Chicano Thesaurus Revision Project Sponsored by LAUC List of LGBTIQ Terms Added to the Chicano Thesaurus 6-9-07 Bisexuals BT: LGBTIQ People SN: People who enjoy primary sexual and emotional relationships with males and females. Butch RT: SN: Femmes Lesbians Women (or males) who are perceived to be masculine. Butches can be LGBTIQ or heterosexual. Butch gay males are invisible because they pass as heterosexual. Coming Out UF: Family Acceptance SN: Being truthful to oneself and/or with others about one's identity, usually in the context of LGBTIQ people. Eroticism BT: Sexual Behavior SN: Sexual experience that is more subtle or suggestive than overt. Family Acceptance USE: Coming Out Femmes BT: RT: SN: LGBTIQ People Butch Lesbians Women (or males) who are perceived to be feminine. Femmes can be LGBTIQ people or heterosexual. Femme lesbians are invisible because they pass as heterosexual. Gay Male Community BT: LGBTIQ People NT: Gay Males SN: The aggregation of gay males on a local or larger (e.g. national) level. Gay Males BT: Gay Male Community SN: Males who enjoy primary emotional and physical relationships with other males. Homophobia BT: Discrimination RT: LGBTIQ People SN: The spectrum of prejudice aimed at LGBTIQ people. Homosexuality BT: Sexual Behavior RT: LGBTIQ People SN: Clinical term for sexual relations between persons of the same gender. The term "LGBTIQ People" is preferred when referring to the broader LGBTIQ experience. CT#: 5578 Identity Development BT: Identity RT: Personality Self-Esteem SN: The process by which people develop specific standpoints and values. Lesbians BT: LGBTIQ People NT: Lesbians of Color RT: Butch Femmes SN: Women who are committed to women on an emotional and physical level. CT#: 5580 Lesbians of Color BT: Lesbians SN: A general term for lesbians who belong to groups commonly called "ethnic/racial minorities." For Chicana lesbians, use the combination of "Chicanas" and "Lesbians." For Puerto Rican lesbians, use the combination of "Puerto Ricans" and "Lesbians of Color." LGBTIQ People UF: Gays Queer NT: Bisexuals Femmes Gay Male Community Lesbians Transgender People RT: Homophobia Homosexuality Stonewall Transvestites SN: An inclusive term for people who identify themselves as belonging to one or more of the following: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (or Transexual), Intersexual, or Queer (or Questioning). Marriage BT: Family NT: Intermarriage Same Sex Marriage RT: Divorce SN: CT#: Sex Roles Weddings Women Men Relations A type of civil and/or religious relationship contract entered into by at least two people. 392 People of Color USE: Ethnic Groups Queer USE: LGBTIQ People Same Sex Marriage BT: Marriage SN: Civil and/or religious contract entered into by people of the same gender. Self-Esteem RT: Alienation Identity Development SN: A positive emotional attitude toward oneself. Siblings BT: Family SN: Sisters and brothers, biological and otherwise. Stonewall RT: LGBTIQ People SN: Unprecedented uprising that took place at a gay bar in New York City in June of 1969. It was a watershed event that signaled the beginning of the second generation of activists of behalf of the rights of LGBTQI people. Tolerance RT: Discrimination SN: Acceptance of differences that may be difficult to accept. Transgender People BT: LGBTIQ People SN: People who identify on various levels as different from their perceived or assigned gender. This may or may not involve seeking surgical changes. Transvestites RT: LGBTIQ People SN: People, generally males (and some women), who cross-dress, that is, wear the the clothing of the opposite gender.