Topic Sentence (exercises 2

Topic Sentence
(Exercises 2/3)
For the following questions, a topic
sentence is given. Try choosing the
sentence that best develops or supports
it. (The answers are given below.)
One scientific theory of the origin of
the universe is the much is understood
big bang theory.
Life on Earth is ancient and, even at
its first appearance, unimaginably
a. Physicists now believe they can
construct what happened in the
universe during the first three
minutes of its beginning.
b. Many scientists believe that, during
microwave experiments, we can
actually “hear” echoes of the big
c. The popular notion is that the big
bang was a huge explosion in space,
but this is far too simple a
d. The big bang theory, if accepted,
convinces us that the universe was
not always as it is now.
a. Scientists place its beginnings at
some three billion years ago, when
they hypothesize that the first
molecule floated up out of the ooze
with the unique ability to replicate
b. The most complex life form is, of
course, the mammal—and the most
complex mammal is humankind.
c. It is unknown exactly where life
started, where the first molecule
was “born” that had the ability to
replicate itself.
d. Darwin’s theory of evolution was
one attempt to explain what
essentially remains a great mystery.
Cosmetic plastic surgery is one of the
fastest growing segments of U.S.
a. Cosmetic plastic surgery can have
dangerous side effects, some of
which can be fatal.
b. Americans are eager to make their
bodies as perfect as possible and to
minimize the visible signs of aging.
c. The price of cosmetic plastic surgery
is also on the rise.
d. This increase in cosmetic plastic
surgery says something quite
disturbing about our culture.––
Before we learn how to truly love
someone else, we must learn how to
love the face in the mirror.
Don’t be shy about meeting
members of the opposite sex.
b. No one can really love you the way
you can love yourself.
c. Love is not something that lasts
unless one is very lucky.
d. Learning to accept ourselves for
who we are will teach us how to
accept another person.
The Greek ideal of the hero most
closely resembles today’s free-agent
a. A superstar is an athlete who
commands a great salary based on
his individual skills.
b. The Greek warrior’s focus was on
grasping at immortality, and he did
this by ensuring that his name
would live on, long after he died.
c. The Greek hero valued self-interest
above loyalty to a cause, his king, or
to his army, just as the free-agent
superstar values his contract salary
above any special team, coach, or
the game.
d. The Greek hero was impressive in
his performance on the battlefield as
well as in the sports arena.
There is no instruction by the old bird
in the movements of flight; no
conscious imitation by the young.
a. The most obvious way in which
birds differ from humans in
behavior is that they can do all that
they have to do, without ever being
b. More extraordinary than the fact that
a bird is able to fly untaught, is that
it is able to build a nest untaught.
c. Young birds frequently make their
flights with their parents out of sight.
d. Young birds brought up in artificial
environments will build the proper
kind of nest for their species when
the time comes.
Parents play an important role in
their children’s academic success.
a. Video games have a negative impact
on children’s academic success.
b. Studies show that children of parents
who regularly assist with homework
and show an active interest in their
child’s studies bring home better
c. Studies show that watching less
television and spending less time
playing video games help children
get better grades.
d. Children who are avid readers get
much better grades than their peers.
In special cases, needy people who
have nowhere else to go are
permitted to enter the United States
as refugees.
a. Other people, however, enter the
United States illegally.
b. The total number of newcomers was
over one million.
c. United States immigration laws put
limits on the number of people
permitted to enter the United States.
d. As many as 12 million people may
be living in the United States
The Puritans established a wide
variety of punishments to enforce
their strict laws.
a. The Puritans believed that some
lawbreakers should be shamed in
public by the use of stocks and the
b. Disobedient children would feel the
sting of the whip.
c. The Eighth Amendment of the Bill
of Rights prohibits cruel and
unusual punishment.
d. Today, many of the punishments
used by the Puritans seem cruel and
More and more people are eating
a. Organic food is usually more
expensive than non-organic food.
b. A wide variety of organic chocolate
products are now available in stores.
c. Raw foods are enjoying increasing
popularity, now that people are
discovering how a raw-foods diet
leaves you feeling and looking
d. Fresh organic produce contains
more vitamins, minerals, and
enzymes than nonorganic produce.
In Oklahoma, a girl is forbidden to
take a bite from her date’s
a. It’s illegal for teenagers to take a bath
during the winter in Clinton, Indiana.
b. Youngsters may not spin Yo-Yos on
Sunday in Memphis, Tennessee.
c. It may be hard to believe, but these
types of strange laws are still on the
d. It is illegal to parade an elephant down
Main Street in Austin, Texas.
The hairs
a. A cat’s whiskers are among the most
perfect organs of touch.
b. The roots contain highly sensitive
nerve endings.
c. Serving as feelers, they aid the cat’s
ability to move in the dark.
d. This is most important for a cat that
does its prowling at night.
a. This choice refers both to age and
complexity; b and c refer only to
complexity. Answer d is less relevant to
the topic sentence (which doesn’t mention
Darwin or theories) than the other choices.
b. This choice is the only one that supports
and develops the topic sentence. The other
choices all say something about cosmetic
plastic surgery, but they do not support the
topic sentence, which states that cosmetic
plastic surgery is one of the fastestgrowing segments of U.S. medicine.
c. The topic sentence speaks of the bigbang theory being much misunderstood,
and c addresses this, whereas the other
choices do not.
d. Only this choice deals with learning
how to accept oneself and then relates it to
another person. Choices a and c are both
irrelevant to the topic sentence. Choice b
states the exact opposite of the topic
c. Choice c is the only entry that presents
the similar traits of both the hero and the
superstar. Choice a only defines a
superstar. Choice b defines the hero.
Choice d introduces irrelevant material—
the sports arena, with no mention of the
a. This choice is a comparison between
man and bird. Neither one needs
instruction to do what is important to its
life. Choices b, c, and d do not support this
topic sentence.
b. This choice is the only one that talks
about how parents make a difference in
their children’s academic success. The
other choices don’t mention parents at all.
c. The main idea is that the United States
limits immigration numbers. Choices a, b,
and d show the effects and statistics that
result from this action but do not support
the topic sentence.
d. The topic sentence refers to punishment
used in early America. Choice a gives a
reason for the use of punishment in early
America. Choices b and c state why we
don’t have such punishment today and
compares historical punishment with
today’s sensibility.
d. Choice d gives us a reason why more
people are eating organic, so it supports
the statement made in the topic sentence.
Choices a and b are about organic
products, but they don’t provide logical
reasons for the increasing popularity of
organic foods. Choice c is about another
topic completely.
c. This choice introduces the idea that
some laws are strange. Choices a, b, and d
are examples of strange laws.
a. This topic sentence states the
importance of a cat’s whiskers. Choices b,
c, and d give other details that do not
directly support the topic sentence.