South African Geophysical Association presents WIRELINE WORKSHOP 6 th & 7th NOVEMBER 2008 – 2 full days CSIR, Auckland Park, Johannesburg Course Instructor: Marcus Chatfield (Wireline Workshop) Course description Borehole wireline geophysical logging refers to the in situ measurement of physical properties of the geological formations intersected by the borehole. The data is digital and calibrated, hence the dataset is objective and processing can be automated for quick turnaround. High-resolution sampling (cm range) and unbiased, continuous coverage of the formations intersected by the borehole provide a true spatial dataset for modeling. Such data has useful input in all spheres of the mining industry, e.g. In mineral exploration, characterization of the in situ physical signatures of a known orebody provides necessary information for selecting and designing appropriate exploration strategies in the search for new orebodies in the region and / or extensions to existing orebodies. In orebody evaluation, changes in physical characteristics can be related to changes in grade and / or metallurgical parameters or indicate the presence of country rock diluting the ore. In mining, geophysical logs provide oriented structural and geotechnical information for mine planning and safety as well as objective mapping of formation parameters for continued orebody evaluation programs and / or grade control. Despite this, wireline geophysical logging, with some notable exceptions, is not routinely employed in exploration programs and on mines. In part, this may be due to lack of knowledge of the techniques available. Poor results can often be traced to inappropriate selection of survey tools. This course presents an overview of the suite of tools and techniques available to the minerals mining (hard rock and coal) industry – slimline logging. Each tool is described along with the advantages and limitations of the measurement. Data examples are presented to illustrate the unique value of each tool to mapping different rock mass characteristics. Management of risk in the downhole environment, e.g. the use of nuclear measurement techniques is also presented. Course Outline WIRELINE LOGGING SEMINAR (2 DAYS) - SAGA - CSIR auditorium (6-7 November2008) THURSDAY 08:00 WELCOME TEA BREAK 08:45 1. WIRELINE LOGGING INTRODUCTION / EMPIRICISM/ GENERAL QA / DEPTH MEASUREMENT 09:30 2. THE BOREHOLE ENVIRONMENT / BOREHOLE DEVIATION / PLANNING FOR RISK 10:30 TEA BREAK 11:00 3. LOGGING TOOLS / BASIC MEASUREMENT TYPES 11:30 4. FIRST RUNS – CALIPER / GAMMA RAY / TEMPERATURE / CONDUCTIVITY 12:00 5. SPECTRAL GAMMA RAY / URANIUM LOGGING 13:00 LUNCH 14:00 6. GAMMA-GAMMA / DENSITY LOGS / PE DENSITY / COMBINATION TOOLS 15:00 7. RADIATION SAFETY / EXPOSURE / CONTAMINATION 15:30 TEA BREAK 16:00 8. NEUTRON LOGS 16:30 9. COAL LITHOLOGY LOGGING / POROSITY / COAL BED METHANE 17:00 FINISH SESSION 17:00 Drinks & Snacks in Lapa at CSIR FRIDAY 08:00 BREAKFAST 08:45 10. REVIEW / CONTEXT OF LITHOLOGY LOGS DENSITY, NEUTRON AND GAMMA RAY 09:00 11. SONIC LOGS / SONIC POROSITY / FULL WAVEFORM SONIC / LOG EXAMPLES 10:00 12. ACOUSTIC TELEVIEWER 10:30 TEA BREAK 11:00 13. TELEVIEWER LOGS / GEOTECHNICAL APPLICATIONS / FLOWMETERS / THE BUSHVELD 12:00 14. RESISTIVITY / SP / MICRO RESISTIVITY 12:30 15. DIPMETER / DATA PROCESSING / STRUCTURE LOGS 13:00 LUNCH 14:00 16. OPTICAL TELEVIEWER / STRUCTURE LOGS 14:30 17. HARD ROCK LOGGING 15:00 18. MAG SUSCEPTIBILITY / IP / INDUCTIVE CONDUCTIVITY 15:30 TEA BREAK 16:00 19. IRON ORE LOGGING 16:30 20. LOG EXAMPLES 1700 SEMINAR ENDS – Drinks and Snacks in Lapa Course Fees Fees include: Materials, tea and coffee breaks, lunches on both days, equipment demonstrations. SAGA / GSSA or affiliated societies R2 500.00 Non society member R3 000.00 Full time students R1 500.00 Course Secretariat Jann @ RCA P O BOX 72147 Parkview 2122 Tel +27 11 728 8173 Fax +27 11 728 1675 or Please note there are a limited number of delegates that can be accommodated. Registration will be first come, first served.