conference invitation - Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság

Steppe Oak Woods and Pannonic Sand Steppes Conference
6-8 October 2011, Kecskemét, Hungary
WWF Hungary, Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate and Kiskunsági National Park Directorate
organise an international conference in the frame of LIFE projects “Conservation of Euro-siberian
steppic woods and Pannonic sand steppes in ‘Nagykőrösi pusztai tölgyesek’ pSCI”, and “Conservation
of the Pannon endemic Dianthus diutinus”. The aim of the conference is to give an overview of the
present conservation status of steppe woods in Central and Eastern Europe. Special attention is paid
to the most important threatening factors, including the effect of invasive plant and animal species, and
the consequences of forestry and wildlife management. A practical aim of the conference is to
enhance the exchange of experience of the researchers and protected area managers. We welcome
all applicants from within and outside the national borders.
The homepage of the conference is at, under the Conference tab.
6-8 October 2011.
Kecskemét, Aranyhomok Business-Wellness Hotel
( 3 Kossuth square, 6000 Kecskemét,
Main topics:
Mosaics of steppe wood habitats in Central and Eastern Europe. Presentation of the
landscape geography, history, botany, and zoology of some steppe woods in Hungary or another
country, and nature conservation issues. Research results of steppe wood species of special
Invasive plant and animal species in steppe wood habitats. The most important invasive
plant and animal species of the dry plain habitats, their history, and the possibilities of reduction.
Possibilities of forestry and conservation forestry in steppe wood habitats. Forestry under
dry plain conditions. History of forestry and the forestry policy of today. Practical difficulties and
challenges in forestry. Conservation forestry.
Interaction between plant and animal species in steppe wood habitats. The role of big game
in dry plain habitats. Wildlife damage: interactions between game density and the habitat. The
role of vertebrate and invertebrate species in the functioning of the steppe wood environment.
Habitat restoration. The restoration possibilities of steppe wood habitats. Implemented and
planned projects, their results and the most important lessons learnt.
Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate
Kiskunság National Park Directorate
WWF Hungary Foundation
Project partners:
University of Szeged
Kiskunmajsa City Council
Nagykőrös City Council
Steppe Oak Woods and Pannonic Sand Steppes Conference
6-8 October 2011, Kecskemét, Hungary
Participation Fee:
Attending the conference is free of charge, but registration is a prerequisite. Only our registered guests
could be provided with accommodation, free meals, special events, and they will receive a conference
package and the abstract book.
There is a possibility of refunding the travel costs of international speakers within the budget
limitations, to be evaluated individually. If you have such request, please send it to the organisers at together with an explanation.
Accommodation is provided for the attendants at the conference venue at Aranyhomok Hotel for a
discount price of 3000 HUF/room/night (double rooms, in which you can stay alone or with a
roommate, if indicated). The special price is reserved for attendants registering by 22 September
2011 (80 rooms are available). Afterwards, it is only possible to make a booking if there are available
rooms still. Accommodation cost should be paid on arrival. The hotel issues an invoice to the address
given in the application form or to the name of the attendant.
Deadlines for application and handing in the abstract:
Registration as a speaker:
Applications are welcome until 19 September 2011, after which the programme will be finalised. The
application form and the abstract of the speaker’s presentation should arrive by 19 September 2011 to
WWF Hungary by e-mail, post or fax:
WWF Hungary (Klára Kerpely)
1399 Budapest Pf. 694/112.
E-mail: Fax: +36 30 212 9353
Registration as an attendant (with a poster also):
Please send your application form and abstract of your poster (if you would like to present one) to one
of the above addresses of WWF Hungary by 26 September 2011.
The application form can be downloaded from under the Conference tab.
the homepage of
the conference at
Cancellation policy:
If the registered attendant cannot come to the conference, please contact WWF Hungary immediately
(, so that the meals and programmes could be tailored to the actual number
of participants.
If accommodation is requested filling and sending back the registration form is considered a booking.
Free of charge cancellation can be done until 1 October 2011, afterwards the hotel issues the invoice.
Requirements for abstracts and posters:
The abstract should give a one-page overview (approx. 3000 characters with space) on the
background, aims, results and short discussion of the research or field work. Furthermore, please
briefly introduce the speaker’s professional career in a paragraph (maximum of 500 characters).
Abstracts should be attached to the application form electronically in Word format (e-mail or CD).
Steppe Oak Woods and Pannonic Sand Steppes Conference
6-8 October 2011, Kecskemét, Hungary
The language of the conference is English, but simultaneous interpretation into Hungarian will be
provided. Presentations and posters are expected preferably in English (or in Hungarian on the basis
of individual decision).
Posters will be exhibited on the day of arrival, and taken away after the closing of the conference.
An abstract book is to be printed containing the abstracts of the delivered presentations and exhibited
posters and the brief presentation of the speakers.
Preliminary programme:
There will be plenary sessions, discussions and poster session during the first two days, organised
according to the five main topics, and on the third day a visit to the LIFE project area on the Steppe
Oak Woods of Nagykőrös pSCI nature conservation site. Presentations by the invited speakers and
the selected registered speakers are delivered about the five main topics. Further presentations can
be given within the poster session.
Keynote speakers (preliminary):
Prof. Dr. Zoltán Varga, University of Debrecen
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Aßmann, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Klára Szabados, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province
Dr. Sándor Fehér, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Thomas Wrbka, University of Vienna
András Bankovics, Kiskunsági National Park Directorate
György Verő, Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate
Balázs Lesku, Hortobágy National Park Directorate
Dr. Mihalik Erzsébet és Németh Anikó, University of Szeged, Botanical Garden
Dr. Dénes Bartha, University of Western Hungary (tbc)
PD Dr. Goddert von Oheimb, University of Lüneburg (tbc)
HAS Institute of Ecology and Botany (speaker tbc)
The conference programme is being continuously updated on the website. The final programme will be
sent to all registered attendants by e-mail.
Additional programmes are a product tasting of local ecological products and free use of the wellness
facilities of the hotel.
Further information:
Homepage: under the Conference tab
(direct link:
If you have any questions about the organisation, registration, cancellation, accommodation, traveling,
or in general please contact:
Klára Kerpely, 0036-30-233-7368
If you have questions about scientific issues, content of the conference, abstracts and posters, please
Dr. László Gálhidy, 0036-1-214-5554 / extension 118