To: From: Subject: Training Feedback Submission Form contents: SpeakerTrainer: Location: Title: Flora Sanchez Centreville, MD Essentials of Asset Building TOT TitleOther: Dates: April 29-30, 2005 SponsoringOrganization: for Children ClientContact: ClientPhone: Queen Anne\'s County Community Partnerships Linda Roy Walls 410-810-0551 NumberofParticipants: 22 NumberofYouth: 2 NumberofYoungAdult: NumberofAdult: 16 NumberofSenior: 4 0 AudienceIssueAnswer: none KeyQuestions: how do you respond to questions about how DA is different from Character Counts and that it isn\'t just another \"flavor of the month\"? DifficultQuestionsAnswer: ParticipantsNeed: none TechnicalAssistance, Products and Training ParticipantsNeedOther: NewIdeas: They will have made significant investment in products and several will order as result of training. They are raising money to provide Assets in Action trng. As for TA, they will use SI resources, including contacting other initiatives. ExpressDeeperLevel: They are still in early phases of implementation. Noteworthy: They have a strong team and their commitment is impressive. They are actively integrating DA with Character Counts which is big in their community. Their youth engagement is impressive. In particular I was expremely impressed with 17 year old Demetrio Beach who is African American. He is extremely articulate, engaging, and passionate about PYD and DA. This young man could be a national leader--he certainly is a leader in his school and county. He\'s already in demand in neighboring communities and is considering charging for his work with them. He\'s amazing. This community also benefits greatly from the inspired leadership of Linda Walls. Also noteworthy is the diversity of the team--including member of the press, several from the faith community and schools, and many community organizations represented, including service organizations. It\'s an intergeneration group that includes many retiress who are very active as volunteers in their community. All are committed and will work hard to move this effort forward. HardestThingFacing: Not sure--they seem to have all the right ingredients and are moving forward. SpearheadingOrganizations: I will be submitting the list of participants--all are likely to play pivotal roles. YouthInvolvedHow: Absolutely! Demetrio Beach and Amy Brown both attended the HCHY Conference with large team from QA County. They were eager partic in the the TOT and are playing key roles in on-going efforts. ListConcreteExamples: Many. MAP, a mentoring program will combine Char Counts and DA strategies; a Service Learning Initiative thriving at one high school will be replicated in the other HS. Doug Bishop, a newspaper reporter, regularly attends Partnership meetings and then writes articles for the weekly newspaper about DA. SILearnMore: Doug Bishop-410-604-0380 Demetrio Beach 410-725-9039 Jacki Carter 443-262-9786 ContactFromSearchInstitute: Community Liason and Training OtherContactFromSI: FromVTA: StoriesContact: the 3 above, also Linda Roy Wall, training contact, would likely be eager to provide stories. BestPart: This is the 3rd Essentials training I\'ve done in MD and each has been an outstanding experience. There\'s incredible positive energy there and wonderfully committed people. I\'d love to have the chance to work there again. HardestThing: None--it was pure joy. ChangeOneThing: I\'d love for SAM trainer guide to be updated to reflect the adaptations we\'ve made to it. There are just too many places where we have to say \"ignore those instructions\". It tends to confuse participants. Otherwise this event is in great shape.