201 Schedule of Classes Spring 2015 *all readings should be completed by the start of class on the day listed Date Topic Reading Week 1 Course Introduction Syllabus Tuesday Lab Overview 1/20 Bring Headphones on Lab Days Thurs 1/22 -Adler and Clark: The Uses of Social Research Methods Chapter 1. The Uses Sign up for workshops – starting in 2 of Social Research weeks! First Group meet with Professor Methods. after class- first presentation will involve giving the rest of the class a tour the data you select for your final project’s community need Week 2 Practice Lab 1: Watch the lab video (if you -Adler and Clark: Tues 1/27 choose with others in the class) and develop an Chapter 2. Theory instruction sheet to bring to the next class. and Research Lab 01 Comparing Averages (means) Thurs 1/29 Week 3 Tues 2/3 Thursday 2/5 Week 4 Tues 2/10 Thurs First presentation group meet with professor Theory and Research, Ethics and Social Research -Adler and Clark: Chapter 3. Ethics and Social Research. Test yourself on Lab 1: Watch the lab video and complete it on your own. Bring a paper copy to your next class. Lab 01 Comparing Averages (means) Those who signed up teach a 1-2 minute skill from Lab 1. Before class place any materials you need to teach the skill in the Utility Folder L: Course information Ridzi /Utility Planning a Research Project Literature Review Presentation We will likely meet at the Library -Adler and Clark: Chapter 4. Planning a Research Project Practice Lab 2: Watch the lab video (if you choose with others in the class) and develop an instruction sheet to bring to the next class. Lab 02 Cross Tabulations (Comparing percentages of things you don't average) Second presentation group meet with professor Sampling -Adler and Clark: 2/12 Week 5 Tuesday 2/17 Thursday 2/19 Week 6 2/24 Tuesday Thurs 2/26 Chapter 5. Sampling. -Kenneth Prewitt, “The U.S. Decennial Census: Political Questions, Scientific Answers,” Population and Development Review 26 (March 2000): 116. Test yourself on Lab 2: Watch the lab video and complete it on your own. Bring a paper copy to your next class. Lab 02 Cross Tabulations Those who signed up teach a 1-2 minute skill from Lab 2. Before class place any materials you need to teach the skill in the Utility Folder L: Course information Ridzi /Utility -Adler and Clark: Measurement Chapter 6. Measurement Practice Lab 3: Watch the lab video (if you choose with others in the class) and develop an instruction sheet to bring to the next class. Lab 03 Cross tabulations with Control variable Third presentation group meet with professor Mid Term Assessment Week 7 3/3 Tues SERVICE LEARNING PART 1 Measurement, Ethics, Sampling and Project Planning in a real life project. Thurs 3/5 SERVICE LEARNING PART 2 Measurement, Ethics, Sampling and Project Planning in a real life project. March 10-12 Week 8 Tuesday 3/17 Professor at Conference Thursday 3/19 Spring Break, No Classes Mon-Friday Test yourself on Lab 3: Watch the lab video and complete it on your own. Bring a paper copy to your next class. Lab 03 Cross tabulations with Control variable Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs: Cross-Sectional, Longitudinal, and -Adler and Clark: Chapter 7. CrossSectional, Longitudinal, and Case Study Designs -Adler and Clark: Chapter 8. Experimental Research -Adler and Clark: Chapter 9. Case Study Designs vs. Interviewing and Observational Techniques Those who signed up teach a 1-2 minute skill from Lab 3. Before class place any materials you need to teach the skill in the Utility Folder L: Course information Ridzi /Utility Week 9 Tuesday 3/24 Practice Lab 4: Watch the lab video (if you choose with others in the class) and develop an instruction sheet to bring to the next class. Lab 04 Using multiple control Variables when comparing averages (continuous variables) or percentages (binary variables) Fourth presentation group meet with professor Thurs 3/26 Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs (continued): Experimental Research, Questionnaires and Structured Interviews. Week 10 Tues 3/31 Test yourself on Lab 4: Watch the lab video and complete it on your own. Bring a paper copy to your next class. Lab 04 Using multiple control Variables when comparing averages (continuous variables) or percentages (binary variables) Those who signed up teach a 1-2 minute skill from Lab 4. Before class place any materials you need to teach the skill in the Utility Folder L: Course information Ridzi /Utility Thurs 4/2 Week 10 Tues 4/7 Easter Break No Classes Workshop on Final Project - Use Video Primer for Downloading Data Thurs 4/9 Applied Social Research Questionnaires and Structured Interviews. -Adler and Clark: Chapter 10. Qualitative Interviewing. -Adler and Clark: Chapter 11. Observational Techniques -Adler and Clark: Chapter 12. Using Available Data. -Adler and Clark: Chapter 13. Content Analysis. -Adler and Clark: Final presentation sign ups Week 11 Tues 4/14 Workshop on Final Project Thurs 4/16 Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis Week 12 Tuesday 4/21 First Group of Final Portfolio Presentations Thurs 4/23 Second Group of Final Portfolio Presentations Week 13 Tues 4/28 Third Group of Final Portfolio Presentations Review for Final Exam – Fourth Group of Final Portfolio Presentations Review for Final Exam – Fourth Group of Final Portfolio Presentations Classes End 5/4 Final Exam 5/7 3pm Thurs 4/30 Chapter 14. Applied Social Research -Adler and Clark: Chapter 15. Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis