prof. Eleonora Zielińska, dr Anna Walczak-Żochowska, dr Michał Królikowski BASIC CONCEPTS OF CRIMINAL LAW AND PUNISHMENT: THE COMPARATIVE APPROACH Course Description This course will provide an understanding of Polish criminal justice system and basic concepts of criminal law, philosophy and practice of punishment based on comparative approach. Students should be prepared for general discussions in criminal law and current events in the area of criminal law. The students will be expected to work with Polish statutes, European Convention of Human Rights and Rome Statute of International Criminal Court, as well as articles and excerpts from textbooks provided. Course Outline Basic Concepts of Criminal Law – First Semester WEEK 1: INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE METHOD Readings: 1. W. J. Kamba, Comparative Law: A Theoretical Framework, “International and Comparative Law Quarterly”, vol. 23, 1974. WEEKS 2–3: CRIMINALISATION, DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION Readings: 1. P. Devlin, Morals and Criminal Law, in: Enforcement of Morals, OUP 1965. 2. H.L.A. Hart, Immorality and Treason, The Listener 30 July 1959. 3. A. Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law, section 2: Criminalisation, pp. 24–58. WEEKS 4–5: NULLUM CRIMEN SINE LEGE, PROHIBITION OF THE POST FACTO LAWS Readings: 1. Judgment of European Court of Human Rights in Case Streletz, Kessler, Krenz v. Germany (applications nos. 34044/96, 35532/97, 44801/98) – excerpts. 2. Judgment of European Court of Human Rights in Case K-H. W. v. Germany (application no. 37201/97) – excerpts. 3. S. Lamb, Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege in International Criminal Law, in: A. Cassese, P. Gaeta, J. Jones (eds.) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, Oxford 2002, pp. 773–765. WEEK 6: CRIMINAL CONDUCT: Involuntary Conduct, Acts, States of Affairs, Possession Readings: 1. A. Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law, section 4: Criminal Conduct, pp. 96–110. 2. A.P. Simester, G.R. Sullivan, Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine, Oxford 2003, § 4.1. The Behaviour Element, pp. 71–86. WEEK 7: PERSONALITY: Natural and Corporate Personality Readings: 1. A. Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law, section 4: Criminal Conduct, pp. 114–123. 2. C. Wells, Corporations and Criminal Responsibility, OUP 2002, section: Criminal Responsibility and the Corporate Entity, pp. 63– 84. 3. A. Eser, Individual Criminal responsibility as Distinct from Other Types of Responsibility, in: A. Cassese, P. Gaeta, J. Jones (eds.) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, Oxford 2002, pp. 778–780. WEEKS 8: CAUSATION Readings: 1. A.P. Simester, G.R. Sullivan, Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine, Oxford 2003, § 4.2. The need for causation, pp. 86–108. GROUNDS FOR EXCUSES (1) NECESSARY DEFENCE Readings: 1. A. Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law, section 4: Criminal Conduct, pp. 135–149. 2. A.P. Simester, G.R. Sullivan, Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine, Oxford 2003, § 20.2. Selfdefence and the Prevention of Crime, pp. 622– 631. 3. Regina v. Duffy, 1.Q.B. 1965 WEEKS 9: WEEKS 10: GROUNDS FOR EXCUSES (2) NECESSITY Readings: 1. A. Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law, section 4: Criminal Conduct, pp. 135–149. 2. A.P. Simester, G.R. Sullivan, Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine, Oxford 2003, § 20.3. Necessity, pp. 631–640. WEEK 11: POSITIVE MENTAL ELEMENTS: Boundaries of Subjectivity; Varieties of Concepts of Fault Readings: 1. A. Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law, section 5: Positive Fault Requirement, pp. 157–204. 2 WEEK 12: GROUNDS FOR EXCUSES (3) – NEGATIVE MENTAL ELEMENTS: Mistake of Fact, Ignorance or Mistake of law Readings: 1. A.P. Simester, G.R. Sullivan, Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine, Oxford 2003, § 17.1. Mistake of Fact, 17.2 Ignorance and Mistake of Law, pp. 548–559. 2. A. Eser, Mental elements – Mistake of Fact and Mistake of Law, in: A. Cassese, P. Gaeta, J. Jones (eds.) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, Oxford 2002, pp. 890–946. WEEK 13: THE SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR ATTEMPTS Readings: 1. A. Eser, Attempt and Abandonment, in: A. Cassese, P. Gaeta, J. Jones (eds.) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, Oxford 2002, pp. 807–819. 2. A. Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law, section 11: Inchoate Offences, pp. 445–475. 3. The King v. Robinson, 2.K.B. 1915 4. Haughton v. Smith, 3 All ER 1973 WEEK 14: SUPERIOR RESPONSIBILITY Readings: 1. A. Zimmermann, Superior Orders, in: A. Cassese, P. Gaeta, J. Jones (eds.) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, Oxford 2002, pp. 958–973. Basic Concepts of Punishment – Second Semester WEEK 1: THE ABOLITIONISTS CHALLENGE Readings: 1. N. Christie, Conflicts as Property, “The British Journal of Criminology” 1977, vol. XVII, no. 1, pp. 1–15. L. Walgrave, Imposing Restoration Instead of Inflicting Pain, in: A. von Hirsch, J. V. Roberst, A. Bottoms (eds.), Restorative Justice and Criminal Law: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigm, Oxford 2003, pp. 61–79 WEEK 2: JUSTIFICATION OF PUNISHMENT: LEVELS OF JUSTIFICATION; RATIONAL OR EMOTIONAL ARGUMENTS IN THEORY OF PUNISHMENT Readings: 1. H.L.A. Hart, Prolegomenon to the Principles of Punishment, “Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society” 1959–1960, vol. LX, pp. 1–26. 3 2. J. Rawls, Two Concepts of Rules, “Philosophical Review” 1955, no. 64, s. 3–32 WEEK 3: GENERAL PREVENTION Readings: 1. D. Beyleveld, Identifying, Explaining and Predictiong Deterrence, “British Journal of Criminology” 1979, vol. 19, pp. 205–224. WEEK 4: GENERAL SITUATIONAL PREVENTION Readings: 1. D. Garland, Ideas, Institutions and Situational Crime Prevention, in: A. von Hirsch, D. Garland, A. Wakefield (eds.), Ethical and Social Perspectives on Situational Crime Prevention, Oxford 2000, s. 1–17 2. R.A. Duff, S. E. Marschall, Benefits, Burdens, Responsibilities; Some Ethical Dimentions of Situational Crime Prevention, in: A. von Hirsch, D. Garland, A. Wakefield (eds.), Ethical and Social Perspectives on Situational Crime Prevention, Oxford 2000, s. 17–37. WEEK 5: REHABILITATION AND OTHER FORMS OF CURATIVE TREATMENT Readings: 1. R. A. Duff, Penal Communications: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Punishment, in: M. Tonry (ed.) Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, section I–II: Consequentialism and Nonconsequentialism,; Consequentialism Refined pp. 4–25. WEEK 6: FOUNDATIONS OF RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE Readings: 1. H. Morris, Persons and Punishment, “The Monist” 1968, no. 52. 2. J.G. Murphy, Marxism and Retribution, “Philosophy and Public Affairs” 1973, no. 2, s. 217–243. R. A. Duff, Penal Communications: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Punishment, in: M. Tonry (ed.) Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, section III: Retributive Themes and Variations, pp. 25– 57 WEEKS 7: COMUNICATIVE THEORIES OF PUNISHMENT Readings: 1. R. A. Duff, Penal Communications: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Punishment, in: M. Tonry (ed.) Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, section III: Retributive Themes and Variations, pp. 25– 57 4 WEEKS 8–9: WEEKS 11: PRINCIPLE OF PROPORTIONALITY Readings: 1. A. von Hirsch, Proportionality in the Philosophy of Punishment: From «Why Punish?» to «How Much?», “Israel Law Review” 1991, vol. XXV, no. 3–4 2. A. von Hirsch, N. Jareborg, Gauging Criminal Harm: A Living-Standard Analysis, “Oxford Journal of Legal Studies” XI, 1991, nr 1. 10– MODELS OF SENTENCING GUIDELINES Readings: 1. A. von Hirsch, Guidance by Numbers or Words? Numerical versus Narrative Guidelines for Sentencing, in: M. Wasik, K. Pease (eds.), Sentencing Reform: Guidance or Guidelines?, Manchester 1987, s. 47–49. 2. T. Lapli-Seppala, The Principle of Proportionality in the Finnish Sentencing System, „Ius et Lex” III, 2004 3. A. Ashworth, Sentencing, in: M. Maquire, R. Morgan, R. Reiner, The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, OUP 2002, chap. 29 WEEK 12: ‘THE NEW PENOLOGY’: THREE STRIKES AND YOU’RE OUT Readings: 1. D. Shichor, Three Strikes as a Public Policy: The Convergence of the New Penology and the McDonaldization of Punishment, “Crime and Delinquency” 1994, no. 11. WEEK 13: COMMUNITY PENALTIES Readings: 1. P. Raynor, Community Penalties: Probation, Punishment, and What Works, in M. Maquire, R. Morgan, R. Reiner, The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, OUP 2002, chap. 31 WEEK 14: PUNISHMENT IN LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY: CULTURAL, PHILOSOPHICAL AND POLITICAL DIMENSIONS Readings: 1. R.A. Duff, Punishing Citizens, „Ius et Lex” III, 2004, part I. 2. D. Garland, Punishment and Modern Society, Oxford 1990, chap. 5 5 6