SOUTH WEST STRATEGIC HEALTH AUTHORITY Minutes of the South West e-Learning Strategy Group held at South West House, Taunton on 29 June 2009. Present: Alastair Thorn, Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Alison Copp, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Angela Hayday, NHS Wiltshire Carly Vercoe, Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust Clive Gage, NHS Bristol Ed Hammond, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Ed Iles, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Gary Flack, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust Martin Penny, Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Mike Bilham, Torbay Care Trust Nick Jupp, South West Strategic Health Authority (Minutes) Phil Loxton, Dorset PCT Pip Bedingfield, NHS Somerset Sally Wilson, Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust Sheila Bliss, Dorset PCT Susan Martin, South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Tricia Ellis, South West Strategic Health Authority Apologies: Christina Quinn, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust Jenny Knight, Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Lin Sanders, Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Sinead Partridge, Devon Partnership NHS Trust Sue Manser, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust No Item Action 1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies 2. Tricia Ellis welcomed everyone and apologies for absence were recorded. 3. The National Strategy for e-Learning The draft Framework document was circulated. The Framework originated from the UK e-Learning Strategy Board and the National e-Learning Management Board. The document is still in draft and sign off is expected in September. The vision and purpose were discussed. Tricia Ellis requested that any comments should be sent via email by 31 July 2009. Nick Jupp gave a presentation on the National e-Learning products. Concern was expressed over the sustainability of funding post March 2011. The group also questioned why e-Learning for Healthcare will not release their course SCORM files for organisations to host on their local LMS. Update: e-Learning for Healthcare only provide access to their courses through their own LMS or via the National e-Learning Management System in line with DH guidance. Page 1 of 5 29-06-1 All 4. South West Strategy for e-Learning The summary version of the Strategic Framework for Improving Health in the South West was circulated. Tricia Ellis commented that e-learning developments or requests for funding need to tie in to the nine categories outlined in the framework. 5. Report from the National SHA e-Learning Leads Meeting held on 17 June NLMS Update Nine Trusts (Royal Cornwall in the South West) are participating in the Extended Pilot, which involves a larger group of users who will be accessing a wider range of courses. The pilot is due to end at the end of July, with a report produced in September which will include case studies and lessons learned. The time out issue has now been fixed. This issue caused the connection between ESR and the e-learning provider to drop out which resulted in details of the e-learning not being recorded in OLM. There remains an issue with Core Learning Unit courses which do not update OLM fully, the scores and completion status are not being recorded. This issue will be fixed when the revised courses are launched at the end of July. Smartcards will be required for core ESR users by the end of August 2009. eLearning users will not be mandated to have smartcards until a later date to be determined. Additional content from the National Patient Safety Agency is under discussion with a target date of the autumn. Nick Jupp has requested that CfH investigate the possibility of including e-learning from Doctors.Net. A set of national competencies which can be applied to OLM courses, are under discussion with a decision expected in the next couple of months on renewal periods. A benefit of the system is that competencies applied to courses can then be transferred to a new employing Trust using the Inter Authority Transfer process. Angela Hayday commented that an employee’s training history doesn’t transfer if their employment is terminated and they are re-hired (at the same Trust) and given a new employee number. OGC Buying Solutions e-Learning ‘Lot’ OGC Buying Solutions setup framework agreements with businesses which if used, removes the requirement for tendering and results in a purchase at a national negotiated rate. L&D and e-learning sits in the Professional Services category, with e-learning being just one out of 22 lots. Forty suppliers have bid and evaluation will commence on 8 July, with contracts awarded in mid-August. Catalogue of Local Content This is a national project sponsored by Connecting for Health and e-learning for Healthcare. The objective is to create a national database of all local e-learning content, with a completion date of September 2009. The process is for Trusts to complete a spreadsheet based data capture form which is sent to the CfH team for uploading into the Catalogue portal. The portal Page 2 of 5 has yet to be determined; it could be part of NHS Evidence or the CfH web site. The database will be searchable and will have the benefit of reducing the number of local e-learning and encourage more collaborative working among elearning developers. It is up to each organisation to determine whether to charge other Trusts for the course. Trusts are responsible for the initial data capture, with the SHA responsible for editing and maintaining the content. e-Learning Object Repository The repository of e-learning objects is currently hosted by the NHS Institute and they have secured funding until the end of March 2010. Yorkshire Ambulance Service and NHS London are currently working together to run and support the Repository. There will be the need to find another host after that date plus a resource with the expertise to run it. The development of the Repository has been stopped to allow a promotional campaign, together with a push to encourage organisations to upload more content. The Repository suppliers – Myknowledgemap and Intra Library are still supporting the service and the full Compendle package is available to authors who wish to use it. There are 100 licences available for users who wish to create material or upload content. The Repository can be accessed at: Users must have an Athens account to view or upload objects. Core Learning Unit The Core Learning Unit are undergoing a review following their move into Skills for Health. Revised statutory/mandatory courses are due at the end of July 2009 although the Fire Safety course testing/pilot has been delayed at short notice. There is an issue with the Core Learning Unit compliance with data protection legislation. Guidance is being sought on what is available on the social care portal and how organisations can access them. The DH are in the process of commissioning pandemic flu e-learning and it is anticipated that one of the national providers will be awarded this work. The Core Learning Unit have changed their LMS to provide automatic reminders to users when they need to retake the statutory/mandatory courses. If an email address has been entered the reminders will be send via email 90 days prior to expiry. Connecting for Health A project is ongoing to produce a e-learning maturity / e-Readiness toolkit. The toolkit consists of a series of questions which organisations can use to assess their readiness to implement e-learning. Questions cover infrastructure, trainer skills as well as organisational culture. The toolkit is expected to be complete by the end of September. Each SHA will host a NLMS Implementation Consultant who will be attached to the IM&T Directorate. They have been awarded a 12 month contract to support organisations with implementing OLM & NLMS as well as encouraging best practice and the use of the e-Readiness toolkit. They will also bridge any ‘gaps’ between IT and HR/Workforce training teams. Page 3 of 5 6. South West Learning and Development Strategy L&D Strategy.pdf L&D Strategy Appendix 4.pdf SW LDA 2008 page 21.pdf The 2008 Learning and Development Strategy together with Appendix 4 and the relevant paragraph from the 2008 Learning and Development Agreement were circulated. Appendix 4 was written following consultation with the previous two strategy groups and now requires updating. Alastair Thorn requested clarification of the 2008 Learning and Development Agreement paragraph 3.22. 7. 26-09-3 TE South West e-Learning Strategy Group Membership and Terms of Reference It was agreed that the terms of reference will be amended to include: Acting as a pressure group to improve national e-learning products and services; Disseminating information on latest e-learning developments and forming a view on the sustainability of funding streams. The individual Trust representatives will also be required to provide a summary of e-learning activities for each meeting. 26-09-5 TE & NJ Nick Jupp will create a template for the Trust summary report. 26-09-6 NJ The Group opted to meet quarterly. 8. Organisations’ Assessments of Infrastructure, Resources and Support There was no time to discuss this agenda item. 9. e-Learning Strategy – Next Steps Suggestions for the revised document were the importance of good IT networks, the interconnection of networks e.g. JANET to N3 and a focus on newer technologies. Sections 4.6 and 4.9 were identified as needing updating. Tricia requested that comments and suggestions should be sent via email no later than 31 July. 10. Any other business A discussion took place on the suitability of e-learning for delivering fire safety training. Nick Jupp will produce guidance for the use of e-learning to facilitate a consistent approach across the South West. Several group members felt that the development of OLM and the National eLearning Management System is hampered due to the existing enhancement request process. It was felt that the Group should be in a position to pressure McKesson / DH ESR Central Team with requirements and timescales. The Group requested that all documented should be published on the South West e-Learning web site – 11. 26-09-2 ALL Date of next meeting 28 September 2009, Meeting Room 2, South West House, Taunton 11 January 2010, Meeting Room 2, South West House, Taunton Page 4 of 5 26-09-4 NJ 19 April 2010, Meeting Room 2, South West House, Taunton 19 July 2010, Meeting Room 2, South West House, Taunton Page 5 of 5