Student, Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome 2b. Employ organizational techniques listed above occupational therapist, case manager VI. Daily Living Skills (Goals based on adaptive behaviors related to personal care and well-being to decrease dependence on others) Transition IEP Goal(s) Transition Activities/Services Person/Agency Involved 1. Jeff will demonstrate two independent living skills five days per week for sixteen weeks 1a. Wake himself up in the morning using an alarm clock 1a. Student, parents, case manager 1b. Utilize a calendar at home and in school to keep track of activities 1b. Student, occupational therapist, case manager, parents 1c. List daily homework assignments and chores 2. Jeff will demonstrate the use of personal hygiene practices five days per week 2a. Create and follow a chart of personal hygiene activities Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome 1c. Student, occupational therapist, case manager, parents 2a. Student, behavior specialist, parents Transition Plan Example Case Study 3 “Li-Na” is a 20-year old student with Cerebral Palsy. She is currently enrolled in the Severe/Profound Intellectually Disabled class at her high school. Li-Na has limited use of her arms and hands, but is able to grasp and move various objects. Li-Na uses a wheelchair, which she is unable to move without assistance. She currently has a dedicated full-time adult aid with her while she is at school that assists Li-Na with eating, toileting, and classroom tasks. Li-Na has basic communication skills, and is able to display her wants and emotions, though not always appropriately. She smiles when she is happy, and when she is angry or frustrated she screams and cries. Li-Na occasionally uses a picture board for communication, but is inconsistent in using it effectively. Li-Na has a functional receptive vocabulary and is able to respond to short, simple statements such as “look at me” and “watch this.” Li-Na’s parents and the school both expect that she will stay in school through her 21st birthday. Her parents would like to know the possible options available for Li-Na upon graduation. At previous transition meetings, Li-Na’s case manager shared SSI and Medicaid Waiver information with Li-Na’s parents. Li-Na is already receiving SSI, but she has just been placed on the planning list for the MRWP Medicaid Waiver. Li-Na’s case manager completed a transition questionnaire/checklist to indicate activities that Li-Na can and cannot do, as well as the activities she seems to enjoy. A similar exercise was completed by Li-Na’s parents. Li-Na enjoys watching TV and listening to CD’s. She can consistently turn and orient herself towards foods and activities to indicate her preferences. Li-Na’s parents are hopeful that she will be able to obtain a Medicaid Waiver soon. They are interested in obtaining respite care and are looking into dayhabilitation programs. They would also like to investigate assistive technology options, particularly for communication purposes. Name: Li-Na- Case Study #3 Projected Date of Graduation: June 2012 Date of Initial Transition Program: Development _____________________ Update ________________________ Preferences, strengths, interests and course of study based on present levels of performance and age appropriate transition assessments (Areas for consideration include course of study, postsecondary education, vocational training, employment, continuing education, adult services and community participation) Li-Na’s course of study is to complete her IEP goals and to continue to become more proficient in using her assistive technology (“AT”) device. Li-Na enjoys watching TV and listening to CD’s. She enjoys one-on-one attention and going to the mall with her class. Li-Na is inconsistent when using a communication picture board, but she can indicate preferences by orienting towards a choice. Desired measurable post-secondary/outcome completion goals (These goals are to be achieved after graduation and there must be a completion goal for Education/Training and Employment) Education/Training: After graduation, Li-Na will attend a day-habilitation program for continued training in use of assistive technology to active recorded music, stories, etc., during large group activities. Employment: After graduation, Li-Na will work as an assistant in a church nursery or library to provide music for children’s activities using an environmental control device and adaptive switch. Independent Living (as appropriate): After graduation, Li-Na will live with her family until she is able to live in a group home that can meet her needs. Based on age appropriate transition assessments, in the spaces below include measurable Transition IEP Goals and Transition Activities/Services appropriate for the student’s post-secondary preferences, strengths, and needs. Note: There must be at least a measurable Transition IEP Goal to help the child reach each of the desired Measurable Post-Secondary/Outcome Completion Goals. I. Education/Training (Goals based on academics, functional academics, life-centered competencies or career/technical or agricultural training needs and job training) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Li-Na will make a trial visit to four different day habilitation programs 2. Li-Na will acquire a communication device that she can use consistently Transition Activities/Services 1a. Tour House of Possibilities, May Institute, Lifeworks Day Habilitation Program, and Toward Independent Living & Learning Person/Agency Involved 1a. Student, family, agency representatives 1b. Arrange a trial day for LiNa at each of these facilities 1b. Student, family, agency representatives 1c. Learn about and begin process for entry into chosen option 1c. Student, family, agency representative, case manager 2a. Work with teacher/speech/occupational therapist on using various communication devices twice a week 2a. Student, occupational therapist, case manager Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome 2b. Contact vendors for possible sale/lease options for home use of communication device by first semester 3. Li-Na will acquire and use an environmental control unit with an adaptive switch 4. Li-Na will provide ongoing music throughout a ten-minute activity utilizing her environmental control unit with minimal verbal prompts for ¾ activities per week 5. Li-Na will read a 12-15 page story to a small group on five separate opportunities, utilizing a recorded story and environmental control switch to read one page per switch activation with minimal verbal prompts 3a. Contact vendors for possible sale/lease options for home use of environmental control device by the end of the semester 4a. Work with teacher/occupational therapist daily on using assistive technology to operate electronic devices in her environment such as CD player 2b. Occupational therapist, case manager, parents 3a. Student, case manager, occupational therapist, family 4a. Student, occupational therapist, case manager 5a. Identify stories to read and five opportunities for story reading activity 5b.Practice using switch 5c. Read stories with minimal prompts 5a. Student, occupational therapist, AT personnel 5b. Student, occupational therapist, AT personnel 5c. Student, occupational therapist, AT personnel II. Development of Employment (Goals based on occupational awareness, employment related knowledge, and skills and specific career pathway knowledge and skills) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Li-Na will meet with staff from two churches and/or Transition Activities/Services 1a. Contact three local libraries/churches to inquire about volunteer service Person/Agency Involved 1a. Student, case manager, parents Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome library settings to discuss possible volunteer or supported employment possibilities possibilities during first semester 1b. Practice appropriate greetings/conversations through communication system relevant to volunteer situations on a daily basis 1c. Practice using adaptive switch, environmental control unit, and tape player to play music for activities on a daily basis 1b. Student, occupational therapist, speech therapist, case manager 1c. Student, occupational therapist, AT personnel III. Community Participation (Goals based on knowledge and demonstration of skills needed to participate in the community, i.e.: tax forms, voter registration, building permits, consumer activities, and knowledge of how to use various forms of transportation) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Li-Na will actively participate in group conversations with peers at lunch and/or during community skills outings, using her communication system on two different occasions 2. Li-Na will initiate communication with workers in community settings, initiating two responses in three locations Transition Activities/Services 1a. Practice and expand vocabulary on chosen communication device/system on a daily basis 1b. Participate in group conversations during lunch periods and on daily outings 2a. Practice and expand vocabulary on chosen communication device/system on a daily basis 2b. Participate in group/oneon-one conversations during community settings 3a. Find two bus routes online that could be used for transportation needs 3. Li-Na will use a 3b. Identify two taxicab/van services in her community Person/Agency Involved 1a. Student, speech therapist, occupational therapist, case manager 1b. Student, speech therapist, occupational therapist, case manager 2a. Student, speech therapist, occupational therapist, case manager 2b. Student, speech therapist, occupational therapist, case manager Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome local transportation service for persons with disabilities to travel to two locations within the county 3a. Student, case manager 3b. Student, case manager IV. Adult Living Skills & Post-School Options (Goals based on skills for self-determination, interpersonal interactions, communication, health/fitness, and the knowledge needed to successfully participate in Adult Lifestyles and other Post-School Activities, i.e.: skills needed to manage a household, maintain a budget, and other adult responsibilities) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Li-Na will determine the process for her parents obtaining legal guardianship over her 2. Li-Na will apply for a Medicaid Waiver Transition Activities/Services 1a. Obtain guardianship information from internet 1b. Contact lawyer to begin/complete guardianship process 2a. Identify necessary steps to obtain a Medicaid Waiver from internet 2b. Contact regional office and submit and application Person/Agency Involved Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome 1a. Parents, case manager, Massachusetts Guardianship Association 1b. Parents, case manager, Massachusetts Guardianship Association, legal counselor 2a. Parents, case manager, DMH 2b. Parents, case manager, DMH regional office V. Related Services (Goals based on Related Services that may be required now to help a child benefit from regular and special education and transition services, i.e.: speech/language, occupational therapy, counseling, vocational rehabilitation training, or the planning for related services that the student may need access to as an adult) Transition IEP Goal(s) 1. Li-Na will identify two Transition Activities/Services 1a. Contact vendors such as Freedom Scientific, New Person/Agency Involved 1a. Student, occupational Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome providers of resources for a consultation on what is needed to achieve optimum level of independence in communication and environmental control Horizons, and Applied Human Factors, Inc., to investigate AT options 1b. Identify how to contact local occupational and/or speech therapist for consultation services 1c. Utilize/expand AT used at school and at home therapist, case manager, parents 1b. Student, occupational therapist, case manager, parents 1c. Student, occupational therapist, case manager, parents VI. Daily Living Skills (Goals based on adaptive behaviors related to personal care and well-being to decrease dependence on others) Transition IEP Goal(s) Transition Activities/Services 1. Li-Na will choose clothing appropriate for work and for play on three opportunities for each of the two situations 1a. Use AT devices to communicate choices with a variety of clothing to include work and play clothes on a daily basis 1a. Student, occupational therapist, speech therapist, case manager 2a. Use AT devices to communicate choices with a variety of actual objects to include a lunch, snack foods, clothing choices, and other necessary items on a daily basis 2a. Student, occupational therapist, speech therapist, case manager 2. Li-Na will assist in packing her backpack for work by indicating necessary items to a caregiver in the morning before coming to school/work two mornings per week for a semester Person/Agency Involved Date of Completion/Achieved Outcome