CENTRE FOR INNOVATIONS IN BIOMEDICAL, HEALTH AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES Newsletter 1 OCTOBER 2006 News: Dr Mark Slevin has received £4,000 from Pat Soc GB for visiting Fellowship to ICCC, Barcelona. Professor Bill Gilmore took up his position as Head of School in Biology, Chemistry and Health Sciences. Bill has come from a 5* rated Biomedical Science Research Centre in Ulster and brings with him expertise in nutrition and haematological research. Funded projects Dr Valerie Edwards-Jones was awarded £16,500 by Smith and Nephew Healthcare for a part-time studentship investigating ‘the antimicrobial effects of silver dressings’. Professor Andrew Fox from the Health Protection Agency was awarded a fractional position (0.2WTE) as Professor of Biomedical Science Submitted bids awaiting decision In July 2005, Dr Keith Tolfrey was successful with his application for a Readership in Paediatric Physiology and Dr Mark Slevin gained a Senior Research Fellowship. Dr V Edwards-Jones and Professor Andrew Fox are collaborators on a £1m bid driven by Dr Sarah O’Brien (University of Manchester) and all Greater Manchester Trusts to investigate the beneficial effects of probiotics against Clostridium difficile. Dr Pat Kumar has been invited to speak on PAX3 and Cancer at the Indian Cancer Association International Conference in Bubaneswar, India, Jan 2007 and in the 5th International Congress for Molecular Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2007. Dr Valerie Edwards-Jones is a collaborator on a diabetic UK bid (£98,000) to determine the best method of eradicating MRSA from diabetic foot ulcers. Dr Valerie Edwards-Jones has submitted a £6000 bid to the Royal Society to help strengthen links with the Agricultural Department, University of Uzbekistan. This follows the visit of a research fellow from that department on a £5000 From September 2006, Dr Paul Holmes will be representing RIHSC at MMU Cheshire. Paul will be based at both Alsager and Crewe sites in ESS and IDS respectively 1 overseas fellowship awarded by The Society for Applied Microbiology to Dr Edwards-Jones. of patella position 10th International Meeting of the Patellofemoral Study Group, Boston, May The Psychology and Stroke Research Group (PSRG) at MMU Cheshire are continuing to develop their bid for funding to explore valid neuropsychological approaches to rehabilitation. Recent collaborations with colleagues at Keele University should strengthen their work. Herrington, L., McEwan, I., Thom, J. (2006). The quantification of patella position by Ultrasound scanning and its criterion validity 10th International Meeting of the Patellofemoral Study Group, Boston, May Herrington, L., McEwan, I., Thom J. (2005). The reliability and validity of a clinical measure of medial/lateral position of the patella 3rd International Conference on Biomechanics of the lower limb in Health Disease and Rehabilitation, Salford, September Dr Mark Slevin has submitted an application to Wellcome Trust project grant £250,000, about the role of Cdk5 and stroke. Dr Mark Slevin has applied for a BBVA Chair in Biomedicine 12 month appointment (Madrid, Spain) Finn, J., Hayman, R., & Holmes, P. (2006). Cardiorespiratory functional equivalence during execusion and observation of running: An exploratory investigation. BASES Annual Conference, September. Drs Tolfrey, Smith and Holmes have submitted a bid for a Research Assistant to support their planned work in paediatric health. Hackney, M., & Sherlock, P. (2006). Digging their way out of a black hole:women's accounts of postnatal depression Marce Biennial Scientific International Conference Keele UK, 12-15 September. Conferences/invited talks (2005-2006) The MMU Cheshire Psychology Group had a strong presence at the BPS Annual Conference in Cardiff. Nick’s poster with Mark Wilson was awarded the BPS Best Poster Award: Sherlock, P. & Hackney, M. (2006). Casting a different shadow: telling the story of productive depression Mixed Methods Conference Cambridge, 9-11 July. Wilson, M & Smith, N C (2006). Are codrivers a help or a hindrance? The influence of co-driver information on performance and mental effort during simulated rally driving. Abstracts of the British Psychological Society’s Annual Conference 2006, 93. Edwards-Jones V (Jan 2006) The use of MALDI-TOF-MS as a rapid identification tool, Berlin, Germany Smith, N C & Howard, C L (2006). Coping behaviour during pre-parachute selection. Abstracts of the British Psychological Society’s Annual Conference 2006, 94. Edwards-Jones V ( 2006)The antimicrobial effect of silver , Wound Infection Summer School, Oxford Edwards-Jones V (2006) Alternative Antimicrobial Therapies, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Discussion forum, Sheffield Smith, N C, Gregg, V & Barber, P (2006). The attentional characteristics of Type A and Type B individuals. Abstracts of the British Psychological Society’s Annual Conference 2006, 41. Edwards-Jones V (2006) Wound Management Microbe 2006, Sheffield Herrington, L., McEwan, I. Thom, J. (2006). The validity of a clinical measure 2 Doran A, Nelson, G, Harrison, I and Edwards-Jones V 2006 The antimicrobial effects of encapsulated essential oils incorporated into plastics, Biosciences, London P and Slevin M (2006) A potential role for Cdk5 in apoptotic events following acute ischaemic stroke in man. International Symposium on Neurodegeneration and neuroprotection, Munster, Germany meeting. Doran A, Nelson, G, Harrison, I and Edwards-Jones V 2006 The antimicrobial effects of encapsulated essential oils incorporated into plastics, SFAM, Edinburgh Mitsios N, Mitsios N, Pennucci R, Krupinski J, Sanfeliu C, Gaffney J, Kumar S, Kumar P and Slevin M (2006). Expression of Cdk5 mRNA and protein in the human brain following acute ischaemic stroke. 10th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Glasgow,UK. Doran A, Nelson, G, Harrison, I and Edwards-Jones V 2006 The antimicrobial effects of encapsulated essential oils incorporated into plastics, proceedings of the Hospital Infection Society, Amsterdam Mitsios N, Pennucci R, Krupinski J, Sanfeliu C, Gaffney J, Kumar S, Kumar P and Slevin M (2006) A potential role for Cdk5 in apoptotic events following acute ischaemic stroke in man. 14th Euroconference on Apoptosis, Chia, Sardinia,Italy. Fox A; Lau S; Armstrong M; Bolton F; Chessbrough J; Reddy S; Smith G; Thornhill C; Livermore D; Woodford N; Upton M (2006) The Molecular Epidemiology of Multi-Resistant Uropathogenic Escherichia coli I in NorthWest England 11-13th September University of Warwick, Health Protection Slevin M, Gaffney J, Kumar P and Kumar S (2005) Comparison of changes in gene and protein regulation between human and rat models of stroke: Identification of novel 'human associated' markers of inflammation and apoptosis. Exp. Biol. ASBMB/FASEB 2005,(SanDiego,USA). Fox A (2006) “Sequence typing for Real Time Epidemiology” Association of Clinical MicrobiologistsSleuthing in the 21st Century. Post Graduate Centre, Manchester Royal Infirmary Mitsios N, Gaffney J, Krupinski J, Kumar P, Kumar S and Slevin M (2005) Gene and protein regulation after acute ischaemic stroke in man. European Stroke Association,(Bologna,Italy). Wang Q, Fang C, Lillycrop KA, Kumar S, Kumar P.Detecting Changes in Gene Expression of a Neuroblastoma Cell Line with PAX3 RNAi Transfection poster at UK Molecular Biology of Cancer Network meeting, Warwick University, Dec 2006. Kumar P, Mitsios N, Gaffney J, Krupinski J, Kumar S and Slevin M (2005) A microarray study of gene expression in human brain after ischaemic stroke. Biritsh Neuropath Soc meeting, 2005, (London,UK).(+poster). Kumar P Poster at UK Molecular Biology of Cancer Network meeting, Warwick University, Dec 2006. Kumar S, Kumar P and Slevin M (2005) Angiogenesis,anti-angiogenesis. International Congress of Molecular Medicine 2005, (Istanbul, Turkey). Slevin M (2006) Controlling the angiogenic switch. Identification of key pro and anti-angiogenic components associated with disease development. ICCC Centre D'Investigacio Cardiovascular CSIS-ICCC, Barcelona,Spain.-Invited Goff M, Slevin M and Bishop P (2005) Opticin is an inhibitor of VEGF-A and FGF2-activated angiogenesis. British Microcirculation Society, Sheffield, UK. Mitsios N, Pennucci R, Krupinski J, Sanfeliu C, Gaffney J, Kumar S, Kumar 3 case clusters. J Clin Microbiol. 43; 600714. RIHSC conference MMU Cheshire BHBS members contributed to a very successful Annual RIHSC conference held on 3 July 2006. Davies S, Edwards-Jones V and Dowsett D 2005 Management of wound infections J Community Nursing Paul Holmes and Louise Ewan presented papers on behalf of the PSRG that discussed the findings from work in stroke rehabilitation. Edwards-Jones V (2006) The antimicrobial and barrier effects of silver dressings against MRSA J Wound Care 15: 285-290 The PSRG will be submitting their findings from a recent case study to the 2007 conference. Louise Ewan (RIHSC/Physiotherapy funded PhD student) will also present her data from the first study of her PhD. Edwards-Jones V Antimicrobial and barrier effects of silver against methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus.J Wound Care. 2006 Oct ; 15 (9); 418-420 Khojashteh, V., Foster, H.A., Childs C & Edwards-Jones, V Epidemiological study of S. aureus in a burns unit Burns 2006 (in press) Chen M, Kumar S, Slevin M, Kumar P Regulation of Desmosomes in EpithelialMesenchymal Transition. Oral presentation at RIHSC conference in July 2006. Edwards-Jones, V (2006) Toxic Shock Syndrome: causes in burns wounds Wounds UK (in press) Taha, Muhammed-Kheir; Fox, Andrew (2006)Quality assessed non-culture techniques for detection and typing of meningococci FEMS Microbiology Reviews (In Press) Published & in press articles, books & chapters (2005- 2006) Ahmed N (2005) Advanced glycation endproducts--role in pathology of diabetic complications Diabetes Res Clin Pract 67; 3-21 Fox, Andrew; Taha, Muhammed-Kheir; Vogel, Ulrich (2006) Standardized nonculture techniques recommended for European reference laboratories FEMS Microbiology Reviews (in press) Ahmad MS and Ahmed N (2006) Antiglycation properties of aged garlic extract: possible role in prevention of diabetic complications J Nutr 136(3 ):796S-799S Best E; Fox AJ; Owen R; Cheesbrough; Bolton FJ. (2006). Specific detection of Campylobacter jejuni from faeces using single nucleotide polymorphisms. Epidemiol Infect. (In Press) Jackson KA, Edwards-Jones V, Sutton CW, Fox AJ. . 2005 Optimisation of intact cell MALDI method for fingerprinting of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Microbiol Methods; 62; :27384. Jury F; Al-Mahrous M; Apostolou M; Sandiford S; Fox A; Ollier W; Upton M. (2006) Rapid cost-effective subtyping of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by denaturing HPLC. J Med Microbiol. 55;1053-60 Birtles A, Hardy K, Gray SJ, Handford S, Kaczmarski EB, Edwards-Jones V, Fox AJ. 2005 Multilocus sequence typing of Neisseria meningitidis directly from clinical samples and application of the method to the investigation of meningococcal disease Sopwith W; Birtles A; Matthews M; Fox A; Gee S; Regan M; Syed Q; Bolton E.2006. Campylobacter jejuni Multilocus Sequence Types in Humans, Northwest England, 4 2003-2004. Emerg Infect Dis. 12:10October stroke in man. Brain.129, 2158-2176. AlQteishat A, Gaffney J, West DA, Krupinski J and Slevin M (2006) Hyaluronan expression and metabolism following middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat. Neuroreport. 17, 1111-1114 Krupinski J, Catena E, Miguel M, Domenech P, Vila R, Morchon S, Rubio F, Cairols M, Slevin M, and Badimon L (2006) D-dimer expression is increased in unstable atherosclerotic plaques from patients with symptomatic carotid artery disease: Clinical-pathological correlations. Int. J. Cardiol. In Press. Mitsios N, Gaffney J, Krupinski J, Kumar S, Kumar P and Slevin M (2006) Novel protein expression after ischaemic stroke: Identification of new therapeutic treatments. Pathobiology. In press Slevin M, Elasabi A, Miguel-Turu M, Krupinski J, Badimon L and Gaffney J (2006) Identification of differential protein expression associated with development of unstable human carotid plaques. Am. J. Pathol. 168: 1004-1021. Wang QY, Kumar S, Slevin M and Kumar P (2006) Functional Analysis of Alternative Isoforms of the Transcription Factor PAX3 in Melanocytes in vitro. Cancer Res. 66, 8574-8580.. Mitsios N, Gaffney J, Kumar P, Kumar S and Slevin M (2006) Apoptotic pathways after ischaemic stroke. Cell Biochem. Biophys. In press. Slevin M, Matou S, Krupinski J, Savani RC, Delisser HM, Gaffney J and Kumar S (2006) Hyaluronan-mediated angiogenesis in vascular disease: Uncovering RHAMM and CD44 receptor signalling pathways. Matrix Biol. In Press. Krupinski J, Turu MM, Martinez-Gonzalez J, Carvajal A, Juan-Babot JO, Iborra E, Slevin M, Rubio F, Badimon L. (2006) Endogenous Expression of C-Reactive Protein Is Increased in Active (Ulcerated Noncomplicated) Human Carotid Artery Plaques. Stroke. 37, 1200-1204. Mitsios N, Pennucci R, Sanfeliu C, Krupinski J, Gaffney J, Kumar P, Kumar S and Slevin M (2006) Over-expression and activation of cyclin-dependent kinase5 following acute ischaemic stroke in man. Brain. Pathol. In press. Duraisamy Y, Slevin M, Gaffney J, Smith C and Ahmed N (2006) Comparison of aspirin, D-penicillamine and vitamin E to protect against high glucose and advanced glycation end product mediated toxicity in cultured endothelial cells. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 1762, 551-557. Mitsios N, Krupinski J, Miguel-Turu M, Kumar P, Gaffney J, Kumar S and Slevin M. Cellular prion protein is overexpressed after ischaemic stroke. J. Neurol. Sci.. In press. Wang QY, Mitsios N, Slevin M, Kumar S and Kumar P (2006) Altered gene expression in PAX-3 transfected mouse myoblasts identified using gene microarrays. Int. J. Cancer. In press. Picihard V, Berthois Y, Roccabianca M, Prevot C, Sarrazin M, Portugal H, Kumar S, Kumar P, Rognoni JB.Concomitant cell growth and differentiation are dependent on erbB1 and integrin activation in an autonomously surviving colon adenocarcinoma: involvement of autocrine amphiregulin secretion. Anticancer Res, 2006, 26, 2769-2783. Slevin M, Kumar P, Gaffney J, Kumar S and Krupinski J (2006) Can angiogenesis be exploited to improve stroke outcome? Mechanisms and therapeutic potential Clin. Sci. 111, 171-183. Mitsios N, Gaffney J, Krupinski J, Matthias R, Heywood S, Rubio F, Kumar P, Kumar S, Slevin M. (2006) Expression of apoptotic proteins in human ischaemic AlQteishat A, Gaffney J, Krupinski J, West DA, Kumar P, Kumar S and Slevin M (2006) Changes in hyaluronan production and metabolism following ischaemic 5 stroke tissue. Cell Biochem Biophys, (accepted for publication). science. The Sport and Exercise Scientist, 3, 28-29. Calmels, C, Holmes, P, Lopez, E, & Naman, V. (2006). A Chronometric Comparison of Actual and Imaged Complex Movement Patterns: The Influence of Imagery Perspective. Journal of Motor Behavior, 38, 339-348. Wilson, M., & Smith, N. C. (In Press). A test of the predictions of processing efficiency theory during elite team competition using the Thought Occurrence Questionnaire for Sport. International Journal of Sport Psychology. Calmels, C., Holmes, P. S., Jarry, G., Leveque, J-M, & Stam, C. J. (In press) Cortical activity prior to, and during, observation and execution of sequential finger movements. Brain Topography. Wilson, M., Smith, N. C., & Holmes, P. S. (In Press). The role of effort in influencing the effect of anxiety on performance: Testing the conflicting predictions of processing efficiency theory and the conscious processing hypothesis. British Journal of Psychology,98. Calmels, C., Holmes, P., Jarry, G., Hars, M., Lopez, E., Paillard, A., & Stam, C.J. (2006). Variability of EEG synchronization prior to, and during, observation and execution of a sequential finger movement. Human Brain Mapping, 27, 251-266. Wilson, M., Smith, N. C., Chattington, M., Ford, M. & Marple-Horvat, D. E. (In Press). The role of effort in moderating the anxiety performance relationship : Testing the predictions of processing efficiency theory in simulated rally driving. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24. Holmes, P.S. (2005). The psychophysiology of imagery in sport. In E. Acevedo & P. Ekkekakis (Eds.), The Psychobiology of physical activity (pp. 251-263). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. Hardaker, N.J., Moss, A.D., Richards, J., Jarvis, S., McEwan, I. & Selfe, J. (In press) The relationship between skin surface temperature measured via noncontact Thermal Imaging and intramuscular temperature of the Rectus Femoris muscle. Thermology International. Holmes, P. S. (2006).Theoretical and methodological problem for imagery in stroke rehabilitation: An observation solution. Rehabilitation Psychology, 58, November 2006. Visits Holmes, P. S., Collins, D. J., & Calmels, C. (2006). Electroencephalographic functional equivalence during observation of action. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24, 605-616. Dr Claire Calmels visited the Department of Exercise and Sport Science to continue her work with Paul Holmes and the PSRG. She also worked with Paul and Louise Ewan developing a questionnaire to assess motor observation ability. Martin, J., Tolfrey, K., Smith, N. C. & Jones, A. M. (2005). Heart rate response of rugby union referees in the English Premiership. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 48, 211-225. DR Dilfuza Egamberdivya from University of Uzbekistan visited Valerie EdwardsJones to gain experience in testing the antimicrobial effects of natural products. McEwan, I., Herrington, L., & Thom, J. (In press). The validity of a clinical measure of patella position. Manual Therapy Successful MSc / PhD completions /Student achievements Congratulations to: Smith, N. C. & Moore, P. (2005, March). Evaluating practice in sport and exercise 6 Dr Andrew Birtles (PhD student of Dr Val Edwards-Jones and Professor Andrew Fox obtained his PhD entitled ‘non-culture typing of N. meningitidis and S. pneumoniae using MLST’ Mr Minche Chen won 3rd prize for his oral presentation at the John Dalton Faculty Postgraduate Students Conference in July 2006. New Student enrolment: Mr Sami-Al-Baba (supervisors V Edwards-Jones, Andrew Fox and Alison Cottell) MPhil/PhD entitled molecular typng of P. aeruginosa Mr Steve Davies (supervisors V Edwards-Jones, Andrew Fox and Emma Woodmansey) MPhil/PhD entitled antimicrobial effect of sliver dressings. Mr Minche Chen transferred from Manchester university in Sept 2005. PhD FT Mr C Fang commenced Oct 2005. PhD FT Contacts: MMU All Saints Dr Nessar Ahmed n.ahmed@mmu.ac.uk Professor Andrew Fox andrew.fox@hpa.org.uk Dr Maureen Dawson m.m.dawson@mmu.ac.uk Dr Val Edwards-Jones v.e.jones@mmu.ac.uk Dr John Gaffney j.gaffney@mmu.ac.uk Professor Bill Gilmore b.gilmore@mmu.ac.uk Dr Pat Kumar p.kumar@mmu.ac.uk Dr Mark Slevin m.a.slevin@mmuac.uk Dr John Stirling j.stirling@mmu.ac.uk MMU Cheshire Dr Paul Holmes: p.s.holmes@mmu.ac.uk Dr Nick Smith: n.c.smith@mmu.ac.uk Dr Keith Tolfrey: k.tolfrey@mmu.ac.uk Ms Islay McEwan: i.mcewan@mmu.ac.uk Louise Ewan: l.m.ewan@mmu.ac.uk Ms Marilyn Hackney: m.hackney@mmu.ac.uk 7