To all members of the Planning Committee (Cllr’s Devonshire, Ballam, Bedford, Powell, Standley, Warman)
Your attendance is requested at a Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE to be held in
the Priory Hall, Ware Priory, High Street, Ware, on Tuesday, 14th August 2012
immediately following a meeting of the Full Council at 7.30pm when the following
business will be transacted:
This meeting is open to the Public and Press. The Council provides opportunity for members of the
public to speak or ask questions at every meeting of the Committee on any item on the agenda
To receive Apologies for Absence
To receive Declarations of Interest
To receive and approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th July 2012 (already
To consider current Planning Applications received from East Herts District Council
as listed below and on the schedule (attached):SLUP/CM0941 - Chadwell Springs Golf Club, Hertford Road, Ware - Proposed
remodelling of the existing 9 hole golf course by the importation of inert material to
include the creation of a multi-shot driving range, pitch and putt course and short
game tuition area; single storey driving range building comprising 20 bays, erection
of 10 metre high containment netting and associated lighting; demolition of existing
golf club house and golf shop; erection of a public house incorporating golf shop; and
associated works to include alterations to existing car park and provision of overspill
car park, cycle storage and bin storage, landscaping and provision f bus stop and
creation of a pedestrian access point on Hertford Road at Chadwell Springs Golf Club,
Hertford Road, Ware, Herts SG12 9LE – a presentation on this item will be given
by Barker Parry.
3/12/0729/FP - Morley Stove Co. Ltd, Marsh Lane, Ware - Demolition of
existing store, storage buildings and containers. Erection of 2 detached stores for
B1(c) use and recladding of existing offices, alterations to fenestration and front
3/12/0892/FP - 16 Fanshawe Crescent, Ware - Verandah, covered decked area
and 2.25m high fence (retrospective).
3/12/0961/FP - 19 Myddleton Road, Ware - Single storey front extension to
3/12/1035/FP - 17 Gilpin Road, Ware - Building of a porch.
3/12/1097/FO - Widbury Farm Barns, Widbury Hill - Variation of condition 3
(approved plans) of 3/11/1365/FP to allow changes to fenestration to main barn,
piggery and extension, provision of emergency escape, raising of eaves/ridge and
changes to materials approved under condition 4 namely roof tiles on Main Barn and
brick finish on extension.
3/12/1103/LB - Widbury Farm Barns, Widbury Hill - Variation to provision of
windows and some of the external finishes to main timber barn, piggery wing, new
extension and courtyard building (amendments to Listed Building Consent ref:
3/12/1117/FP – 89 Musley Hill, Ware – Erection of 1 No. 1 bedroomed flat.
3/12/1124/FP - 4 Frenchs Yard, Amwell End, Ware - Installation of 1 no. air
conditioning extract unit.
3/12/1137/FP - 73 Heath Drive, Ware - External alterations to existing office
building including construction of third storey to create two x 1 bed flats; layout of
parking area and all ancillary works.
3/12/1144/FP – Fox Talbot House, 2 Amwell End, Ware – External alterations
to existing office building including construction f third storey to create two x 1 bed
flats; layout of parking area and all ancillary works.
3/12/1158/FP - 3 Horrocks Close, Ware - Single storey front and two storey side
3/12/1164/FP - 49 Heath Drive, Ware - Subdivision of dwelling to form two units
and single storey side extension.
3/12/1168/FP - 35 Warner Road, Ware - Single storey side extension and
3/12/1178/FP – 12 Trapstyle Road, Ware – Insert front bow window.
3/12/1197/FP – 164 Cozens Road, Ware - Two storey rear, first floor side and
single storey front extensions.
3/12/1211/FP - 16 Coltsfoot Road, Ware - Demolition of existing garage,
erection of single storey rear and side extension and new pitched roof to existing
extensions replacing flat roof.
3/12/1220/FP – 3 Trinity Road, Ware - Alterations to single storey rear
extension including change in pitch of roof to match existing, installation of new
window and glazed doors.
3/12/1240/FP - 25 Heath Drive, Ware - Single storey side extension.
3/12/1255/FP – 29 Heath Drive, Ware – Single storey side extension.
3/12/1274/AD - A10 Great Cambridge Road/Stanstead Road
roundabout, Hertford - 4 No. freestanding post mounted signs with coloured
graphics and text detail to front, powder coated to reverse (EH8).
To receive and note the Decision Notices received from East Herts District Council
as set out on the attached schedule (attached)
A Neighbourhood Plan for Ware – to receive a progress report
To consider any matters relating to Fly-posting, Graffiti & Litter
Musley School Site – to receive a progress report
Broadmeads Footpath Closure – to receive a progress report
Facilities for Boaters – to receive a progress report
Traffic Calming – to receive a progress report on the request for traffic calming in
Wulfrath Way/ Quincey Road
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Hertfordshire – to consider the
Committee’s response to the consultation – deadline for response 7 September
(summary attached, full document available in office or from
ertslfrmscons/ )
Hertfordshire County Council Waste Development Framework – Examination of
Core Strategy – to note the publication of the report (details attached)
Any Other Planning Matters for information only
To note the Date of the Next Meeting – Monday, 3 September 2012 at 7.30pm.
Ware Priory,
High Street,
Ware. SG12 9AL
01920 460316
Jill Rowlinson, Town Clerk
7 August 2012