February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page Subject: Syntactic Support for IEEE 754r Binary128 and Decimal128 Formats Author: Charles C. Stevens 1 of 21 References in Document: 1) ISO/IEC 1989:2002, Programming language COBOL 20xx -- Base Document for 20xx standard (Nelson) (1/29/2005) 2) Draft Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754 (see http://754r.ucbtest.org/ for current draft) Previous version of document: 04-0251 – Syntactic Support for IEEE 754r Binary128 and Decimal128 Formats (Stevens) Note that the history of discussions about and modifications of this document between its initial composition and the beginning of Meeting #249a is contained in this prior version of the document. Discussion of Project: WG4 directed at Meeting #25 that this issue be explored further, and the author has volunteered to prepare a draft of a specification that can be incorporated into the proposed 2008 draft. IEEE 754 is being revised to add a 128-bit binary floating-point representation, as well as three decimal floating-point representations, namely, decimal32, decimal64 and decimal128. The details of these formats are under the purview of IEEE, and it is the specific intent of the author that COBOL be able to make use of the arithmetic, format and rounding rules for operands in these formats as detailed by that organization. The author suspects that the draft version of IEEE 754 will ultimately be the basis for a revision to ISO/IEC 10967-1:1994 – Language independent arithmetic – Part 1: integer and floating-point arithmetic, and this first draft of the proposal presumes this eventuality. This is reflected by references to “ISO/IEC 10967-1:20xx” which does not yet exist, and the paragraph numbers are as found in Reference 2. [NOTE: As of Document 05-0006, this approach has been abandoned; references to the subject document are in the form “DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00” thereafter.] It is currently expected that the revisions to IEEE 754 will be published as a new standard in 2005. The ultimate goal of this proposal is to provide arithmetic *in COBOL* for which the rules of rounding and result formation for basic arithmetic are entirely covered by an February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 2 of 21 international standard for arithmetic rather than being unique to COBOL and specified therein. There are several parts to this proposal that might be considered independently: 1) 128-bit binary and decimal floating-point USAGE formats as proposed for the IEEE 754 revision. 2) Allow use of 128-bit binary and decimal floating-point for intermediate data items (SBIDI and SDIDI in addition to currently-specified SIDI) through new ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD-BINARY and ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD-DECIMAL alongside current ARITHMETIC IS NATIVE and ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD. Arithmetic rules for the new intermediate formats are as specified in the IEEE 754 proposal. 3) 32-bit and 64-bit binary floating-point USAGE formats as currently defined in IEEE 754:1985. Some implementors may have done this with one of the FLOATUSAGEs; this allows the choice to be both fixed and portable (to all systems that provide them). 4) 32-bit and 64-bit decimal floating-point USAGE formats as proposed for the IEEE 754 revision. The author doesn't think they'll be of that much use, but while we're at it … 5) Allow new ROUNDED clauses to cover current truncation (ROUNDED TO ZERO), current rounding away from zero (ROUNDED FROM ZERO) , new rounding with ties to even (ROUNDED TO EVEN), and new explicit requirement of exact results (raise an exception if results can't be exactly represented in the destination). In the absence of a ROUNDED clause where one is permitted, the results are as before -truncation. 6) Allow specification in the OPTIONS paragraph of INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING actions (currently truncation only) to include the current truncation (ROUNDED TO ZERO), "banker's rounding" (ROUNDED TO EVEN) and prohibition of inexact representations in intermediate results (NO ROUNDED). The default is INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS ROUNDED TO ZERO. The impact of these options on NATIVE arithmetic is implementor-defined; the impact on STANDARD arithmetic is specified. There are a number of rounding options in the IEEE 754 proposal; I think ultimately we ought to provide as many options as possible in this area, both for intermediate rounding and for individual statements. Even with the limited selections in this proposal the wording is decidedly clumsy; ROUNDED TO EVEN is actually "short" for IEEE 754 "rounded toward nearest with ties to even", and the options include such things as "rounded toward positive infinity". I also would like folks, in the review process, to make sure my description of the wording options for COBOL accurately reflects the specifications in the IEEE 754 proposal. February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 3 of 21 Discussion at Meeting #249a: 1) Mr. Klein’s suggestion via e-mail to allow floating-point literals to have significands larger than 31 digits and exponents larger than 3 digits was accepted. Significands longer than 31 digits are a processor-dependent feature and will be so documented. 2) Mr. Klein’s suggestion via e-mail to allow floating-point edited-numeric items to have significand specifications longer than 31 digits (to 34) and exponent specifications longer than 3 digits (to 4) was accepted. Extending the significand increase to nonfloating-point items is not being considered at this time, but we should check with SQL folk to see if they will be doing so in support of IEEE 128-bit formats. 3) Mr. Klein’s suggestion to allow 34-digit significands and 4-digit exponents in the rules for the NUMVAL-F and TEST-NUMVAL-F functions was accepted. 4) Mr. Cowlishaw’s suggestion via e-mail to include NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO as a legitimate INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING option was accepted. 5) Mr. Cowlishaw seemed to indicate in his e-mail that TOWARD-GREATER, TOWARDLESS, AWAY-FROM-ZERO and NEAREST-TOWARD-ZERO as INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clauses are inappropriate in that context, and the committee agreed. For the ROUNDED clause, however, they are being retained for compatibility and interoperability with JAVA. 6) In ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD-BINARY, any conversion of a Standard-Binary Intermediate Data Item to a decimal format must first convert the value into a temporary in FLOAT-DECIMAL-34 format and then transfer that value to the destination. That means that whether the implementation supports ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD-DECIMAL or not, any implementation that provides support for STANDARD-BINARY must also provide mechanisms to convert to and from a FLOAT-DECIMAL-34 item in a manner in complete compliance with IEEE 754r rules. (This is the resolution for Open Item #2 in 04-0251, the previous version of this document). 7) The existing STANDARD ARITHMETIC needs to be changed to a processordependent feature and the Concepts adjusted to indicate that’s not the current direction for COBOL. 8) It isn’t practical to make USAGE FLOAT-DECIMAL-34 require ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD-DECIMAL or vice versa; ditto for binary. Although we hope implementers will take on the “whole package”, the USAGEs and the ARITHMETIC IS clauses are separately described as processor-dependent. 9) Exception handling for the various arithmetic operations and for conversions to and from the intermediate formats needs to be investigated and clarified. Subsequent examination of IEEE 754r suggests that individual exceptions need to be supported for Invalid Operation (e.g., the product of infinity and zero), Division by Zero, February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 4 of 21 Overflow, Underflow and Inexact. This is discussed further in Remaining Open Issues item 1) below. 10) Use FLOAT-DECIMAL-7, FLOAT-DECIMAL-16, FLOAT-DECIMAL-34, FLOATBINARY-9, FLOAT-BINARY-16 and FLOAT-BINARY-34 for the new USAGEs. (This is the resolution for Open Item #1 in 04-0251, the previous version of this document). 11) In addition to the 33 digits of precision specified for Decimal128, there’s another digit in the “combination” part of the format. And since 2**113 is about 10**34, the maximum digit specification for both standard-decimal and standard-binary arithmetic is 34. 12) While the fact that the intermediate rounding rules for Standard Arithmetic are in one place (under Standard Arithmetic) and those for Standard-Binary and StandardDecimal arithmetic are in another (under the Intermediate Rounding clause) there are adequate bidirectional pointers in both places. This situation is peculiar, and may be resolved later, but for the time being it’s not actually wrong. This closes Open Item #5 in 04-0251, the previous version of this document. 13) Floating-point literals need to allow for 34 digits of precision, as do floating-point numeric-edited PICTURE character-strings. 14) Where different rules exist for 33 digits for FLOAT-DECIMAL-34 items and 34 for FLOAT-BINARY-34 ITEMS, these need correcting; the maximum for both is 34. 15) The meaning of, and handling of, negative infinity, positive infinity, and Not-a-Number values in COBOL needs to be addressed. While the author’s original suggestion was to raise exceptions when any such value was encountered or produced, it appears this would, as a default requirement, be inconsistent with IEEE 754r. 16) This proposal does not seem to address normalization. Further changes and research independently done after meeting #249a: 1) The author does not feel dependencies among the various FLOAT-DECIMAL and FLOAT-BINARY USAGEs is appropriate and has closed this possibility. Each and all are independently processor-dependent, but ultimately the concepts section will make this clear. This question was raised in Open Item #3 of 04-0251, the previous version of this document. No change is needed here. 2) As this proposal has evolved, it is clear that because COBOL is fundamentally a decimal language, support for the use of the IEEE Decimal128 format is primary and that for Binary128 is secondary. This closes Open Item #4 of 04-0251, the previous version of this document, and furher related issues may be found above in Discussion at Meeting #249a. February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 5 of 21 3) Many thanks to Mike Cowlishaw of IBM for his many helpful suggestions and guidance through private email correspondence. Discussion at Meeting #250: The committee discussed the fact that, if standard-binary arithmetic is in effect, decimal operands must first be converted to Binary128 form before arithmetic operations are performed on them, and this leads to precision loss. The same is true for binary operands (in particular the three forms of IEEE 754r binary floating-point supported in this standard) when standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect, though this circumstance is less likely. The suggestion was made that the availability of USAGE FLOAT-BINARY items should be based on the specification of ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD-BINARY. The author feels that the ability to declare a Binary128 (or Binary64 or Binary32 for that matter) or their Decimal equivalents is, and should be, completely independent of the manner in which the implementor chooses to provide arithmetic operations. For example, it is entirely possible that a programmer might wish to receive, and convert into readable forms, items of any such usage without performing arithmetic operations on them. While the intent of this proposal is to encourage all implementors to provide all six new USAGEs, and both new arithmetic modes, the author does not feel the standard should require them all. In this proposal, USAGE is, and indeed should remain, independent of the ARITHMETIC IS specification, and the USAGEs and the two new arithmetic modes represent independent processor-dependent features. The suggestion was made that since all arithmetic operations involve two operands the form of the two operands should be used to determine which form was used to produce the result of that atomic operation -- decimal for two decimal operands, binary for two binary operands. In the event the two operands are dissimilar forms, the form specified in the ARITHMETIC clause is used, and the operand that does not match that form is converted to that form. The author believes the approach outlined in 05-0006, that all operands are converted into the single intermediate form -- Binary128 or Decimal128 depending on the ARITHMETIC specification -- is the correct answer. All operations are best performed against operands in the single, consistent form specified by the user for the program as a whole. Enhancements and variations on this approach can be considered for a future proposal, but they are beyond the scope of this one. . Open issue #1 from 05-0006 is resolved by the decision to use the existing exception conditions for floating-point exceptions. Open issue #2 from 05-0006 is resolved by the decision to await user feedback before considering adding these new ancillary intrinsic functions. February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 6 of 21 Open issue #3 from 05-0006 is resolved by the decision that the only meaningful case in which normalization might be important is conversion from a SDIDI or SBIDI to some other representation, and the committee agrees that the IEEE 754r draft adequately covers that case. Open issue #4 from 05-0006, whether to have three, four, or eight modes of intermediate rounding is resolved by the decision to have four intermediate rounding modes in the current version of this proposal. Two new open issues were raised after the publication of 05-0006. The first new open issue is that the intrinsic functions ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, COS, EXP, EXP10, LOG, LOG10, SIN, STANDARD-DEVIATION and TAN all indicate that their results are approximations. The author would prefer that in the new standard arithmetic environment these functions be specified more rigorously, but it is not clear that the relevant ISO standards for these functions are specified in a manner that would include the larger IEEE 754r floating-point formats. The committee has elected to leave the returned value rules for these functions unchanged. The second new open issue is the specific case of the SQRT intrinsic function. In this case, IEEE 754r explicitly provides a definition for SQRT. It is not in conflict with the current standard, but again, it is the author's preference that the COBOL standard refer elsewhere for such functions. The committee has elected to leave the returned value rules for these functions as currently specified in 05-0006. Remaining open issues: NONE. Proposed Changes to the Draft Standard: 1. Page 2, 2. Normative references: Add the following entry: DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00. [Author's NOTE This reference needs to be updated as new versions of this draft are promulgated and as the standard is adopted by IEEE and then ISO. If IEEE does not process this through the ISO fast track procedure for standards, there are ways to make a normative reference to it in an IEEE document.] 2. Page 74,, Floating-point numeric literals, Rule 2: Replace the third sentence with “The significand shall be from 1 to 34 digits in length.” February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 7 of 21 3. Page 74,, Floating-point numeric literals, Rule 3: Change the second sentence in part to read “ … maximum of four …”. 4. Page 118,, Native and Standard Arithmetic: Change the heading to read “Native, Standard, Standard-binary and Standarddecimal arithmetic”. 5. Page 120,, Rounding rules: Change the heading to “Rounding rules for standard arithmetic”. Add the following introductory paragraph immediately after the heading: The ability to specify the rounding rules that apply to standard intermediate data items is described in 11.8.4a, INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause. Immediately after that introductory paragraph, add the following heading and text: Rounding rules for INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS NEARESTAWAY-FROM-ZERO [Standard Arithmetic: NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO phrase of INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause] If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO is specified or implied, a standard intermediate data item shall be rounded to 31 digits in the situations listed below, and the rounding shall occur as described for the NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO clause of the ROUNDED phrase. 6. After that text, duplicate the information from, Rounding rules, starting after the first paragraph, and including all the numbered elements and the last paragraph. Delete the note. 7. Immediately thereafter, add the following heading and text: Rounding rules for INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS NEARESTEVEN [Standard Arithmetic: NEAREST-EVEN phrase of INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause] If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS NEAREST-EVEN is specified, a standard intermediate data item shall be rounded to 31 digits in the situations listed below, and the rounding shall occur as described for the NEAREST-EVEN clause of the ROUNDED phrase. February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 8 of 21 8. After that text, duplicate the information from, Rounding rules, starting after the first paragraph, and including all the numbered elements and the last paragraph. Delete the note. 9. Immediately thereafter, add the following heading and text: Rounding rules for INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS PROHIBITED [Standard arithmetic: PROHIBITED phrase of INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause] If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS PROHIBITED is specified, and the intermediate value cannot be represented exactly in a standard intermediate data item, the EC-SIZE-TRUNCATION exception is set to exist and the results of the operation are undefined. 10. Immediately thereafter, add the following heading: Rounding rules for INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS TRUNCATION [Standard arithmetic: TRUNCATION phrase of INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause] 11. Page 120,, Rounding rules for INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS TRUNCATION: Change the first paragraph (which was the original first paragraph of, Rounding rules) in part to read “If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS TRUNCATION is specified or implied, a standard intermediate data item …”. Delete the note before the last paragraph. 12. Page 122, before 8.8.2, Boolean expressions, add the following: Standard-binary arithmetic [Standard-binary arithmetic] Standard-binary arithmetic is a method of evaluating an arithmetic expression, an arithmetic statement, the SUM clause, and certain integer and numeric functions as specified in 15.3.1, Numeric and integer functions, in a manner consistent with the rules associated with binary floating-point arithmetic as specified in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00. Standard-binary arithmetic is in effect when the ARITHMETIC IS STANDARDBINARY clause is specified in the OPTIONS paragraph. The mechanisms for conversion of data items described with a usage of floatshort, float-long, or float-extended into standard binary intermediate data items February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 9 of 21 are defined by the implementor [author's note: not by IEEE 754; if float-short happens to coincide with IEEE 754 Binary32, the implementor needs to say so, for example]. The EC-DATA-INCOMPATIBLE condition is set to exist when an operand, or a combination of operands, results in the signaling of an “invalid operation” state as described in Draft Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 – 2004 November 29 20:00 section 7.1, Invalid Operation. Standard-binary intermediate data item [Standard-binary intermediate data item] [Binary128 format] [FLOAT-BINARY-34 in USAGE clause] A standard-binary intermediate data item is of the class numeric and the category numeric. The format of a standard-binary intermediate data item is the same as for a data item described USAGE FLOAT-BINARY-34. This format is defined in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00 as the Basic 128-bit Binary Format. This format is hereinafter described as “Binary128 format” for convenience. When standard-binary arithmetic is in effect, the following rules apply: 1) Any operand of an arithmetic expression that is not already in Binary128 format is converted into this form. 2) The size error is set to exist and the EC-SIZE-OVERFLOW or EC-SIZE-UNDERFLOW condition is set to exist if the value is too large or too small, respectively, to be contained in an item in Binary128 format. (See 14.6.4, SIZE ERROR phrase and size error condition). 3) The rounding rules that apply to standard-binary intermediate data items are described in 11.8.4a, INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause. Standard-decimal arithmetic [Standard-decimal arithmetic] Standard-decimal arithmetic is a method of evaluating an arithmetic expression, an arithmetic statement, the SUM clause, and certain integer and numeric functions as specified in 15.3.1, Numeric and integer functions, in a manner consistent with the rules associated with decimal floating-point arithmetic as specified in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00. Standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect when the ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD-DECIMAL clause is specified in the OPTIONS paragraph. February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 10 of 21 The mechanisms for conversion of data items described with a usage of floatshort, float-long, or float-extended into standard decimal intermediate data items are defined by the implementor [author's note: not by IEEE 754; if float-short happens to coincide with IEEE 754 Binary32 and the conversion rules from that format to Decimal128 are those found in IEEE 754, the implementor needs to so state]. The EC-DATA-INCOMPATIBLE condition is set to exist when an operand, or a combination of operands, results in the signaling of an “invalid operation” state as described in Draft Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 – 2004 November 29 20:00 section 7.1, Invalid Operation. Standard-decimal intermediate data item [Standard-decimal intermediate data item] [Decimal128] [FLOAT-DECIMAL-34 in USAGE clause] A standard-decimal intermediate data item is of the class numeric and the category numeric. The format of a standard-decimal intermediate data item is the same as for a data item described USAGE FLOAT-DECIMAL-34, which is defined in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00 as the Basic 128-bit Decimal Floating Point Encoding Format. This format is hereinafter described as “Decimal128 format” for convenience. When standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect, the following rules apply: 1) Any operand of an arithmetic expression that is not already in Decimal128 format is converted into this form. 2) The size error is set to exist and the EC-SIZE-OVERFLOW or EC-SIZEUNDERFLOW condition is set to exist if the value is too large or too small, respectively, to be contained in an item in Decimal128 format. Refer to 14.6.4, SIZE ERROR phrase and size error condition, for more information). 3) The rounding rules that apply to standard-decimal intermediate data items are described in 11.8.4a, INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause. 13. Page 184, 11.8.1, OPTIONS paragraph, General format: Add [intermediate-rounding-clause] between the two existing entries. 14. Page 184,, ARITHMETIC clause. General format: February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 11 of 21 [ARITHMETIC clause: STANDARD-BINARY phrase][ARITHMETIC clause: STANDARD-DECIMAL phrase] Add STANDARD-BINARY and STANDARD-DECIMAL, underlined, to the list enclosed in curly braces. 15. Page 184,, ARITHMETIC clause, General rules: Add the following new rules: 2a) If the STANDARD-BINARY phrase is specified, the techniques used in handling arithmetic expressions, arithmetic statements, the SUM clause, and integer and numeric functions shall be as described for standard-binary arithmetic in, Standard-binary arithmetic. 2b) If the STANDARD-DECIMAL phrase is specified, the techniques used in handling arithmetic expressions, arithmetic statements, the SUM clause, and integer and numeric functions shall be as described for standard-decimal arithmetic in, Standard-decimal arithmetic. 16. Page 184, After all text associated with the ARITHMETIC clause, add the following new headings and text: 11.8.4a INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause [INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause:NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO phrase] [INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause: NEAREST-EVEN phrase] [INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause: PROHIBITED phrase] [INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause: TRUNCATION phrase] The INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause specifies the rounding rules that are to be applied during the production of intermediate results in arithmetic statements and arithmetic expressions. 11.8.4a.1 General format INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING { IS NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO { [IS NEAREST-EVEN] {IS PROHIBITED {IS TRUNCATION 11.8.4a.2 General rules } } } } February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 12 of 21 1) If native arithmetic is in effect, the rounding rules that apply to intermediate data items are defined by the implementor. 2) If standard arithmetic is in effect, the rounding rules that apply to standard intermediate data items are specified in, Rounding rules for standard arithmetic. 3) If standard-binary arithmetic is in effect: a. INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO shall not be specified. b. If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS NEAREST-EVEN is specified or implied, the intermediate data item shall be rounded to the nearest value that can be represented in a Binary128 format in which the rightmost bit is zero. c. If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS PROHIBITED is specified and the intermediate value cannot be represented exactly in a Binary128 format, the EC-SIZE-TRUNCATION exception is set to exist and the results of the operation are undefined. d. If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS TRUNCATION is specified and an intermediate value cannot be exactly represented in a Binary128 format, the value shall be rounded to the nearest value that can be represented in that format in which the magnitude is smaller than the intermediate value and in which the rightmost bit of the significand is zero. 4) If standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect: a. If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO is specified, and an intermediate data item cannot be exactly represented in a Decimal128 format, the value is rounded to the nearest value that can be represented in that format. If two such values are equally near, the value whose magnitude is larger is chosen. b. If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS NEAREST-EVEN is specified or implied, the intermediate data item shall be rounded to the nearest value that can be represented in a Decimal128 format. If two such values are equally near, the value in which the rightmost digit of the significand is even shall be chosen. c. If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS PROHIBITED is specified and an intermediate value cannot be exactly represented in a Decimal128 February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 13 of 21 format, the EC-SIZE-TRUNCATION exception is set to exist and the results of the operation are undefined. d. If INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING IS TRUNCATION is specified and an intermediate data item cannot be exactly represented in a Decimal128 format, the value shall be the nearest value in that format whose magnitude is not greater than the intermediate value. 17. Page 310,, PICTURE clause, syntax rules: Delete Syntax Rule 6. 18. Page 310-312,, PICTURE clause, syntax rules: Add the following rules: 11a. For data items of category numeric, the number of digit positions described by character-string-1 shall range from 1 through 31. 11b. For floating-point data items of category numeric-edited, the number of digit positions in the significand portion of character-string-1 shall range from 1 through 34. 30a. The number of digit positions described by character-string-1 shall range from 1 through 31. 19. Page 313,, PICTURE clause, general rules 12b: Replace the last paragraph with the following text: The exponent shall be ‘+9’, ‘+99’, ‘+999’, ‘+9999’, or ‘+9(n)’ where n = 1, 2, 3, or 4. 20. Page 347,, SOURCE clause, General format: Replace “ROUNDED” in the General format with “rounded-phrase” . Immediately after the general format, add the following text: where rounded-phrase is described in 14.6.3, ROUNDED phrase. 21. Page 347,, SOURCE clause, Syntax rules 2 and 5: Replace “the ROUNDED phrase” with “rounded-phrase”. 22. Page 347,, SOURCE clause, General rule 2: Replace the second sentence with the following text: “If rounded-phrase is specified, the implicit COMPUTE statement has the corresponding rounded-phrase.” February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 14 of 21 23. Page 347,, SUM clause, General format: Replace ROUNDED in the General format with “rounded-phrase”. Immediately after the general format, add the following text: where rounded-phrase is described in 14.6.3, ROUNDED phrase. 24. Page 347,, SUM clause, General rule 2: Replace the second sentence with the following text: “If rounded-phrase is specified, the implicit COMPUTE statement has the corresponding rounded-phrase.” 25. Page 361,, USAGE clause, General format: [FLOAT-BINARY-9 phrase: USAGE clause] [FLOAT-BINARY16 phrase: USAGE clause] [FLOAT-BINARY-34 phrase: USAGE clause] [FLOAT-DECIMAL-7 phrase: USAGE clause] [FLOAT-DECIMAL-16 phrase: USAGE clause] [FLOAT-DECIMAL-34 phrase: USAGE clause] Add the following to the format, all underlined: FLOAT-BINARY-9, FLOATBINARY-16, FLOAT-BINARY-34, FLOAT-DECIMAL-7, FLOAT-DECIMAL-16 and FLOAT-DECIMAL-34. 26. Page 364,, USAGE clause, General rules: Add the following new rules: 12a) The USAGE FLOAT-BINARY-9 clause specifies that the data item is a floating-point data item in the format specified for basic 32-bit binary floatingpoint items in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00, Section 3.2, Basic Binary Format Encodings. 12b) The USAGE FLOAT-BINARY-16 clause specifies that the data item is a floating-point data item in the format specified for basic 64-bit binary floatingpoint items in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00, Section 3.2, Basic Binary Format Encodings. 12c) The USAGE FLOAT-BINARY-34 clause specifies that the data item is a floating-point data item in the format specified for basic 128-bit binary floatingpoint items in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00, Section 3.2, Basic Binary Format Encodings. 12d) The USAGE FLOAT-DECIMAL-7 clause specifies that the data item is a floating-point data item in the format specified for basic 32-bit decimal floating- February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 15 of 21 point items in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00, Section 3.3, Basic Decimal Format Encodings. 12e) The USAGE FLOAT-DECIMAL-16 clause specifies that the data item is a floating-point data item in the format specified for basic 64-bit decimal floatingpoint items in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00, Section 3.3, Basic Decimal Format Encodings. 12f) The USAGE FLOAT-DECIMAL-34 clause specifies that the data item is a floating-point data item in the format specified for basic 128-bit decimal floatingpoint items in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00, Section 3.3, Basic Decimal Format Encodings. 27. Page 399, 14.6.3, ROUNDED phrase: Delete the last sentence of the first paragraph. Delete index entres for ADD, COMPUTE, DIVIDE, MULTIPLY, SOURCE, SUBTRACT and SUM. 28. Page 399, 14.6.3, ROUNDED phrase: Add the following new headings and associated text: [ROUNDED phrase: AWAY-FROM-ZERO subphrase] [ROUNDED phrase: NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO subphrase] [ROUNDED phrase: NEAREST-EVEN subphrase] [ROUNDED phrase: NEAREST-TOWARD-ZERO subphrase] [ROUNDED phrase: PROHIBITED subphrase] [ROUNDED phrase: TOWARD-GREATER subphrase] [ROUNDED phrase: TOWARD-LESSER subphrase] [ROUNDED phrase: TRUNCATION subphrase] General format ROUNDED [ MODE IS {AWAY-FROM-ZERO {NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO {NEAREST-EVEN {NEAREST-TOWARD-ZERO {PROHIBITED {TOWARD-GREATER {TOWARD-LESSER {TRUNCATION } } } } } } } } ] General rules 1) If the MODE subphrase is not specified, execution is as if ROUNDED MODE IS NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO had been specified. February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 16 of 21 2) If the ROUNDED phrase is not specified, execution is as if ROUNDED MODE IS TRUNCATION had been specified. 3) If MODE IS AWAY-FROM-ZERO is specified and the arithmetic value cannot be exactly represented in the resultant identifier, the arithmetic value is rounded to the nearest value with a larger magnitude that can be represented in the resultant identifier. 4) If MODE IS NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO is specified or implied and the arithmetic value cannot be exactly represented in the resultant identifier, the arithmetic value is rounded to the nearest value that can be represented in the resultant identifier. If two such values are equally near, the value whose magnitude is larger is chosen. 5) If MODE IS NEAREST-EVEN is specified and the arithmetic value cannot be exactly represented in the resultant identifier, the arithmetic value is rounded to the nearest value that can be represented in the resultant identifier. If two such values are equally near, the value whose rightmost digit is even is chosen. NOTE This method is sometimes known as “banker’s rounding”. 6) If MODE IS NEAREST-TOWARD-ZERO is specified and the arithmetic value cannot be exactly represented in the resultant identifier, the arithmetic value is rounded to the nearest value that can be represented in the resultant identifier. If two such values are equally near, the value whose magnitude is smaller is chosen. 7) If MODE IS PROHIBITED is specified, and the arithmetic value cannot be represented exactly in the resultant identifier, the EC-SIZE-TRUNCATION is set to exist and the results of the operation are undefined. 8) If MODE IS TOWARD-GREATER is specified, and the arithmetic value cannot be represented exactly in the resultant identifier, the arithmetic value is rounded to the nearest larger value that can be represented in the resultant identifier. 9) If MODE IS TOWARD-LESS is specified, and the arithmetic value cannot be represented exacty in the resultant identifier, the arithmetic value is rounded to the nearest smaller value that can be represented in the resultant identifier. 10) If MODE IS TRUNCATION is specified, and the arithmetic value cannot be represented exactly in the resultant identifier, the arithmetic value is rounded to the nearest value with a smaller magnitude that can be represented in the resultant identifier. February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 17 of 21 29. Page 402, 14.6.6, Arithmetic statements: Change rule 3 in part to read “When standard, standard-binary or standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect … “. 30. Page 415, 14.8.2, ADD statement, General format: Replace “ROUNDED” in General Formats 1 and 3 with “rounded-phrase”. Add the following text immediately before, Syntax rules: where rounded-phrase is described in 14.6.3, ROUNDED phrase. 31. Page 431,, COMPUTE statement, General format: Replace “ROUNDED” in Format 1 with “rounded-phrase”. Add the following text immediately before, Syntax rules: where rounded-phrase is described in 14.6.3, ROUNDED phrase. 32. Page 438-439,, DIVIDE statement, General formats: Replace “ROUNDED” in all five General Formats with “rounded-phrase”. Add the following text immediately before, Syntax rules: where rounded-phrase is described in 14.6.3, ROUNDED phrase. 33. Page 482,, MULTIPLY statement, General formats: Replace ROUNDED in both general formats with “rounded-phrase”. Add the following text immediately before, Syntax rules: where rounded-phrase is described in 14.6.3, ROUNDED phrase. 34. Page 539,, SUBTRACT statement, General formats: Replace ROUNDED in all three general formats with “rounded-phrase”. Add the following text immediately before, Syntax rules: where rounded-phrase is described in 14.6.3, ROUNDED phrase. 35. Page 565, 15.3.1, Numeric and integer functions: Replace all instances of the phrase “standard arithmetic” with “standard arithmetic, standard-binary arithmetic, or standard-decimal arithmetic”. 36. Page 566, 15.3.1, Numeric and integer functions, last paragraph: Replace in part “When either standard or native arithmetic is in effect …” with “When either February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 18 of 21 standard arithmetic, standard-binary arithmetic, standard-decimal arithmetic, or native arithmetic is in effect …” 37. Page 588, 15.22.2, E function, Returned values: Replace all text with the following: 1) If native arithmetic is in effect, the returned value is an implementor-defined approximation of the arithmetic expression (2 + 0.7182818284590452353602874713526). 2) If standard arithmetic is in effect, the equivalent arithmetic expression is (2 + 0.7182818284590452353602974713526) 3) If standard-binary arithmetic is in effect, the returned value is the exact value of the arithmetic expression (14,114,126,198,520,207,781,233,383,725,636,853 / (2 ** 112)) in Binary128 format, normalized as described in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00. 4) If standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect, the equivalent arithmetic expression is the exact value of the arithmetic expression (2.718281828459045235360287471352662) in Decimal128 format, normalized as described in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 – 2004 November 29 20:00. 38. Page 623, 15.56.2, NUMVAL-F function, Argument rule 1: Change in part to read “ … n is one, two, three, or four digits representing … digit is a string of 1 to 34 digits.” 39. Page 623, 15.56.2, NUMVAL-F function, Argument rule 2: Change in part to read “If standard arithmetic or native arithmetic is in effect, the total number …” 40. Page 623, 15.56.2, NUMVAL-F function: Add a new Argument rule as follows: 2a. If standard-binary or standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect, the total number of digits in the significand shall not exceed 34. February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 19 of 21 41. Page 623, 15.56.3, NUMVAL-F function, Returned values: Change the second sentence of rule 2 in part to read “If standard arithmetic, standard-binary arithmetic, or standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect …”. 42. Page 627, 15.60.2, PI function, Returned values: Replace all text with the following: 1) If native arithmetic is in effect, the returned value is an implementor-defined approximation of the arithmetic expression (3 + 0.1415926535897932384626433832795). . 2) If standard arithmetic is in effect, the equivalent arithmetic expression is (3 + 0.14159265358979323846264338372950). 3) If standard-binary arithmetic is in effect, the returned value is the exact value of the arithmetic expression (16,312,081,666,030,376,401,667,486,162,748,272 / (2 ** 112)) in Binary128 format, normalized as described in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00. 4) If standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect, the returned value is exactly 3.141592653589793238462643383729503 in Decimal128 format, normalized as described in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/d0.8.1 – 2004 November 29 20:00. 43. Page 635, 15.68.3, SQRT function, Returned values: Change Rule 1 in part to read “When standard arithmetic, standard-binary arithmetic, or standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect …”. 44. Page 635, 15.68.3, SQRT function, Returned values: Add the following two rules after Rule 2: 2a) When standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect, the returned value is the absolute value of the exact square root of argument-1 rounded to 34 digits February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page 20 of 21 according to the rules for standard-decimal arithmetic and stored in a standard-decimal intermediate data item. 2b) When standard-binary arithmetic is in effect, the returned value is the absolute value of the exact square root of argument-1 rounded to 113 significant bits in the significand according to the rules for standard-binary arithmetic and stored in a standard-binary intermediate data item. 45. Page 644, 15.77.3, TEST-NUMVAL-F function, Returned value rules: Change Note 2 in part to read “If either standard arithmetic or native arithmetic is in effect, because the character …” Replcate all of NOTE 2 as new NOTE 3, and change in part to read “If either standard-binary or standard-decimal arithmetic is in effect, because the character … 35th digit … 35th digit …” 46. Page 670, A.3, Processor-dependent language element list: Add the following entries: 2a) The ability to specify a significand longer than 31 digits in a floating-point literal is a processor-dependent element of standard COBOL. 2b) The availability of the ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD-BINARY and ARITHMETIC IS STANDARD-DECIMAL clauses of the OPTIONS paragraph is dependent on the capabilities of the processor. 2c) The availability of the NEAREST-EVEN and PROHIBITED phrases of the INTERMEDIATE ROUNDING clause of the OPTIONS paragraph is dependent on the capabilities of the processor. 2d) The availability of the NEAREST-EVEN, NEAREST-AWAY-FROM-ZERO, NEAREST-TOWARD-ZERO, PROHIBITED, TOWARD-GREATER and TOWARD-LESSER subphrases of the ROUNDED phrase is dependent on the capabilities of the processor. 5a) The usages FLOAT-BINARY-9, FLOAT-BINARY-16, and FLOAT-BINARY-34 are dependent on the availability of a suitable computer architecture for the basic binary floating-point formats Binary32, Binary64 and Binary128 as described in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -2004 November 29 20:00. 5b) The usages FLOAT-DECIMAL-7, FLOAT-DECIMAL-16 and FLOATDECIMAL-34 are dependent on the availability of a suitable computer architecture for the basic decimal floating-point formats Decimal32, February 11, 2004 Document Number: J4/05-0047 Page Decimal64 and Decimal128 formats as described in DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754/D0.8.1 -- 2004 November 29 20:00. 21 of 21