18th January 2013 - Liaison Group of UK Airport Consultative

173rd QUARTERLY MEETING HELD ON 18th January 2013,
George Smith
James Riach
Councillor Hugh Hunter
William McMillan
Richard Searle
Len Houston
Lt/Cdr Tom Hutchinson
In Attendance
Iain Cochrane
Nigel Wallace
Martin Cheyne
Councillor Tom Cook
Councillor Philip Saxton
Councillor Jim McClung
Councillor Irene Oldfather
Annique Armstrong
William McAlpine
Inspector Paul Seditas
Eddie Allison
Mike Newall
Sharon Hodgson
H Bruce Collier
Eddie Glover
Councillor Bill Grant
Co-opted Member (Vice Chair)
Prestwick South Community Council (Treasurer)
South Ayrshire Council
Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Passenger Representative
Royal Aeronautical Society
H.M.S. Gannet
Secretary to GPACC
East Ayrshire Council
South Ayrshire Council
Dumfries & Galloway Council
North Ayrshire Council
Visit Scotland
Passenger Representative
Strathclyde Police
Ocean Sky
South Ayrshire Council
East Ayrshire Council
Scottish Consumer Council
Dumfries & Galloway Council & S Westrans
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
The Vice Chair, George Smith, welcomed those in attendance to the 173rd Quarterly
meeting of the Glasgow Prestwick Airport Consultative Committee.
2. Apologies
The apologies received were noted.
Minutes of the 172nd Meeting held on 31st August 2012
Minutes from the last meeting were approved as read.
Matters Arising
Rail: Discussions in relation to the possible transfer of the Airport station to Network
Rail are ongoing.
There has been an increase in rail service frequency between Glasgow Central and
GPA from 2 per hour to, generally, 3 per hour. The number of intermediate stops on
two of the hourly services remain, however on the hourly express service the number
of intermediate stops has been reduced. There are additional connections to GPA from
these intermediate stops via the Glasgow –Ardrossan/Largs service with a change at
Kilwinning. The lack of early morning and late evening rail services to meet demand
from early and late flights still remains. GPA provide a point to point airport coach
service between GPA and Glasgow and Edinburgh to serve early and late flights
which are outwith the times currently scheduled for the X77 bus service.
Customer Charter: IC to forward a copy of the Customer Charter for circulation as
agreed at the last meeting.
Royal Aeronautical Society 50th Anniversary: LH, Chair of the Prestwick Branch
of the RAS out reported that the Aviation & Families Funday celebrations held in
October 2012 in conjunction with GPA had been a great success, attracting in excess
of 2,000 visitors. It was generally agreed that the day had been very valuable in
bringing the airport and aviation to the general public, particularly young people. It
was also agreed that this experience provided a valuable platform which could be
built on and developed in the future. Proposals for a “Festival of Flight” are already in
hand with the possibility of a flying display, probably focussed on Ayr rather than
GPA. IC to forward a copy of the “Festival of Flight” proposal for circulation.
There may be an opportunity for GPA arising from the ending of the Leuchars Air
Show in 2014. This should be explored.
The Committee recognised that GPA had held “air shows” in the past. In the 1950’s
they had been arranged by the US Airforce. HMS Gannet have also held “open days”.
It was recognised that holding events around operational airports is complex. It was
noted that the CAA have an organisation that monitors air-displays.
Chief Executive’s Report
Sale of GPA - IC reported that there was no change to the situation reported and
minuted at the August 2012 meeting.
Aviation Fuel – there had been an issue with the quality of aviation fuel supplied by
Grangemouth refinery which had affected supplies to Edinburgh and Glasgow
airports. GPA had offered to be a bridging point for rail shipments of kerosene from
other refineries for onward delivery by bowser to Glasgow and Edinburgh. This was a
further demonstration of the key role which GPA plays in the resilience of Scottish
Summer Schedule – Ryanair have announced 2 new routes – Warsaw and Rzieszow.
Increased frequency of flights of 4 routes in the summer. Capacity overall is up 10%
on the same period last year with 27 routes in total, up 20%. For the year 2013/2014
GPA are expecting 1.2m passengers.
Passenger numbers – in December 2012 there had been a 32% increase in passengers
on December 2011
Freight – remains flat with very little in the way of export loads to put on planes.
G8 - the 2013 G8 conference will be in Inniskillen, Northern Ireland. GPA may help
with logistics with Belfast and Aldergrove.
A 380 – IC confirmed that the A380 can be accommodated and that improvements had
been made to the runway to allow this. GPA is the diversion airfield for A380s.
However dealing with passengers in relation to the A380 remains a problem and to
accommodate regular services would require additional investment.
6. Aviation Framework Consultation
The Secretary had circulated details and links to the DfTs consultation on the Draft
Aviation Framework in July and again prior to the August meeting. Responses to the
consultation had been circulated for comment and had been submitted subsequent to
the last meeting in October 2012. Any issues which the Committee or individual
representatives think should be included in the response had been asked to be
forwarded directly to the Secretary.
As there had been no time for consultation and agreement with GPACC members
before submission the August meeting had agreed that the Secretary respond to the
Aviation Framework Consultation on behalf of GPACC. The response had been
circulated and was retrospectively approved by the meeting as submitted.
7. GPA nomination as National Development in NPF3
The Secretary had prepared a nomination for GPA to have National Development
status in the new National Planning Framework 3 which is currently in preparation.
This had been circulated in early December 2012 but had been submitted to Scottish
Government without formal discussion by GPACC, to comply with the Government’s
December deadline. The meeting approved and supported the nomination as
submitted. The key text is included below:
Glasgow Prestwick Airport and related infrastructure
Safeguarding of existing GPA airport and airspace infrastructure and assets
Improvements to rail and bus interchange arrangements
Improvements to terminal facilities and change in operational area
Additional freight and aircraft maintenance facilities
Additional aircraft stands
New Aircraft parking arrangements
Radar improvements in relation to the ‘South West Scotland Aviation
Glasgow Prestwick Airport (GPA) is a key component of national transport
infrastructure of significance at the Scottish and UK level. GPA is recognised by the
2003 Aviation White Paper as the West of Scotland’s “second runway”. It is vital that
GPA’s role, as a national infrastructure asset and in the development of national and
international connectivity, is recognised in the new Sustainable Aviation Framework
and in the Davies Committee deliberations on UK airport “hub capacity”. The NPF
needs to recognise that it must play a role in providing a spatial component to
national aviation infrastructure and policy in Scotland.
GPA is an important economic driver for aviation, aerospace, logistics, freight, and
maintenance, repair and overhaul not just for West of Scotland but for Scotland and
the UK as a whole. Services offered by businesses operating out of and through
GPA contribute significantly to the Scottish economy and to Scotland’s international
connectivity. It is an important centre for helicopter “search and rescue” facilities for
Scotland and the north of England.
GPA has excellent environmental credentials and has few environmental issues
associated with it’s operation and growth. The weather record at GPA is unique to
the UK. In particular it’s virtually “fog free” status is a national aviation asset.
GPA has the potential to be a key Scottish and UK asset for logistics and service
support for potential opportunities in renewable and other energy developments in
the marine environment off the west coast of Scotland and the UK.
GPA has excellent sustainable passenger surface access as Scotland’s only rail
connected airport. Improvements to rail services to the south and with and through
the Central Belt and Glasgow would improve sustainable access to air services for
In summary GPA has a key role to play in:
Scotland’s sustainable economic development
Skills development, reducing unemployment and job creation.
Strengthening Scotland’s links with the rest of the world.
Improving our transport infrastructure networks.
8. GPA Economic Impact Study, York Aviation
As reported at the August 2012 meeting an economic impact study commissioned by
Scottish Enterprise had been prepared by York Aviation and was published in
November 2012 as ‘The Economic Impact of Glasgow Prestwick Airport’. The study
documents the drop in both passengers and freight activity since 2008 but highlights
the continuing key significance of GPA to the region and to Scotland. The study
allows a very useful comparison of the situation in 2012 with the previous 2008 study
and provides a basis for communications and a vehicle for briefing MPs/MSPs and
Scottish Government of the economic loss to Ayrshire and Scotland and the
continuing strategic importance of GPA even with the downturn. GPA are generally
content with the study and it’s conclusions.
It was announced that William (Bill) McMillan who has represented the Ayrshire
Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be standing down from GPACC. Bill has
given excellent service to the Consultative Committee at Prestwick for some 40 years.
He has always shown the greatest interest in the airport and aviation and it’s
relationship to the Ayrshire economy and has always been a most regular and
enthusiastic attender. Bill’s insightful contributions to proceedings will be missed.
Bill’s service to GPACC is probably a record not only for GPACC but also
unsurpassed in any other Consultative Committee in the UK. The Chair expressed his
thanks and wished Bill well on behalf of himself and the members. William McMillan
will be replaced on GPACC by Norman Geddes from Frazer Coogans Commercial
Solicitors as representative of Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce.
10. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Consultative Committee is Friday 1st March 2013
Nigel Wallace, Secretary, GPACC
Contact nigel.wallace@south-ayrshire.gov.uk