Parkinson Society Canada Backgrounder

Parkinson Society Canada Backgrounder
Parkinson Society Canada (PSC) is the national voice of Canadians living with Parkinson’s. Our
vision is a better life with a brighter future for Canadians living with Parkinson’s today. A world
without Parkinson’s tomorrow.
Since 1965, Parkinson Society Canada, in partnership with a Canada-wide network of regional
societies, provides education and support for people living with Parkinson’s, their families and care
givers, and the health professionals that treat them. The organization also advocates on behalf of
those affected by Parkinson’s and funds research into the causes of the disease, treatments to improve
the quality of life and advances towards an eventual cure. Parkinson Society Canada is accredited
under the Imagine Canada Standards Program.
PSC’s National Research Program (NRP) funds innovative projects that contribute to our growing
knowledge of Parkinson’s and that positively impacts the quality of life of Canadians living with
Since 1981, Parkinson Society Canada has invested more than $24 million and has funded more
than 450 awards, fellowships, and grants. Researchers working in Canada explore promising leads
in the origin, progression and treatment of Parkinson’s to unlock the mysteries of the disease. The
NRP funds specialized training for doctors in the diagnosis and management of the disease so
there will be more specialists to meet the growing need.
Parkinson Society Canada published the first Canadian Guidelines on Parkinson’s Disease in
2012. The Guidelines are broadly distributed for use by family physicians, specialists and allied
health professionals, such as nurses, pharmacists and physiotherapists to improve the standard of
care and access to care for individuals living with Parkinson’s. PSC offers continuing professional
development through accredited learning opportunities such as online modules, webinars and
conferences. These and other resources can be found on our website specifically dedicated to
health professionals at .
PSC regularly holds in person sessions and webinars to educate health care professionals and the
public on the latest knowledge on Parkinson’s disease, and other Parkinsonisms including
multiple system atrophy (MSA) and progressive supranuclear palsy.
PSC operates a national Information and Referral Centre which offers current evidence-based
information and resources on issues related to Parkinson’s disease and care management in both
English and French. Client services representatives have the knowledge, specialization and
discretion to address a person’s unique circumstances and concerns in a confidential manner.
April 2015
Parkinson Society Canada 1.800.565.3000
Information resources are available in English and French online at or in print
by calling 1-800-565-3000. Certain resource materials are available in five other languages:
Chinese, German, Italian, Punjabi, and Spanish.
An interactive map accessible at can help access local resources and support
services near you.
Parkinson Society Canada actively advocates on a range of issues that affect Canada’s
Parkinson’s community. Key advocacy priorities for 2015 include:
 Health Care Access: To ensure timely access to affordable and effective therapies,
diagnostics and health services
 Caregiver Support: To help caregivers maintain their own physical and mental well-being
 Genetic Fairness Protection: To protect Canadians affected by a genetic condition including
Parkinson’s disease, from genetic discrimination by employers and/or the insurance industry
 Neurodegenerative Research: To receive accelerated and targeted investment in
neuroscience and Parkinson’s research
 Income Security: To protect people affected by Parkinson’s disease from poverty
 Neurological Issues: To ensure the specific needs of those affected by neurological
conditions are recognized and addressed.
Parkinson Society Canada participates in numerous coalitions and partnerships to effectively fulfil its
 Parkinson Society Canada is a founding member of Neurological Health Charities Canada
(NHCC), whose primary aim is to seek a national brain strategy. In partnership with the Public
Health Agency of Canada, a national epidemiological study of neurological disease was recently
 Parkinson Society Canada works with a cross-Canada network of regional societies, to raise funds
and awareness of Parkinson’s disease and to provide local support and education to people living
with the disease, their families and care providers.
 Parkinson Society Canada is a member of the Best Medicines Coalition, Canadian Caregiver
Coalition, Canadian Coalition for Genetic Fairness, Health Charities Coalition of Canada,
Neurological Health Charities Canada and the World Parkinson Coalition.
Call 1-800-565-3000 or visit to make a donation, to get information and to find
services available near you.
April 2015
Parkinson Society Canada 1.800.565.3000