Information and Software Technology Program
Epping Boys’ High School
In this unit of work student are introduced to the basics of software development. Students examine the nature of software and programming languages. They are introduced to the idea that algorithms can be used to best design software solutions and students build skills in solving problems using pseudocode and flowcharting. Students then implement their solutions using Liberty Basic. This language quickly allows students to come to terms with building applications. Students will be work through a number of exercises designed to give them experience with different data types and control structures.
Students also complete a number of research worksheets to help them build their knowledge. All materials needed by the students can be found on the school’s Intranet. ( http://webserver/computing/Programming1/index.html
Unit Length: TERM 3 9 - 10 Weeks
Topic 3 (Data Handling)
Data Coding
Topic 7 (Software)
Software Systems
Types and Examples of Software
Topic 5 (Issues)
Legal Issues
Ethical Issues
Social Issues
Option 8 Software Development and Programming
Programming Languages
Basic programming concepts
Basic Data Types
Data Operators
Control Structures
Desk checking
Sub programs
5.1.1 selects and justifies the application of appropriate software programs to a range of tasks
5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions
5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems
5.2.3 critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions
5.3.1 justifies responsible practices and ethical use of information and software technology
5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner.
Classroom Learning Activities (focusing on the ‘Learn Tos’.)
End of Unit Topic Test (focusing on the ‘Learn Abouts’.)
Project and related Portfolio
Students work through a number of set problem solving exercises where they are required to develop algorithms and build solutions using Liberty Basic
Information and Software Technology Program
Epping Boys’ High School
Activities / Integrated Learning Experiences
Students research the Programming1 website on the intranet and discuss the purpose and nature of software. Students then complete a worksheet on the topic.
( http://webserver/computing/Programming1/index.html
) OR
Students research and discuss Lega l and E thical issues related to the production , distribution , licensing and use of software. Teacher lead discussion is essential.
The Business Software Association of Australia site provides most of the answers to these questions.
(Worksheet 2) The teacher should record the completion of worksheet exercises and discussed the answers with the class.
Students Learn About
Software systems
the purpose of a software system
Types and examples of software
system including
– operating
– utility
application including customised
Legal issues such as
copyright and/or licensing piracy intellectual property security and protection including
viruses legislation such as Antidiscrimination, Equal
Employment Opportunity,
Occupational Health and Safety
Ethical issues such as
code of practice and conduct privacy and security inappropriate use including hacking accuracy, validity and bias of data
Students Learn To
define and describe a software system
explain the purpose of a software system
distinguish between types of software
select and justify the use of software for a given situation
compare and contrast the features of packages, including
relationships to other packages list the features of software packages appropriate to particular users and a range of tasks
examine legal issues as they apply to the development of information and software technology solutions research and report on ethical issues relating to the development of information and software technology solutions
identify the ethical responsibilities of software users examine and judge the accuracy, validity and bias of data and information
Timing & Registration
1 Periods
2 Periods
Information and Software Technology Program
Epping Boys’ High School
Activities / Integrated Learning Experiences
Students use the Intranet resource to learn about Programming
Languages (Worksheet 2)
Students use the Intranet resource to learn about Basic Programming concepts. Students should be given some time to run sample Liberty
Basic applications before discussing each of the key programming concepts.
Students should complete Worksheet 2. The teacher should record the completion of worksheet exercises and discussed the answers with the class.
Students Learn About
Programming language
function of programming language examples of a programming language
Basic programming concepts
input, process, output functions assignment statements variables
Data operators
relational logical arithmetic operators
Desk checking
purpose examples
Students Learn To
define and describe the function of a
programming language examine the code of an existing software program to describe the input, processes and output examine an existing program and identify functions, assignment statements, variables and constants modify an existing program to assess the effects of changing variables on the output of the program distinguish between various operators within existing code conduct a desk check on a selected algorithm modify an algorithm to produce the required output examine existing code and algorithms to identify the purpose of sub-programs for a range of examples
Timing & Registration
0.5 Periods
2 Periods
Information and Software Technology Program
Epping Boys’ High School
Activities / Integrated Learning Experiences
Students should research different forms of data on the Intranet. They should then complete Worksheet 5. The teacher should record the completion of worksheet exercises and discussed the answers with the class.
Student have difficulty understanding algorithms concepts. They need to be shown how to structure algorithms.. They need to analyse model algorithms solutions and discuss their understanding of these algorithms. The Intranet resource covers this very well but Teacher
Directed discussion is essential. Students should complete worksheet
3. Worksheet answers should be discussed in class.
An understanding of control structures is essential if students are to become successful programmers. Students should research control structures on the Intranet and complete Worksheet 4. The teacher should record the completion of worksheet exercises and discussed the answers with the class.
Students Learn About
Data types such as
character, integer, string, real, Boolean
Data coding such as
decimal and binary
Data structures
record file array
definitions and descriptions representing algorithms
examples such as recipes, directions, appliance instructions
Control structures
sequencing selection such as binary and case
repetition and/or iteration such as pre and post test
Students Learn To
identify data types in existing code and explain their purpose compare the use of data types describe and compare coding methods
perform simple calculations on data coding examine data structures in existing code
define algorithms and describe examples in daily life explain the purpose of an algorithm when solving problems examine and analyse the existing code of a selected example and identify control structures
Timing & Registration
1 Period
0.5 Periods
2 Periods
Information and Software Technology Program
Epping Boys’ High School
Activities / Integrated Learning Experiences
Project Work
Students us problem solving techniques to develop solutions to range of problems. Students should work at their own pace through the series of problems defined. The teacher needs to monitor each student’s progress and assist students with key concepts
Ref http://webserver/computing/Programming1/Projects.htm
Through the solutions the students develop, they demonstrate their understanding of key concepts as well as their skills in developing algorithm solutions and coding and testing these solutions
Students Learn About
Basic programming concepts
input, process, output functions assignment statements variables
representing algorithms
Control structures
sequencing selection such as binary and case repetition and/or iteration such as pre and post test
Students Learn To
represent algorithms by using either
flowchart or pseudocode devise algorithms to solve everyday problems incorporating the use of control structures
develop prototypes using basic control structures incorporate sub-programs into algorithms and working code
convert algorithms into basic code using a given language syntax demonstrate the use of an array modify existing code to allow for
changes to the array
Topic Test
This should focus on what the student have learned about. Students complete 20 randomly selected multiple choice questions online.
The teachers needs to record the result.
Timing & Registration
10 Periods
0.5 Periods