History 1010 - Auburn University

History 1010
10:00 section
Haley Center 3195
Fall Semester 2003
Instructor: Joseph Kicklighter
311 Thach Hall
(334) 844-6648
Office hours: Tues., Thurs., 10:00-11:30 or by appointment
e-mail: kicklja@auburn.edu
online syllabus: http://www.auburn.edu/~kicklja
Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA’s): Valerie Pope and Rod Steward.
GTA's will be available in my office during the hours before and after class.
The name of the Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader will be posted on the outside
bulletin boards along with session times and classroom location.
Auburn Survey of World History, Vol. A: Prehistory to 1789 (2000)
Auburn University History Atlas, 3rd ed. (2000)
This course, the first of two history classes included in Auburn’s core curriculum,
describes the development of some of the most important world civilizations from the
earliest ones through the early modern civilization of the Europeans. In this course you
will study the principal characteristics of various major civilizations through the ages; of
particular concern will be the religions which evolved in these civilizations, for their
beliefs both influenced and in turn were affected by the emerging civilizations of which
these religions were a part. Moreover, many of them evolved into major world religions
of today, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Our study of
civilizations through the semester will take us through the eighteenth century.
There are three tests and a NON-COMPREHENSIVE final examination covering ONLY
the material since the third test. The semester grade is determined by assigning a value
to each of your four grades from highest to lowest. For example, your highest grade will
count, 40%, next highest 30%, next 20%, and the very lowest 10%. This works, of
course, entirely to the student’s advantage! When the final number average is within
two (2) points of the higher letter grade, a student’s attendance record will be THE
DETERMINING FACTOR and used to raise the person’s grade to the higher grade
provided the student has made the higher grade on at least one test. (If you don’t
earn an A on one of the tests or the final exam, for example, you will not be “pushed” up
to an A for the term.)Tests this term will include fill-in-the-blanks and multiple choice
type questions. MAKE-UP tests will be composed to terms to explain. All tests will
include questions taken from the lecture notes as well as from the readings in the
textbook. A small section of each test will be taken from your knowledge of specific
countries and cities along with their historical significance. At least a week before each
test and the final exam, you will be given a study guide which will include places you
need to know by location as well as historical significance and other information from
the textbook as well as the lectures that you will need to study and learn thoroughly in
order to do satisfactorily.
1. Academic honesty is an offense reported to the Academic Dishonesty Committee.
2. Any student needing special accommodations should contact the Program for
Students with Disabilities in 1244 Haley Center (844-2096).
3. Final examinations will be administered during the hours specified in the final
examination schedule and noted below.
4. Students who wish to change the time of their final examination must provide
written evidence based on a substantial reason, accompanied by the form provided by
YOUR Dean’s Office.
1. Attend class with a positive attitude for learning; this means that you will need
to concentrate on the subject at hand and focus on understanding what I am
2. Keep up with (and do not fall behind) in reading assignments; you will soon
learn that there is too much reading to try to complete immediately prior to a test.
Note with particular concern the section headings in each chapter as well as the
accompanying photographs and illustrations, and special readings.
3. Rewrite and edit your notes as soon as possible after every class. This will
help you to clarify and absorb what was covered in that lecture as well as
discover what perhaps was omitted from your notes.
4. Tape the lectures so that as you study, you can compare your notes with what
was actually said in the lecture and then you can make corrections and additions
as needed.
5. If you do not know how to take lecture notes very well, if you do not think you
read with great comprehension, if you feel great stress in test taking and feel that
your ability is not reflected in your test scores, it is highly recommended that you
make an appointment with the counselors at Academic Support Services (315
Martin; 844-4388). These trained professionals will be delighted to assist you
with any type of academic problems you are encountering, and my students in
the past who have used these services reported positive results from meeting
with them.
6. Participate in the SI program, Study Partners, or form your own study group
with other class members who want to do well.
7. Understand that in doing well on the tests, it will be necessary to fully
understand and learn the material and not merely memorize it. Failure to realize
this can bring students problems in recalling the correct answers at test time.
8. Staying up all night before a test to "cram" with friends may sound like fun,
but its results in bringing good grades is very limited; it is far better to study
consistently and effectively on a regular basis.
-39. Use note cards to learn important terms well, so no matter what the form I
use to ask you about it, you will know it thoroughly.
10. It is STRONGLY suggested that you bring your Atlas to class so that as I
point out various places in the course of the lecture, you will be more aware of
their significance and location.
11. Lecture outlines are sent out to you by e-mail before the lectures are given
and are also put up on the screen at each class; likewise, you will be provided
with study guides to assist you in your test preparations. Neither, however, can
substitute for good lecture notes.
12. Some of you think you do not like history and/or feel that history is too hard
or not worth learning. All I ask is that you attend this class with an open mind,
give it a chance, and make an effort to follow these guidelines for academic
success. Perhaps by doing so, you’ll be completing this course with a good
grade and maybe, just maybe, a better feeling about history itself!
Your attendance in this class will be taken each day. While attendance is NOT required,
those who do well in this course have over the years come to class routinely with the
understanding that learning from being at the lectures to hear them and take notes is
essential to getting good grades on the tests. However, good class attendance is, of
course, no guarantee of academic success. Seats will be assigned on the basis of
alphabetical order, and a seating chart will be posted on the bulletin boards outside this
room by the next class session. You MUST sit in the seat assigned you; if you are not
sure whether you are sitting in the correct seat, please ask a GTA to assist you. THIS IS
YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! Students with disabilities or other special needs should
submit their names in writing along with an explanation of their special needs (hearing,
seeing, etc.) to a GTA for front seating or other appropriate accommodations; please do
this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE [NOTE: Students in front seating who miss excessively
may lose this special seating.] Students who wish some special consideration in
borderline situations must have no more than three (3) unexcused absences during the
quarter. Absences resulting from verifiable illnesses, University business, and family
emergencies will be excused; but written verifications of absences must be submitted by
the students to a GTA within five (5) class days of returning to class. Similarly, tests
missed for authorized reasons must be made up within five (5) class days at a time
mutually convenient to the GTA and the student. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND
The GTA’s help to ensure that this large class functions in an appropriate fashion.
Please cooperate with us by understanding that sleeping, reading newspapers, studying
other subjects, and loud talking are not permitted. As class attendance is not required,
it is expected that those present will show both courtesy and respect for fellow students
and for the instructor. Additionally, please note that eating and drinking (unless
specifically authorized for medical reasons) are not permitted in this room under
any conditions whatsoever. Students who arrive late or leave EARLY must sit in the
-4rear of the class so that they will not interrupt the lecture. These same students
must give their names in writing to the GTA on duty in order to receive credit for
attending class that day. Please do not ask for exceptions. Failure to follow this policy or
others described here may lead to an absence for that day. Accordingly, if you do not
understand these rules, please ask one of us for a further explanation. In large classes
of this sort, it is essential that everyone try to be as polite and cooperative as possible. If
you don’t wish to follow these suggestions, it is best not to attend class.
To assist students of world history in achieving their highest academic potential, the
University IS providing Supplementary Instruction (SI) for these classes. I strongly
encourage your participation. The SI leaders are undergraduate students like
yourselves who have done well in this course and have been interviewed and hired for
their ability to lead discussions of lecture and textbook topics (one discussion for every
class) with those of you who wish to participate. It is entirely up to the students as to
whether to get involved in SI, but it could be very helpful, as proven by the grades of
many of those who participated in SI last year. It is important for you to understand,
however, that SI is not a tutoring session and not for those who want to cram before a
test . It is for those who wish to enhance their understanding of the subject so that they
can earn the high test scores they want. In addition, be aware that in the basement of
this building there was tutors provided for (among other subjects) world history; these
Study Partners, as they are called, are available at various times throughout the day, so
Wed., Aug. 20
Introduction to the course
Fri., Aug. 22
The world before civilizations
Text: Chap. 1; Atlas: p. 2
Mon., Aug. 25
Wed., Aug. 27
Fri., Aug. 29
The Major Civilizations of North
Africa and the Middle East;
Zoroastrianism and Judaism
Text: Chap. 2; Atlas: p. 3
Wed., Sept. 3
Fri., Sept. 5
Mon., Sept. 8
Wed., Sept. 10
The Indian Civilizations:
Hinduism and Buddhism.
Text: Chap. 3;
Atlas: pp. 4, 7.
FRI., SEPT. 12
Mon., Sept. 15
Wed., Sept. 17
Fri., Sept. 19
Mon., Sept. 22
Wed., Sept. 24
Fri., Sept. 26
Mon., Sept. 29
Wed., Oct. 1
Fri., Oct. 3
Mon., Oct.6
Wed., Oct. 8
Chinese Civilization: Confucianism and Taoism
Text: Chap. 4: Atlas, pp. 4, 7
The Civilizations of classical Greece:
Hellenic and Hellenistic
Text: Chap. 5: Atlas, pp. 5, 6, 65.
Rome: Republic and Empire
Early Christianity
Text: Chap. 6; Atlas, p. 9
The Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity
The Arabs and the Islamic religion:
Africa and Asia; Text: Chaps. 7, 8, 9; Atlas, pp.12, 16, 20.
FRI., OCT. 10
Mon., Oct. 13
Wed., Oct. 15
Fri., Oct. 17
Mon., Oct. 20
Wed., Oct. 22
Fri., Oct. 24
Mon., Oct. 27
Wed., Oct. 29
Fri., Oct., 31
Mon., Nov., 3
WED., NOV. 5
Fri., Nov. 7
Medieval European Civilization and the Catholic Church
Introduction to the European Middle Ages
Text: Chap. 13; Atlas, pp.10, 11, 14
The Renaissance in Italy and Northern Europe
Text: Chap. 15; Atlas, p. 22, 66
The Protestant and Catholic Reformations
Text: Chap. 16; Atlas, p. 22
The Colonial Discoveries and Colonial Empires
Text: Chap. 18; Atlas, pp.24-25
17th Century Europe: Religion, Politics and Absolutism
-6Mon., Nov. 10
Wed., Nov. 12
Fri., Nov. 14
Mon., Nov. 17
Wed., Nov. 19
Fri., Nov. 21
Text, Chap. 17; Atlas, pp. 22, 23.
African Slaves, American Colonies; Text Ch. 20, Atlas 24-25, 27.
The Scientific Revolution, Chap. 23
MON., NOV. 24- FRI., NOV. 28
Mon., Dec. 1
Wed., Dec. 3
Fri., Dec. 5
Mon., Dec. 8
Wed., Dec. 10
The Enlightenment and the “Enlightened Despots”
Chap. 24, Atlas, p.28
SAT., DEC. 13th