Aviva Doron, Prof

Aviva Doron,
Poet and Prof. of Hebrew and Comparavive Literature, the University of Haifa
Head, The Research Unit for the Cultures of Spain
Chair Holder, UNESCO Chair for Intercultural Dialogue
1. The Wonders of Poetry – The Poet and His Poem in Christian Spain Hakibbutz
Hameuchad Publishers, Tel-Aviv [2007] (Hebrew)
2. Encuentros y Desencuentros, Spanish-Jewish Cultural Interaction, throughout History
(Coordinator: Aviva Doron; editores: F. Márquez Villanueva, A. Sáenz-Badillos, C. Carrete
Parrondo, M. Daskal), Tel Aviv University Publishing Projects, 2000, (Spanish and English)
3. Essays to The End of the Millenium (co-editor with Prof. Ziva Shamir), A collection of
Essays on A.B. Yehushua’s Novel A Journey to the End of the Millenium, Hakibbutz
Hameuchad Publishers, Tel-Aviv 1999. (Hebrew)
4. Yehuda ha-Levi, Poemas y Estudios Literarios, Bilingual Edition, (Translation of poems
into Spanish: A. Saenz-Badillos y J.Targarona; Essays on Yehuda ha-Levy's poetry by Aviva
Doron), Ediciones Clasicos Alfaguara , Madrid, Spain, 1994, 594 pp.
5. The Culture of Spanish Jewry (editor)- Proceedings of the First International Congress,
(Tel Aviv, July 1991) Organizers: Bar-Ilan University, Levinsky College of Education,
Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, The City University of New York, New York, U.S.A.
1994. (Hebrew, Spanish and English)
6. Meshorer ba-hatzar ha-melech, Todros ha-Levi Abulafia - Hebrew Poetry in Christian
Spain, Dvir, Tel Aviv, 1989. (Hebrew)
7. Yehuda ha -Levy: A Selection of Critical Essays on his Poetry ( editor, including an
introduction article on 150 years of criticism, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishers, Tel Aviv, 1988.
8. Yehuda ha-Levi - Repercusion de su obra, Riopiedras Ediciones, Barcelona, Spain, 1985.
Ph.D Dissertation: Trends in the Study of Yehuda ha-Levi’s Poetry, 1978, Tel Aviv University,
9. The Wind Remembers, Cial Ediciones, Madrid [2007] (Spanish)
10. Poems of your love Hakkibutz Hameuchad Publishers, Tel-Aviv, [2007] (Hebrew)
11. The Wind Knows, Hakkibutz Hameuchad Publishers, Tel-Aviv, 2004 (Hebrew)
12. Suddenly as Ever, Ed. Alef Publishers with the grant of the Tel-Aviv Foundation for Culture
and Art , Tel Aviv, 1985. (Hebrew)
13. Todo el bien de Sefarad, Edicion Fundacion Ramon de Castro, Zamora, Spain, 1981.
14. Kol Oto Ha-rega (All That Moment) Ediciones M. Newman, Tel Aviv, 1977. (Hebrew)
1. "Poetry as Dialogue – Dialogue Poetics in Hebrew Poetry in Christian Spain", Jubilee book in
honor of Prof. Yehudit Dishon, Bar-Ilan University Publishers, ]2007[
2. "'I Know the Divine Spirit Sojourned There': Egypt in the Poetry of Yehuda Halevi", World
Congress of the Jews from Egypt- Volume of papers, Egyptian Immigrants Association
Publishing House, ]2007[
3. "The Image of the Beloved – Between Hedonism and Finamor", Approaches to Higher
Narrative: Essays in Memory of Earl Miner, Pearson, ]2007[
4. "The Poem Weeps for its Downfall: Yitzhak al-Ahdab, a Hebrew poet in the final years of
Spain’s Golden Age", In Memory, Studies in Hebrew Poetry and in Hebrew Heritage, Homage
to Prof. Aharon Mirsky (eds.: Prof. Yosef Yahalom and Prof. Ephraim Hazan), Bar-Ilan
University Publishing, 2006, pp. 333-345. (Hebrew)
5. "Shelomo Dapiera’s Concept of Poetry against the Background of Poetical Changes in
Christian Spain" in Teuda, Homage to Prof. Yona David, (eds.: Avner Hotzman y T. Rozen), Tel
Aviv University, 2002, pp. 213-229, (Hebrew)
6. "Reflejos de motivos cristianos en la poesía hebrea de los siglos XII y XIII", Literatura y
Cristiandad, Homenaje al Profesor Jesús Montoya Martínez (Estudios sobre Hagiografía,
Mariología, Épica y Retórica) (Eds. Alonso García, Dañobeitia Fernández, Rubio Flores),
University of Granada, Spain, 2001, pp. 53-63.
7. "Andalusia and Zion - The Link between Hebrew Poetry and the Landscapes of Andalusia",
Semana Sefardi (Sephardic Studies), ed. M. Mitchell Serels, Yeshiva University, New York,
2001, pp. 17-31. (English)
8. "New Trends in the Conception of Hebrew Poetry in Thirteenth and Fourteenth-Century
Spain, in Relation to Spanish Literature", Encuentros y Desencuentros, Spanish-Jewish Cultural
Interaction, throughout History (Coordinador: Aviva Doron; Eds: F. Márquez Villanueva, A.
Sáenz-Badillos, C. Carrete Parrondo, M. Daskal), Tel Aviv University Publishing Projects, 2000,
pp. 213-241. (English)
9. "La poesía amorosa hebraico-española del siglo XIII como punto de confluencia de motivos
trovadorescos y andalusíes", Actas del XIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de
Hispanistas, eds. Florencio Sevilla y Carlos Alvar, Editorial Castalia, Madrid, 2000, pp. 107116.
10. "Características literarias en la España alfonsí reflejadas en la poesía hispano-hebrea
contemporánea", Actas del VIII Congreso de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval,
Santander, Spain, 2000, pp. 681-693.
11. "Flowers in the Full Ceramic Vases", Essays to The End of the Millenium (co-editor with
Prof. Ziva Shamir), A collection of Essays on A.B. Yehushua’s Novel A Journey to the End of
the Millenium, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishers, Tel-Aviv 1999, pp. 87-96. (Hebrew)
12. "The Poetry of Todros ha-Levi Abulafia as a reflection of Cultural Contacts, a Hebrew Poet
in Christian Spain", From Iberia to Diaspora, (Edited by Yedida and Norman Stillman), Brill
Academic Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, 1999, pp. 282-290. (English)
13. "The Poet's Attitude in the Hebrew Poetry of Spain – Between Convention and Allusion",
Jewish Studies at the turn of the 20th Century, edited by Judit Targarona and Angel SaenzBadillos, Brill Publications, 1999, pp. 392-398 (English)
14. "A Discussion of the Affinities between Hebrew Poetry in Toledo and the Literary
Environment. A Comparative Study between the Prolog for ‘Las Cantigas de Santa Maria’
written by Alfonso the Wise and the Personal Poetry of Todros ha-Levi Abulafia", Criticism and
Interpretation Journal for Research in Jewish Literature, ed. Bar-Ilan University Press , booklet
32, 1998, pp. 81-94. (Hebrew)
15. "La imagen de Alfonso X el Sabio en la creación literaria hebrea", Actas del XII Congress
of Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Tomo I, Birmingham, England, 1995, pp. 129-140.
16. "Cities in Hebrew Spanish Poetry", Sefer Levin, Studies in Literature, ed. Reuben Zur and
Tova Rozen, Tel Aviv University, 1994, pp. 69-74 (Hebrew)
17. "Jewish Characters in the Poetry of Alfonso X", Actas del Eleventh World Congress of
Jewish Studies, World Union of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1994, pp. 9-15 (Hebrew)
18. "The Golden Age of Hebrew Poetry in Christian Spain", Jewish-Spanish Culture,
Proceedings of the First International Congress, Tel Aviv, 1994, pp. 93-104 (Hebrew)
19. "La poesía hebrea como reflejo de procesos socio-culturales en la España cristiana".
Encuentros y desencuentros de culturas: Desde la Edad Media al siglo XVIII, Editor: Juan
Villegas, Actas del XI Congress of Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Irvine University,
Los Angeles, 1993.
20. “La transición a la expresión individualista en la poesía hispano-hebrea, sobre el trasfondo
de la literatura hispano-cristiana”, Hitos en la literatura hebrea en relación con sus contactos
con otras literaturas, eds: Z. Shamir y A. Holtzman, Tel Aviv University, 1993, pp. 45-55
21. "Hebrew Poetry in Alfonsine Toledo: Iberian Perspectives on Cultural Interchange",
Exemplaria Hispanica, A Journal on Alfonso X and Alfonsine Iberia, Volume 2, 1992-1993, pp.
105-124 (Spanish)
22. "Characteristic Streams in Hebrew Poetry in New Castilia", Dappim ‫ צ‬Research in
Literature, 4, University of Haifa, 1989, pp. 39-44 (Hebrew)
23. "Glory to Egypt - the Sense of a Halfway Station and the Poetic Components of Yehuda
ha-Levi", Studies on the Literature of the People of Israel, ed. Ephraim Hazan and Yehudit
Dishon, University of Bar-Ilan, 1991, pp. 253-258 (Hebrew)
24. "Los matices que pregonan la renovación de la poesía hebreo-castellana", Abraham Ibn
Ezra y su tiempo, Editor: Prof. Fernando Díaz Esteban, Madrid, 1990, pp. 89-95.
25. "Characteristic Streams in Hebrew Poetry in New Castilia", Dappim - Research in
Literature, 4, University of Haifa, 1989, pp. 39-44 (Hebrew)
26. "Todros Abulafia y la poesía castellana", Literatura General y Comparada, ed. Juan Paredes
Núñez y Andrés Soria Olemo, Granada, Spain, 1989, pp. 31-42
27. "La poesía hebrea en la corte de Alfonso X el Sabio", Actas del Congreso X de la
Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Barcelona, Spain, ed. University of Barcelona,
Barcelona, Spain, 1989
28. "‘Levavi Kah Lecha Matteh Leshonach’ - Todros Ben Yehuda ha-Levi Abulafia - Hebrew
Poet at the Crossroads of Influence", Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, 1988, pp. 469-482 (Hebrew)
29. "One Hundred and Fifty Years: Critical Development of Yehuda ha-Levi’s Poetry against a
Background of Research Trends into Medieval Hebrew Poetry", Yehuda ha-Levi - Selection of
Critical Essays on his Poetry, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1988, editor of the general series of
selections of critical essays on Hebrew poets: Israel Levin, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Tel Aviv,
1988 pp. 9-41 (Hebrew)
30. "El encuentro de las tres culturas reflejado en la poesía de Todros Ben Yehuda ha-Leví
Abulafia", Actas del IV Congress Internacional Encuentro de las Tres Culturas, ed. Prof. Carlos
Carrete, Edición Universidad de Tel Aviv y Ayuntamiento de Toledo, Toledo, Spain, 1988, pp.
31. "El tejido único de Shelomo Ibn Gabirol", Actas del III Congreso Internacional Encuentro
de las Tres Culturas, ed. Prof. Carlos Carrete, Edición: Universidad de Tel Aviv y Ayuntamiento
de Toledo, Toledo, España, 1988, pp. 61-66
32. "Dios haz que el Rey se apiade de mí. Entrelazamiento de lo sacro y lo profano en la poesía
hebreo-toledana en el transfondo de la poesía cristiano-española".
Sefarad, ano XLVI, Madrid, 1986, pp. 151-160 (Spanish)
33. “Zion Ha-Lo Tisha-li: Analysis of the Poetic Elements in a Poem by Yehuda ha-Levi”, Benoam Siah, ed. Zvi Malachi, Haberman Institute, 1986, pp. 233-239 (Hebrew)
34. "The Poetry of Todros Ben Yehuda ha-Levi Abulafia - Decline or Renewal?", Proceedings of
the Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies, World Union of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1986,
pp. 123-129 (Hebrew)
35. "The Two Levels of Shelomo Ibn Gabirol’s Poetry", Studies of Shelomo Ibn Gabirol’s
Poetry, ed. Zvi Malachi, Tel Aviv University, 1985, pp. 53-77 (Hebrew)
36. "Los poemas de Egipto de Yehuda ha-Leví", Actas del II Congreso Internacional Encuentro
de las Tres Culturas, Toledo, España, 1985, pp. 117-123
37. "El encuentro entre la alusión bíblica y el legado literario árabe en la literatura medieval
Hebraico-Española", Actas del I Congreso Internacional Encuentro de las Tres Culturas,
Toledo, España, 1983, pp. 256-281
38. "Expresiones de tolerancia e intolerancia en la poesía hebrea en España", Anuario de
Filología 8, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España, 1982, pp. 145-153 (Spanish)
39. "Yehuda ha-Levi’s Attitudes towards Eretz-Israel as seen in the Light of Criticism"
Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of Jewish Studies, World Union of Jewish Studies,
Jerusalem, 1982, pp. 93-104 (Hebrew)
40. "Mi corazón en el Oriente y yo lejos de la tierra de las palmeras - la poesía de añoranza
andaluza musulmana y la poesía de Sión de Yehuda ha-Leví" (con Ron Barkai) Helmántica
XXXII 97-98, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca, España, 1981, pp. 239-251
41. "Basic Trends in Yehuda ha-Levi Criticism: Rationalisms, Romanticism, Myth", Peles:
Articles on Criticism, ed. Nurit Govrin, Tel Aviv University, 1980, pp. 279-308 (Hebrew)
42. "Hebrew Poetry in Spain as an Expression of Self-Identity and Cultural Openness", Journal
for Hebrew Professors 13, Ministry of Education and Culture, Pedagogical Division, Jerusalem,
1991, pp. 31-37 (Hebrew)
43. "The Uniqueness of Hebrew Poetry in Spain", Spanish Jewry - Culture and Values,
Association of Community Centers in Israel, Jerusalem, 1991, pp. 13-15 (Hebrew)
44. "The Poetic Dialogue that Crosses Borders", Journal for Hebrew Professors 12, Ministry of
Education and Culture, Pedagogical Division, Jerusalem, 1991, pp. 73-80 (Hebrew)
45. "The Goat and its Kid", Teacher’s Guide, Center for Educational Television, Ministry of
Education and Culture, Tel Aviv, 1976, 18 pp. (Hebrew)
"The Essay as an Education Tool According to the ‘Prejudices of Youth’, by Martin Buber",
Methodica, Tel Aviv University, 1972, pp. 34-42 (Hebrew)