Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Ocean Color Imagery: The Black Pixel Assumption David A. Siegel1,2, Menghua Wang3, Stéphane Maritorena1 and Wayne Robinson4 1Institute for Computational Earth System Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-3060, U.S.A. 2Also, Department of Geography and Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara 3University of Maryland Baltimore County NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 4NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD To be submitted to Applied Optics Draft date = September 2, 1999 Acknowledgments We thank Andrea Magnuson and Larry Harding for providing SeaWiFS imagery and field data from Chesapeake Bay and Brian Schieber for the SIMBIOS matchup data. Bob Arnone and Rick Stumpf first questioned the validity of the black pixel assumption and their encouragement is appreciated. Discussions and encouragement from Chuck McClain, Howard Gordon and Andre Morel are gratefully acknowledged. We acknowledge the support of NASA as part of the SIMBIOS and SeaWiFS science teams. Chlorophyll observations reported are from the Chesapeake Bay Program which is jointly funded by the EPA and the state governments bordering Chesapeake Bay. The SeaWiFS satellite mission is a joint venture of the Orbital Sciences Corporation and NASA. ABSTRACT The correction of satellite ocean color imagery generally assumes that the water leaving radiance is negligible for the near-infrared (NIR) wavebands. This assumption is referred to as the black pixel assumption. The black pixel assumption enables NIR aerosol radiances to be determined from a measure of satellite radiance and an estimate of the Rayleigh component alone. In this contribution, we examine the role of the black pixel assumption on the correction of satellite ocean color imagery theoretically and using satellite imagery from the Sea-viewing Wide-Field of view Sensor (SeaWiFS). A simple bio-optical model for the NIR water-leaving reflectance, wN(NIR), is developed. For reasonably high values of the chlorophyll concentration (Chl > 5 mg m-3), estimates of wN(NIR) are several orders of magnitude larger than are expected for pure seawater demonstrating that the ocean is not necessarily black for the NIR wavebands. The misapplication of the black pixel assumption results in an over-correction of the water-leaving reflectance in the visible which is most pronounced in the violet and blue wavebands of the SeaWiFS sensor. The over-correction increases dramatically with the chlorophyll concentration reaching ~75% of the true water-leaving radiance when Chl is equal to 5 mg m-3. Accounting for wN(NIR) in the processing of SeaWiFS imagery results in a significant increase in the waterleaving reflectance for the violet and blue bands and a reduction of chlorophyll retrievals when values of Chl are in excess of roughly 2 mg m-3. Substantial and important improvements are found for natural waters where Chl values are in excess of 5 mg m-3 and examples are provided. In general, non-zero values of wN(NIR) influence atmospheric correction results for reasonably high values of chlorophyll and hence, this process needs to be included in corrections schemes for global satellite missions. 1. Introduction It is well recognized that in the visible more than 90% of the optical signal measured by an ocean color satellite sensor is due to the confounding influence of the atmosphere. The atmospheric and ocean surface effects must be removed before ocean radiance signals may be analyzed for the purposes of understanding the ocean biosphere. This step in the processing of satellite ocean color imagery is usually termed as atmospheric correction. An excellent review of the state of the art in atmospheric correction for satellite ocean color imagery may be found in Gordon (1997). The satellite sensed radiance, Lt(), or equivalently reflectance, t() (= Lt()/(Fo()o) where Fo() is the extraterrestrial solar irradiance and 0 is the cosine of the solar zenith angle; Gordon and Wang, 1994b) can be partitioned into components corresponding to distinct physical process, or t r a ra T g t wc t w , (1) where the first three terms represent the contributions from atmospheric scattering due to air molecules (Rayleigh), aerosols, and Rayleigh-aerosol interactions, respectively, T and t are the direct and diffuse transmittances of the atmospheric column, respectively, g represents the effects of sun glitter off the sea surface, wc is the reflectance of ocean whitecaps and w is the water-leaving reflectance. The desired quantity in ocean color remote sensing is w. In equation (1), the Rayleigh scattering term, r, and the transmittances, T and t, can be accurately calculated (Gordon et al., 1988a; Gordon and Wang, 1992; Wang, 1999a; Yang and Gordon, 1997), the ocean whitecap contributions can be estimated from the surface wind speed (Gordon and Wang, 1994a; Frouin et al. 1996), and sun glitter contaminated observations are not used. This leaves two unknowns in equation (1): (i) contributions from multiple scattering of aerosols and Rayleigh-aerosol interactions a ra and (ii) signals from ocean water w. The solution to this problem is made by assuming that the water leaving radiance is zero for 1 2 two of the red or near-infrared wavelengths and solving for the aerosol scattering terms for these bands. Estimates of a ra for the other (visible) bands is made by extrapolating the near-infrared aerosol signals into the visible using appropriate aerosol models (Gordon and Wang, 1994b). The assumption that the ocean is optically black (w(NIR) =0) in the red and near-infrared was initially made for clear ocean waters (Gordon and Clark, 1981) and is often referred to as the black pixel assumption. To relate the derived water-leaving reflectance to the oceanic inherent optical properties, the residual atmospheric effects in w must be eliminated. The normalized waterleaving reflectance, w N , can be defined from Gordon and Clark (Gordon and Clark, 1981) through the definition of the normalized water-leaving radiance LwN , i.e., L w N Lw 0 t0 (2) and w N L N w t 0 , F0 w (3) where t 0 is the atmospheric diffuse transmittance in the solar direction. Ocean optical properties of the near-surface layer can then be determined using either an empirical band ratio algorithm with w N or LwN (e.g., Gordon and Morel, 1983; Gordon et al., 1988b; Morel, 1988; O'Reilly et al., 1998) or an analytical model relating the water leaving reflectance spectrum to the ocean optical properties (e.g., Roesler and Perry, 1996; Garver and Siegel, 1997; Carder et al. 1999). The Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) has provided the oceanographic community an unprecedented opportunity to assess biological and biogeochemical properties over global scales with a spatial resolution of 1.1 km (at nadir) and a temporal sampling schedule of nearly once per day (McClain et al. 1998). As with all satellite ocean color sensors, an atmospheric correction of the satellite-sensed radiance needs to be performed before useful ocean signals can be obtained. The SeaWiFS atmospheric 3 correction assumes that the bands 7 and 8 (center at 765 and 865 nm, respectively) are “black pixels” and used to estimate aerosol radiances and select the appropriate aerosol optical model to be applied (Gordon and Wang, 1994b). For the clear ocean (generally open oceans), the atmospheric correction algorithm is usually accurate to within 5% in the blue. Menghua, We need a good reference here. Are there “real” observations to support this? Or, just model results? Unfortunately, the SeaWiFS determinations of water leaving radiance in the violet and blue (SeaWiFS bands 1 and 2) generally underestimate dramatically field data for ocean regions with high chlorophyll concentrations (low ocean LwN()). This can be seen in a comparison of nearly simultaneous match-ups of SeaWiFS and field observations of LwN() at 412, 443 and 490 nm and chlorophyll a concentration (figure 1). These data are provided from the Sensor Intercomparison and Merger for Biological and Interdisciplinary Oceanic Studies (SIMBIOS) project of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Details of the procedures used in developing these satellite-field data comparisons may be found Schieber et al. (Tech memo ref???). Obviously, the present version of SeaWiFS processing (version 2) underestimates determinations of LwN(412) when values of LwN(412) are small (less than ~0.3 W cm-2 nm-1 sr-1; figure 1a). A similar though less pronounced underestimation is found for LwN(443). However, the comparison of the field and satellite chlorophyll estimates is good with no real bias from the one-to-one line (figure 1d). With the exception of the lowest and the highest chlorophyll retrievals, the present version of the SeaWiFS data provides excellent chlorophyll concentration retrievals. Overall, 81% of the observed variance is explained in the measured vs. SeaWiFS chlorophyll concentration comparison (figure 1d). Very low or negative Lwn() at wavelengths under 500 nm can also be seen in SeaWiFS imagery for some coastal and semi-enclosed water masses. These low retrievals lead to large, seemingly unreasonable, values of chlorophyll concentration. 4 Underestimation of the water-leaving radiance within the blue to green wavebands results from an incomplete atmospheric correction. Several factors can be responsible for these failures, such as the presence of absorbing aerosols or the choice of an inadequate atmospheric model. However, the fact that these low SeaWiFS water-leaving radiances occur in areas characterized by highly productive waters and generally small influence by atmospheric dust suggests that the origin of many of the low radiometric retrievals is due to the ocean itself. We believe that the often inappropriate application of the black pixel assumption is responsible for some of the excessively high chlorophyll observations made from SeaWiFS and for some of the observed underestimates of water-leaving radiance for the blue wavebands. This realization was made first by Robert Arnone and colleagues for U.S. coastal waters (Arnone et al in Ocean Optics abstracts) . Here, we will demonstrate the implications of the black pixel assumption and will develop and apply a parameterization to correct for its effects. First, we will use a recent ocean optics climatology (SeaBAM) to address the magnitude and variability of wN(NIR) and to develop a wN(NIR) algorithm for satellite atmospheric correction. We will assess theoretically the implications of non-blackness of the NIR channels on estimates of water-leaving radiance in the visible and provide a correction scheme for SeaWiFS imagery. Last, we will demonstrate the effects of relaxing the black pixel assumption on local to global scales using SeaWiFS data. 2. Estimation of Ocean Contributions at the NIR Bands A robust literature of in situ radiometric data has developed over the past twenty-five years due to the need for calibration and validation of satellite ocean color data (e.g., Gordon and Clark, 1981; Gordon and Morel, 1983; O’Reilly et al. 1998). Unfortunately, data were almost exclusively collected in the visible spectrum and, to the best of our knowledge, there are no direct estimates of wN(NIR) available. This is because it is extremely difficult to make reliable radiometric measurements in the near-infrared (e.g., 5 Gordon and Ding, 1992). Hence, the signal in the NIR wavebands can only be estimated using optical models of water-leaving radiance based upon the inherent optical properties of the medium. Following Gordon et al. (1988b), values of [w()]N may be modeled as a function of the absorption (a()) and backscattering spectra (bb()) coefficients of the upper layers, or 2 [w()]N = (t/n)2 i=1 bb ( ) i gi bb ( ) a() (4) where (t/n)2 accounts for the transmission of upwelling radiance and downwelling irradiance across the sea surface (Austin, 1974, Gordon et al., 1988b, Morel and Antoine, 1994) and the constants g1 and g2 are given as 0.0949 sr-1 and 0.0794 sr-1, respectively (Gordon et al. 1988b). This formulation assumes that neither non-linear scattering processes (Raman scattering, fluorescence, etc.) nor the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) from a Lambertian surface are important in determining the values of [w()]N. In the near-infrared region, the absorption by seawater strongly dominates over other factors (Hale and Querry, 1973; Palmer and Williams, 1974; Smith and Baker, 1981; Mobley, 1994). Hence, a(NIR) may be approximated by the value of the absorption coefficient for pure water, aw(NIR). This assumption will make a negligible error in the derived values of [w(NIR)]N. In the case of an atmospheric correction scheme that would use SeaWiFS band 6 and 8 (670 and 865 nm, respectively) instead of the current band 7 and 8, an accounting for particulate-induced absorption in required and several good algorithms are available (e.g., Bricaud et al. 1998). On the other hand, the modeling of the backscattering coefficient is more problematic. In the red and near-infrared spectral region, values of bb(NIR) due to particulates is much larger than those due to pure seawater 6 (e.g., Gordon and Morel, 1983). Hence, a detailed knowledge of particulate backscattering coefficient, bbp(NIR), in this spectral range is required. Provided a model for bbp(NIR), estimates of NIR normalized water-leaving reflectance may be expressed as 2 [w(NIR)]N (t/n)2 i=1 i bbp ( ) bbw ( ) gi b ( ) b ( ) a ( ) bp bw w (5) where the necessary parameters are presented in Table 1. The difficult issue is to model bbp(NIR) as there has been little significant research. Here, we will compare two basic approaches. The first uses estimates of the chlorophyll a concentration and a bio-optical assumption to determine bbp(NIR) (e.g., Gordon and Morel, 1983; Morel, 1988; Morel and Maritorena, in prep.) while the second uses determinations of water leaving radiance and the assumption of optical closure (Carder et al., 1999). Both are empirical relationships derived from field data within the visible spectral region and are extrapolated into the NIR for present purposes. The bio-optical modeling of bbp(NIR) assumes that its variability is driven by the chlorophyll a content of the water (e.g., Gordon and Morel, 1983; Morel, 1988). For the present purposes, bio-optical estimates of bbpBO(NIR) are made using bbpBO(NIR) = 0.416 Chl0.766 (0.002 + (550/NIR) (0.02 (0.5 - 0.25 log10(Chl)))) (6) where Chl is the chlorophyll concentration (in mg m-3) and NIR is the center NIR wavelength of interest. The left term of equation 6 gives the particulate scattering coefficient at 550 as recently updates in Loisel and Morel (1998) while the right term in parentheses gives the spectral dependance and the magnitude of the backscattered fraction (Morel, 1988). This formulation assumes that the spectral dependence for bbpBO(NIR) goes as -1 throughout the entire spectral range. Other similar bio-optical algorithms are available 7 for bbpBO(NIR) (e.g., Gordon et al., 1988; Morel, 1987; Mobley, 1994; Morel and Maritorena, in prep.) which give broadly similar results (within a factor of 5 for [w(NIR)]N). The optical closure backscatter model, bbpOC(NIR), is derived from field-derived estimates of bbp() (e.g., Carder et al. 1999). This parameterization assumes that the magnitude of spectral backscatter is a linear function of the remote sensing reflectance at 551 nm, Rrs(551), while the spectral slope of particulate backscatter is a function of the ratio of Rrs(443) to Rrs(488), or 551 Y0 Y1 R rs (443) R rs (488) bbpOC(NIR) = (X0 + X1 Rrs(551)) (7) where X0 = -0.00182, X1 = 2.058, Y0 = -1.13, and Y1 = 2.57 (Carder et al., 1999). The ratio of Rrs(443) to Rrs(488) is large in blue waters and smaller in green and turbid waters. Hence, the spectral slope for bbp() varies from 0 for turbid waters to greater than 2 for clear, oligotrophic waters (e.g., Morel et al. 1989; Stramski and Kiefer, 1991; Morel and Maritorena, in prep.). The intensity of the backscatter is controlled by the value of Rrs(551). This spectral band is typically in spectral "hole" or “hinge point” in the water leaving radiance spectrum because of the generally low absorption by the various components in the waters at this wavelength. Consequently, to first order, the effects of backscattering regulate ocean color variations in this portion of the spectrum (e.g., Gordon and Morel, 1983). Similar results were found using the semi-analytical, reflectance inversion model of Garver and Siegel [1997]. The two alternative estimates of bbp() are compared with each other using the SeaBAM data set (O'Reilly et al 1998) and are plotted against the in situ chlorophyll a concentration in figure 2a for bbp(443) and in figure 2b for bbp(865). Statistical estimates of mean and standard deviation for the red and NIR wavebands are also presented in Table 2. Compared to the bio-optical determinations of bbp(443) and bbp(865), the closurebased estimates appear to be a much weaker function of Chl, paricularly at 443 nm. For the observations represented in the SeaBAM data set, mean values of bbp(443) and 8 bbp(865) are smaller for the bio-optical estimates than with the other method. The closure-based backscatter formulation predicts a large degree of variability about its mean relationship with chlorophyll likely to be partly caused by the inherent noise in the in situ data. Some of these estimates approach values of the backscattering coefficient for pure seawater (figure 2a and 2b). The two methods for determining bbp() are used to provide scaling estimates for [w(NIR)]N using the SeaBAM data set. As expected, an increasing trend in [w(NIR)]N is found with increasing chlorophyll a concentration (fig. 2cd). Values of [w(NIR)]N increase with chlorophyll concentration from 10-5 for Chl 0.5 mg m-3 to about 10-4 for Chl concentrations greater than 1 mg m-3. Both estimates of [w(NIR)]N are an order of magnitude greater than expected for pure seawater (where bbp(NIR) = 0; the horizontal line in figures 2c and 2d). Estimates of [w(NIR)]N found using the bio-optical bbp() algorithm are generally greater than the optical closure model although there is a great deal of scatter about that relationship (fig. 2 cd). The choice of the appropriate [w(NIR)]N parameterization is not-straight-forward as there are few, if any, observations from which to base a comprehensive parameterization upon. Obviously, this is an area for future research. The bio-optical model approach has already been applied extensively within the ocean optics community (e.g., Morel, 1994; Bricaud et al, 1998, Ciotti et al.1999) whereas the closure model has been recently introduced and has not been widely applied. The optical closure model relies on reflectance measurements that are often “noisy” at high chlorophyll concentrations. Further, the large degree of variability in the closure model, especially those low estimates which approach values of bbw(), raise questions of its applicability as a global model. Hence, we will use the bio-optical model (eq. 6) for further analyses remembering that there are many uncertainties inherent in the present [w(NIR)]N estimates. Some of these will be discussed in the later in this manuscript. Detailed observations and analyses are required before many of these uncertainties will be better constrained. 9 3. Effects of w N at the NIR Bands on the Atmospheric Corrections In this section, we address the importance of relaxing the black pixel assumption by evaluating its role in determinations of w N and on two-band ratio determinations of chlorophyll. Finally, we provide an iteration scheme to correct the effects of the ocean NIR w N for implementation in the processing of SeaWiFS ocean color imagery. 3A. Errors in w N Retrievals We evaluate the role of non-black NIR reflectance using the SeaWiFS atmospheric correction algorithm (Gordon and Wang, 1994b). A maritime aerosol model with a relative humidity (RH) of 80% (M80) is used for the present evaluation. The effects of sun glitter and white cap reflectance are not considered. The primary experiments are performed by comparing retrievals with a fully black ocean (w N = 0 for all ) to retrievals made for a black ocean in the visible spectral region (w N = 0 for 400 < < 700 nm) but whose reflectance in the NIR, [w(NIR)]N, is a known function of Chl (given by equations 5 and 6). For the two cases, top of the atmosphere (TOA) reflectance spectra, t , are determined and then used with the present version of the SeaWiFS atmospheric correction algorithm to provide retrievals of w N with and without the effects of a non-black ocean in the NIR. Differences between the two retrieved w N spectra, w N , may be due to inherent errors in the algorithm itself and the effects of non-zero NIR ocean reflectance. Inherent errors in the SeaWiFS atmospheric correction algorithm are small (typically 0.001 in normalized reflectance units; Gordon, 1997; Gordon and Wang, 1994b; Wang, 1999b). Inherent errors are calculated by propagating a zero w N spectrum to the top of the atmosphere and then estimating w N using the standard SeaWiFS atmospheric correction procedure. The difference between the true and retrieved w N determines the inherent error. This small factor is subtracted from the results of the NIR experiments to NIR determine the error due to NIR effects alone, w . 10 NIR Example w spectra clearly illustrate the effects of non-zero NIR water re- flectance on retrieved normalized water-leaving reflectances (figure 3). This example is determined using the M80 aerosol model, an aerosol optical thickness at 865 nm of 0.1 and chlorophyll concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 5 mg m-3. Solar and viewing geometries of 0 = 20°, = 20°, = 90° (figure 3a and 3c) and 0 = 40°, = 40°, = 90° NIR (figure 3b and 3d) were used. The magnitude of the error term, w N, is shown in figures 3a and 3b for the two geometries, while these error estimates are normalized in figures 3c and 3d using the bio-optical model of Gordon et. al. (1988b). Similar results were obtained for other aerosol models, for various aerosol optical thicknesses, and for other solar and viewing geometries (not shown). NIR In general, values of w increase dramatically with the chlorophyll concen- tration and this effect is more important for the blue wavebands (figure 3). Ignoring the NIR ocean contributions leads to an over-correction of aerosol reflectance biasing retrievals low in the visible. The effects become important (>10% of the retrieved ) for Chl > 0.5 mg m-3. Hence, for clear ocean regions (where Chl < 0.5 w N w N mg m-3), the SeaWiFS correction algorithm performs well. However, errors are quite large for ocean regions with high chlorophyll concentrations (Chl > 0.5 mg m-3) and nonblack NIR reflectance effects must be considered. 3B. Errors in Two-Band Ratio Chlorophyll Retrievals Many algorithms for determining ocean chlorophyll concentrations typically use ratios of normalized water-leaving reflectance (e.g., Gordon and Morel, 1983; O’Reilly et al., 1998). For example, the SeaWiFS chlorophyll algorithm (OC2v2) uses the ratio of SeaWiFS bands 3 and 5 (R(3,5) = [w(490)]N / [w(555)]N) in a polynomial relationship (O’Reilly et al., 1998 and later update). Other band ratios are often used. Here, we calculate the error in the retrieved band ratio estimates due to the black pixel assumption. We NIR define the error for any arbitrary band ratio, R i, j , as 11 b gbg bg b g b g di di w i R bNIR gi , j w j N N NIR w i NIR w j N N bg d i w i w j N (8) N where i and j are the SeaWiFS band numbers. In the following, estimates of R NIRi, j are determined for a given chlorophyll concentration using the previous determinations of wNIR and values of w i N and w j N estimated from Gordon et al. [1988b]. Typical values of R NIRi, j in the retrieved ratio values between SeaWiFS bands 2 and 5, R(2,5), and bands 3 and 5, R(3,5), are shown in Table 4. As before, the M80 aerosol model with aerosol optical thickness of 0.1 at 865 nm and the two solar and viewing geometries are used. The present results show that for chlorophyll concentrations less than 1 mg m-3, the two-band ratio values are accurate to within 1-2% even if the NIR ocean contribution is ignored. For higher chlorophyll environments (Chl > 2 mg m-3), the band ratio error magnitude increases dramatically (Table 4). Further, the magnitude of the band ratio under-estimation for high chlorophyll concentrations is much greater for R(2,5) than for R(3,5). However for clear ocean conditions, empirical models based upon R(2,5) may be better, from the point of view of atmospheric correction, than R(3,5) models as the NIR correction will have less of an effect on the band ratio estimation. This is because although the normalized errors are similar, the magnitude of R(2,5) is significantly larger than R(3,5) in clear natural waters. We compare the effects of the black pixel assumption using the standard SeaWiFS algorithm and another polynomial band ratio algorithm using R(2, 5) (Morel-3 algorithm in O’Reilly et al., 1998). The errors in chlorophyll retrievals for a non-black, NIR waterleaving radiance are not large (< 5%) for low chlorophyll containing waters (< 0.5 mg m3; Table 5). However, for chlorophyll concentrations greater than 2 mg m-3, the errors are extremely large reaching more than 100%. The errors due to the NIR ocean contribution are greater for the Morel-3 algorithm than for the OC2v2 algorithm as Morel-3 rela- 12 tionship uses the R(2,5) ratio. In addition, the errors in the Morel-3 empirical relationship become important at significantly lower chlorophyll concentrations than is found for the OC2v2 algorithm (Table 5). This supports the notion that the NIR induced errors will be greater for the R(2,5) based chlorophyll retrievals than with R(3,5) estimates (such as is employed in OC2v2). Similar results were obtained with different aerosol models, aerosol optical thicknesses and solar and viewing geometries. We conclude that the NIR ocean contribution must be included in the atmospheric correction schemes for high chlorophyll conditions and that its effects are not important for clear natural waters. 3C. Accounting for wNIR N in the SeaWiFS Atmospheric Correction Procedure An accounting of NIR wNIR N effects in atmospheric correction procedures for satellite ocean color imagery is critical, particularly for high chlorophyll concentration conditions. However, this requires a retrieval of the chlorophyll concentration that may be in error due to NIR effects. This means that a NIR correction procedure must be iterative. A NIR correction procedure needs to make a first guess for Chl, calculate an esti- mate for wNIR N and subtract it from equation (1), apply the existing SeaWiFS at- mospheric correction procedure to retrieve a new Chl and iterate through this procedure until a converged Chl value is obtained. The initial Chl value, Chl0, is set to 0.2 mg m-3. The NIR wNIR N correction procedure can be summarized schematically as follows: bg bg NIR g VIS g .Corr . min e Chl 0 Deter b Atmos b & Chl repeat w w N N Initial Iterations (10) Obviously, the key to effectively correct for the NIR contribution is to accurately assess NIR w N values given only estimate of the bio-optical state of the ocean (cf., chloro- phyll concentrations) and the characteristics of the atmosphere. The iterative procedure suggested here is a good first step towards accounting for this effect. 13 4. Application to SeaWiFS imagery To assess the importance of the black pixel assumption, we apply the present NIR correction scheme to SeaWiFS imagery on both local and global scales. First, we use a SeaWiFS local area coverage (LAC) image from the Chesapeake Bay region to show that the black pixel assumption leads to large errors in highly productive and turbid waters. Next, we assess changes in the SIMBIOS global field-satellite match-up data set after parameterizing for the effects of the black pixel assumption. Last, we evaluate the effects of the present NIR parameterization on global SeaWiFS imagery. 4A. An Example of SeaWiFS Imagery from Chesapeake Bay As mentioned in the introduction, the SeaWiFS chlorophyll retrievals often show large overestimates of surface chlorophyll concentration in productive waters. A SeaWiFS LAC chlorophyll image for the Chesapeake Bay region (east coast of North America) from May 19, 1998 is shown in figure 4a. Most of the chlorophyll retrievals throughout the bay have retrieved values in excess of 64 mg m-3 (figure 5a). The median observed chlorophyll value is 64 mg m-3 which is the maximum value digitized in the SeaWiFS processing scheme. However, field observations from this time period show no values in excess of 15 mg m -3 (figure 5c). A re-analysis of this SeaWiFS image using the present NIR parameterization shows substantial improvements (figure 4b) compared with the standard processing results (figure 4a). In particular, nearly all of the excessively large chlorophyll retrievals (> 30 mg m-3) are removed and the median chlorophyll concentration is not 64 mg m-3 (figure 5c). The SeaWiFS chlorophyll retrievals within the main portion of Chesapeake Bay are now consistent with the field observations from the same period (figure 5b and 5c). The improvement for this particular scene is striking, indicating the importance of the black pixel assumption in highly productive waters. 14 4B. Global in situ match-up analyses Despite the limited number of observations at high chlorophyll concentration, the global matchup data set reprocessed with the present NIR algorithm shows some improvement compared with the original analysis (figure 6). In particular, the regression slopes between the two LwN(412) retrievals are closer to the 1:1 line for the NIR corrected data set, although the value of the slope remains clearly less than one. Similarly, root mean square (rms) deviations between the satellite and field observations are less for the NIR processed SeaWiFS retrievals for all bands of water-leaving radiance and for chlorophyll (figure 6). Consistent with what is seen with the example from Chesapeake Bay (figures 4 and 5), there is a significant improvement in the correspondence between the SeaWiFS and field estimates of chlorophyll at high concentrations (figure 7). At concentrations above 1 mg.m-3 the rms differences in chlorophyll retrievals are smaller for the NIR processing (1.5 mg m-3) compared with the standard processing (2.1 mg m-3) and the effects of outlier match-up points is much smaller. 4C. Global Imagery Analysis Analysis of global imagery enables the importance of the NIR correction to be put in a proper context for the ocean color remote sensing of the global ocean. Figure 8 shows two SeaWiFS 8-day composite scenes for summer (Jul. 12 - 19, 1998) and winter (Jan. 17 - 24, 1998) conditions. The effects of the bio-optical NIR algorithm on global chlorophyll retrievals is only important (> 10%) when the baseline chlorophyll is more than 2 mg m-3. However, these conditions occur for only 2.1 and 1.3% of total number of good retrievals for the summer and winter composites, respectively. However, there are conditions where the effects are quite important reaching nearly 60% of the baseline value (figure 8). 15 The effects of the black pixel assumption on retrievals of water-leaving radiance can also be addressed (figure 9). As seen before, only for the highest baseline chlorophyll concentration categories shown (10-20, 5-10 and 2-5 mg m-3) will the misapplication of the black pixel assumption have a large influence (> 20%) on the shape of the retrieved LwN() spectrum (figure 9). Significant effects (~10%) are also observed for the 1-2 mg m-3 category. It should be noted that the present global analysis will be an underestimate due to zero replacements done for negative LwN() retrievals in the composite making procedure in the present version of SeaWiFS processing (Ref???). 5. Discussion and Future Directions The present study demonstrates that the black pixel assumption in ocean col- or remote sensing must be reconsidered in productive waters where the nearsurface chlorophyll concentrations are greater than 2 mg m-3. For these waters, the shape of the retrieved LwN() spectrum is altered which may have an important impact on semi-analytical algorithms of ocean color (e.g., Garver and Siegel, 1997; Carder et al. 1999; Ciotti et al. 1999). However, many aspects of the present analyses are still rather poorly understood. These include the assumptions used to relate the NIR water-leaving radiance to NIR inherent optical properties and the modeling of NIR inherent optical properties as a function of upper layer chlorophyll content. In the following, we address several of the outstanding issues involved the present NIR correction procedure and provide some thoughts about future research directions. Many important radiative transfer processes have been neglected in the present estimates of [w(NIR)]N. These include the contributions to the water-leaving radiance due to Raman scattering, inconsistency with the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) for the NIR wavebands and the influence of changes in the ambient ocean temperature on the present determinations of 16 [w(NIR)]N. We address several of these issues using the Hydrolight (vers. 4.02) radiative transfer model (Mobley ref = ???). The inclusion of Raman transpectral scattering processes increases the estimates of NIR water-leaving reflectance, [w(NIR)]N. We find that for chlorophyll concentrations greater than ~0.5 mg m -3 and reasonable solar zenith angles, the error in estimates of [w(NIR)]N by not including Raman scattering is less than 5% (results not shown). Only for oligotrophic concentrations (Chl = 0.05 mg m-3), do the errors approach 10%. Another poorly constrained factor is the role of the BRDF on the NIR wavebands. We used the Hydrolight model to assess differences in water-leaving radiance in the plane perpendicular to the solar plane for wavelengths of 443 and 765 nm for different solar illumination geometries and chlorophyll concentrations. The anti-solar plane is used to represent a typical scan line for an ocean color imager. We find differences in the water-leaving radiance along the scan line normalized to the nadir looking radiance estimate are consistent between the 443 and 765 nm wavebands (within 10% worst case). Further, there are no large differences found in these normalized differences along the scan line with changes in solar zenith angle or chlorophyll concentration. Hence, BRDF issues appear to be similar for the NIR wavebands as they are for the visible wavebands and we expect this to be a minor issue for the correction of black pixel assumption. Changes in ambient sea surface temperature (SST) can also affect estimates of [w(NIR)]N by altering the absorption coefficient for pure seawater. Pegau et al. (1997) made laboratory determinations of the change in aw(750) per degree of seawater temperature. Using their estimate of 0.0106 m-1 C-1 and assuming clear water conditions (Chl = 0), we expect a 4% decrease in the value of [w(750)]N for a 10 C increase of SST. Thus, ambient temperature-induced changes in seawater inherent optical properties in the NIR will not have a significant effect on NIR correction procedures. 17 As described above, the present parameterization for NIR particulate backscatter has many limitations. The present approach appears to provide an improvement in SeaWiFS retrievals especially for productive waters. It is not at all satisfactory from a theoretical point of view. An important limitation is the modeling of bbp(NIR) as a function of the chlorophyll concentration. Such a parameterization is probably reasonable for oligotrophic and mesotrophic waters. However, it will be questionable at best in most high Chl conditions where backscatter can originate from other components than chlorophyll (Sydor and Arnone. 1997; Gould et al. 1999; Toole and Siegel, 1999). These materials may include detrital biological material and abiotic particulates such as suspended sediments. For that reason, the modeling of bbp(NIR) on a closure-based basis seems preferable. This approach first requires an accurate development data set to tune a NIR closure algorithm. Such data currently do not exist and this is an obvious area for future work. Clearly, there are limits on the applicability of the black pixel assumption and for productive waters NIR effects in the water-leaving radiance must be corrected for. A value of Chl of 2 mg m-3 appears to be a good breakpoint above which NIR effects must be considered. 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Comparison of bbp() and [w()]N esimates versus chlorophyll a concentration using the SeaBAM data set for a) bbp(443), b) bbp(865), c) [w(760)]N and d) [w(865)]N. The results of the bio-optical algorithm (eq. 4) are shown as the solid line while the points are from the closure model (eq. 5). The SeaBAM (N=919) data set is used (O'Reilly et al. 1998). Figure 3. The errors wNIR N in the retrieved w N by ignoring the NIR ocean contributions for the SeaWiFS bands 1-5 for the aerosol M80 model with optical thickness of 0.1 at 865 nm, 7 chlorophyll concentration values, and for the solar and viewing geometries of (a) and (c) 0 = 20°, = 20°, = 90° and (b) and (d) 0 = 40°, = 40°, = 90°. Note that (c) and (d) are in relative errors (%). The curves from the top to the bottom in these figures correspond to Chl concentrations of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 5.0 mg/m3, respectively. Figure 4. SeaWiFS LAC chlorophyll scene for the Chesapeake Bay and adjacent waters from May 19, 1998 (S1998139171559.L1A_HNSG) processed using a) the SeaWiFS standard processing version 2 and b) the present NIR correction procedure. The purple dots in a) correspond to the location of field observations used in making figure 5c. Figure 5. Chlorophyll concentration histograms for observations taken from within Chesapeake Bay from May 19, 1998 using a) the SeaWiFS LAC scene and the standard processing version 2, b) the SeaWiFS LAC scene and the present NIR correction proce- 22 dure and c) from in situ observations taken between May 18 and 20, 1998. The purple dots in figure 4a provide the location of the data used in making figure 5c. Figure 6. The SIMBIOS matchup data set for LwN() at 412, 443, 490 and Chl after the NIR correction procedure is performed. The format is identical to figure 1. Figure 7. Relative error in the SIMBIOS match-up data set for chlorophyll a concentration using a) standard processing and b) with the present NIR bio-optical algorithm. The rms deviation for high chlorophyll conditions (baseline > 1 mg m-3) decreases by a significant amount after the NIR correction is employed (2.04 to 1.36 mg m-3). Figure 8. Percentage reduction in SeaWiFS chlorophyll retrievals after implementation of the NIR correction procedure (solid line) as a function of the baseline chlorophyll concentration. Data are shown for two 8-day composite SeaWiFS GAC scenes for a) summer (Jul 12 - 19, 1998) and b) winter (Jan 17 - 24, 1998) conditions. Also shown are the percentage occurrence of the baseline chlorophyll intervals (dotted). Figure 9. Percentage improvement in water-leaving radiance spectra retrievals (upper) and normalized to the estimated spectra (lower) after implementation of the NIR correction procedure (corrected - baseline). Data are shown for two 8-day composite SeaWiFS GAC scenes for summer (right; Jul 12 - 19, 1998) and winter (left; Jan 17 - 24, 1998) conditions. The different lines correspond to categories of chlorophyll concentrations from (to line) 10-20 mg m-3, 5-10 mg m-3, 2-5 mg m-3, 1-2 mg m-3, 0.5-1 mg m-3, etc. Appreciable changes are found only for Chl levels greater than 1 mg m-3. 23 Table 1: Parameters Used For Determining LwN(NIR) Center Wavelength 670 nm 760 nm 865 nm SeaWiFS Band # 6 7 8 aw() (m-1) 0.4346 2.550 4.286 Reference Smith & Baker (1981) bands 6 & 7 Hale & Query (1973) band 8 bbw() (m-1) Fo() (W cm-2 nm-1) 0.00041 0.00024 0.00014 Smith & Baker (1981) 153.41 122.24 98.82 SeaWiFS ref = Sean Bailey ??? Table 2: Ensemble Mean and Standard Deviation (in '( )') Estimates for bbp(443), bbp(760) and bbp(865) using SeaBAM (N=919) Model bbp (443) (m -1) bbp (760) (m-1) bbp(865) (m -1) Bio-Optical (eq. 4) 0.00385 (0.00417) 0.00250 (0.00290) 0.00227 (0.00268) Carder et al. [1999] 0.00475 (0.00388) 0.00208 (0.00261) 0.00174 (0.00239) Table 3: Ensemble Mean and Standard Deviation (in '( )') Estimates for LwN(670), LwN(760) and LwN(865) using SeaBAM (N=919) Model LwN(670) (x103) LwN(760) (x103) LwN(865) (x103) Bio-Optical (eq. 4) 52.98 (42.73) 6.78 (7.16) 2.87 (3.19) Carder et al. [1999] 50.17 (45.73) 5.75 (6.45) 2.23 (2.85) 24 TABLE 4. Error R NIRi, j (%) in the retrieved ratio of the normalized water-leaving reflectance between the SeaWiFS bands 2 and 5 and bands 3 and 5 for a Maritime RH=80% aerosol model with a 865 = 0.1 and various cholorphyll concentrations and for the two solar and viewing geometries. Chl (mg/m3) 0=20°, =20°, =90° 0=40°, =40°, =90° R NIR2, 5 (%) R NIR3,5 (%) R NIR2, 5 (%) R NIR3,5 (%) 0.1 1.13 1.02 2.05 1.89 0.3 0.96 1.43 0.90 1.83 0.5 -0.51 1.17 -1.55 1.21 1.0 -6.49 -0.58 -9.98 -1.37 1.5 -13.56 -3.00 -18.02 -4.19 2.0 -20.22 -5.45 -25.63 -7.05 5.0 -66.27 -23.56 -60.48 -21.63 TABLE 5. Error in the retrieved chlorophyll concentration using the Morel-3 and OC2v2 algorithms. The atmosphere is specified as a Maritime RH=80% aerosol type with a 865 = 0.1. Various true chlorophyll concentrations are used for two solar and viewing geometries. Chl 0=20°, =20°, =90° 0=40°, =40°, =90° (mg/m3) Morel-3 (%) OC2v2 (%) Morel-3 (%) OC2v2 (%) 0.1 -2.0 -2.8 -3.7 -5.1 0.3 -1.5 -3.3 -1.4 -4.2 0.5 0.8 -2.7 2.6 -2.7 1.0 12.0 1.3 18.4 3.15 1.5 26.9 7.0 35.8 9.8 2.0 42.2 12.9 53.4 16.7 5.0 158.2 58.2 144.4 53.4