Supplementary on-line material Photo S1. Glyphosate-selected progeny 4a and unselected VLR1 sprayed with glyphosate at 350 g ha-1. Plants were grown in Controlled Environment Room (CER). 200 (a) Seeds plant (n) 10 (b) 150 -1 -1 Tillers plant (n) 15 5 0 100 50 0 0 200 400 Glyphosate (g ha-1) 600 0 200 400 600 -1 Glyphosate (g ha ) Fig. S1. Reproductive output in surviving plants from progeny 4a (white squares) compared to unselected VLR1 (solid circles) at several glyphosate doses. (a): Number of tillers per plant. (b): Number of seeds per plant. Symbols are mean ± 1 SE n = 3. Two-way ANOVA indicates significant interaction between the factors (population*glyphosate dose) (P < 0.05). Biomass (% control) (a) 100 (b) 80 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 Glyphosate (g ha-1) 600 0 200 400 600 Glyphosate (g ha-1) Fig S2 Dose-response curves (biomass) of glyphosate-selected progenies in CER. Solid circles and solid line represent the unselected original population (VLR1), open circles and dashed line the glyphosate-selected progeny 3a, open squares and dotted line the selected the progeny 4a. Symbols are mean ± 1 SE n = 3, lines are predicted values for biomass as percentage of untreated control. 200 Biomass (% control) (a) (b) (c) 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 Glyphosate (g ha-1) 500 0 100 200 300 400 Glyphosate (g ha-1) 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 Glyphosate (g ha-1) Fig. S3 Glyphosate dose-response curves (biomass) of glyphosate-selected progenies in field conditions. Solid circles and solid line represent the unselected original population (VLR1), open circles and dashed lines the first glyphosate-selected progenies (1b, 3b), open triangles and dash-dotted lines the second glyphosate-selected progenies (1c, 2c, 3c), open squares and dotted lines the third glyphosate-selected progenies (1d, 2d, 3d). Symbols are mean ± 1 SE, n = 3, lines are predicted values for biomass as percentage of untreated control. Table S1. Parameters of the log–logistic model [Y = c+(d-c)/(1+(x/G)^b)] used to calculate the LD50 values of selected and unselected progeny and their R:S ratios from dose–response bioassays for different developmental plants stages. ANOVA analysis conducted for each non-linear regression is highly significant (P < 0.001). †† Residual ††† Progeny d c G b RMS†† Adj-R2††† LD50 (g ha-1) R:S 1 tiller stage VLR1 4a 100 100 1 7 109 177 6 4 5 49 0.99 0.97 109 177 -1.62 2-tiller stage VLR1 4a 100 100 7 72 216 263 7 7 8 70 0.99 0.54 221 >350 ->1.58 Mean Square. Adjusted-R2: Approximate coefficient of determination for non-linear models with a defined intercept calculated as Adjusted-R2 -(sums of squares of the regression/corrected total sums of squares). Qu-gene modelling simulations Set of parameters: complete additive model, heritability = 0.5; 4 generations of selection (displayed on the x axis of each graph), initial gene frequency = 0.1 (same for all genes), 10 simultaneous runs (10 lines displayed in the graphs). The population size prior selection was 200 plants (which approximately corresponded to the number of plants sprayed at each herbicide dose in our selection experiments). The graphs display the components of variance, the heritability (narrow sense on individual basis), gene frequency of the favourable alleles and the accumulated population mean. By analysis of the population mean the hypothesis of one minor additive gene reflects well the response to the selection observed in the progenies 1c, 2c, 3c and 1d, 2d ,3d where no significant shift towards glyphosate resistance was observed between the second and third cycle of selection (Figure S4b, S4c). Genes have the chance to be fixed in the population and therefore absence of genetic variation cannot result in any further shift towards resistance. Also figure S4f (two additive genes and proportion of selection 0.1) seems to well describe what was observed in the progenies d selected at 350 g glyphosate ha-1. Assuming an initial frequency of 0.1 no simulation can really be matched or well describe the response to selection we obtained at 150 g glyphosate ha-1 with the progenies “b”. However, assuming an initial gene frequency of 0.5 together with the hypothesis of 1 minor additive gene the modelled response to selection is similar to what was observed (Figure S4g). There is chance of getting that minor gene fixed. Probably the negligible response to selection observed in progeny 2b and 3b was due to an insufficient selection intensity applied at such low glyphosate rate (150 g ha-1) and subsequent low heritability. Figure S4a. One gene and selection proportion 0.5 (roughly 50% survival in the unselected population at 150 g glyphosate ha-1, see Table 1). Figure S4b. One gene and selection proportion 0.2 (roughly 20% survival in the unselected population at 250 g glyphosate ha-1, see Table 1). Figure S4c. One gene and selection proportion 0.1 (roughly 10% survival in the unselected population at 350 g glyphosate ha-1, see Table 1). Figure S4d. Two genes and selection proportion 0.5 Figure S4e. Two genes and selection proportion 0.2 Figure S4f. Two genes and selection proportion 0.1 In the following simulation a different initial gene frequency was hypothesized based on the plant survival obtained in the unselected population (e.g. approximately 50% plant survival at 150 g glyphosate ha-1 suggested an initial gene frequency of 0.5 Figure S4g. One gene, initial gene fr. 0.5, selection proportion 0.5