PUBLICATIONS AND CURRENT WORK USING ADAPTION-INNOVATION THEORY ISSUE: NOVEMBER 2015 SECTION Page PUBLICATIONS BY M.J. KIRTON ___________________________________________ 3 PUBLISHED WORKS BY OTHER SCHOLARS _________________________________ 4 THESES - COMPLETE ____________________________________________________ 21 OTHER RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS - M.J. KIRTON __________________________ 23 D:\116099338.doc -2- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section PUBLICATIONS BY M.J. KIRTON 1. Adaptors and Innovators: A Description and Measure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1976, 61 622-629. 2. Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAl) - Manual. 3rd Edition. KAI Distribution Centre, U.K., 1999 (reprinted with amendments 2005) 3. KAI Manual - Slovak Language Supplement. Maxman: Bratislava, 1992. (Translated by M. Kubes). 4. KAI Manual - Italian Language Supplement. KAI Centre, Italy, 1995. (Translated by G Prato Previde). 5. Adaptors and Innovators and Superior-Subordinate Identification Psychological Reports, 1977, 41 289-290 6. Have Adaptors and Innovators Equal Levels of Creativity? Psychological Reports, 1978, 42 695-698 7. Adaptors and Innovators in Culture Clash. Current Anthropology, 1978, 19 611-612 8. Field Dependence and Adaption-Innovation Theories. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1978, 47 1239-1245 9. Adaptors and Innovators in Organizations. Human Relations, 1980, 3 213-224 10. Adaptors and Innovators: The Way People Approach Problems. Planned Innovation, 1980, 3 51-54 11. Levels of Self Actualization of Adaptors and Innovators. Psychological Reports, 1980, 46 1321-1322 (M.J.KIRTON & S. HAMMOND). 12. The Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory: A Reply to Mulligan & Martin. Psychological Reports, 1980, 46 950. 13. Styles of Creativity. Test-score correlations between the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Psychological Reports, 1982, 50 31-36 (G.C. CARNE & M.J. KIRTON). 14. The Adaption-Innovation Continuum, Occupational Type and Course Selection. Psychological Reports, 1982, 51 883-886 (M.J. KIRTON & S.R. PENDER). 15. Adaption-Innovation: A Theory of Organizational Creativity. In S.S. Gryskiewicz, J.T. Shields, & W.H. Drath (eds.), Selected Reading in Creativity. Greensboro, N.C.: Center for Creative Leadership, 1983, 215-224. 16. Adaptors and Innovators: Why New Initiatives Get Blocked. Long Range Planning, 1984, 17, 137-143. (Reprinted in Hellriegel & Slocum (eds.), Companion to Organisational Behaviour, West Publishing and Richards, M.D. (ed.), Readings in Management, South-Western Publishing Co., 1986. 17. Adaptors, Innovators and Paradigm Consistency. Psychological Reports, 1985, 57 487-490. 18. Personal and Group Estimates of the Kirton Inventory Scores. Psychological Reports, 1985, 57 1067-1070. (M.J. KIRTON & Rosalyn McCARTHY). 19. Cognitive Style and Personality: The Kirton Adaption-Innovation and Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Inventories. Personality and Individual Differences, 1986, 7 141-146 (M.J. KIRTON & S.M. de CIANTIS). 20. Adaptors and Innovators: Cognitive Style and Personality. In S.G. Isaksen (ed.), Frontiers of Creativity Research: Beyond the Basics (282-304). Buffalo, New York: Bearly Ltd, 1987. 21. Adaptors and Innovators: Problem Solvers in Organisations, in K. Gronhaug & G. Kaufmann (ed.), Innovation: A cross-disciplinary perspective. Norwegian Press/Oxford University Press, 1987. D:\116099338.doc -3- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section 22. Reply to R.L. Payne's article: 'Individual Differences and Performance amongst R & D Personnel'. R & D Management, 1987 17, 163-166 23. Cognitive Climate and Organizations. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 1988, 61 175-184 (M.J. KIRTON & Rosalyn McCARTHY). 24. Adaptors and Innovators: Styles of Creativity and Problem-Solving. Routledge, London: 1989. (For the Goldsmith, Schroder, Foxall and van der Molen chapters, see below. Also Kirton: A Theory of Cognitive Style; Adaptors and Innovators at Work; Kirton & de Ciantis: Cognitive Style in Organisational Climate.) 25. Cognitive Style and Alcoholics: A comment on Robertson et al. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65 456-458 26. Italian Entrepreneurs: a Surprise Result, 1990.(G. PRATO PREVIDE & M. J. KIRTON) 27. Adaptors and Innovators: Preference for Educational Procedures. Journal of Psychology, 1991, 125 (4) 445-455 (M.J. KIRTON, A.J. BAILEY & J.W. GLENDINNING). 28. Faking Personality Questionnaires: A Response to Furnham. Current Psychology: Research & Reviews, Winter 1991, 10 (4) 315-317 29. A Velvet Comment on the Level-Style Debate: A Response to Arbet. Studia Psychologica, 1992, 34 4-5 30. The Relationship between Cognitive Style and Psychological Climate: some comments on the article by Isaksen & Kaufmann. Studia Psychologica, 1994, 36 129-135 (R.G. CLAPP & M.J. KIRTON). 31. Further Evidence for the Independence of Adaptive-Innovative (A-I) Cognitive Style from National Culture. Personality & Individual Differences, 1995, 19, (3) 393-396. (TULLETT, A.D. & M.J. KIRTON). 32. A New look at Problem Solvers. Rail Bulletin. 1995, 6 18. Network, 1995 [anonymous REVIEWS] 33. A Psychometric Re-Examination of Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle Construct: A Separation of Level, Style and Process. Journal of Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1996, 56 (5) 809-820.(de CIANTIS, S.M., & M.J. KIRTON) 34. Adaption-Innovation: In the Context of Diversity and Change, Routledge, 2003 35. Problem Solving, Creativity and the Level-Style Distinction, in Perspectives on the Nature of Intellectual Styles, Zhang, Li-fang & Sternberg, R.J. 137-168, Springer, New York 2009 (JABLOKOW, Kathryn & M.J. KIRTON) 36. Addressing the Need for Problem-Solving and Creativity by Integrating Adaption-Innovation Theory with Leadership Competencies Theory. The Journal of Current Research in Global Business, 2012. 15 (24), 1-19. (TUBBS, S.L., JABLOKOW, Kathryn and M.J. KIRTON) PUBLISHED WORKS BY OTHER SCHOLARS 1. ADAMS, Carolyn E, Innovative Behavior in Nurse Executives. Nursing Management, 1993, 25, (5), 44-50. 2. The Impact of Problem Solving Styles of Nurse Executives and Executive Officers on Tenure. The Journal of Nursing Administration, December 1993, 23, (12), 38-43. 3. The Impact of Problem-Solving Styles of NE-CEO Pairs on Nurse Executive Effectiveness. The Journal of Nursing Administration, November 1994, 24, (11), 17-22. 4. ARBET, L., Reflexions on Creativity. Studia Psychologica, 1991, 33 (3-4), 175-180. REPLY – see Kirton D:\116099338.doc -4- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section 5. AXTON, Carole & BURNEY-BANFIELD, Sue. The Hand that Rocks the Rat: A Preferred Working Style of Animal Technicians. Paper for the "Animals in Science. Perspectives on their Use, Care and Welfare" conference, Monash University, 1995. 6. BALLARD, B. GIPSON, Rilya & HOULE-Rutherford, Diane. Quality + Creativity = Problem Solving. ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement Proceedings 2000 7. BAGOZZI, R. P. & FOXALL, G.R. Construct Validity and Generalizability of the KAI. European Journal of Personality, 1995, 9 (227) 1-23 8. BEENE, J.M., Self Actualisation and Anxiety. From: Symposium "The Role of Anxiety in Self Actualisation" presented at the 3lst Annual Convention of the South Western Psychological Association, April 18-20, 1985. 9. BEENE, J.M. & ZELHART, P.F., Factor Analysis of the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 66, 667-671. 10. BHATE, Seema, Cognitive Style Differences and their Impact on Responses to message Sources Marketing Intelligence and Planning, MCB University Press, 1999 17 (6) 280-287 11. BLISSETT, Sonia E. & McGRATH, R.E., The Relationship between Creativity and Interpersonal Problem-Solving Skills in Adults. Journal of Creative Behavior, 1996 30 (3) 173-182. 12. BOBIC, M. & DAVIS, E. & CUNNINGHAM R., The Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory – Validity Issues, Practical Questions. Review of Public Personnel Administration, Spring 1999 xix (2) 1831 13. BOBIC, M. & DAVIS, E. A kind word for theory X: or why so many newfangled management techniques quickly fail. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2003 13 (3) 239264 14. BRINKMAN, D.J., Problem Finding, Creativity Style and the Musical Compositions of High School Students, Journal of Creative Behaviour 1999, 33 (1) 62-68 15. BRODEUR, Cheri, W, Kirton’s Adaption-Innovation Theory: a critique of a group theory found in clinical psychology that could improve the management of team diversity in all disciplines. Presented at Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INgroup)conference: 2007 16. Reducing Conflict and Increasing Productivity within International Extension and Agricultural Teams using Kirton’s Adaption-Innovation (KAI) Theory. Presented at Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (.A.I.E.E). Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting. 2007 17. BUFFINGTON, K.W., JABLOKOW, KATHRYN W. & MARTIN, KATHLEEN A., Project Team Dynamics and Cognitive Style. Engineering Management Journal, 14 (3) September 2002 25-32 18. BUTTNER, E. Holly & GRYSKIEWICZ, Nur, Entrepreneurs' Problem-Solving Styles: An Empirical Study Using the Kirton Adaption/Innovation Theory. Journal of Small Business Management, 1993, 31 (1), 22-31. 19. BUTTNER, E. Holly & GRYSKIEWICZ, Nur and HIDOR, C. Suzanne, The Relationship between Styles of Creativity and Managerial Skills Assessment. British Journal of Management, 1999 10 228-238. 20. CALVIN, J.R., Adaptive and Innovative Leadership-Capacity through Reflective Practice Research. Futures Research Quarterly, 1996, 12 (3) 63-76. 21. CALVIN, J.R., Leadership Diversity. Working Together 213-225 22. CAPOBIANCO, S. & MOORE, Stacey, The Relationship between Five-Factor Personality Characteristics and the Adaption-Innovation Cognitive Style. Abstract of Paper presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Conference, Washington, DC,. 1994 D:\116099338.doc -5- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section 23. CAPOBIANCO, S. & SUTHERLAND-GREEN, Lynne, Leadership Effectiveness and the Adaption-Innovation Cognitive Style. Abstract of Paper presented at the American Psychological Society Convention, June 1993 24. CHAMBERLAIN, G.P., Understanding Strategy. 2010 25. CHILTON, M.A. & HARDGRAVE, W.C., Cognitive Style, the Work Environment, and Strain: the case of object-oriented developers, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2001 26. CHILTON, M.A., HARDGRAVE, W.C. & ARMSTRONG, Deborah J., Person-Job cognitive style fit for software developers, Journal of Management Information Systems, 2005 22 (2) 193-226. 27. The Cognitive Environment Among IT Workers, in Niederman, F., and Ferratt, T. (eds.), IT Workers, Human Capital Issues in a Knowledge-Based Environment, 2005 105-135 28. CHURCH, A.H & WACLAWSKI, Janine, The Relationship between Individual Personality Orientation and Executive Leadership Behaviour Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 1998, 71, 99-125. 29. CONNOLLY, N. The Effect of Cognitive Style on Intra Group Collaboration, American Academy of Management, 2006. 30. CONNOLLY, N. & O’HIGGINS, E. Cognitive Styles and Problem Solving: Finding the Balance, Irish Academy of Management, 2005. 31. de CIANTIS, S.M., Management Style and Thinking Style. In W.J. Reddin (ed), Effective Management, McGraw-Hill, 1987. 32. CLAPP, R.G., The Fate of Ideas that Aim to Stimulate Change in a Large Organisation. Teorie Vedy (Theory of Science), 1990, 1 (2), 53-60. 33. The Stability of Cognitive Style in Adults: A Longitudinal Study of the KAI. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 1235-1245. 34. Individual Style and its Affect on Safe Working Behaviour. Rail Bulletin, June/July 95, 46-47. 35. CLAPP, R.G. & de CIANTIS, S.M., Adaption-Innovation in Large Organizations: Does Cognitive Style Characterize Actual Behavior of Employees at Work? An exploratory study. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 503-513. 36. COX, C.J. & COOPER, C.L., High Flyers: An Anatomy of Managerial Success (see especially Chapter 8). London: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1988. 37. CUTRIGHT, Pamela S, Predicting Adaption-Innovation Styles: Selected Demographic Characteristics & the KAI Inventory. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1990, 70 173-174 38. CUTRIGHT, Pamela S. & MARTORANA, S.V., Composing Advisory Committees for Community-Based Adult Education. Community College Review, 1989, 17 (2), 34-40. 39. van DAALEN, H.J. & van NIEKERK, E.C., Adaption-Innovation and Third World Entrepreneurship. Southern African Journal for Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 1990, 2 (I), 1-6. 40. DeFRANCO, Joanna, JABLOKOW, Kathryn, GORDON, A., & BILEN, S. The Impact of Cognitive Style on Concept Mapping: Visualizing Variations in the Structure of Ideas. Proceedings of the ASEE 2012 International Conference on Engineering Education, San Antonio, Texas, 2012. 41. DUBRAS, M.F., Adaption-Innovation in a Research and Development Environment. Paper presented at 50th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, KAI Symposium, 1989. 42. ELDER, R.L., Relationships Between Adaption-Innovation, Experienced Control and State-Trait Anxiety. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 47-54. D:\116099338.doc -6- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section 43. ELDER, R.L. & JOHNSON, D.C., Varying Relationships between Adaption-Innovation and Social Desirability. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 1151-1154. 44. ETTLIE, J.E. & O'KEEFE, R., Innovative attitudes, values and intentions in organisations (I). Journal of Management Studies, 1982, 19, 163-182. 45. EVANS, K.J., Review of Adaptors and Innovators: Styles of Creativity and Problem-Solving. Journal of Operational Research Society, 1990. [REVIEW] 46. EVENSON, Karen, Redefining F.E.A.R. – Maximizing Limited Resources with Unlimited Ideas, South Carolina: Cameo Publications, 2004 47. FERRELL, J.E., Adaptor Meet Innovator. San Francisco Examiner, December 25TH 1986. [REVIEW] 48. FISHER, S.G., MACROSSON, W.D.K. & WALKER, C.A., FIRO-B: The Power of Love and the Love of Power. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 1950206 49. FLANAGAN, H., Review of Adaptors and Innovators: Styles of Creativity and Problem-Solving. Health Services Management Research, 2007, 20 (4), 279-280 [Review] 50. FLEENOR, J.W. & TAYLOR, S., Construct Validity of Three Self-Report Measures of Creativity. Educational & Psychological Measurement, 1994, 54, (2), 464-470. 51. FOSTER, J., Adaption-Innovation: in the context of diversity and change. Applied Cognitive. Psychology 2005, 19, 671-672. [REVIEW] 52. FOXALL, G.R., Managers in transition: An empirical test of Kirton's Adaption-Innovation theory and its implications for the mid-career M.B.A. Technovation, 1986, 4, 219-232. 53. Managerial Orientations of Adaptors and Innovators. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 1986, 1, 24-27. 54. Consumer Decision Making. In M.J. Baker (ed.), The Marketing Book. Heinemann Institute of Marketing, 1987. 55. Consumer Behaviour. In M.J. Baker (ed) The Marketing Book. Heinemann Institute of Marketing, 1987. 56. Consumer-Innovativeness: Novelty-Seeking and Cognitive Style. In R. Rothwell & J. Bessant (eds.), Innovation: Adaption and Growth, 1987. 57. Consumer Innovativeness: Novelty-Seeking, Creativity and Cognitive Style in E.C. Hirschman (ed.) Research in Consumer Behavior, Greenwich, CT: J.A.I. Press, Inc., 1988 3 79-113 58. Marketing, Innovation and Customers. The Quarterly Review of Marketing, 1989, 15, 14-18. 59. Adaptive and Innovative Cognitive Styles of Market Initiators. In M.J. Kirton (ed.), Adaptors and Innovators: Styles of Creativity and Problem-Solving. London: Routledge, 1989 60. An Empirical Analysis of Mid-Career Managers' Adaptive-Innovative Cognitive Styles and Task Orientations in Three Countries. Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 1115-1124. 61. Gender Differences in Cognitive Styles of MBA Students in Three Countries. Psychological Reports, 1992, 70, 169-170. 62. The Influence of Cognitive Style on Consumers' Variety Seeking among Food Innovations. British Food Journal, 1993, 95, (9), 32-36. 63. Cognitive Styles of Consumer Initiators. Technovation, 1995, 15 (5), 269-288. 64. Cognitive Styles and Personal Involvement of Market Initiators for 'Healthy' Food Brands: Implications for Adoption Theory. Journal of Economic Psychology, 1993, 14, 33-56. 65. Cognitive Style and Personal Involvement as Explicators of Innovative Purchasing of "Healthy" Food Brands. European Journal of Marketing, 1993, 27 (2), 5-16. D:\116099338.doc -7- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section 66. Cognitive Style and Use-innovativeness for Applications Software in Home Computing: Implications for New Product Strategy. Technovation, 1993, 13 (5), 311-323. 67. Consumer Initiators: Adaptors & Innovators. British Journal of Management, 1994, 5, S3-S12. 68. What Judges Maximize: Towards an Economic Psychology of the Judicial Utility Function. Liverpool Law Review, 2004, 25, 177-194. 69. Cognitive Requirements of Competing Neuro-behavioural Decision Systems: an organizational perspective. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014, 8 1-17 70. FOXALL, G.R. & BHATE, Seema, Cognitive Style, Personal Involvement and Situation as Determinants of Computer Use. Technovation, 1991, 11 (3) 183-189. 71. Psychology of Computer Use: XIX. Extent of Computer Use: Relationships with Adaptive-Innovative Cognitive Style and Personal Involvement in Computing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1991, 72 195-202. 72. Cognitive Styles and Personal Involvement of Market Initiators for Healthy Food Brand. Implications for Adoption Theory. Journal of Economic Psychology.1993 14, 33-56 73. Cognitive Styles and Use-Innovativeness for Applications Software in Home Computing: Implications for New Product Strategy. Technovation. 1993, 13, (5) 311-323 74. Cognitive Style and Personal Involvement as Explicators of Innovative Purchasing of Healthy Food Brands.1993. European Journal of Marketing, 1993, 27, (2) 5-16 75. Computer Use-Innovativeness: Cognition and Context. International Journal of Technology Management, 1999 17, 157-172 76. FOXALL, G.R., DOYLE, J.R., YANI-DE-SORIANO, Mirella & WELLS, Victoria K., Contexts and Individual Differences as Influences on Consumers’ Delay Discounting. The Psychological Record, 2011, 61, 599-612 77. FOXALL, G.R., & GOLDSMITH, R.E., Personality and Consumer Research: Another Look. Journal of the Market Research Society, 1988, 30, 111-125. 78. FOXALL, G.R., & HACKETT, P.M.W., Cognitive Style and Extent of Computer Use in Organizations: Relevance of Sufficiency of Originality, Efficiency and Rule-Conformity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1992, 74, 491-497. 79. The Factor Structure and Construct Validity of the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences, 1992, 13 (9), 967-975. 80. Styles of Managerial Creativity: A Comparison of Adaption-Innovation in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States. British Journal of Management, 1994, 5, 85-100. 81. FOXALL, G.R. & HASKINS, C.G., Cognitive Style and Consumer Innovativeness: An Empirical Test of Kirton's Adaption Innovation Theory in the Context of Food Purchasing. European Journal of Marketing, 1986, 20, 63-80. 82. Cognitive Style and Discontinuous Consumption: The Case of 'Healthy Eating'. Food Marketing, 1987, 3, (2) 19-32. 83. FOXALL, G.R. & MINKES, A.L., Beyond marketing: The Diffusion of Entrepreneurship in the Modern Corporation. Journal of Strategic Marketing 1996, 4, 71-93 84. FOXALL G.R. & PAYNE, A.F., Adaptors and Innovators in Organizations: A Cross Cultural Study of the Cognitive Styles of Managerial Functions and Sub-Function. Journal of Human Relations, 1989, 40 (7) 639-64. 85. FOXALL, G.R., PAYNE, A.F., TAYLOR, J.W., & BRUCE, G.D., Marketing and Non Marketing Managers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 1990, 8 (1) 21-26 86. FOXALL, G.R., PAYNE, A.F. & WALTERS, D.A., Adaptive-Innovative Cognitive Styles of Australian Managers. The Australian Psychologist, 1992, 27, (2) 118-122 D:\116099338.doc -8- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section 87. FOXALL, G.R. & SZMIGIN Isabelle, Adaption-Innovation and Domain-Specific Innovativeness. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 1029-1030 88. FOXALL, G.R., & YANI-DE-SORIANO, Mirella, Influence of Reinforcement Contingencies and Cognitive Styles on Affective Responses: An Examination of Rolls’ Theory of Emotion in the Context of Consumer Choice. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2011, 41, 10, 2508-2537. 89. FRIEDEL, C The Value of Adaption and Innovation as a function of diversity. In Erbe, R (Ed) Approaches to managing organisational diversity and innovation (pp. 63-81) Hershey, PA:IGI Global. 2014. 90. FRIEDEL, C.R., & HATALA, J.P. Incorporating Problem Solving Theory and Social Capital Theory to improve Entrepreneurial Goal Attainment. Paper presented at the 24th annual conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, E.A.R.T.H. University, Costa Rica. March 2008. 91. FRIEDEL, C.R., IRANI, Tracy, RHOADES, Emily, FUHRMAN, N.E., & GALLO, Maria. It’s in the Genes: Exploring relationships between critical thinking and problem solving in undergraduate agri-science students’ solutions to problems in Mendelian genetics. Journal of Agricultural Education, 2008, 49(4), 25-37. 92. FRIEDEL, C.R., RUDD R.D, Relationship between Students’ Engagement and the Dissimilar Cognitive Styles of their Undergraduate Instructors. Career and Technical Education Research, 2009, 34(1), 21-45 93. FURNHAM, A., Faking Personality Questionnaires: Fabricating Different Profiles for Different Purposes. Current Psychology: Research & Reviews, Spring 1990, 9 (1) 46-55 REPLY – see Kirton 94. GAYNARD, J., Differences between thinking styles & application of the understanding of this difference to project management and management in times of Chaos. 4th Nordic Project Management Symposium. ENPM Paris. 2004 95. GELADE, G., Creative Style and Divergent Production. Journal of Creative Behaviour, 1995, 29, (1) 36-53 96. GELADE, G., Creative Style, Personality, and Artistic Endeavor. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 2002, 128 (3) 213-234 97. GERHARDT, Judi R. & CASHMAN, J.F., The Measurement and Impact of Creativity in Work Groups. Journal of Creative Behaviour, 1979, 14 216-217 98. GOLDSMITH, R.E., Personality Characteristics Associated with Adaption-Innovation. Journal of Psychology, 1984, 117 159-165 99. Personality & Adaptive-Innovative Problem Solving. Journal of Social Behaviour and Personality, 1985, 1, 95-106 100. The Factorial Composition of the KAI Inventory. Educational & Psychological Measurement, 1985, 45 245-250 101. Adaption-lnnovation and Cognitive Complexity. Journal of Psychology, 1986, 119 461-467. 102. Convergent Validity of Four Innovativeness Scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1986, 46 81-87 103. Personality and Uninformed Response Error. Journal of Social Psychology, 1986, 126, 37-45 104. Creative Level and Creative Style. British Journal of Social Psychology, 1987, 26, 317-323 105. Creative Style and Personality Theory. In M.J. Kirton (ed.), Adaptors and Innovators: Styles of Creativity and Problem-Solving. London: Routledge, 1989 106. The Validity of a Scale to Measure Global Innovativeness. The Journal of Applied Business Research, 1990, 7 (2) 89-97 D:\116099338.doc -9- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section 107. GOLDSMITH, R.E. & KERR, J.R., Entrepreneurship and Adaption-Innovation Theory. Technovation, 1991, 11 (6) 373-382 108. GOLDSMITH, R.E. & MATHERLY, T.A., The Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory, Faking and Social Desirability. A replication and extension. Psychological Reports, 1986, 58 269-270 109. Seeking Simple Solutions. Assimilators and Explorers, Adaptors and Innovators. Journal of Psychology, 1986, 120 149-155 110. Adaption-lnnovation and Creativity. A Replication and Extension. British Journal of Social Psychology, 1987, 126 79-82 111. Adaption-Innovation and Self-Esteem. Journal of Social Psychology, 1987, 127 351-352 112. GOLDSMITH, R.E., MATHERLEY, T.A. & WHEATLEY, W.J., Yeasaying and the Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1986, 46 433-436 113. GOLDSMITH, R.E., McNEILLY, K.M., & RUSS, F.A., Similarity of Sales Representatives and Supervisors' Problem-Solving Styles and the Satisfaction-Performance Relationships. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64 827-832 114. GORDON, Virginia, Successful Careers and Cognitive Style: A Follow-up Study of Childhood Family Discontinuity. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69 1071-1074 115. GRYSKIEWICZ, Nur, TAYLOR, S, & FLEENOR, J., Job Satisfaction and Creativity Style: An Unexpected Empirical Finding. Creativity and Innovation Management, 1995, 4 258-261 116. GRYSKIEWICZ, Nur & TULLAR, W.L., The Relationship Between Personality Type and Creativity Style Among Managers. Journal of Psychological Type, 1995, 32 30-35 117. GRYSKIEWICZ, S.S., Targeted Innovation: A Situational Approach. In Creativity Week III Proceedings. Greensboro, NC: Centre for Creative Leadership, 1980. 118. Creative Leadership Development and the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory. Paper at British Psychological Society Conference, 1982 119. Directing Creativity with Style. ASEE Annual Conference Proceeding, 1983 120. Adaption-Innovation Theory and Creative Leadership. Paper presented at 50th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, KAI Symposium, 1989 121. GRYSKlEWICZ, S.S., HILLS, D.W., HOLT, K., & HILLS, K., Understanding Managerial Creativity: The Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory and other Assessment Measures. Greensboro, North Carolina: Center for Creative Leadership, 1986. 122. GUL, F.A., Adaption-Innovation as a Factor in Australian Accounting Undergraduates Subject Interests and Career Preferences. Journal of Accounting Education, 1986, 4 203-209 123. HAMMERSCHMIDT, P., The Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory and Group Problem Solving Success Rates. Journal of Creative Behavior, 1996, 30 61-75 124. HAMMERSCHMIDT, P.K. & JENNINGS, A.C., The Impact of Personality Characteristics on Leadership Effectiveness Ratings. In K.E. & M.E. Clark & D.P. Campbell (eds.) Impact of Leadership, Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership, 1992, 469-475. 125. HAMMOND, S.M., Some pitfalls in the use of factor scores: the case of the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences, 1986, 7 401-407 126. HAYES, J. & ALLINSON, C.W., Cognitive Style and its Relevance for Management Practice. British Journal of Management, 1994, 5 53-71 [REVIEW] 127. HAYWARD, G. & EVERETT, C., Adaptors and Innovators: Data from the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory in a local authority setting. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 1983, 56 339-342 128. HILL, K. G. & AMABILE, Teresa, A Social Psychological Perspective on Creativity: Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity in the Classroom and Workplace. In Isaksen S.G. Murdock Mary C., D:\116099338.doc -10- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section FIRESTIEN, R.L. and TREFFINGER D.J. (Eds). Understanding and Recognizing Creativity: the emergence of a discipline. N.J.: Ablex Pub. Corp., 1993 129. HIPPLE, J., HARDY, D., WILSON, S.A. & MICHALSKI, J. Can Corporate Innovation Champions Survive? Chemical Innovation, November 2001, 31 (11) 14-22. 130. HOLLAND, P.A., Adaptors and Innovators: Application of the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory to Bank Employees. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60 263-270 131. HOLLAND, P.A., BOWSKILL, I. & BAILEY, A., Adaptors and Innovators: Selection vs. Induction. Psychological Reports, 1991, 68 1283-1290 132. ISAKSEN, S.G. BABIJ, Barbara J. & LAUER, K.J., Cognitive Styles in Creative Leadership Practices: Exploring the Relationship between Level and Style. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93 983-994 133. ISAKSEN, S.G. & DORVAL, B., Towards an Improved Understanding of Creativity within People: the Level-Style Distinction. In S.G. Isaksen et al. (eds.) Understanding and Recognizing Creativity: the Emergence of a Discipline. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1993, 299-330 134. ISAKSEN, S.G., DORVAL, B. & KAUFMANN, G., Mode of Symbolic Representation and Cognitive Style. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 1992, 11, 271-277. 135. ISAKSEN, S.G., DORVAL, B. & TREFFINGER, D.J., Creative Approaches to Problem Solving. Dubuque, I.A, Kendall/Hunt, 1994. 136. ISAKSEN, S.G., LAUER, K. J., Relationship Between Cognitive Style & Individual Psychological Climate: Reflections on a Previous Study. Studia Psychologica, 41, 1999, 3 177-192 137. ISAKSEN, S.G., LAUER, K. J., EKVALL, G., Situational Outlook Questionnaire: A Measure of the Climate for Creativity and Change. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85 665-674 138. 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Unpublished master's thesis. Center for Studies in Creativity, State University College, Buffalo, 1995. D:\116099338.doc -25- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section 103. WUNDERLEY, Linda, The Relationships Among Optimism, Pessimism, Vision and Effective Leadership Practices. M.A. Thesis, University of Cincinnati, 1996. 104. ZAREMBA, J., Relationship of Teacher Motivation to Innovativeness and Job Satisfaction. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978. OTHER RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS - M.J. KIRTON 1. Management Initiative. London: The Acton Society Trust, 1961. 2. Consistency in Managerial Decisions. Bulletin British Psychological Society, 1970, 195-196. 3. Correlates of Managers' Attitudes Towards Change. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1973, 58, 101-107. 4. Characteristics of High Lie Scorers. Psychological Reports, 1977, 40 279-280 5. Relatedness of Married Couples' Scores on 'Adorno' Type Tests. Psychological Reports, 1977, 40 1013-1014. 6. Ray's Balanced Dogmatism Scale Re-examined. British Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 1977, 16 97-98 7. Wilson & Patterson's Conservatism Scale: A Shortened Alternative Form British Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 1978, 17 319-323 8. A Re-Analysis of Two Scales of Tolerance of Ambiguity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1981, 45 407-414 D:\116099338.doc -26- If Kirton is a co-author, see first section