Chapter 13 Reflections On This Year`s Journey

Inclusive Teaching
The Journey Towards Effective Schools for All Learners
Brief Table of Contents
1 Celebrate Difference Promoting an Inclusive and Caring Society
through Education
2 Introduction to Inclusive Teaching Educating All Children Together Well
3 Diverse Students In The Classroom How Students Are Different And The Same
4 Planning Individualized Differentiation Interventions For Students with Special Needs
5 Provide Support and Collaborate Get Help and Build a School Community
6 Partner with Families and the Community Build Relationships For Learning
7 Develop an Inclusive School and Classroom Use Space and Physical Resources to Support
All Students
8 Make Environmental Accommodations and Use Assistive Technology Tools That Extend
Human Capacity and Promote Learning
9 Build a Community for Learning Promote Mutual Care, Support, and Celebration
10 Meet Needs of Students with Challenging Behaviors Positive Strategies for Difficult
11 Inclusive Academic Instruction, Part I Plan Inclusive Lessons and Units
12 Inclusive Academic Instruction, Part II Multilevel and Differentiated Learning Activities
13 Inclusive Academic Instruction Part III Applications in Subjects
Inclusive Teaching
The Journey Towards Effective Schools for All Learners
1 Celebrate Difference Promoting an Inclusive and Caring Society
through Education
Chapter Goal and Objectives
Sights to See: Inclusive O’s
Pictures in Time: Shifting Possibilities
Dealing with Difference: The Opportunity to Build Community
Toward Community
Schools to Visit: Visioning and Team Development to Promote Effective Inclusive Schooling
Towards Inclusive Schools For Inclusive Communities How People With Differences Have
Fared In Society And Schools
Students from Diverse Races and Cultures
Students Who Are Poor
Dominant Language Learners
Students Considered Gifted and Talented
Students Who Are Homosexual
Students with Disabilities
Back Pack: Inclusive Teaching
The Growing Movement to Inclusive Schools Welcoming the Children Home
Journey Into the Classroom: A Teacher Works to Provide Leadership
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
Teacher Leadership for Innovation and Change toward Inclusive Schooling: Creating the
Schools All Children Need
Bumps in the Road: When Segregation, Expulsion, and Punishment
Are Imbedded in the Culture of the School
The Lessons of School Change: Not Easy but Worth the Trip
Change Strategies for Moving toward Inclusive Schooling
Teacher Leadership and Action: We Really Can Make a Difference, Together
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
2 Introduction to Inclusive Teaching Educating All Children Together Well with
contributions by Douglas Fisher
Chapter Goal and Objectives
What Is Wrong Here? The Frustrations of Coping with Diverse Children
in a “Factory School”
Toward Inclusive Schooling: A Glimpse of Teaching Practices That Honor All Children
Research and Inclusive Schooling: The Effectiveness of Inclusive versus Segregated Education
Students from Diverse Races and Cultures
Students Who Are Poor
Back Pack: Whole Schooling and Inclusion Press
Dominant Language Learners
Students Considered Gifted and Talented
Students Who Are Homosexual
Students with Disabilities
Research and Change
What is School For?
Evaluating Success In Learning and Achievement: Towards Personal Best Learning
Inclusive Teaching: Key Elements of Schooling for All Children
Creating Space for All in Learning
Empowerment, Leadership, and Democracy
Build Community and Meet the Needs of Children with Behavioral Challenges
Journey into the Classroom: Inclusive Teaching in a High School Government Class
Include All in Learning Together
Partner with Parents and the Local Community
Provide Support for Teachers, Students, and Parents
Utilize Authentic, Multilevel Instruction
Use Authentic Assessment To Promote Learning
Designing Inclusive Instruction and Response to Intervention
Visiting Two Inclusive Schools
Gilman Elementary School
Bumps in the Road: Segregating Students within the Classroom
Graham High School
Sights to See: The Schools Our Children Deserve
Onward in Our Journey: The Sun Is High, the Road Is Wide
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
3 Diverse Students In The Classroom How Students Are Different And The Same
Chapter Goal and Objectives
An Inclusive Middle School Language Arts Class: The Key is – Teach Individuals,
Not Groups
Special Needs and Good Teaching: Good Teaching Addresses Many Specific Needs
Label Jars, Not People: Seeing Children as People First
Students From Diverse Cultural, Racial, and Ethnic Groups
Back Pack: Urban and Cultural Diversity
Students from Extreme Poverty
Students Who Are Gay
Schools to Visit: Peer Tutoring at an Inclusive High School
Students with Differing Academic Abilities
Gifted and Talented
Dominant Language Learners
Learning Disabilities
Cognitive Disabilities (previously mental retardation)
Sights to See: Peanut Butter and Micah in High School
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Strategies for Students with Differing Academic Abilities
Journey Inside the Classroom: The Class Community Deals With A Fight At Recess
Students with Behavioral and Emotional Challenges
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Serious Emotional Disturbance
Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Strategies for Students with Behavioral and Emotional Challenges
Students with DifferingCommunication, Physical, and Sensory Abilities
Severe and Multiple Disabilities
Bumps In The Road: Rejecting Students With Differences
Communication Disorders
Deafness and Hearing Impairment
Blindness and Visual Impairment
Orthopedic Impairment
Other Health Impairments
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Strategies for Students with Orthopedic and Other Health Impairments
Dealing With Real Diversity In The Classroom
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
4 Planning Individualized Differentiation Interventions For Students with Special Needs
Chapter Goal and Objectives
A Peak at Collaborative Consultation: Getting Help and Support
Sights to See: Including Students with Autism and Multiple Disabilities
Individual Differentiation and Interventions For Students with Learning Challenges
Journey into the Classroom: I Want to Go in the Same Door as the Other Students
Tools for Individualized Differentiation and Interventions (Tiers II & III)
Collaborative Consultation
MAPS—A Student-Centered Planning Process
Curriculum Matrix: Connecting Individualized Plans to the Curriculum
Daily Schedule with Supports, Interventions, and Adaptations
Putting it All Together: An Example of Individual Differentiation
Accessing Formal Services Developing More Intense Individualized Classroom
Interventions for Students (Tier III)
Dominant Language Learners
Gifted and Talented
Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP): Parents of Young Children with Disabilities
Section 504 Plans: Students with Disabilities Not Eligible for Special Education
Bumps in the Road: No Child Left Behind and Students with Special Needs
Human Service Agencies: Students with Disabilities
Special Education: Services for Students with Disabilities
Schools to Visit: Committing to Including and Supporting All Children
Getting Started and Going On
Back Pack: Language, Culture, and Individualized Differentiation
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
5 Provide Support and Collaborate Getting Help and Building a School Community
Chapter Goal and Objectives
Co-teaching in a Middle an Elementary School: A Study in Contrasts
Traditional Service Models for Students with Special Needs
Separate Classes
Separate Schools
Sights to See: Talking Co-Teaching and Isaac in 4th Grade
Inclusive School-wide Models of Support
Support Personnel
Interactions of Support, Teaching, and Student Success
Models of Student Placement and Support
Inclusive Grouping of Students For Learning and Support
Students Helping Students: The Power of Peers
Multiage Teaching
School within a School
An Inclusive Continuum of Services: From Place to Process
Schools to Visit External Partnerships for Professional Development and Facilitating Coteaching
Using Collaborative Teaming to Provide Support: Gathering the School Community
Collaborative Teacher Teams
School Support Team
Individual Student Teams
Volunteer Support and Community Agency Collaboration
Counselors, Social Workers, and Psychologists
Media Specialists
Learning Support Centers
Journey Into the Classroom: Two Co-Teaching Relationships
Co–Teaching: Partnerships for Student Learning
The Purpose and Practice of Co-Teaching: Three Approaches
Methods of Organizing Co-Teaching
Bumps in the Road: Getting Around Barriers To Co-Teaching
Considerations for Success
Co-Teaching Strategies
Caseloads of Support Staff
Scheduling and Co-Teaching
Professional Development and Growth
Back Pack: Power of 2 and Paraprofessionals
Support for the Road
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
6 Partnering with Families and the Community Building Relationships For Learning
Chapter Goal and Objectives
Building Relationships for Learning
Towards Inclusive, Family-Centered Education: Building Genuine Partnerships
Sights to See: Engaging Parents in the Education of Their Child
Family and Community Challenges
Journey Into the Classroom: Practical Strategies for Building Positive Working Relationships
with Parents
The Importance of Family and Community for Child Development: An Ecological
Schools to Visit: Listening to Families and the Community
Principles and Practices for an Inclusive, Family-Centered School
Bumps in the Road: Parents of my kids don’t care! Parents of MY kids care too much!!
Respond to the Special Needs of Families
Families with Ethnic, Cultural, and Language Differences
Families Who Are Poor
Families of Gifted and Talented Children
Families of Students Who are Homosexual
Families of Children with Special Needs
The Gift Teachers Have for Parents
Back Pack: Parent and Family Involvement
Linking Parents, School, and Community: Resources for Learning and Family Support
Linking Home and Classroom Learning
Connecting with Community Resources
Develop Connections for Families and Children in the Community.
Community Agency Resources for Families
Welcome Home
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
7 Design an Inclusive School and Classroom Using Space and Physical Resources to Support
All Students
Chapter Goal and Objectives
A High School For Learning
Back Pack: Designing Classrooms
The Learning Environment: A Tool for Learning and Growth
Universal Design
Healthy Learning Environments
The School: Creating a Welcoming Place for All
A Welcoming Place to Be
School within a School
Parent and Community Center
Media Center/Library
Space and Inclusive Classes
Journey into the Classroom: Places to Be Alone
Effective Use of Limited Space
Spaces for Specialists
Lunch and Recess
Using Materials for All Students
Getting Places
Inclusive Playgrounds
The Classroom: Designing an Inclusive Learning Community
Classroom Design for Inclusive Teaching
Multiple Strategies to Support Access to Information and Expression of Learning
Bumps in the Road: Organizing For Control Rather Than Learning
Learning Styles and the Learning Environment
Schools to Visit: An Exemplary High School: The MET
The Local Community: Local Resources for Learning
Sights to See: Including Nick
Toward Inclusive Learning Places
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
8 Make Environmental Accommodations and Use Assistive Technology
Tools That Extend Human Capacity and Promote Learning
Chapter Goal and Objectives
Including Cedric, a Student with a Severe Disability, with Help from Assistive Technology
Introduction to Assistive Technology: Technology Expands the Capabilities of All
Categories of Assistive Technology
Adaptive Technology Information and Services
Selecting Assistive Technology
Sights to See: Including Stacey and Shawn with Assistive Technology
Modifications to the School and Classroom Environment: Creating Access
Building Access
Classroom Modifications
Journey Into the Classroom: Assistive Technology in the Classroom
Functional Applications of Assistive Technology: Using Technology to Live and Learn
Aids to Assist in Understanding and Remembering
Manipulating and Controlling the Environment
Seating and Positioning
Bumps in the Road: Lack of Access
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Adapted Computer Access
Schools to Visit: Teaching Students Successfully in General Education
Aids for Students with Partial Sight or Total Blindness
Assisted Hearing and Alternatives
Back Pack: Assistive Technology Goldmines
Embracing Assistive Technology
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
9 Build a Community for Learning Promoting Mutual Care, Support, and Celebration
Chapter Goal and Objectives
The Impact of Care and Community in Teaching
What Is Community? Individual Growth Thriving with Care and Support
Emotions, Relationships, and Learning
Community and Five Needs of Human Beings
Community and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Bumps in the Road: Social Isolation Leads To Segregation
Connections between Academic Learning, the Emotions, and Community
Building Resilience
Behavior Management, Care, and Community: Beyond Punishments and Rewards
Students with Differing Abilities in a Community of Learners
Schools to Visit
Building a Culture of Community in the School: Adults Collaborating and Caring
The Foundations of School Community
Key School-wide Practices That Promote Community
Back Pack: Social and Emotional Support
Building a Community of Learners in Our Class: Valuing Our Differences and Helping One
Routines and Structures for Building Community: Getting Started and Building throughout
the Year
Sights to See: Emotional and Academic Learning Together
Student Roles in the Learning Community
Journey into the Classroom: A Circle of Friends Makes a Difference
Celebrating Differences
In the End: The Growing Circles of Community
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
10 Meet Needs of Students with Challenging Behaviors Positive Strategies for Difficult
Chapter Goal and Objectives
These Kids Are Driving Me Crazy and I Don’t Know What to Do!!
Quincy: A Student Out of Control
Sights to See: Solving Social Problems
Creating a Positive, Student-Centered Approach
Rewards and Punishment to Control Behavior: Typical Strategies That Deepen Problems
Journey to the Classroom: How Could We Not Try?
Meeting Student Needs: Promoting Growth and Relationships
Creating a Student-Centered School
School Patterns In Dealing with Behavioral Challenges
Teacher Roles and Perspectives.
A Few Practical Tools
Back Pack: Positive Approaches to Behavior Challenges
Key Strategies: The Foundation
Learning Social Skills in Community
Restorative Justice: Healing Hurt
Challenging Behaviors: A Call for Understanding
How Do Challenging Behaviors Look?
What Do Problem Behaviors Mean?
Vicious Cycles
Bumps in the Road: Suspensions and Detentions Don’t Work
Proactive Responses to Social and Behavioral Challenges: From Punishment and Control to
Choice and Care
Meeting Student Needs
Providing Information for Learning: Moving beyond Constant Power Struggles
A Time for Power and Control
Engaging the Classroom Community in Problem Solving
Giving Students and Ourselves a Break
Utilizing Professional and Community Supports
Engaging Parents in Partnership
Individualized Differentiation for Behavior: The Behavior Intervention Plan
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention
Schools to Visit: Starting Inclusion with Students Labeled Emotionally Disturbed
IDEA and Behavioral Challenges: What the Special Education Law Says
Moving On to Respect
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
11 Inclusive Academic Instruction, Part I Planning Inclusive Lessons and Units
Chapter Goal and Objectives
Journey into the Classroom: Sydney’s Moose Project
Disabled Curriculum and Instruction: ‘Official’ and ‘Classic’ Theories of Learning
The Debate about Good Instruction
Guidelines for Effective Instruction for Diverse Learners
What to Look for in a Classroom
Brain-Based Learning
Best Practices: Emerging Standards for Teaching and Learning
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Universal Design for Learning
Differentiated Instruction
Authentic Multilevel Instruction
Back Pack: Assistive Technology Resources
Steps for Planning Authentic Multilevel Instruction Units and Lessons
Step 1. Select an Authentic, Interdisciplinary Theme
Create Interdisciplinary Themes
Involve Students in Selecting Topics for Learning
Why Multilevel Differentiated Instruction is Important
Problems to Avoid in Designing Multilevel, Differentiated Instruction
Step 2. Develop Multilevel Learning Goals
Develop Overall Learning Goal For the Unit Or Lesson
Describe Expected Performance Levels for Learning Goals
Design Needed Alternative Learning Goals and Expectations
Help Students Understand Fairness
Bumps in the Road: Segregated Functional Skills Training Rather than Education
Step 3. Design Product, Assessment, and Evaluation
Products that Reflect Learning
Anecdotal Records
Performance Assessment
Classroom Tests
Student-Led Conferences
Schools to Visit
Grading and Report Cards
Standardized Tests
Sights to See: Learning Styles and Assistive Technology
Towards Inclusive Academic Learning
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
12 Inclusive Academic Instruction, Part II Multilevel and Differentiated Learning Activities
Chapter Goal and Objectives
Two Social Studies Classes: One for Sleeping; the Other for Learning
Back Pack: Universal Design for Learning and Project-based Learning
Step 4. Inclusive Instructional Strategies
Introduction to Workshop Learning
Multilevel Learning Activities
Teacher-designed Leveled Lessons
Multiple Intelligences: A Tool for Inclusive Workshop-based Learning
Scaffolding Learning to Strengthen Understanding
Schools to Visit: Effective Adaptation of Curriculum
Step 5. Individualized Differentiation of Learning Activities
Tools and Strategies for Inclusive Workshop Learning
Whole Class Mini-lessons and Discussions
Student Collaboration and Peer Support
Journey into the Classroom: Inclusive, Creative Writing in Middle School
Small Group Mini-lessons
Student Conferences
Peer Conferences and Testing
Sharing and Celebrations
Multilevel Learning Materials
Bumps in the Road: Dealing with a Required Prescriptive Curriculum
Including Students in Lecture-Worksheet-Test Instruction
Sights to See: Multilevel Project-based Learning
Making Schools Work for All Students: The Beginning and End of the Journey
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
13 Inclusive Academic Instruction Part III Applications in Subjects
Chapter Goal and Objectives
Inclusive Literacy in Action: A Visit to the First Grade and a High School Language Arts Class
Back Pack: It’s Just Good Teaching
Literacy and Language Arts
What Is Literacy?
Challenges in Literacy Education
Reading Workshop
Bumps in the Road: Gifted Students and Inclusive Classes
Writing Workshop
Teaching Skills: Spelling, Phonics and Grammar
Individualized Differentiation in Literacy and Language Arts
Sights to See: Inclusive Academics in Action
Challenges in Mathematics Education
Standards for Mathematics Instruction
Inclusive Mathematics Instruction
Challenges in Science Education
Standards for Science Instruction
Inclusive Inquiry Learning in Science
Schools to Visit: Change Towards Inclusive Teaching
Social Studies
Challenges in Social Studies Education
Standards for Social Studies Learning
Inclusive Social Studies Learning
Journey Into the Classroom: Reflections On This Year’s Journey Towards a Vision For Erin
The Arts and Physical Education
Challenges in Arts and Physical Education
Standards for Arts and Physical Education
Inclusive Arts and Physical Education
Towards Inclusive Workshop Learning
Traveling Notes
Stepping Stones to Inclusive Teaching
Special Features
Chapter 1 a-Peers Resort To Subversive Tactics
b-A Tale of Two Schools
Chapter 2 Clearing a Path for People with Special Needs Clears the Path for Everyone
Chapter 3 Sam’s Teacher is Diagnosed with a Teaching Spectrum Disorder
Chapter 4 Mrs. Basil’s Class Invents “Backwards Day” at School
Chapter 5 Extreme Team and Dream Team
Chapter 6 Desperate Parents Resort to Establishing Their Own “Frequent Includer Program”
Chapter 7 a- Island in the Mainstream
b- After Ruling Out a Medical Reason Bobby Sue’s Parents Come to the Conclusion
That There’s Just a Lot More to be Awake for in a Regular Class
Chapter 8 Laboratory Retriever
Chapter 9 Mysteries of Friendship
Chapter 10 Mr. Moody Tries a New Technique After Getting Lost at a National Education
Conference and Spending a Week at a Used Car Sales Seminar
Chapter 11 Answering Questions with Questions
Chapter 12 Despite Having a Master’s and 18 Years of Experience, Mrs. Snippet Tries to
Convince Mr. Moody That the Student with Disabilities in Her Class Would Be
Better Served by an Assistant with No Experience.
Chapter 13 Mrs. King’s Sports Her Worn Softball Cap as a Reminder That Individualizing to
Meet Unique Student Needs is Old Hat to Good Teachers
Journey into the Classroom
Chapter 1 A Teacher Works to Provide Leadership
Chapter 2 Inclusive Teaching in a High School Government Class
Chapter 3 The Class Community Deals With A Fight At Recess
Chapter 4 Micah said, “I want to go in the same door as other students.”
Chapter 5 Two Co-Teaching Relationships
Chapter 6 A Conversation with a Middle School Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher
Chapter 7 Places to be Alone
Chapter 8 Assistive Technology in the Classroom
Chapter 9 A Circle of Friends Makes a Difference
Chapter 10 How Could We Not Try?
Chapter 11 A Day in the Life of a Moose
Chapter 12 Inclusive, Creative Writing in Middle School
Chapter 13 Reflections On This Year’s Journey
Towards a Vision For Erin
Bumps in the Road
Chapter 1 When Segregation, Expulsion, and Punishment Are Imbedded in the Culture of the
Chapter 2 Segregating Students Within the Classroom
Chapter 3 Rejecting Students With Differences
Chapter 4 No Child Left Behind And Students With Special Needs
Chapter 5 Getting Around Barriers To Co-Teaching
Chapter 6 Parents of my kids don’t care! Parents of MY kids care too much!!
Chapter 7 Organizing For Control Rather Than Learning
Chapter 8 Lack of Access
Chapter 9 Social Isolation Leads To Segregation
Chapter 10 Suspensions and Detentions Don’t Work
Chapter 11 Segregated Functional Skills Training Rather than Education
Chapter 12 Dealing with a Required Prescriptive Curriculum
Chapter 13 Gifted Students and Inclusive Classes
Schools to Visit
Chapter 1 Visioning and Team Development to Promote Effective Inclusive Schooling
Chapter 2 Multilevel Teaching and Support for Inclusive Teaching
Chapter 3 Peer Tutoring at an Inclusive High School
Chapter 4 Committing to Including and Supporting All Children
Chapter 5 External Partnerships for Professional Development and Facilitating Co-teaching
Chapter 6 Listening to Families and the Community
Chapter 7 An Exemplary High School: The MET
Chapter 8 Teaching Students Successfully in General Education
Chapter 9 Building Community to Support Student Learning
Chapter 10 Starting Inclusion with Students Labeled Emotionally Disturbed
Chapter 11 Making Teamwork Fun
Chapter 12 Effective Adaptation of Curriculum
Chapter 13 Change Towards Inclusive Teaching
Back Pack
Chapter 1 Inclusive Teaching
Chapter 2 Whole Schooling and Inclusion Press
Chapter 3 Urban and Cultural Diversity
Chapter 4 Language, Culture, and Individualized Differentiation
Chapter 5 Power of 2 and Paraprofessionals
Chapter 6 Parent and Family Involvement
Chapter 7 Designing Classrooms
Chapter 8 Assistive Technology Goldmines
Chapter 9 Social and Emotional Support
Chapter 10 Positive Approaches to Behavior Challenges
Chapter 11 Universal Design for Learning
Chapter 12 Universal Design for Learning and Project-based Learning
Chapter 13 It’s Just Good Teaching
Sights to See
Chapter 1 Inclusive O’s
Chapter 2 The Schools Our Children Deserve
Chapter 3 Peanut Butter and Micah in High School
Chapter 4 Including Students with Autism and Multiple Disabilities
Chapter 5 Talking Co-Teaching and Isaac in 4th Grade
Chapter 6 Engaging Parents in the Education of Their Child
Chapter 7 Including Nick
Chapter 8 Including Stacey and Shawn with Assistive Technology
Chapter 9 Emotional and Academic Learning Together
Chapter 10 Solving Social Problems
Chapter 11 Learning Styles and Assistive Technology
Chapter 12 Multilevel Project-based Learning
Chapter 13 Inclusive Academics in Action