Python Introduction

Python Primer
Patrice Koehl
Modified by Xin Liu in Apr., 2011
Department of Computer Sciences, University of California, Davis.
This primer is mostly a compilation of information found in books / web resources that I highly
- ; this is a reference manual, and not a
tutorial, but provides invaluable information about the language: do not hesitate to
consult it! ; a Beginner’s guide with many links to
resources for writing and running Python programs
Michael Dawson, “Python programming for the absolute beginner”, 3rd edition,
Thomson Course Technology, ISBN: 978-1435455009; this is the class textbook; a
great resource book on Python
1. Why Python?
“Python” is an interpreted computer language developed in the 1980s and first released in 1991.
Its design philosophy emphasizes programmer productivity and code readability.
It is important to understand that there is always more than one way to solve a problem. In
programming, Python focuses on getting the job done. One Python program may be faster than
another, or more concise, or easier to understand, but if both do the same things, there won’t be a
judgment that defines which one is “better”. This also means that you do not need to know every
detail about the language to do what you want with it.
Python has strength that makes it an ideal language to learn and use:
It is completely free, and available on all operating systems
It is very easy to learn
Python was designed to be easy for humans to write, rather than easy for computers to
understand. Python syntax is more like English than many other programming languages
Python “talks” texts. It works with words and sentences, instead of characters. Files are
series of lines, instead of individual bytes.
Python is very portable. Python programs can be run on any computers, as long as Python
is installed on it.
Python is a “high-level” language: you do not have to worry about the computer’s
operation (such as allocation and de-allocation of memory, …).
It is only fair to mention that these strengths can also translate into weaknesses:
- Python takes care for you of all “low-level” operations: this may not always lead to
efficient code
- Python is interpreted, and loses the efficiency of compiled languages.
- Python users then to write programs for small, specific jobs. These programs are usually
for the programmer’s eye only, and as such are often incomprehensible to everyone but
the original programmer. In that respect, I can only emphasize the need for clarity, as
well as for useful comments in your source files!
- Python was designed to be easy for humans. As a consequence, it is relatively lenient on
the style you use. This can lead to bad programming habits. As an analogy, think of
what would happen to your English writing style if nobody had ever cared about how you
write as long as they understand what you have written. To avoid this, the key is to
develop first a method to solve your problem that is independent of Python (or any other
language), and then to adapt this method to Python.
2. What is Python used for?
Python has been successfully implemented in many software applications as a scripting
Python is a very useful programming language for web applications.
Python is used widely for game development, for 3D animation packages, in the information
security industry,…
3. How do I get Python?
Python has been ported to many platforms, and will certainly run on the standard operating
systems such as UNIX, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, all flavors of Windows, and Apple MacOS.
Python 2 versus Python 3
In December 2008, the Python consortium released a completely new version of Python, Python
3.0, that is not backward compatible: this means that programs written with Python 1 or Python 2
may not run under Python 3.0. At this stage, we move to Python 3.1.3. If you have Python 2
code, a tool, 2to3, will help you convert most of Python 2.x code to Python 3.x code by handling
most of the incompatibilities.
Where to get Python:
You can get the source to the latest stable release of Python from Remember that you want Python 3.
- Binary distributions for some ports are available at the same address
- You can get binary packages of Python for Linux, Solaris, Mac OS and Windows from
ActiveState at (free for download)
Installing Python on Linux/UNIX
Python is freely available, and usually comes packaged with most Linux/UNIX distribution.
Type python from a shell prompt to check this. If you see something that starts with the text
Python, then you already have python. If you don’t, check the install media (CD or DVD from
which you installed Linux): the Python package should be available on it. Otherwise, get the
binaries from the site mentioned above.
Installing Python on Mac Os
Again, Python comes packaged with the different flavors of Mac OS X, and you probably have
nothing to do! Check it using python from a terminal. If you do not have it, I would advise
getting it from ActiveState.
Installing Python on Windows
Installing ActivePython is quite straightforward. Download ActivePython’s Python installer for
Windows from the activestate web site (again, it is free for download). Choose the appropriate
version for the operating system you have (32 bit, or 64 bit). I would strongly advise using the
MSI installer, in which case you will need Windows Installer 2.0+ (which you probably already
use). It should work under Vista, but I have not tried it.
4. Getting an IDE for Python
IDEs (integrated Development Environment) are great tools for learning a computer language
and use it efficiently. There are many IDEs available for Python: see for a list of such IDEs.
I strongly recommend IDLE that is available for nearly all platforms. See ; it should come by default when you install
Python on Windows; you have to install it however on Linux and MacOS platforms. For the
latter, please check: .
5. Using Python
You have two main ways to use Python:
- Use it directly through a Control Window: again, I strongly advise using the IDLE
- Write the Python program (module) using a text editor, and then execute this program
through the python interpreter. Again, this can be done using IDLE; alternatively, you
can use standard text editors for this task (see below)
Editing a Python program
Python source code is just plain test and should be written with a plain text editor, rather than a
word processor. If you are using Windows, you can use Notepad, despite its annoying tendency
to rename file extension to .txt. You may also use Word, as long as you save the file as text, with
line breaks.
I would really recommend getting a good programmer’s editor. For Windows and Mac, I can
recommend jEdit ( ): it is free (open source), runs under Windows, Mac OS
X, Unix and Linux. It is easy to use, highly customizable, with many useful plugins. Another
option for Mac user is TextWrangler ( ).
Naming a Python program
Traditionally, UNIX programs take no extension, while Windows files take a three-letter
extension to indicate their type (.exe for an executable, .doc for a document –usually Word file-,
.xls for a spreadsheet, …); the standard extension for Python program is py.
Obviously, the choice of the name in front of the extension is entirely yours!
Using Python in an IDE
If you are mainly using your computer in a graphical environment like Windows or X, you may
not be familiar with using the command line interface, or “shell”. The “shell” is the program that
gets input from you through the keyboard. The “shell prompt” or just “prompt” refers to the text
that prompts you to enter a command. The standard prompt in IDLE is:
i.e. 3 chevrons.
In this primer, I will use a prompt that looks like:
I will show the text that you would type in bold and the text the computer generates in italic:
>>> print (“Hello world!”)
Hello World!
6. Your first Python program
Traditionally, the first program anyone writes in a new language is called “Hello World!”, where
you make the program prints that statement. Python allows us to do so using the print statement.
The simplest form of the print statement takes a single argument and writes it to the standard
output, i.e. the command window you have open. So your program consists of the single
print( “Hello World!”)
You can execute this command directly in the IDLE main window, or you can incorporate it into
a Python module, The file contains:
print(‘Hello World!\n’)
The different elements of a Python script:
Documenting the program: any line (except the first) starting with a sharp (#) is treated
as a command line and ignored. This allows you to provide comments on what your
program is doing: this is extremely useful, so use it! More generally, a line in a Python
script may contain some Python code, and be followed by a comment. This means that
we can document the program “inline”.
Keywords: Instructions that Python recognizes and understands. The word print in the
program above is one example. There are two types of keywords:
functions (such as the print keyword); these are the verbs of the programming
language and they tell python what to do.
Control keywords, such as if and else.
The number of Python keywords is small:
It is a good idea to respect keywords, and not use them as names in your programs!
Modules: Pythons come with a large list of modules that increases its functionality; these
modules add keywords to the small list provided above, but are only available when the
module has been specifically called. For example, adding:
use numpy
adds the modules of numerical functions “numpy” that are now accessible to the
Statements: Statements are the sentences of the program. Python is lenient however, and
does not need a full stop to end a statement. The indentation levels of consecutive lines
are used to generate INDENT and DEDENT, which in turn are used to determine the
grouping of statements.
White space: White space is the name given to tabs, spaces, and new lines. Python is
quite strict about where you put white space in your program. For example, we have seen
that we use indentation to help show the block structure of statements.
Escape sequences: Python provides a mechanism called “escape sequences” to output
special characters/actions: the sequence \n in the program above tells Python to start a
new line. Here is a list of the more common escape sequences (also called
Escape Sequence
Start a new line
Carriage return
Single quote
Double quote
Back up one character
Alarm (rings the system bell)
Simple exercises:
1) Write a program, that prints the sentence “This is my second program”:
a. As a single line
b. With a single word on each line.
2) Find an online manual for Python
3) Which of the following statements are likely to cause problems:
print (“This is a valid statement\n”)
print (“This is a valid statement”\n)
print (“This is a ”valid” statement”)
printx (“This is a valid statement\n”)
Chapter 1: Scalar Variables and Data Types
1. Python as a calculator
The Python interpreter acts as a simple calculator: you can type an expression at it and it will
write the value. Expression syntax is straightforward: the operators +, -, * and / work just like on
your regular calculator; parentheses can be used for grouping. For example:
>>> 1+3
>>> # This is a comment
>>> 2+2 # and a comment on the same line as code
>>> (60-5*6)/3
>>> 7//3 # Integer division returns the floor:
>>> 7//-3
Remember that, by default, Python only has a limited set of keywords. For example, it only
knows how to do the basic mathematical operations (+,-,/,x). If you want a more scientific
calculator, you need to first import the math functions included in the module “math”:
From math import *
2. Python Variables
A variable is a name reference to a memory location. Variables provide an easy handle to keep
track of data stored in memory. Most often, we do not know the exact value of what is in a
particular memory location; rather we know the type of data that is stored there.
Python has three main types of variables:
Scalar variables hold the basic building blocks of data: numbers, and characters.
Array variables hold lists referenced by numbers (indices)
Dictionary variables hold lists references by labels.
The name of a variable can be practically any combination of characters and of arbitrary length.
Note that the type of a variable cannot usually not be guessed from its name: I strongly advise
you to choose a name for a variable that makes this type explicit. For example you can use
names like X, X_list, X_dic to define a scalar, a list, and a dictionary, respectively.
There are a few rules regarding variable names that you need to be aware of:
The first character of the name of a variable cannot be a digit
Spaces are one type of characters that are not allowed: use underscore instead.
Variables are case sensitive: this means that abc refers to a different location in
memory than ABC.
Creating a variable is as simple as making up a variable name and assigning a value to it.
Assigning a value to a variable is easy: all you have to do is write an equation, with the variable
name on the left, an = sign, and the value on the left. The = sign is called the assignment
>>>print (Area)
# Note that the value of an assignment is not written
# Python allows multiple assignments: x, y and z are
set to 0
# assign a string variable
# set up a list of names
3. Special variable
Python has one special variable, _, that points to the place in memory that stores the more recent
>>> 4+5
>>>print( _)
This special variable “_” should be considered as “read-only”, i.e. I strongly advise against
assigning a value to it!!
4. Scalar variables
Python has two types of scalar values: numbers and strings. Both types ca be assigned to a scalar
4.1 Numbers
Numbers are specified in any of the common integer or floating point format:
>>>x = 1
>>>y = 5.14
>>>z = 3.25E-7
# Integer
# Floating point
# Scientific notation
Numbers can also be represented using binary or hexadecimal notations, but we will not need
Table of the most common number operators in Python:
Integer divide
Absolute value of x
x converted to integer
x converted to float
Assign add
Assign subtract
Assign multiply
Assign divide
Python allows us to use all standard arithmetic operators on numbers, plus a few others. The
mathematical operations are performed in the standard order of precedence: power comes first,
then multiplication has a higher precedence than addition and subtraction: 2+3*4 is equal to 14,
and not 20. If we want the multiplication to be performed on 2+3, we need to include
parenthesis: (2+3)*4. These are exactly the rules used by Python.
Some of the operators listed in the table above are unusual, and require more explanation:
The modulo operator:
In the example given above, the variable k holds the remainder of the division of 52 by 3, i.e. 1.
Operating and assigning at once:
Operations that fetch a value from memory, modify it and store it back in memory are very
common: Python has introduced a special syntax for those. Generally:
i = i <operator> b;
can be written as:
i <some operator> = b;
Let us see an example:
a = 5*4
print( “5 times four is”, a, end=’\n’)
a =a+4
print (“Plus three is “,a)
print (“Divided by three is “,a)
In this example, “a” takes successively the values 20, 24 and 8.
This works for +=, -=, *=, /=, **= and %=.
4.2 Strings
A string is a group of characters attached together, enclosed by quotation marks. For now, we
will only consider double quotes.
Just like with numbers, many operations can be performed on strings: the most common ones are
listed in the table below.
String operator
Concatenates strings a and b
Repeats string a i times
Returns a string containing all characters of a
between position i and j, with step k; if k is
negative, starts from the right
Returns a string that is the reverse of a
Split string a into a list, using sep to decide
where to cut
Returns a string equal to a, but that has been
stripped of any “white” characters at the
beginning and end of a (space, tab, CR,…)
Returns a string equal to a, but with all letters
Returns a string equal to a, but with all letters
Returns a string equal to a, but with the first
word capitalized
Counts the number of instances of the
substring ‘sub’ in the string a
Returns a string equal to a, but with n instances
of substring sub1 replaced with substring sub2;
if n is not given, all instances are returned
Concatenating strings:
The + operator, when placed between two strings, creates a single string that concatenates the
two original strings. In the following example:
The variable C contains the string “ATTGCGGCCT”. Note that the concatenation operator can
be attached to an assignment:
Adds a “G” at the end of the string contained in C.
Repeating a string
The operator “*” repeats a string a given number of times:
>>> text=”No! “
>>> print (newtext)
No! No! No! No! No!
Indexing and slicing strings
Characters within a string can be accessed both front and backwards. Frontways, a string starts at
position 0 and the character desired is found via an offset value:
String[i] is the character at position i (starting from 0) from the left side of the string.
You can also find the same character by using a negative offset value from the end of the string:
String[-i] is the character at position i from the right side of the string.
>>> S = ‘Index’
>>> S[0]
>>> S[3]
>>> S[-1]
>>> S[-3]
Slicing is a very useful and heavily used function in Python: it allows you to extract specific
substrings of a string. The syntax for slicing is:
b = S[i:j:k]
b collects characters between positions i and j (j not included), starting at I, every k characters.
Note that you do not have to specify i, j and/or k:
- if you do not specify i, you start at the first character of the string
- if you do not specify j, you go up to the last character of the string
- if you do not specify k, it is set by default to 1
Note also that k can be negative, in which case you start from the right end of the string. For
b = S[::-1]
reverses the string S and stores it in b.
>>> S = ‘This is a string’
>>> b = S[1:3]
>>> print( b)
>>> S[5:12:3]
>>> S[1:5:-1]
>>> S[5:1:-1]
‘i si’
>>> S[10::]
>>> S[::-1]
‘gnirts a si sihT’
# Select substring from position 1 to 3, 3 not included
# Select every third character, between position 5 and 10
# Starts from the end of the string; but order 1:5 is wrong
get nothing:
# correct syntax
# all characters from position 10 till the end
# reverse the whole string
The other string manipulations described below apply a function on the string. The syntax is:
where string is the string considered, function is the function applied, and argument are
parameters for the function, if any.
Breaking a string into a list
A string can be broken down into a list using the function split. The syntax is:
where A is the string, and sep the separator. If sep is not provided, Python uses the white space.
>>>text=”This is a test case; it has two parts”
>>> text.split(‘;’)
[‘This is a test case’,’ it has two parts’]
>>> text.split(‘a’)
[‘This is ‘,’ test c’,’se; it h’,’s two p’,’rts’]
Striping a string
A string may have leading or lagging white characters, such as blanks, tabs, or carriage return. It
is a good idea to remove those, using the function strip().
Changing case
Setting the whole string as upper case:
Setting the whole string as lower case:
Capitalizing the string:
>>> S = ‘This Is A Test’
>>> S.upper()
>>> S.lower()
‘this is a test’
>>> S.lower().capitalize()
‘This is a test’
>>> S = ‘
This is a test ‘
>>> S.lstrip()
‘This is a test’
apply function upper()
apply function lower()
apply function capitalize()
# All upper case
# All lower case
# Set proper case
# Remove leading space
Counting occurrence of substrings
Count is a function that finds and counts the number of occurrence of a substring in a string:
>>> S=’aattggccttaa’
>>> S.count(‘a’)
>>> S.count(‘A’)
>>> S.count(‘at’)
>>> S.count(‘Gc’)
# Number of character ‘a’ in the string
# Remember that python is case sensitive
# Number of ‘at’ in the string
Replace is a function that substitutes a string for another:
String is the string on which replace is applied; n instances of ‘sub1’ are replaced with ‘sub2’; if
n is not provided, all instances of ‘sub1’ are replaced.
>>> S=’This is a test case’
>>> S.replace(‘is’,’was’)
‘Thwas was a test case’
>>> S.replace(‘is’,’was’,1)
‘Thwas is a test case’
# replaces all instances of ‘is’
# replaces only first instance
5. Input data in a Python program
Often when we write a Python script, we need to be able to ask the user for additional data when
he/she runs the program. This is done using the function input (raw_input() in Python 2.x is
replaced with input() in Python 3:
answer = input(“Question :”)
“Question” is the string printed on the screen to let the user know what he/she needs
to input
answer is a string that stores the answer of the user.
Note that the result of input is always a string. If you expect an integer or a float from the user,
you need to change the type:
age = int(input(“What is your age :”))
age is now an integer that contains the age entered by the user.
1. Without the aid of a computer, work out the order in which each of the following
expressions would be computed and their value.
i. 2 + 6/4-3*5+1
ii. 17 + -3**3/2
iii. 26+3**4*2
iv. 2*2**2+2
Verify your answer using Python.
2. Without the aid of a computer, work out these successive expressions and give the
values of a, b, c and d upon completion. Then check your answer using a Python
d= a*2+b*3
3. Write a Python program that:
i. Reads a sentence from standard input
ii. Writes this sentence on standard output all in lower case
iii. Writes this sentence on standard output with all vowels in upper case and
all consonants in lower case
iv. Writes the sentence in reverse order
4. Write a Python program that:
i. Reads a sentence from standard input
ii. Counts the number of words and the number of characters, not included
iii. Counts the number of vowels.
5. Write a Python program that reads from standard input the amount of a restaurant
bill and outputs two options for tipping, one based on 15% of the bill, the other
based on 20% of the bill.
6. Write a Python program that:
i. Reads a sentence
ii. Remove all vowels
iii. Replaces all v and b in the original sentence with b and v, respectively (i.e.
for example string ‘cvvbt’ becomes ‘cbbvt’
iv. Count number of letters in the modified sentence
v. Writes the resulting sentence and number of letters on standard output
Chapter 2: Lists, Arrays and Dictionaries
6. Higher order organization of data
In the previous chapter, we have seen the concept of scalar variables that define memory space in
which we store a scalar, i.e. single numbers or strings. Scalar values however are usually
insufficient to deal with current data. Imagine writing a program that analyzes the whole human
genome. Since it contains approx. 30,000 genes, we would have to create 30,000 variables to
store their sequences! Initializing these variables would already be a daunting task, but imagine
that you wanted to count the number of times the sequence ATG appears in each gene, you
would have to write one line of code for each gene, hence 30,000 lines, changing only the
variable name for the gene!
Fortunately, Python thinks that laziness is a virtue, and would never tolerate that you have to
write 30,000 lines of code. Two special types of variables exist to help managing long lists of
items, namely arrays and dictionaries. These variables store lists of data, and each piece of data
is referred to as an element. In this chapter, we will look in details at what are lists, and how
they are stored and manipulated within arrays and dictionaries.
We are all familiar with lists: think about a shopping list, a soccer team roster, all integers
between 1 and 10, genes in the human genomes,…A list can be ordered (increasing or decreasing
values for numbers, lexicographic order for strings), or unordered. Python has two types of lists,
tuples and lists. Tuples are immutable, i.e. they cannot be modified once created, while lists are
mutable, i.e. they can be modified once created.
7. Tuples
2.1 Tuples in Python
By definition, a tuple is a set of comma-separated values enclosed in parentheses.
- (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) is the tuple of integers between 1 and 10
- (‘Monday’,’Tuesday’,’Wednesday’,’Thursday’,’Friday’,’Saturday’,’Sunday’) is the
tuple containing the days in the week.
2.2 Accessing tuple values
We have seen how to build a tuple. Another thing that is useful is to be able to access a specific
element or set of elements from a tuple. The way to do this is to place the number or numbers of
the element (s) we want in square brackets after the tuple. Let us look at an example:
>>> week=(‘Monday’,’Tuesday’,’Wednesday’,’Thursday’,’Friday’,’Saturday’,’Sunday’)
>>> print(y[2])
Which day do you think will be printed? If you try it, you will get:
Why didn’t we get “Tuesday”, the second element of the list? This is because Python starts
counting from 0 and not 1!! This is something important to remember.
The element you want does not have to be literal: it can be a variable as well. As an exercise,
write a small program that reads in a number between 1 and 7, and outputs the corresponding day
of the week. The answer is on the next page.
>>> # Read in day considered
>>> day=int(input(“Enter a number from 1 to 7 : “))
>>> #
>>> # print element ‘day’ of the list of days of the week:
>>> #
>>> print (week[day])
The examples above show you how to single out one element of a tuple; if you wanted more than
one element, you can “splice” the tuple, the same way we splice strings. For example,
>>>print (week[0:2])
will print
Remember that the range i:j means from position i to position j, j not included.
8. Lists
A list in Python is created by enclosing its elements in brackets:
>>> [“Monday”,”Tuesday”,”Wednesday”,”Thursday”,”Friday”,”Saturday”,”Sunday”]
Elements in a list are accessed the same way elements are accessed in tuples.
Special lists: ranges
Often the lists we use have a simple structure: the numbers from 0 to 9, or the numbers from 10
to 20. We do not need to write these lists explicitly: Python has the option to specify a range of
numbers. The two examples cited would be written in Python as:
>>> list(range(10))
>>> list(range(10,21))
>>> list(range(1,10,2))
Note that lists (and tuples) in Python can be mixed: you can include strings, numbers, scalar
variables and even lists in a single list!
9. Arrays
There is not much we can do with lists and tuples, except print them. Even when you print them,
the statements can become cumbersome. Also, there is no way to manipulate directly a list: if we
wanted to create a new list from an existing list by removing its last element, we could not. The
solution offered by Python is to store lists and tuples into arrays.
9.1 Assigning arrays
Names for arrays follow the same rules as those defined for scalar variables. We store a list into
an array the same way we store a scalar into a scalar variable, by assigning it with =:
>>> days=(‘Monday’,’Tuesday’,’Wednesday’,’Thursday’,’Friday’,’Saturday’,’Sunday’)
for a tuple, or
>>> days=[‘Monday’,’Tuesday’,’Wednesday’,’Thursday’,’Friday’,’Saturday’,’Sunday’]
for a list.
Note: the name of an array does not indicate if it contains a list or a tuple: try to use names that
are explicit enough that there are no ambiguities.
Figure 2.1: Scalar variables
and arrays.
A scalar variable is like a
single box, while an array
behaves like a chest of
drawers. Each of the drawers
is assigned a number, or
index, which starts at 0.
Scalar variable:
One storage box
Ņchest of drawers Ó
Once we have assigned a list to an array, we can use it where we would use a list. For example,
>>> print( days)
will print:
9.2 Accessing one element in an array
We can access one element in an array by using the index of the drawers it has been assigned to.
Remember how we access an element in a list:
gives us the first element in the list, i.e. ‘Monday’. We could do:
to access the first element of the array days.
Accessing an element in an array works both ways: we can either retrieve the value contained in
the position considered, or assign a value to that position. For example,
numbers = [0,1,5];
Creates an array names numbers that contains the list [0,1,5]. This list can then be modified:
The array numbers now contains the list [3,4,5].
Important: you can change elements in a list, but you will get an error message if you try the
same thing in a tuple.
9.3 Array manipulation
Python provides a list of functions that manipulates list. Let A be a list:
Adding values
Adds obj at the end of list A
Adds list at the end of list A
Adds item at position index in A, and move the
remaining items to the right
Remove values
del A[i]
Removes element at position i in the list A
Removes object at position index in A, and
stores it in variable item
Search for item in A, and remove first instance
Reverses list A
Sorts list A in place, in increasing order
Search for item in list A, and puts index of first
occurrence in i
Counts the number of occurrence of item in A
Finds number of items in A, and stores in N
Important again: you can manipulate elements in a list, but you will get an error message if you
try the same thing in a tuple.
9.4 From arrays to string and back.
join: from array to string:
You can concatenate all elements of a list into a single string using the operator join. The syntax
>>> A=’’.join(LIST)
It concatenates all elements of LIST and stores them in the string A. Not the presence of ‘’
before join.
Split and list: from string to array
We have seen in chapter 1 that the function split will break down a string into a list, using a
specified delimiter to mark the different elements. If the delimiter is omitted, split separates each
word in the string. For example, if A=”This is a test”, A.split() will generate the list
[“This”,”is”,”a”,”test”]. Split however cannot break down a word into characters: to do that, we
use the function list.
For example, if we want to break a paragraph into sentences, a sentence into words, and a word
into characters, we use:
>>> sentences = paragraph.split(‘.‘)
>>> words=sentence.split(‘ ‘)
>>> characters=list(word)
In all three cases, the result is a list and the input was a string.
5.1 Definition
Figure 2.2: The dictionary
A dictionary is a special array for
which each element is indexed by
a string instead of an integer. The
string is referred to as a key,
while the corresponding item is
the value. Each element of a
dictionary is therefore a pair
Arrays are very good for maintaining and manipulating lists. They have one limitations however:
each element in an ARRAY is indexed with an integer value, varying from 0 to its last index,
len(ARRAY). You can think about it as the array representing a street of houses, with each
house defined by its number. There are instances however in which it would be more convenient
to refer to the different houses using the name of its inhabitants: this is exactly what a dictionary
variable does (see figure 2.2). Dictionaries are also referred to as associative arrays or hashes.
5.2 Assigning values to dictionaries
A dictionary is a set of pairs of value, with each pair containing a key and an item. Dictionaries
are enclosed in curly brackets. For example:
>>> country = { “Paris”:”France”, “Washington”: “USA”, “London”:”England”,
Creates a dictionary of countries with their capitals, where the capitals serve as keys.
Note that keys must be unique. If you try to add a new entry with the same key as an existing
entry, the old one will be overwritten. Dictionary items on the other hand need not be unique.
Dictionaries can also be created by zipping two tuples:
>>> seq1=(“Paris”,”Washington”,”London”,”Ottawa”,”Beijing”)
>>> seq2=(“France”,”USA”,”England”,”Canada”,”China”)
>>> d = dict(zip(seq1,seq2))
>>> d
{ “Paris”:”France”, “Washington”: “USA”, “London”:”England”, “Ottawa”:”Canada”,
5.2 Accessing elements in dictionaries
This is similar to looking inside an array, except that the positions in the dictionaries are indexed
by their keys, and not by an integer index. Using the dictionary d defined above,
>>> d[“Paris”]
>>> d[“Beijing”]
If you give a key however that is not in the dictionary, Python will output an error message.
To circumvent this problem, it is often better to use the function get: if key does not exist, Python
will output “None”, or an error message that you have defined:
>>> d.get(“Paris”)
>>> d.get(“Mexico City”)
>>> d.get(“Mexico City”,”This key is not defined”)
‘This key is not defined’
5.3 Manipulating dictionaries
Adding new key-value pairs to a dictionary is simply done by assignment. For example, we
could have added Germany and Mexico in our dictionary d using:
>>> d[“Berlin”]=”Germany”
>>> d[“Mexico City”]=”Mexico”
We can also change the entries in a dictionary just by reassigning them.
To remove an entry in a dictionary, we need to use the function del. For example, to remove the
key-value (“Paris”:”France”) from our dictionary d:
del d[“Paris”]
Other useful functions on dictionaries are illustrated in the example below:
>>> d = {“A”:”California”,”B”:”Nevada”,”C”:”Oregon”}
>>> d.keys()
# list all keys of d
>>> d.values()
# list all values of d
>>> d.has_key(‘A’)
# check if a given key is known in d
7. Write a program that prints all the numbers from 1 to 100. Your program should
have much fewer than 100 lines of code!
8. Starting with the word GENE1=”ATGTTGATGTG”, write a Python program that
creates the new words GENE2, GENE3, GENE4 and GENE5 such that:
i. GENE2 only contains the last two letters of GENE1
ii. GENE3 only contains the first two letters of GENE1
iii. GENE4 only contains the letters at positions 2,4,6,8 and 10 in GENE1
iv. GENE5 only contains the first 3 and last 3 letters of GENE1
9. Suppose you have a Python program that read in a whole page from a book into
an array PAGE, with each item of the array corresponding to a line. Add code to
this program to create a new array SENTENCES that contains the same text, but
now with each element in SENTENCES being one sentence.
10. Let d be a dictionary whose pairs key:value are country:capital. Write a Python
program that prints the keys and values of d, with the keys sorted in alphabetical
order. Test your program on
d = {“France”:”Paris”,”Belgium”:”Brussels”,”Mexico”:”Mexico
City”,”Argentina”:”Buenos Aires”,”China”:”Beijing”}
Chapter 3: Control Structures
11.Higher order organization of Python instructions
In the previous chapters, we have introduced the different types of variables known by Python,
as well as the operators that manipulate these variables. The programs we have studied so far
have all been sequential, with each line corresponding to one instruction: this is definitely not
optimal. For example, we have introduced in the previous chapter the concept of lists and arrays,
to avoid having to use many scalar variables to store data (remember that if we were to store the
whole human genome, we would need either 30,000 scalar variables, one for each gene, or a
single array, whose items are the individual genes); if we wanted to perform the same operation
on each of these genes, we would still have to write one line for each gene. In addition, the
programs we have written so far would attempt to perform all their instructions, once given the
input. Again, this is not always desired: we may want to perform some instructions only if a
certain condition is satisfied.
Again, Python has thought about these issues, and offers solutions in the form of control
structures: the if structure that allows to control if a block of instruction need to be executed, and
the for structure (and equivalent), that repeats a set of instructions for a preset number of times.
In this chapter, we will look in details on the syntax and usage of these two structures.
Figure 3.1: The three main types of flow in a computer program: sequential, in which
instructions are executed successively, conditional, in which the blocks “instructions 1” and
“instructions 2” are executed if the Condition is True or False, respectively, and repeating, in
which instructions are repeated over a whole list.
12.Logical operators
Most of the control structure we will see in this chapter test if a condition is true or false. For
programmers, “truth” is easier to define in terms of what is not truth! In Python, there is a short,
specific list of false values:
 An empty string, “ “, is false
 The number zero and the string “0” are both false.
 An empty list, (), is false.
 The singleton None (i.e. no value) is false.
Everything else is true.
2.3 Comparing numbers and strings
We can test whether a number is bigger, smaller, or the same as another. Similarly, we can test if
a string comes before or after another string, based on the alphabetical order. All the results of
these tests are TRUE or FALSE. Table 3.1 lists the common comparison operators available in
Notice that the numeric operators look a little different from what we have learned in Math: this
is because Python does not use the fancy fonts available in text editors, so symbols like , , 
do not exist. Notice also that the numeric comparison for equality uses two = symbols (==): this
is because the single = is reserved for assignment.
Table 3.1 : Python comparison operators
Corresponding question
a == b
Is a equal to b ?
a != b
Is a not equal to b ?
Is a greater than b ?
a >= b
Is a greater than or equal to b ?
Is a less than b ?
a <= b
Is a less than or equal to b ?
a in b
Is the value a in the list (or tuple) b?
a not in b
Is the value a not in the list (or tuple) b?
These comparisons apply both to numeric value and to strings. Note that you can compare
numbers to strings, but the result can be arbitrary: I would strongly advise to make sure that the
types of the variables that are compared are the same!
2.4 Combining logical operators
We can join together several tests into one, by the use of the logical operator and and or
a and b
True if both a and b are true.
a or b
True if either a, or b, or both are true.
not a
True if a is false.
13.Conditional structures
The most fundamental control structure is the if structure. It is used to protect a block of code
that only needs to be executed if a prior condition is met (i.e. is TRUE). The generate format of
an if statement is:
>>> if condition:
code block
Note about the format:
- the : indicates the end of the condition, and flags the beginning of the end structure
- Notice that the code block is indented with respect to the rest of the code: this is required;
it allows you to clearly identify which part of the code is conditional to the current
The condition is one of the logical expressions we have seen in the previous section. The code
block is a set of instructions grouped together. The code block is only executed if the condition is
if statements are very useful to check inputs from users, to check if a variable contains 0 before it
is used in a division,….
As example, let us write a small program that asks the user to enter a number, reads it in, and
checks if it is divisible by n, where n is also read in:
number=int(input(“Enter your number --> “))
n=int(input(“Test divisibility by --> “))
if i != 0:
print (“The number “,number,” is not divisible by “,n,”\n”)
When making a choice, sometimes you have two different things you want to do, depending
upon the outcome of the conditional. This is done using an if …else structure that has the
following format:
if condition:
block code 1
block code 2
Block code 1 is executed if the condition is true, and block code 2 is executed otherwise.
Here is an example of a program asking for a password, and comparing it with a pre-stored
password=input(“Enter your password : “)
if password == hidden:
print (“You entered the right password\n”)
print (“Wrong password !!\n”)
Python also provides a control structure when there are more than two choices: the elif structure
is a combination of else and if. It is written as:
block code 1
block code 2
else :
block code 3
Note that any numbers of elif can follow an if.
One of the most obvious things to do with an array is to apply a code block to every item in the
array: loops allow you to do that.
Every loop has three main parts:
 An entry condition that starts the loop
 The code block that serves as the “body” of the loop
 An exit condition
Obviously, all three are important. Without the entry condition, the loop won’t be executed; a
loop without body won’t do any thing; and finally, without a proper exit condition, the program
will never exit the loop (this leads to what is referred to an infinite loop, and often results from a
bug in the exit loop).
There are two types of loops: determinate and indeterminate. Determinate loops carry their end
condition with them from the beginning, and repeat its code block an exact number of times.
Indeterminate loops rely upon code within the body of the loop to alter the exit condition so the
loop can exit. We will see one determinate loop structure, for, and one indeterminate loop
structure, while.
4.1 For loop
The most basic type of determinate loop is the for loop. Its basic structure is:
for variable in listA:
code block
Note the syntax similar to the syntax of an if statement: the : at the end of the condition, and the
indentation of the code block.
A for loop is simple: it loops over all possible values of variable as found in the list listA,
executing each time the code block.
For example, the Python program:
>>> names=[“John”,”Jane”,”Smith”]
>>> j=0
>>> for name in names:
print “The name number “,j,” in the list is “,name
Will print out:
The name number 1 in the list is ‘John’
The name number 2 in the list is ‘Jane’
The name number 3 in the list is ‘Smith’
Note that if the list is empty the loop is not executed at all.
The for loop is very useful for iterating over the elements of an array. It can also be used to loop
over a set of integer values: remember that you can create a list of integers using the function
range. Here is an example program that computes the sum of the squares of the numbers from 0
to N, where N in read as input:
>>> N=int(input(“Enter the last integer considered --> “))
>>> Sum=0
>>> for i in range(0,N+1,1):
>>> print (“The sum of the squares between 0 and “,N,” is “,Sum)
4.2 While loop
Sometimes, we face a situation where neither Python nor we know in advance how many times a
loop will need to execute. This is the case for example when reading a file: we do not know in
advance how many lines it has. Python has a structure for that: the while loop:
while TEST:
code block;
The while structure executes the code block as long as the TEST expression evaluates as TRUE.
For example, here is a program that prints the number between 0 and N, where N is input:
>>> N=int(input(“Enter N --> “))
>>> print (“Counting numbers from 0 to “,N,”\n”)
while i < N+1:
print (i)
Note that it is important to make sure that the code block includes a modification of the test: if
we had forgotten the line i+=1 in the example above, the while loop would have become an
infinite loop.
Note that any for loop can be written as a while loop. In practice however, it is better to use a for
loop, as Python executes them faster
4.3 Break points in loops
Python provides two functions that can be used to control loops from inside its code block:
break allows you to exit the loop, while continue skips the following step in the loop.
Here is an example of a program that counts and prints number from 1 to N (given as input),
skipping numbers that are multiples of 5 and stopping the count if the number reached squared is
equal to N:
>>> N = int(input(“Enter N --> “))
>>> for i in range(0,N+1,1):
if i**2 == N:
if i%5==0:
print (i)
# Input N
# Start loop from 0 to N (N included)
# test if i**2 is equal to N…
# if it is stop counting
# Test if i is a multiple of 5
# if it is, move to next value
1. Write a program that reads in an integer value n and outputs n! (Reminder:
2. Write a program that reads in a word, and writes it out with the letters at even positions in
uppercase, and the letters at odd positions in lower case.
3. In cryptography, the Ceasar cipher is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the
plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For
example, with a shift of 3, A would be replaced by D, B would become E, …, X would
become A, Y would become B, and Z would become C.
a. Write a program that reads in a sentence, and substitutes it using the Ceasar cipher
with a shift of 3.
b. Write a program that reads in sentence that has been encrypted with the Ceasar
cipher with a shift of 3, and decrypts it.
c. Repeat a and b above for a Ceasar cipher with a shift N, where N is given as
input, N between 0 and 10