
Lesson Plan- Seed Dispersal/Funky Plants
Grade/Subject: 3/4 Science
Unit: Plant Growth and Changes
Lesson Duration: 60 min
General Learning Outcomes: Students will:
4–10 Demonstrate knowledge and skills for the study, interpretation, propagation and enhancement of plant
Specific Learning Outcomes: Students will:
11. Describe different ways that seeds are distributed; e.g., by wind, by animals; and recognize seed
adaptations for different methods of distribution.
5. Identify examples of plants that have special needs.
Students will be able to:
1. Identify the various ways that seeds are distributed
2. Describe plants that have special needs such as the venus fly trap
Create a charade/skit to show the different ways of dispersing seeds.
Student work
Questions asked
Answers to key questions
Face/body language
Key Questions:
What is seed dispersal?
What is one way a seed can be dispersed?
Why do seeds need to be dispersed?
What is a plant that uses the wind to disperse
What is a plant that uses animals to disperse
What is a plant that uses water to disperse
What is a plant that uses the explosion method
to disperse seeds?
What are some funky plants?
What makes this plant funky? Where is it
Does anyone know of a funky plant that
hasn’t been listed yet?
Written/Performance Assessments:
Science workbooks
Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies
Resource #2: Gr. 4 Plant Growth and Changes Activity Guide for Educators
Resource #3: Venus Fly Trap Video
Resource #4: Pitcher Plant
Resource #5: Cactus
Resource #6: Sundews
 Student Science workbooks
 Whiteboard/markers
 Charade cards
 Smartboard
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber:
This is our last Science Plant lesson before your final project. We start with seed dispersal and then
move into funky plants such as plants that eat bugs.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
What is seed dispersal? What is one way a seed can be dispersed?
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:
 Respect
 Willingness to learn and contribute
 Only take answers from students with hands raised
 Follow the 5 directions
Review the 5 directions and that zoinks are in effect.
Transition to Body:
Today in Science we are learning about 2 things. How seeds are dispersed and funky plants.
Body (50 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Notes/Brainstorm (10 min)
 Write the title on the board Seed Dispersal
 Brainstorm with table about the different ways that seeds are spread about.
 Give them 5 minutes to come up with different ways.
 Ask tables for ways that seeds are dispersed, and write them out underneath the title while students
take notes:
o Wind- designed to fly/float/glide
o Animals- hitchhiker (hook onto animals fur or humans clothes), poop out
o Water
o Explosion- some seeds explode and project seeds
 Draw- draw 3 boxes, label each with one of the ways seeds are dispersed and draw a picture of that
form of dispersal for each box leaving a space for an example of each. Ask students for examples
of seeds. What is a plant that uses the wind to disperse seeds? Dandelion, maple, milkweed
What is a plant that uses animals to disperse seeds? (burrs, berries-poop) What is a plant that
uses water to disperse seeds? (cattail) What is a plant that uses the explosion method to
disperse seeds? (pinecones, violet)
Brainstorm, science books, questions
Learning Activity #2: Charades (15 min)
 Rules
o Everyone has to participate
o Charades so no talking in the role play
o Guessing can only be done after each table has done their demonstration
o Guessing is done by the first person with a hand up- no blurts
o First person to put up hand will get to answer
o If correct the table gets a point
o Table with most points is the winner and gets dismissed first for home time
 Give each table a scenario/method of seed dispersal card
 Tables have to work together to create a skit or role play the method
 Each table will be called up in random order to demonstrate in front of the class.
 The rest of the class has to guess what they are acting out, what method of dispersal they are
Questions and answers
Learning Activity #3: Funky Plants Intro (15 min)
 Brainstorm- Have each table brainstorm the different funky plants that they know of.
 Have students give their answers.
 Have the students leave their science workbooks on their tables.
 Dismiss the tables one by one to the smartboard. They must walk, no talking, see who can be the
best table, make good choices and sit by someone who you won’t distract or be distracted by.
I would like you to leave your Science where it is, I am going to dismiss you by tables to the carpet.
We are only going to be there for a couple of minutes and then we’ll come back. I want to see which is
the best table at making good choices, these choices include, walking, no talking, and sitting by
someone who you won’t distract and who won’t distract you. Dismiss tables one by one.
 When everyone is sitting say This video clip that I am going to show you is about two different
kinds of funky plants. The first one is the venus fly trap and the second is the pitcher plant.
Both are carnivorous. Which means what?
 Play the video
 When the video is finished dismiss tables back to their table.
Learning Activity #4: Notes (10 min)
 Write the title on the board Funky Plants
 What are some funky plants? Write out answers while having them explain it. What makes this
plant funky? Where is it from? Does anyone know of a funky plant that hasn’t been listed
o Cactus- from desert, old, spiky, etc
o Venus Fly Trap- from bogs, florida, usa., eats flys
o Pitcher Plant- found in bogs, rainforests- eat insects and even rodents
o Sundew- everywhere, eats flys
 Draw it: Have students draw a picture of one of the funky plants in their Science books
Science books
Closure (5 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
Popsicle sticks
What is one method of seed dispersal? What is another? What is an example of a plant that uses wind
to disperse its seeds? What is your favorite funky plant and why?
Feedback From Students:
What is one thing you learned today?
Feedback To Students:
Talk about the strengths in good behavior and work.
Transition To Next Lesson:
This was our last lesson on plants. Tomorrow and Wednesday you have a final project to complete in class.
There will be different stations and at each station you will have to complete a task- such as drawing a picture
or labeling a plant or describing something. Make sure you take your science books home today and review
everything we learned. Make sure to look at photosynthesis, dispersal and propagation, life cycles, and parts of
“Magic School Bus Plants Seeds” book
What’s my word game- science words only