Annotated Bibliography
Compiled by the AHRC Metaphysics of Science Project
October 2008
An excellent means of obtaining a quick overview of the causation literature is via the survey articles in the online
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
. These articles provide an thorough review of the history of philosophical debate on causation, as well as an introduction to all of the major extant theories, and the difficulties they each face. Each article contains an extensive bibliography (from which this annotated bibliography is in part drawn).
The forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Causation (ed. Hitchcock, Beebee and Menzies) is an extremely comprehensive, encyclopedic treatment of all aspects, philosophical, scientific and applied, of causation and is expected to become an indispensable resource. It should perhaps be the starting point for any serious investigation of the topic.
This bibliography is divided into eight sections:
Metaphysics of Causation
The Relata of Causation
Univocal Theories of Causation a.
Regularity Theories b.
Counterfactual Theories c.
Manipulability Theories i.
Causation and Action d.
Probabilistic Theories e.
Causal Process Theories i.
Backward Causation
Pluralistic Theories of Causation
Medieval Theories of Causation
Early Modern Theories of Causation
Hume on Causation
Causation and the Law
Mental Causation
Section 10 contains a full alphabetic listing of all the references from sections 1-9, unclassified.
Some major monographs on causation that have appeared in the last ten years are:
Hausman (1998) Causal Asymmetries . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dowe (2000) Physical Causation . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pearl (2000) Causality . Cambridge University Press.
Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines (2000) Causation, Prediction and Search . 2 nd
edition. MIT Press.
Woodward (2003) Making Things Happen . Oxford University Press
Cartwright (2007) Hunting Causes and Using Them. Cambridge University Press.
Hall and Paul (forthcoming).
Two recent important anthologies are:
Causation and Counterfactuals (ed. Collins, Hall and Paul). 2004. MIT Press.
Causal Republicanism (ed. Price and Corry). 2007. Oxford University Press
A particularly helpful introduction to some of the issues is Schaffer’s Stanford Encyclopedia article ‘The
Metaphysics of Causation’.
Achinstein, Peter (1975) “Causation, Transparency, and Emphasis,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 5 , pp.
Achinstein, Peter (1983) The Nature of Explanation . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Anscombe, G. E. M. (1975) “Causality and Determination,” in E. Sosa, ed., Causation and Conditionals .
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 63-81.
Armstrong, D. M. (1997) A World of States of Affairs . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Armstrong, D. M. (1999) “The Open Door,” in H. Sankey, ed.,
Causation and Laws of Nature . Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 175-85.
Aronson, Jerrold (1971) “On the Grammar of ‘Cause’,”
Synthese 22 , pp. 414-30.
Beauchamp, Tom and Alex Rosenberg (1981) Hume and the Problem of Causation . Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Beebee, Helen (2004a), “Causing and Nothingness,” in J. Collins, N. Hall, and L. A. Paul, eds.,
Causation and Counterfactuals . Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press, pp. 291-308.
Beebee, Helen (2004b), “Chance-changing Causal Processes,” in P. Dowe and P. Noordhof, eds., Cause and Chance: Causation in an Indeterministic World . London: Routledge, pp. 39-57.
Bennett, Jonathan (1988) Events and their Names . Indianapolis: Hackett Publishers.
Black, Max (1956) “Why Cannot an Effect Precede its Cause,”
Analysis 16 , pp. 49-58.
Brand, Myles (1980) “Simultaneous Causation,” in P. van Inwagen, ed., Time and Cause: Essays Presented to Richard Taylor . Dordrecht, D. Reidel Publishing, pp. 137-53.
Campbell, Keith (1990) Abstract Particulars . Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Carroll, John (1994) Laws of Nature . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cartwright, Nancy (1983) How the Laws of Physics Lie . Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Castaneda, Hector-Neri (1984) “Causes, Causity, and Energy,” in P. French, T. Uehling, Jr., and H.
Wettstein, eds., Midwest Studies in Philosophy IX . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 17-27.
Coady, David (2004) “Preempting Preemption,” in J. Collins, N. Hall, and L. A. Paul, eds., Causation and
Counterfactuals . Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press, pp. 325-40.
Collingwood, R. G. (1940) An Essay on Metaphysics . Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Collins, John (2000), “Preemptive Prevention,”
Journal of Philosophy 97 , pp. 223-34.
Davidson, Donald (1980a) “Actions, Reasons, and Causes,” orig. 1963, in
Essays on Actions and Events .
Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 3-19.
Davidson, Donald (1980b) “Causal Relations,” orig. 1967, in
Essays on Actions and Events . Oxford:
Clarendon Press, pp. 149-62.
Davidson, Donald (1980c) “The Individuation of Events,” orig. 1969, in
Essays on Actions and Events .
Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 163-80.
Davidson, Donald (1980d) “Mental Events,” orig. 1970, in Essays on Actions and Events . Oxford:
Clarendon Press pp. 207-27.
Davidson, Donald (1985) “Reply to Quine on Events,” in E. LePore and B. McLaughlin, eds.,
Actions and
Events: Essays on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson . Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 172-6.
Davidson, Donald (1993) “Thinking Causes,” in J. Heil and A. Mele, eds., Mental Causation . Oxford:
Clarendon Press, pp. 3-17.
Dowe, Phil (1992) “Wesley Salmon's Process Theory of Causality and the Conserved Quantity Theory,”
Philosophy of Science 59 , pp. 195-216.
Dowe, Phil (2000) Physical Causation . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dowe, Phil (2001) “A Counterfactual Theory of Prevention and ‘Causation’ by Omission,”
Journal of Philosophy 79 , pp. 216-26.
Dretske, Fred (1977) “Referring to Events,” in P. French, T. Uehling, Jr., and H. Wettstein, eds.,
Studies in Philosophy II . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 90-9.
Ducasse, C. J. (1926) “On the Nature and Observability of the Causal Relation,” Journal of Philosophy 23 , pp. 57-68.
Dummett, Michael (1964) “Bringing About the Past,”
Philosophical Review 73 , pp. 338-59.
Eells, Ellery (1991) Probabilistic Causality . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ehring, Douglas (1986) “The Transference Theory of Causality,”
Synthese 67 , pp. 249-58.
Ehring, Douglas (1997) Causation and Persistence . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ellis, Brian (1999) “Causal Powers and Laws of Nature,” in H. Sankey, ed.,
Causation and Laws of Nature .
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 19-34.
Fair, David (1979) “Causation and the Flow of Energy,”
Erkenntnis 14 , pp. 219-50.
Fales, Evan (1990) Causation and Universals . London: Routledge Press.
Ganeri, Jonardon, Paul Noordhof, and Murali Ramachandran (1996) “Counterfactuals and Preemptive
Analysis 56 , pp. 219-25.
Gasking, Douglas (1955) “Causation and Recipes,”
Mind 64 , pp.479-86.
Gödel, Kurt (1949) “A Remark about the Relationship between Relativity Theory and Idealistic
Philosophy,” in P. Schilpp, ed.,
Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist . La Salle: Open Court, pp. 557-62.
Good, I. J. (1961) “A Causal Calculus I,”
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 , pp. 305-18.
Good, I. J. (1962) “A Causal Calculus II,”
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12 , pp. 43-51.
Hall, Ned (2000) “Causation and the Price of Transitivity,” Journal of Philosophy 97 , pp. 198-222.
Hall, Ned (2004) “Two Concepts of Causation” in J. Collins, N. Hall, and L. A. Paul, eds.,
Causation and
Counterfactuals . Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press, pp. 181-204.
Hall, Ned (2007) “Structural Equations and Causation,”,
Philosophical Studies 132 , pp. 109-136.
Hall, Ned and L. A. Paul (manuscript) “Causation and the Counterexamples: A Traveler's Guide”
Halpern, Joseph and Judea Pearl (2005) “Causes and Explanations: A Structural-Model Approach— Part 1:
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56 , pp. 843-87.
Hart, H. L. A. and A. M. Honore (1985) Causation in the Law , orig. 1959. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Hausman, Daniel (1998) Causal Asymmetries . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hitchcock, Christopher (1993) “A Generalized Probabilistic Theory of Causal Relevance,”
Synthese 97 , pp.
Hitchcock, Christopher (1995a) “The Mishap at Reichenbach Fall: Singular vs. General Causation,”
Philosophical Studies 78 , pp. 257-91.
Hitchcock, Christopher (1995b) “Salmon on Explanatory Relevance,”
Philosophy of Science 62 , pp. 304-
Hitchcock, Christopher (1996) “The Role of Contrast in Causal and Explanatory Claims,” Synthese 107 , pp.
Hitchcock, Christopher (2001) “The Intransitivity of Causation Revealed in Equations and Graphs,”
Journal of Philosophy 98 , pp. 273-99.
Hitchcock, Christopher (2004) “Do All and Only Causes Raise the Probabilities of Effects?” in J. Collins,
N. Hall, and L. A. Paul, eds., Causation and Counterfactuals . Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press, pp. 403-
Hitchcock, Christopher (forthcoming) “Prevention, Preemption, and the Principle of Sufficient Reason,”
Philosophical Review .
Horwich, Paul (1987) Asymmetries in Time . Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press.
Hume, David (1975) An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding , orig. 1748. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Kant, Immanuel (1965) Critique of Pure Reason , orig. 1781, trans. N. Kemp Smith. New York: Macmillan
Kim, Jaegwon (1973) “Causation, Nomic Subsumption, and the Concept of Event,”
Journal of Philosophy
70 , pp. 217-36.
Kim, Jaegwon (1976) “Events as Property Exemplifications,” in M. Brand and D. Walton, eds.,
Theory . Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing, pp. 159-77.
Kistler, Max (1998) “Reducing Causality to Transmission,”
Erkenntnis 48 , pp. 1-24.
Kvart, Igal (1986) A Theory of Counterfactuals . Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing.
Kvart, Igal (1997) “Cause and Some Positive Causal Impact,” in J. Tomberlin, ed.,
Perspectives 11: Mind, Causation, and World . Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 401-32.
Kvart, Igal (2004) “Probabilistic Cause, Edge Conditions, Late Preemption and Discrete Cases,” in P.
Dowe and P. Noordhof, eds., Cause and Chance: Causation in an Indeterministic World . London:
Lewis, David (1979) “Counterfactual Dependence and Time's Arrow,”
Nous 13 , pp. 455-76.
Lewis, David (1986a) “Causation,” in Philosophical Papers 2 . Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 159-
Lewis, David (1986b) “Events,” in
Philosophical Papers 2 . Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 241-69.
Lewis, David (2000) “Causation as Influence,” Journal of Philosophy 97 , pp. 182-97.
Lewis, David (2004) “Void and Object,” in J. Collins, N. Hall, and L. A. Paul, eds.,
Causation and
Counterfactuals . Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press, pp. 277-90.
Mackie, J. L. (1965) “Causes and Conditions,” American Philosophical Quarterly 2 , pp. 245-64.
Mackie, J. L. (1974) The Cement of the Universe . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Maslen, Cei (2004) “Causes, Contrasts, and the Nontransitivity of Causation,” in J. Collins, N. Hall, and L.
A. Paul, eds., Causation and Counterfactuals . Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press, pp. 341-58.
McDermott, Michael (1995) “Redundant Causation,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 , pp.
McDermott, Michael (2002) “Causation, Influence, and Sufficiency,”
Journal of Philosophy 99 , pp. 84-
McGrath, Sarah (2005) “Causation by Omission: A Dilemma,”
Philosophical Studies 123 , pp. 125-48.
McGrath, Sarah (manuscript) “Uneventful Causation.”
Mellor, D. H. (1981) Real Time . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mellor, D. H. (1988) “On Raising the Chances of Effects,” in J. Fetzer, ed., Probability and Causality .
Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing, pp. 229-40.
Mellor, D. H. (1995) The Facts of Causation . London: Routledge Press.
Menzies, Peter (1989a) “A Unified Account of Causal Relata,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67 , pp.
Menzies, Peter (1989b) “Probabilistic Causation and Causal Processes: A Critique of Lewis,” Philosophy of
Science 56 , pp. 642-63.
Menzies, Peter (1996) “Probabilistic Causation and the Pre-emption Problem,”
Mind 105 , pp. 85-117.
Menzies, Peter (2004) “Difference-Making in Context,” in J. Collins, N. Hall, and L. A. Paul, eds.,
Causation and Counterfactuals . Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press, pp. 139-80.
Menzies, Peter and Huw Price (1993) “Causation as a Secondary Quality,” British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science 44 , pp. 187-203.
Mill, J. S. (1846) A System of Logic . New York: Harper & Brothers.
Noordhof, Paul (1999) “Probabilistic Causation, Preemption and Counterfactuals,” Mind 108 , pp. 95-125.
Northcott, Robert (forthcoming) “Causation and Contrast Classes,”
Philosophical Studies .
Papineau, David (1993) “Can We Reduce Causal Direction to Probabilities?,” in Hull, D. M. Forbes, and K.
Okruhlik, eds., PSA 1992 vol. 2 . East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association, pp. 238-52.
Paul, L. A. (1999) “Keeping Track of the Time: Emending the Counterfactual Analysis of Causation,”
Analysis 58 , pp. 191-8.
Paul, L. A. (2000) “Aspect Causation,”
Journal of Philosophy 97 , pp. 223-34.
Pearl, Judea (2000) Causality . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Price, Huw (1991) “Agency and Probabilistic Causality,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 , pp. 157-76.
Price, Huw (1996) Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Quine, W. V. O. (1966) The Ways of Paradox . New York: Random House.
Quine, W. V. O. (1985) “Events and Reification,” in E. LePore and B. McLaughlin, eds.,
Actions and
Events: Essays on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson . Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 162-71.
Ramachandran, Murali (1997) “A Counterfactual Analysis of Causation,”
Mind 106 : 263-77.
Reichenbach, Hans (1956) The Direction of Time . Berkeley: University of California Press.
Rosen, Deborah (1978) “In Defense of a Probabilistic Theory of Causality,”
Philosophy of Science 45 , pp.
Russell, Bertrand (1992) “On the Notion of Cause,” orig. 1912, in J. Slater, ed., The Collected Papers of
Bertrand Russell v6: Logical and Philosophical Papers 1909-1913 . London: Routledge Press, pp. 193-210.
Russell, Bertrand (1948) Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits . New York, Simon and Schuster.
Salmon, Wesley (1984) Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World . Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
Salmon, Wesley (1997) “Causality and Explanation: A Reply to Two Critiques,”
Philosophy of Science 64 , pp. 461-77.
Salmon,Wesley (1998) Causality and Explanation . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sartorio, Carolina (2005) “Causes as Difference-Makers,”
Philosophical Studies 123 , pp. 71-96.
Sayre, Kenneth (1977) “Statistical Models of Causal Relations,”
Philosophy of Science 44 , pp. 203-14.
Schaffer, Jonathan (2000a) “Trumping Preemption,”
Journal of Philosophy 97 , pp. 165-81.
Schaffer, Jonathan (2000b) “Overlappings: Probability-Raising without Causation,”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 , pp. 40-6.
Schaffer, Jonathan (2000c) “Causation by Disconnection,”
Philosophy of Science 67 , pp. 285-300.
Schaffer, Jonathan (2001) “Causes as Probability-Raisers of Processes,” Journal of Philosophy 98 , pp. 75-
Schaffer, Jonathan (2005) “Contrastive Causation,”
Philosophical Review 114 , pp. 327-58.
Schaffer, Jonathan (manuscript) “Causal Contextualisms: Contrast, Default, and Model.”
Shoemaker, Sydney (1980) “Causality and Properties,” in P. van Inwagen, ed.,
Time and Cause: Essays
Presented to Richard Taylor . Dordrecht, D. Reidel Publishing, pp. 109-35.
Shoemaker, Sydney (1998) “Causal and Metaphysical Necessity,”
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 79 , pp.
Skyrms, Brian (1984) “EPR: Lessons for Metaphysics,” in P. French, T. Uehling, Jr., and H. Wettstein, eds., Midwest Studies in Philosophy IX . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 245-55.
Sober, Elliott (1985) “Two Concepts of Cause,” in P. Asquith and P. Kitcher, eds., PSA 1984 vol. 2 . East
Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association, pp. 405-24.
Spirtes, Peter, Clark Glymour, and Richard Scheines (1993) Causation, Prediction, and Search . New York:
Strawson, P. F. (1985) “Causality and Explanation,” in B. Vermazen and M. Hintikka, eds.,
Essays on
Davidson: Actions and Events . Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 115-36.
Steward, Helen (1997) The Ontology of Mind . Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Suppes, Patrick (1970) A Probabilistic Theory of Causality . Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing.
Swain, Marshall (1978) “A Counterfactual Analysis of Event Causation,”
Philosophical Studies 34 , pp. 1-
Taylor, Richard (1966) Action and Purpose . New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Tooley, Michael (1987) Causation: A Realist Approach . Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Tooley, Michael (2004) “Probability and causation,” in P. Dowe and P. Noordhof, eds.,
Cause and Chance:
Causation in an Indeterministic World . London: Routledge, pp. 77-119.
Van Fraassen, Bas (1980) The Scientific Image . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Von Wright, G. H. (1975) “On the Logic and Epistemology of the Causal Relation,” in
Causation and
Conditionals . Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 95-113.
Woodward, James (1984) “A Theory of Singular Causal Explanation,” Erkenntnis 21 , pp. 231-62.
Woodward, Jim (2003) A Theory of Explanation . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Yablo, Stephen (2002) “De Facto Dependence,”
Journal of Philosophy 99 , pp. 130-48.
Again, Schaffer’s Stanford encyclopedia article provides a useful introduction to this topic.
Achinstein, P. (1983).
The Causal Relation’, in his
The Nature of Explanation.
Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Anscombe, G.E.M. (1969). ‘Extensionality Reconsidered’.
Journal of Philosophy 66: 152-9.
Armstrong, D.M. (1997). A World of States of Affairs . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Aronson, J. L. (1971). ‘On the Grammar of “Cause” ’.
Synthese 22: 414-30.
Beebee, H. (2004). ‘Causing and Nothingness’, in Collins, Hall and Paul 2004, 291-308.
Bennett, J. (1988). Events and Their Names.
Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
Brawn, D. (1995). ‘Causally Relevant Properties’.
Philosophical Perspectives 8: 447-75.
Byerly, H. (1979). ‘Substantial Causes and Nomic Determination’.
Philosophy of Science 46: 57-81.
Campbell, K. (1990). Abstract Particulars.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Clarke, R. (1969). ‘Agent Causation and Event Causation’.
Philosophical Topics 24: 19-48.
Collins, J., E.J. Hall and L.A. Paul. (eds.). (2004). Causation and Counterfactuals . Cambridge: MIT Press.
Cummins, R., and Gottlieb, D. (1972). ‘On an Argument for Truth-Functionality’.
American Philosophical
Quarterly 9: 265-9.
Davidson, D. ([1967] 1980). ‘Causal Relations’. Journal of Philosophy 64: 691-703. Reprinted in his 1980, 149-62.
------- ([1969] 1980). ‘The Individuation of Events’, in N. Rescher (ed.), Essays in Honor of Carl G. Hempel .
Dordrecht: Reidel, 216-37. Reprinted in his 1980, 163-80.
-------(1980). Essays on Actions and Events . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
----- (1985). ‘Reply to Quine on Events’, in LePore and McLaughlin 1985, 172-6.
Dretske, F. (1977). ‘Referring to Events’.
Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2: 369-78.
Ehring, D. (1987a). ‘Causal Relata’.
Synthese 73: 319-28.
--------- (1987b) ‘Compound Emphasis and Causal Relata’. Analysis 47: 209-13.
--------- (1997). Causation and Persistence: A Theory of Causation . New York: Oxford University Press.
---------- (2003). ‘Part-Whole Physicalism and Mental Causation’. Synthese 136: 359-88.
Hall, E.J. (2004a). ‘Causation and the Price of Transitivity’, in Collins, Hall and Paul 2004, 181-204.
Kim, J. ([1973] 1993). ‘Causation, Nomic Subsumption, and the Concept of an Event’.
Journal of Philosophy 70:
217-36. Reprinted in his 1993, 3-21.
--------- ([1976] 1993). ‘Events as Property Exemplifications’, in Brand, M. and Walton (eds.), Action Theory.
Dordrecht: Reidel, 159-77. Reprinted in his 1993, 33-52.
---------(1977). ‘Causation, Emphasis, and Events’. Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2: 100-03.
Kvart, I. (1991).‘Transitivity and Preemption of Causal Impact’.
Philosophical Studies 64: 125-60.
LePore, E. and McLaughlin, B. (eds.) (1985). Actions and Events: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald
Davidson . Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Lewis, D. ([1973] 1986c). ‘Causation’.
The Journal of Philosophy 70: 556-67. Reprinted in his 1986c, 159-71.
---------(1986a). ‘Events’, in his 1986c, 241-70.
----- (1986b). ‘Postscripts to “Causation” ’, in his 1986c, 172-213.
--------(1986c). Philosophical Papers, vol. II . New York: Oxford University Press.
------- ([2000] 2004a). ‘Causation as Influence’. Journal of Philosophy 97: 182-97. Expanded version in Collins,
Hall and Paul 2004, 75-106.
--------(2004b). ‘Void and Object’, in Collins, Hall and Paul 2004, 277-90.
Mackie, J.L. (1974). The Cement of the Universe: A Study of Causation . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Maslen, C. (2004). ‘Causes, Contrasts, and the Nontransitivity of Causation’, in Collins, Hall and Paul 2004, 341-
Meinertsen, B. R. (2000). ‘Events, Facts and Causation’. Pozna n Studies in the Philosophy of Sciences and the
Humanities 76: 145-81.
Mellor, D. H. (1995). The Facts of Causation . London: Routledge.
-------- (2004). ‘For Facts as Causes and Effects’, in Collins, Hall and Paul 2004, 309-57.
Menzies, P. (1989). ‘A Unified Account of Causal Relata’.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67: 59-83.
Moore, M. (2005). ‘Causal Relata’.
Philosophia Pratica Universalis: Festschrift for Joachim Hruschka, Annual
Review of Law and Ethics 13: 589-641.
Neale, S. (2001). Facing Facts . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Needham, P. (1988). ‘Causation: Relation or Connective?’.
Dialectica 42: 201-19.
Noorhof, P. (1998). ‘Do Tropes Resolve the Problem of Mental Causation?’.
The Philosophical Quarterly 48: 221-
Paul, L.A. (2004). ‘Aspect Causation’.
Journal of Philosophy 97:235-56 (2000). Reprinted in Collins, Hall and
Paul 2004, 205-24.
Persson, J. (2002). ‘Cause, Effect and Fake Causation’,
Synthese 131: 129-43.
Quine, W.V. (1985). ‘Events and Reification’, in LePore and McLaughlin 1985, 162-76.
Robb, D. (1997). ‘The Properties of Mental Causaiton’. The Philosophical Quarterly 47: 178-94.
Rodriguez-Pereyra, G. (1998). ‘Mellor’s Facts and Chances of Causation’. Analysis 58: 175-81.
Sanford, D. (1985). ‘Causal Relata’, in LePore and McLaughlin 1985, 282-93.
Schaffer, J. (2003). ‘The Metaphysics of Causation’.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2003
Edition) , Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.
3a. Regularity Theories Of Causation
Hume’s treatment of causation is perhaps the most famous and influential work on causation of all time. Mackie provides a more recent regularity theory, partly in response to which subsequent major theories of causation emerged as rivals.
Armstrong, D. M. (1983). What Is a Law of Nature?
Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Beebee, H. (2006). Hume on Causation . Abingdon: Routledge.
------ (2006). ‘Does Anything Hold the Universe Together?. Synthese 149: 509-33.
Baumgartner, M. (2008). ‘Regularity Theories Reassessed’ Philosophia 36, 327-354.
Brown, T. (1822). Inquiry Into The Relation of Cause and Effect . Andover: Flaggand
Gould Printers.
Clendinnen, J. F. (1992). ‘Nomic Dependence and Causation’. Philosophy of Science
59: 341-60.
Davidson, D. (1967). ‘Causal Relations’. Journal of Philosophy 64: 691-703. Reprinted in E. Sosa & M. Tooley (eds.) Causation . Oxford: Oxford University Press 1993: 75-87.
Ducasse, C. J. (1951). Nature, Mind and Death . LaSalle, IL: Open Court.
Goodman, N. (1983). Fact, Fiction and Forecast . (fourth edition). Cambridge
MA: Harvard University Press.
Mackie, J. L. (1974). The Cement of the Universe: A Study of Causation . Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
Mill, J. S. (1911). A System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive . London: Longmans,
Green and Co.
Pap, A. (1952). ‘Philosophical Analysis, Translation Schemas, and the Regularity Theory of Causation’.
Journal of Philosophy 49: 657-66.
Psillos, S. (2002). Causation and Explanation . Chesham: Acumen.
------ (2007). ‘What is Causation?’. In Beena Choksi & Chitra Natarajan (eds) epiSTEME Reviews: Research
Trends in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education . Macmillan India Ltd.
Ramsey, F. P. (1928) ‘Universals of Law and of Fact’ in D. H. Mellor (ed.)
Foundations: Essays in Philosophy,
Logic, Mathematics and Economics . London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1978.
Strawson, G. (1987). ‘Realism and Causation’. Philosophical Quarterly 37: 253–
------ (1989). The Secret Connexion . Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Venn, J. (1889). The Principles of Empirical or Inductive Logic . London & New
York: MacMillan
3b Counterfactual Theories of Causation
The locus classicus for counterfactual theories of causation is David Lewis’s 1973 paper ‘Causation’.
Counterfactual theories have lately enjoyed a resurgence, and today are probably the most popular of all extant accounts. See Causation and Counterfactuals (2004) ed. Collins, Hall and Paul for a comprehensive treatment of the topic.
Arntzenius, F. (1993): “The Classical Failure to Account for Electromagnetic Arrows of Time” in G.
Massey, T. Horowitz and A. Janis (eds.), Scientific Failure . Lanham: Rowman and Littlfield, pp.29-48.
Barker, S. (2004): “Analysing Chancy Causation without Appeal to Chance-raising”, in Dowe, P and P.
Noordhof (2004), pp.120-137.
Beebee, H. (2004):“Chance-changing Causal Processes”, in Dowe and Noordhof (2004), 39-57.
Bennett, J. (1987): “Event Causation: the Counterfactual Analysis”,
Philosophical Perspectives , 1, pp.367-
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3c. Manipulability Theories of Causation
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Philosophy , pp. 98 , 273- 299.
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3c.1 Causation And Action
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3d. Probabilistic Theories of Causation
Eels’s Probabilistic Causality (1991) and Hausman’s Causal Asymmetries (1998) provide perhaps the most recent and comprehensive discussions.
Arntzenius, Frank. (1993) “The Common Cause Principle,” in Hull, Forbes, and Okruhlik (1993), pp. 227 -
Bennett, Jonathan. (1988) Events and Their Names . Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett.
Carroll, John. (1991) “Property-level Causation?”
Philosophical Studies 63 : 245-70.
Cartwright, Nancy. (1979) ?usal Laws and Effective Strategies,” Noûs
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Dupré, John. (1984) “Probabilistic Causality Emancipated,” in Peter French, Theodore Uehling, Jr., and
Howard Wettstein, eds., (1984) Midwest Studies in Philosophy IX (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
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Earman, John. (1986) A Primer on Determinism . Dordrecht: Reidel.
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Good, I. J. (1961) “A Causal Calculus I,”
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 : 305-18.
-----. (1962) “A Causal Calculus II,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12 : 43-51.
Hausman, Daniel. (1998) Causal Asymmetries . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hausman, Daniel, and Woodward, James. (1999) “Independence, Invariance, and the Causal Markov
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 : 1 - 63.
Hesslow, Germund. (1976) “Discussion: Two Notes on the Probabilistic Approach to Causality,”
Philosophy of Science 43 : 290 - 292.
Hitchcock, Christopher. (1993) “A Generalized Probabilistic Theory of Causal Relevance,”
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-----. (1995) “The Mishap at Reichenbach Fall: Singular vs. General Causation,” Philosophical Studies 78 :
257 - 291.
----. (2001a) “A Tale of Two Effects,” Philosophical Review 110 : 361 - 396.
-----. (2001b) “Causal Generalizations and Good Advice,” Monist 84 : 218 - 241.
-----. (2002) “Do All and Only Causes Raise the Probabilities of Effects?” in John Collins, Ned Hall, and
L.A. Paul (eds.), Causation and Counterfactuals (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2002).
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Hume, David. (1748) An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding .
Humphreys, Paul. (1989) The Chances of Explanation: Causal Explanations in the Social, Medical, and
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Kvart, Igal. (1997) “Cause and Some Positive Causal Impact,”
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Lewis, David. (1986a) “Causation” and “Postscripts to ‘Causation’,” in Lewis (1986c), pp. 172-213.
-----. (1986b) “Counterfactual Dependence and Time's Arrow” and “Postscripts to ‘Counterfactual
Dependence and Time's Arrow’,” in Lewis (1986c), pp. 32 - 66.
-----. (1986c) Philosophical Papers, Volume II . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mackie, John. (1974) The Cement of the Universe . Oxford: Clarendon Press.
McKim, Vaughn, and Stephen Turner, eds. (1997) Causality in Crisis?
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Dame Press.
Menzies, Peter. (1989) “Probabilistic Causation and Causal Processes: A Critique of Lewis,” Philosophy of
Science 56 : 642-63.
Menzies, Peter. (1996) “Probabilistic Causation and the Pre-emptionProblem”,
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Mill, John Stuart. (1843) A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive . London: Parker and Son.
Noordhof, Paul. (1999) “Probabilistic Causation, Preemption and Counterfactuals,”
Mind 108 : 95 - 125.
Papineau, David. (1993) “Can We Reduce Causal Direction to Probabilities?” in Hull, Forbes and Okruhlik
(1993), pp. 238-252.
Pearl, Judea. (1999) “Reasoning with Cause and Effect,” in Proceedings of the International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (San Francisco: Morgan Kaufman), pp. 1437 - 1449.
-----. (2000) Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Price, Huw. (1991) “Agency and Probabalistic Causality”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 :
157 -76.
Reichenbach, Hans. (1956) The Direction of Time . Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California
Salmon, Wesley. (1980) “Probabilistic Causality,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 61 : 50 - 74.
Scheines, Richard. (1997) “An Introduction to Causal Inference” in McKim and Turner (1997), pp. 185 -
Skyrms, Brian. (1980) Causal Necessity . New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Sober, Elliott. (1985) “Two Concepts of Cause” in Peter Asquith and Philip Kitcher, eds.,
PSA 1984, Vol. II
(East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association), pp. 405-424.
Spirtes, Peter, Clark Glymour, and Richard Scheines. (2000) Causation, Prediction and Search , Second edition. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press.
Suppes, Patrick. (1970) A Probabilistic Theory of Causality . Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing
Woodward, James. (1990) “Supervenience and Singular Causal Claims,” in Dudley Knowles, ed.,
Explanation and its Limits (Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press), pp. 211 - 246.
3e. Causal Processes Theories of Causation
David Fair’s ‘Causation and the Flow of Energy’(1979) is a stimulating an underrated early attempt to outline a physical theory of causation. Causal process theories currently represent the minority view, but still have a number of defenders. Salmon, and especially Dowe (2000) have provided extensive and technical treatments.
Armstrong, D. M. (1978). Nominalism and Realism . Cambridge: University Press.
Armstrong, D. M. (1980). Identity Through Time. In P. van Inwagen (Ed.), Time and Cause (pp. 67-78).
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Causation and Counterfactuals.
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 445-58.
Aronson, J. (1971). On the Grammar of ‘Cause’. Synthese 22: 414-430.
Beebee, H. (1998). Douglas Ehring, Causation and Persistence . British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science, 49:181-84.
Beebee, H. (2004). Causing and Nothingness, in J. Collins, N. Hall and L. Paul (eds.), Causation and
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 291-308.
Bigelow, J., Ellis, B., and Pargetter, R. (1988). Forces. Philosophy of Science, 55: 614-30.
Bigelow, J. and Pargetter, R. (1990). Science and Necessity . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cartwright, N. (2004). Causation: One Word, Many Things. Philosophy of Science, 71: 805-19.
Castaneda, H. (1980). Causes, Energy and Constant Conjunctions, in P. van Inwagen (ed.) Time and Cause.
Dordrecht: Reidel, 81-108.
Chakravartty, A. (2005). Causal Realism: Events and Processes. Erkenntnis, 63:7-31.
Choi, S. (2002). Causation and gerrymandered world lines: A critique of Salmon.
Philosophy of Science, 69:
Choi, S. (2003). The conserved quantity theory of causation and closed systems. Philosophy of Science, 70:
Collier, J. (1999). Causation is the Transfer of Information. in H. Sankey, (ed.), Causation and Laws of
Nature . Dordrecht: Kluwer, 215-245.
Dowe, P. (1992). Wesley Salmon's Process Theory of Causality and the Conserved Quantity Theory.
Philosophy of Science 59: 195-216.
Dowe, P. (1995). Causality and Conserved Quantities: A Reply to Salmon. Philosophy of Science 62: 321-
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Laws of Nature Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp.247-63.
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Dowe, P. (2001). A Counterfactual Theory of Prevention and ‘Causation’ by Omission. Australasian
Journal of Philosophy, 79: 216-26.
Dowe, P. (2004). Why Preventers and Omissions are not Causes. in Hitchcock, C (ed) Contemporary
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Ehring, D. (1997). Causation and Persistence . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ehring, D. (2003). Physical Causation. Mind, 112: 529-33.
Fair, D. (1979). Causation and the Flow of Energy. Erkenntnis 14: 219-250.
Garcia-Encinas M. (2004). Transference, or identity theories of causation?. Theoria, 19: 31-47.
Hall, N. (2004). Two Concepts of Causation. in J. Collins, N. Hall and L. Paul (eds.), Causation and
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 225-276.
Hanna, J. (1986). Book Review: Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World. Review of
Metaphysics 39: 582.
Hausman, D. (1998). Causal Asymmetries . New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hausman, D. (2002). Physical Causation. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33B: 717-
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Field Theory). Erkenntnis.
31: 77-108.
Hitchcock, C. (1995). Salmon on Explanatory Relevance. Philosophy of Science, 62: 304-20.
Hitchcock, C. (2001). The intransitivity of causation revealed in equations and graphs. Journal of
Philosophy, 98 (6): 273-299.
Hitchcock, C. (2004). Causal processes and interactions: What are they and what are they good for?.
Philosophy of Science, 71: 932-41.
Hunt, I. (2005) Omissions and Preventions as Cases of Genuine Causation. Philosophical Papers 34:209-
Kim, S. (2001). Physical process theories and token-probabilistic causation. Erkenntnis, 54: 235-45.
Kistler, M. (1998). Reducing Causality to Transmission. Erkenntnis, 48: 1-24.
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Kitcher, P. (1989). Explanatory Unification and the Causal Structure of the World. In P. Kitcher and W.
Salmon (Eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume XIII (pp. 410-505). Minneapolis:
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Koons, R. (2003). Physical Causation. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 67:244-48.
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