Cell Cycle, Chromosomes, Mitosis & Meiosis – Test Study Guide

DNA, Protein Synthesis, Mitosis, & Meiosis Study Guide
1. a. What is DNA?
1. b. When an addition, deletion, or substitution happens in the DNA strand, then a ___ occurs.
2. What is the composition of DNA?
3. How is DNA replicated?
4. What is RNA?
5. What is mRNA?
6. Explain transcription and where it occurs.
7. What is a ribosome?
8. What is a ribosome’s role in translation?
9. What is a codon? What is an anticodon?
10. What is tRNA?
11. How does tRNA bind to codons in the mRNA?
12. How does the code in DNA get converted into a specific amino acid sequence in the polypeptide?
13. How many chromosomes are in a human body cell?
14.What makes up each chromosome?
15. What holds chromatids together?
16. Sketch & label all parts of sister chromatids.
Cell Reproduction
17. What is asexual reproduction?
18. Give 1 example of asexual reproduction.
19. Which process produces identical new cells --- mitosis, meiosis, or both?
Prokaryotic Cell Division
20. Name a prokaryote that reproduces by binary fission.
21. Sketch and explain how binary fission occurs in a bacterial cells.
22. From where do new cells arise?
23. Why does the body constantly make new cells?
24. Is cell division the same in all cells? Explain.
25. Why must each new cell get a complete copy of the original cell’s DNA?
26. Copying DNA is known as ____________.
27. The original cell that divides is called the ________cell, while the two, new identical cells are called
28. Name the 6 phases of the cell cycle.
29. What is the longest phase of the cell cycle?
30. Describe what occurs in the G1 stage of interphase.
31. When is DNA copied?
32. How do the new copies of DNA compare to the original DNA?
33. Sketch & label all parts of the cell cycle.
34. In which type of cell does mitosis occur --- prokaryote or eukaryote? Explain why.
35. Name a type of cell that doesn’t undergo mitosis.
36. Name, in order, the four stages of mitosis.
37. What happens during propase?
38. What happens to chromosomes during metaphase?
39. What happens to sister chromatids during anaphase?
40. What pulls sister chromatids apart during anaphase?
41. Where are chromatids located during telophase?
42. What reforms around each set of sister chromatids during telophase?
43. What divides during cytokinesis?
44. How does the chromosome number of the parent cell compare to that of the 2 daughter cells? How do
the 3 cells compare in size?
45. If the parent cell has a chromosome number of 2n = 6, what will be the chromosome number of the
daughter cells?
46. Label these stages.
47. Eukaryotic cells before and after mitosis are ________or 2n.
48. How many divisions occur in meiosis? Is this the same as mitosis? Explain.
49. The original cell that divides by meiosis is ________ or 2n.
50. How many daughter cells can be produced by meiosis? Is this the same as mitosis? Explain.
51. What is the chromosome number of the daughter cells produced by meiosis? How does this compare
to the number of chromosomes in the original cell?
52. What are the daughter cells called that are produced by meiosis? Name them.
53. After one division, how many chromosomes are in the cells?
54. After the second division, how many chromosomes are in the cells?
55. Is meiosis sexual or asexual reproduction?
56. Are eggs & sperm haploid or diploid?
57. What process joins the egg & sperm to restore the original chromosome number of the organism?
58. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, a new 2n cell forms called the_______.
59. _____are pairs of sister chromatids that have the same genes, but may have different alleles.
60. ______ reduces the chromosome number by half, while _____restores it.
61. In Meiosis I, what separates?
62. In Meiosis II, what separates?
63. Name these stages of Meiosis I.
64. What is a tetrad?
65. Once tetrads form, what happens to the homologous chromosomes? What is this called?
66. Crossing-over results in genetic variation in the offspring.
67. What is special about Prophase 1? Metaphase 1?
68. Meiosis results in ____ haploid cells called __that have ____ copy of each chromosome.
Comparing Mitosis & Meiosis
72. Complete the following table comparing mitosis & meiosis.
Number of Divisions
Number of Daughter Cells
Genetically Identical
Chromosome Number
Where Occurs
mRNA ___________________
tRNA ____________________
amino acids ____________________________________________
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