Half term Overview, autumn 1, 2015 Half-term overview Week 1 Week 2 baseline Personal, Social and Emotional Circle time- flag it up plus circle rules. value- relationships STARS SEAL- new beginningsbelonging to my class. We are special chant. Edwina. PSE: Sense of belonging Expressing own needs Separating from carer Story: Rosie’s first day at school RE: how are we all similar, different? (stand up game) Week 3 baseline SEAL- new beginnings- self awareness, my favourite food etc. I am special because… PSE- how I feel, feelings chart. Talking about school picture 1. Week 4 baseline harvest? Week 5 baseline RE: other peoplemulticultural puppets SEAL- new beginningsunderstanding my feelingsread the story- the new boy. How do we control feelings? PSE: Story: Joe Uselesswhat am I good at? RE: look in a mirror for a special person. What makes me special? SEAL- new beginningsways to calm myself when I am upset. PSE: Expressing own needs- how do I tell others how I feel? Story: I feel happy and sad… RE: people special to mewhy? Communication and Language; Literacy Stories and observations of skills Show and tell x1weekly Individual reading Role play etc Phonics- s a t, sound boxes, eye spy Story- 3 little pigssequencing events, puppets, role play. Plus audio book. Writing- mark making using different tools writing frames Phonics- p i n, oral blending, sound bag Story- Goldilocks - story maps, drama, actions from story, sequencing events. Writing- mark making in sand, foam, using wooden frame Phonics- m d g, initial sound objects in hoops Story- Cinderellacharacters in the story, role play, dressing up. Non-fiction books- People that help us Writing- finger painting, easels Phonics- o ck e, rhymes, sound bags, noisy letters Story- the gingerbread man- sequencing events, using animals in play, changing characters (dinosaurs) Writing- super hero rhyme PP; my favourite superhero- draw or write Mathematics Games and observations of skills Uses some number names and number language spontaneously. Uses some number names accurately in play. Recites numbers in order to 10. Counts up to three or four objects by saying one number name for each item. Uses some number names and number language spontaneously. Recites numbers in order to 10. Counts up to three or four objects by saying one number name for each item. Count reliably up to 5 objects. weighing: Making gingerbread men Understanding of the World Exploring the room and outside area. Talk about people who help us and what they do. who are these superheroes-PP Glitter tray Child ideas ICT: introduce beebot play Look at books about super heroes- why do we like them, what do they do? Spider man letter to make camps Child ideas ICT: simple city- explore making a recipe for a superhero- what do they need Child ideas ICT: camera, taking photos of my friends Physical development Outside play, bikes, hoops. Activate Dance- circle games Games- focus on beanbags (Val Sabin)- starting to throw. Expressive Arts and Design Paintings of self at school Chalk drawings outside; puppet play; dolls houses. Role play Activate FMC activities GMC activities paintings of our families PE- trim trail Role play home corner into super hero camp Games- beanbagscontrolling movement. Music- singing sack, 1 or 2 choices. cut and stick models Activate FMC activities GMC activities Dance- moving like a super hero, flying and climbing! Music-singing sack, 2 new songs (child choice) instruments- make you sound like mine song Role play collages Games- beanbags-throwing upwards (VS) Activate Music- here’s what we do at harvest time… instruments-tap your name FMC activities GMC activities Count reliably up to 5 or 10 objects. Concept of zero Recognises numerals to 5, 10 super hero PP’s, 1 more Talking and thinking book: what we know about our bodies and how to look after them. Child ideas ICT: simple city- the doctors PE- simon says like a superman, Role play Clay faces- flat circles Games- beanbagscatching (VS) Activate FMC activities GMC activities Music- here’s what we do at harvest time… song- Billy the hungry puffer train Autumn 1 2015 Week 6 Complete baseline SEAL- new beginningsother peoples feelings, role play. “Talking about school “pictures. PSE: How others feel- how can I tell? Look at photos of faces- what are they feeling? Why? Role play how I would feel if … happened, how others would feel. Story: busy, busy, busy Phonics- u r h, beat games Story- Little red hen/ Little yellow chick – variations on a story, morality. What would you do? Non fiction book: Our senses Count reliably up to 5 or 10 objects. Concept of zero eating healthy food, making fruit salads Child ideas super hero PP’s, counting down from 5, ICT: voice recorders, beebot play Dance- super hero challenges Games- beanbagscatching and passing Activate FMC activities GMC activities number games Role play construction toy modelling Music- Oscar rhythmintroduce Oscar and Joe Song- here’s what we do at harvest time… Writing- what super power would you like? RE- story of the creation in the Bible Week 7 SEAL- new beginningsclass room rules and sharing. “Talking about school” pictures. PSE: How I feel about school now RE: good characteristicsinner and outer. Phonics- b f /ff l/ll, alliteration Story- three Billy goats gruff- sequencing events, drawing 3 pictures, making booklets, audio CD. Non- fiction book: My Amazing Body Writing- this is me page for class book reciting numbers this is me… class book. counting to 10 starting to mark make for numbers, looking at number recognition for familiar numbers Role play Child ideas Dance- follow a partner, paired movements. gym- apparatus ICT: Using graphics to draw a picture of myself. (to go in book) Activate FMC activities GMC activities Music- Oscar- introduce Henrietta song- Billy the hungry puffer train (repeat) paint clay faces Week 8 SEAL- “Talking about school” pictures. Phonics- j, v, w oral blending, PSE- What I am learning Story. Jack and the Beanstalk audio book/CD. Non fiction book: Playing safely Writing- my favourite story, role play RE- assessment, special inside and out (large outline) Planting daffodil bulbs Dance- long activate foam, sand, water, paint Count reliably up to 5 or 10 objects. Concept of zero Child ideas gym- apparatus 1 more, practical addition ICT: Using graphics to draw a picture of myself.(second half) Music- Oscar- introduce Nicholas and Sheila Song- do you know the story? Jacqui- phonics will be new sound from my plan maths SSM- Shape names ;Pattern.;Comparing size – bigger, smaller; Comparing length and capacity- sand, water,rice, ribbons, balls , trundle wheel, cooking Sizes of shoe, Sizes in Goldilocks story, etc RE from this plan plus RE planning sheet…