Articles in refereed journals 2007 Gould, L. and Ziegler, TE. Variation in fecal testosterone levels, inter-male aggression, dominance rank and age during mating and post-mating periods in wild adult male ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta). American Journal of Primatology 69:1-15. 2005 Gould L , Ziegler TE , Wittwer DJ Effects of reproductive and social variables on fecal glucocorticoid levels in a sample of adult male ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at the Beza Mahafaly Reserve, Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology 67:5-23. 2005 Turner, SE, Gould, L., Duffus, D. Maternal behavior and infant congenital limb malformation in a free-ranging group of Macaca fuscata on Awaji Island, Japan. International Journal of Primatology 12: 14351457. 2003 Gould, L., Sussman, R.W., Sauther, M.L. Demographic and life-history patterns in a population of ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Beza Mahafaly Reserve, Madagascar: A 15-year perspective. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 12:182-194. 2002 Gould, L. and Overdorff, D.J. Adult male scent marking in Lemur catta and Eulemur fuvus rufus. International Journal of Primatology 23:575586 2000 Gould, L. Adoption of a wild orphaned ring-tailed lemur infant by natal group members: Adaptive explanations. Primates 41: 413-419. 2000 Jolly, A.., Caless, S., Cavigelli, S., Gould, L., Pereira, M.E., Pitts, A., Pride, R.E., Rabenandasana, H.D., Walker, J.D., and Zafison, T. Infant killing, wounding and predation in Eulemur and Lemur. International Journal of Primatology 21:21-40 1999 Gould, L., Sussman, R.W., and Sauther, M.L. Natural disasters and primate populations: the effects of a two year drought on a naturally occurring population of ringtailed lemurs in southwestern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 20:69-84 1999 Sauther, M.L., Sussman, R.W., Gould, L. The Socioecology of the Ringtailed Lemur: Thirty-Five Years of Research. Evolutionary Anthropology 8:120-132 1997 Gould, L. Intermale affiliative relationships in ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at the Beza-Mahafaly Reserve, Madagascar. Primates 38:15-30 1997 Gould, L., Fedigan, L.M., Rose, L.M. Why be vigilant? The case of the alpha animal. International Journal of Primatology. 18:401-414 1997 Gould, L. Affiliative relationships between adult males and immature group members in naturally occurring ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 103: 163-171 1996 Gould, L. Vigilance behaviour in naturally occurring ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) during birth and lactation season. International Journal of Primatology, 17:331-347 1996 Gould, L. Male-female affiliative relationships in ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at the Beza-Mahafaly Reserve, Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology 39:63-78 1992 Gould, L. Alloparental are in free-ranging Lemur catta at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Folia Primatologica. 58: 72-83 1990 Gould, L. The social development of free-ranging infant Lemur catta at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 11:297-317 Refereed books and book chapters 2007 Gould, L., Sauther, M.L. The Lemuriformes In: Primates in Perspective. (C. Campbell, A. Fuentes, K. MacKinnon, M. Panger, S. Bearder, eds.) Oxford Univ Press: NY pp. 46-72. 2007 Gould, L., Sauther, M.L. Antipredator strategies in a diurnal prosimian, the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta), at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar. In Primate Anti-predator Strategies (SL Gursky and KAI Nekaris, eds.) New York: Springer pp. 275-288. 2006 Lemurs: Ecology and Adaptation (L. Gould and M.L. Sauther, eds) New York: Springer. 2006 Lemur catta ecology: What we know and what we need to know. In: Lemurs: Ecology and Adaptation (L. Gould and M.L. Sauther, eds) New York: Springer pp. 255-274. 2006 Gould, L. Male sociality and integration during the dispersal process in Lemur catta: a case study. In: Ringtailed Lemur Biology: Lemur catta in Madagascar. (Jolly A, Sussman RW, Koyama N, Rasamimanana H, eds.) New York: Springer. pp. 296-310 1999 Gould, L. How female dominance and reproductive seasonality affect the social lives of adult male ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta) In: The NonHuman Primates, (P.J. Dolinhow and A. Fuentes, eds.) Mayfield Press: Mountain View CA pp. 133-139.