BIO - Partners HealthCare

Partners Center of Expertise in Medical Education Faculty
Center of Expertise Co-chairs
Keith Baker, M.D., Ph.D. is Vice Chair for
Education in the Department of Anesthesia,
Critical Care and Pain Medical at the
Massachusetts General Hospital (DACCPM). He
is Program Director for the Anesthesia Residency
at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).
As Education Director he developed the didactic
curriculum that continues as the core didactics for
the residency. He also developed a quantitative
system for having residents evaluate faculty
Keith Baker, MD PhD
Program Director,
member’s clinical teaching. This process led to
Anesthesia, MGH
enhanced clinical teaching by the faculty. He has
developed a system for quantitatively evaluating
resident clinical performance which allows
focused intervention aimed at improving
Trainee opportunities
performance. As Vice Chair for Education he has
Collaboration in building a developed an educational pay-for-performance
system to enhance resident teaching by faculty
bibliography on Med Ed
members. He has recently begun the process of
changing the goal of teaching and learning from a
minimum competency model currently used in
graduate medical education (GME) to one
focused on expert performance. To this end he
has led the DACCPM through a paradigm shift in
thinking about teaching and learning. He also
leads a seminar series for residents, fellows and
faculty on expert performance.
Graham McMahon MD MMSc is an assistant
professor of medicine and member of the
Academy at Harvard Medical School. He is a
member of the faculty in the division of
endocrinology, diabetes and hypertension at the
Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston where
he completed his postgraduate training. Dr.
McMahon received his medical education at the
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, a master’s
Graham McMahon, MD
degree in clinical research from Harvard Medical
Associate Professor of
School, and his doctorate in education from the
Editor for Medical
National University of Ireland. He is the editor
Education, NEJM
for medical education at the New England
Journal of Medicine. He also directs the
endocrinology course at Harvard Medical School.
Trainee Opportunities
He is a board member of the National Board of
Medical Examiners where he chairs the test
committee for the USMLE step 2 clinical skills
Joint teaching: shared
examination. He has received local and national
lecture, teaching rounds
awards for his teaching and his work in medical
session, medical student
education and diabetes research. His work has
case discussion, etc.
Projects in curriculum
been published in the New England Journal of
development or program
Medicine, Diabetes Care, the Archives of Internal
Medicine, the Journal of General Internal
Collaboration in building a
Medicine, and Medical Education. His research
bibliography on Med Ed
interests include systems of care for patients with
diabetes, cardiovascular disease in diabetes, and
medical education.
Center of Expertise Faculty
Dr. Stanley Ashley is the Vice Chair of
Department of Surgery and the Program Director
for the General Surgery Residency at Brigham
and Women's Hospital. The five-year ACGME
accredited general surgery residency provides
surgical education of the highest caliber leading
to American Board of Surgery Certification in
general surgery within an environment designed
to encourage clinical and basic scientific
Stan Ashley, MD
Chief Medical Officer, BWH investigational experience. Dr. Ashley has been
program director in general surgery first at
Frank Sawyer Professor and
UCLA and since 2000 at BWH. He has
Vice Chair
Program Director, General
participated in a variety of educational research
Surgery Residency
projects and has been a director of the American
Department of Surgery,
Board of Surgery, which deals with educational
issues and requirements, for 7 years. In 2012 he
will become chair of American Board of
Surgery. Dr. Ashley is focused on practical
aspects of measurement of surgical quality and
Trainee opportunities
Didactic sessions
how these can be applied to improve outcomes,
particularly for the individual surgeon. Closely
Joint teaching: shared
related to this, he has an interest in surgical
lecture, teaching rounds
session, medical student case education, both at the graduate and postgraduate
(MOC) levels, and its integration into a
discussion, etc.
certification/re-certification process that ensures
Projects in curriculum
development or program
quality of care.
Hasan Bazari
Program Director,Internal
Medicine Residency
Associate Professor
Internal Medicine, MGH
Dr. Bazari has been the Program Director for the
Internal Medicine Residency for the last 17 years
and has been involved nationally with the
Association of Program Directors in Internal
Medicine. He has also been part of the ACGMEABIM Milestones Writing Group. He has
interests in Educational Research as well as
clinical teaching.
Trainee opportunities
Joint teaching: shared
lecture, teaching rounds
session, medical student case
discussion, etc.
Projects in curriculum
development or program
Gene Beresin, M.A, M.D. is Professor of
Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is
Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Residency Training Program at Massachusetts
General Hospital and McLean Hospital. He is
Director of the Elizabeth Thatcher Acampora
Endowment, an outreach program to meet the
needs of underserved youth and families in three
Beresin, MA, MD
community settings. Dr. Beresin is Co-Director
Professor of Psychiatry, HMS
of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for
Director of Child and
Mental Health and Media. He served President
Adolescent Psychiatry
of the American Association of Directors of
Residency Training,
MGH/McLean Hospitals
Psychiatry Residency Training and as
Chief of the Psychiatry Residents in Training
Examination (PRITE). He is director of the yearlong required third year course, Patient Doctor
Trainee opportunities
III, at Harvard Medical School. He is a member
the Academy at Harvard Medical School. Dr.
Didactic sessions
Beresin is Associate Editor and Media Editor for
Joint teaching: shared
Academic Psychiatry. His educational awards
lecture, teaching rounds
include the Parker J. Palmer “Courage to Teach”
session, medical student case
Award in 2002, given annually by the
discussion, etc.
Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical
Projects in curriculum
Education to 10 Program Directors. In 2004, he
development or program
Robert J. Birnbaum, M.D.,
Executive Director of
Postgraduate Medical
Massachusetts General
Trainee opportunities
Projects in curriculum
development or program
was awarded the American Psychiatric
Association and National Institute of Mental
Health Vestermark Award for Outstanding
Teaching. Dr. Beresin has consulted to a variety
of television shows including ER and Law and
Order SVU. He was Consultant to the Emmy
Award winning HBO children’s specials,
Goodnight Moon and Other Sleepytime Tales
(2000), Through a Child’s Eyes: September 11,
2001 (2003) and Classical Baby (2005). He coproduced a Parenting Resource website for Dr. Beresin has published
numerous papers and chapters on a variety of
topics in medical education, media, patientdoctor relationships and child and adolescent
psychiatric treatments.
Dr. Birnbaum's clinical training is in psychiatry
and his Ph.D. training is in molecular
neurobiology. Since 2004 he has been
developing postgraduate education activities
under the auspices of the MGH Psychiatry and
MGH Academy (multi-disciplinary
encompassing a broad range of clinical areas).
The academy is committed to improving patient
care by providing quality medical education. Our
goal is to foster quantitative and qualitative
improvements in competence, performance and
patient outcomes. Learning activities are
designed to improve clinical decision making,
enhance treatment strategies, interpret new
findings as they apply to patient care, and
analyze health policy. Our educational content is
developed to determine and address identified
gaps in knowledge, present emerging new
research, and promote state-of-the-art patient
care. By providing health care education to
patients and their families in addition to health
care providers, the academy addresses barriers to
care and encourages collaborative health care
delivery. Our innovative healthcare education
programs are consistent with adult learning
principles and include live activities, selfdirected learning, e-learning and clinical
simulation technology. The academy's
programming reaches over 25,000 providers
Jonathan F.
Borus, MD
Stanley Cobb Distinguished Professor
of Psychiatry and Faculty Dean for
Education at Brigham and Women's
Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Co-Chair, Partners Education Review
Psychiatry and Medical Education,
Trainee opportunities
Didactic sessions
Projects in curriculum development or
program improvement
Elizabeth (Lisa) Breen
across the United States (with registrants from
over 60 countries around the globe) and
thousands of patients and their families.
Dr Borus is currently the HMS Stanley Cobb
Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and
Faculty Dean for Education at BWH,
coordinating undergraduate and graduate
medical education efforts at BWH with those at
the Medical School. He served from 1976-1990
as Director of Psychiatric Residency and
Fellowship Training at MGH and from 19831990 as Chair of the MGH Executive Committee
on Teaching and Education. From 1990-2008 he
was Chairman and Psychiatrist in Chief of the
BWH Department of Psychiatry, and was
instrumental in the development of the Harvard
Longwood Psychiatry Residency Program. From
2008-2010 Dr. Borus was the Director of
Medical Education for BWH, fostering the
teaching and careers of medical educators in all
specialties, and from 2006-2010 served as CoChair of both the BWH and Partners Education
Committees. Since 2009 he has Co-Chaired the
Partners Education Review Board which
oversees all interactions between industry and
educational programs throughout Partners. Dr.
Borus has served as the President of the
Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP), the
national organization of educators in psychiatry,
and Editor of the journal Academic Psychiatry.
Among his honors are the 1992 AAP
Outstanding Psychiatric Educator Award, the
1997 American Psychiatric Association and
National Institute of Mental Health Vestermark
Award for Psychiatric Education, and the 1998
HMS Excellence in Mentoring Lifetime
Achievement Award.
Elizabeth Breen has been a colon and rectal
surgeon at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital
(BWH) for over 13 years. Her academic efforts
are centered around the model of a clinician–
educator. As such, she has functioned as the
Clerkship Director of the Core Surgery Clerkship
at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard
Medical School since January 2005. In the role
Core Surgery Clerkship
Director, BWH
Assistant Professor of
of Clerkship Director she has had opportunity to
reassess the BWH clerkship in light of the
changing needs of students and the environment
in which today’s surgeons practice. From this
needs assessment she proposed and implemented
curriculum changes particularly with respect to
methods of instruction. She increased student
Trainee opportunities
exposure to faculty time as well as to outpatient
settings. In addition, she worked successfully
Joint teaching: shared
with faculty to improve teaching strategies. In
lecture, teaching rounds
session, medical student case keeping with the recommendations for a
surgeon-educator as put forward by the
discussion, etc.
Association for Surgical Education her
Projects in curriculum
development or program
educational activities are focused on teaching
skills, curriculum development and instructional
material design, advising activities, trainee
assessment, faculty development, and
educational scholarship. The majority of her
research projects focus on surgical workforce,
faculty development and trainee assessment.
Dr. Co is currently the Director of Graduate
Medical Education (GME) at Partners
Healthcare. He has a background in health
services research and a Masters in Public Health,
with an interest in better integrating quality
improvement and measurement into graduate
medical education. He oversees the annual
John Co, MD
retreats for Interns and Clinical Fellows that are
Director, Partners Graduate
organized by the GME office, and leads the
Medical Education
monthly Medical Education Research Works in
Director, MGH Pediatric
Outpatient Quality and Safety Progress at MGH. He formerly was the
Pediatrics, MGH
Associate Director of the MGH Pediatric
Residency Program, as well as the Chair of the
Association of Pediatric Program Director's
Trainee opportunities
Research Task Force. He continues to teach
Projects in curriculum
pediatric residents critical appraisal of medical
development or program
literature, as well as about quality improvement.
Dr. Co is also an Associate Editor for Academic
Pediatrics, helping oversee and review
manuscript submissions related to medical
education research.
Marc de Moya
Surgical Clerkship Director
Associate Program Director,
Surgery, MGH
Trainee opportunities
Joint teaching: shared
lecture, teaching rounds
session, medical student case
discussion, etc.
Projects in curriculum
development or program
Annekathryn Goodman
Fellowship Director, Gyn
Oncology, MGH
Trainee opportunities
Joint teaching: shared
lecture, teaching rounds
session, medical student case
discussion, etc.
After completing surgical residency in New
Jersey and trauma/critical care fellowship at the
University of Miami, Dr. deMoya joined the
faculty at the Massachusetts General Hospital in
the department of surgery in 2005. He became
one of the first faculty to develop the Division of
Trauma, Emergency Surgery, and Surgical
Critical Care. In 2007, he became the MGH
Surgical Clerkship director and has become more
involved in surgical education for both
undergraduate and graduate medical education.
His areas of focus are assessment and evaluation
of critical thinking, the use of simulation for
surgical education, and development of
competency based curricula for both students
and surgical residents. He has received funding
from the Academy of Medical Education to
develop simulation based programming and has
interests in educational research.
Dr. Annekathryn Goodman was born in
Washington, D.C. She grew up in Tokyo and
Singapore. She attended undergraduate school at
The University of Pennsylvania, and went on to
receive an Chemistry. She obtained her
medical degree from Tufts University School of
Medicine, where she then completed a residency
in obstetrics and gynecology. She completed her
fellowship in gynecology oncology in 1990 at
the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in
Boston where she has been on staff since 1993.
Dr. Goodman was certified in acupuncture in
2002. She has completed four units of clinical
pastoral education. She joined the national
disaster team, IMSuRT (International Medical
Surgical Response team), a branch of the US
department of health and human services and has
deployed to various international disasters
including Bam, Iran 2004, Banda Aceh 2005,
and Haiti 2010. Dr. Goodman is an Associate
Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and
Reproductive Biology at Harvard Medical
School. She is the Director of the Gynecologic
Oncology Fellowship Program at Massachusetts
Joel Katz
Program Director
Vice Chair for Education
Internal Medicine, BWH
Trainee opportunities
Joint teaching: shared
lecture, teaching rounds
session, medical student case
discussion, etc.
Projects in curriculum
development or program
Theresa McLoud, MD
Residency program director,
Vice-chair for Education,
Department of Radiology
Professor of Radiology,
Massachusetts General
General Hospital. She is the past president of
The Obstetrical Society of Boston and of the
New England Society of Gynecologic
Oncologists. Teaching experience includes
teaching didactically in medical school, informal
and didactic teaching on the gyn oncology
service at MGH, development of a curriculum
for gyn oncology fellowship, small group
facilitator in Harvard palliative care for
educators course, Primed lectures for primary
care providers on topics in gyn oncology,
teaching team members obstetrics in field
hospitals during disasters.
Dr. Katz oversees medical education for the
department of medicine, including for medical
students, residents, fellows and practicing
physicians. He is happy to advise and mentor
physicians with interests that overlap his own
experiences related to medical education,
**Curricular innovation
**Global health equity and technology delivery
**Management skills education
**Physical examination education
**Measuring the impact of educational programs
through clinically meaningful outcomes
**Electronic educational tools
**Utilizing fine arts and humanities to improve
medical education
**Educational administration and financing
Theresa C. McLoud, MD, is a pioneer in thoracic
radiology and has led the way for innovations in
improving radiologic education worldwide. A
Boston native, Dr. McLoud received her BS
degree from Boston College in 1964. After
obtaining her MD degree from the McGill
University Faculty of Medicine in Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, she completed a thoracic
imaging fellowship at the Yale University
School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut,
and soon became an assistant professor of
diagnostic radiology at Yale. In 1976, she
returned to Boston and joined Harvard Medical
Trainee opportunities
Projects in curriculum
development or program
Martin A. Samuels, MD
Professor of Neurology
Brigham and Women’s
School where she has been professor of
radiology since 1993. Dr. McLoud is the first
woman in the history at the Massachusetts
General Hospital in Boston to hold the rank of
professor at Harvard. Dr. McLoud served as the
Division Head of Thoracic radiology from 19822001 and she is currently associate radiologistin-chief and director of education for the
department of Radiology at the MGH. A worldrenowned expert in thoracic imaging, Dr.
McLoud has conducted more than 150
postgraduate courses and published more than
200 scientific papers, reviews, and book
chapters. Her 1998 text now in its second
edition, Thoracic Radiology: The Requisites (St.
Louis, MO: Mosby), is a popular and
comprehensive introductory work. In 2004, she
was awarded the Gold Medal of the American
Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS), and in 2003 she
received the Marie Curie Award, the highest
honor bestowed by the American Association for
Women Radiologists. She is past president of the
Fleischner Society, the Society of Thoracic
Radiology, and ARRS. She served as president
of RSNA in 2008. She is an honorary member of
the European Society of Radiology, and also the
Spanish, Argentinean, Italian and Mexican
societies of radiology.
Martin A. Samuels, MD, FAAN, MACP, DSc
(hon), is Professor of Neurology at Harvard
Medical School and winner of the institution’s
first Faculty Prize for Excellence in Teaching.
He is the Neurologist-in-Chief at Brigham and
Women's Hospital, Boston, and former Director
of the Harvard-Longwood Neurology Training
Program. Dr. Samuels is an internationally
renowned teacher-clinician, a premier
diagnostician, and a leading authority on the
interface between neurology and general
medicine. His major fields of expertise include
neurocardiology, neurohematology,
neurogastroenterology, neurohepatology,
neuronephrology, and the neurologic aspects of
organ transplantation. He has edited several
seminal neurology textbooks, developed a
John H. Stone
Director, Clinical
Massachusetts General
Associate Professor of
Medicine, Harvard Medical
Trainee Opportunities
Joint teaching: shared
lecture, teaching rounds
session, medical student case
discussion, etc.
Frederick J. Schoen
Professor of Pathology and
Health Sciences and
Executive Vice Chairman,
Department of Pathology,
definitive instructional video on clinical
neurology for practicing physicians, and
authored numerous articles and book chapters.
He is the 2006 recipient of the AB Baker Award
for Lifetime Achievement in Neurologic
Education. Dr. Samuels was the Founding Editor
of Journal Watch Neurology in 1999 and was
Editor-in-Chief from 1999 to 2010.
Dr Stone has written widely on issues related to
clinical rheumatology, including editing a book
entitle "A Clinician's Pearls and Myths in
Rheumatology". This book was a compilation of
clinical wisdom from 125 experts in a variety of
different fields on fifty different topics in the
rheumatic diseases. His particular area of
expertise pertains to the vasculitides and he has
lectured widely on topics related to those
conditions. However, since coming to the MGH
in 2008 he has broadened by clinical interests to
include all of Rheumatology and much of
Internal Medicine, as well. Dr. Stone attends
annually on the Bigelow Service at the MGH and
is the Subspecialty Education Coordinator for
Rheumatology. In addition to teaching and
clinical work, he has performed a substantial
amount of clinical investigation, with of focus on
clinical trials in vasculitis and the development
of novel therapies.
Dr., Schoen is Professor of Pathology and Health
Sciences and Technology, HMS and Executive
Vice-Chair in the Department of Pathology at
BWH. He has leadership responsibilities in
academic programs in the HMS and BWH
Department of Pathology, and in the HarvardMIT Division of Health Sciences and
Technology (HST) as co-chair of the HST
Graduate (Curriculum) Committee and member,
HST MD Curriculum Committee, and as Chair,
BWH Department of Pathology Education
Committee. Dr. Schoen is also a member of
several task forces in the recent Medical
Education Reform initiative at HMS and is
active as a teacher/director of courses in
Pathology, Cardiovascular Pathology, and
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in HST and
Trainee Opportunities
Projects in curriculum
development or program
Kate Treadway, MD
Assistant Professor of
Trainee Opportunities
Dr. Schoen is past-chair, BWH Graduate
Medical Education Committee and co-chair
Partners Graduate Medical Education Committee
(2003-06) and a member, BWH Graduate
Medical Education Committee as well as
Faculty, Partners GME Center of Expertise in
Medical Education.
Dr. Schoen is a member of the Advisory Board
of the BWH Center for Faculty Development
and Diversity, author/editor of several textbooks
in Cardiovascular Pathology and Biomaterials
Science: An Introduction to Materials in
Medicine and Director of the BWH Biomedical
Research Institute (BRI) Technology Innovation
Program. He serves as the BWH liaison to (Site
Miner for) the Center for Integration of Medicine
and Innovative Technology (CIMIT) (both with
educational/career development activities).
Dr. Treadway, a general internist, graduated
from University of Pennsylvania (BA, MD) and
trained in medicine at MGH, where she also
completed a fellowship in hypertension/primary
care. She has been co-director of Pt/Dr II at
MGH since 1992 and has integrated a number of
innovations into the course, including
“selectives” to enhance areas of students’
uncertainty, case studies to teach assessment and
planning, incorporation of the Heart Sound
Simulator, and a model for teaching students
about communicating difficult news to patients
in collaboration with the Wellness Community.
She has been nominated numerous times for the
Faculty Prize for Excellence in Teaching.