Europass Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Surname, First name
Date of birth
Curiotto, Stefano
143, Boulevard Paul Claudel
13010 Marseille, France
+33 4 91413288
+33 6 62922886,
Work experience
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Post-Doc 2
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Post-Doc 1
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employers
from October 2009 to date
Study of metal particles on oxides
Measurements and calculations of surface tension of Au-Si alloys
Development of a ultra high vacuum chamber with a scanning electron gun
coupled with an Auger detector
CINaM-CNRS, Campus de Luminy – case 913, 13288 Marseille, France
from March 2008 to September 2009
Study of Al2O3 surfaces annealed in different environments
Calculation of surface and interface energies of immiscible liquid metals
Experiments of de-wetting of Cu layers on Al2O3 substrates with different
crystallographic orientations
CINaM-CNRS, Campus de Luminy – case 913, 13288 Marseille, France
from February 2007 to February 2008
(4 months in Italy, 4 months in Denmark and 4 months in France)
Experimental studies of microstructures in rapidly solidified Cu-based alloys
Deposition of Cu on Co substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Calculations and experiments on the wetting of liquid Cu on Co
CINaM-CNRS, Campus de Luminy – case 913, 13288 Marseille, France
Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, DK - 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
University of Torino, via Giuria 9, 10125 Torino, Italy
Education and training
PhD in Chemical Sciences
Principal subject
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Curiotto Stefano
Metallurgy, title of the thesis: “Undercooling and phase transformations in Cu-based
Name and type of organization
providing education and training
Additional informations
Master degree in Materials
Principal subjects
Name and type of organization
providing education and training
Additional informations
Attended courses
Personal skills and
Main calculation models used
Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17 DK - 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
University of Torino, via Giuria 9, 10125 Torino, Italy
Work performed at the University of Torino, Italy and at the Risoe National
Laboratory of Roskilde, Denmark, within the framework of the project “CoolCop”.
The project was financed by the European Space Agency and involved also the
German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the French Centre Interdisciplinaire de
Nanoscience de Marseille (CINaM-CNRS). We studied the metastable liquid phase
separation of Cu-based alloys.
15/09/1997 - 16/09/2003
Structural materials, title of the thesis (in Italian): “Analisi di microstrutture di
solidificazione in leghe Fe-C di elevata purezza” (analysis of solidification
microstructures in high-purity Fe-C alloys)
University of Torino, via Giuria 9, 10125 Torino, Italy
110/110 cum laude
Winner of the prize “best master thesis in Materials Science” (year 2003)
General chemistry, organic chemistry, material chemistry, physical chemistry,
metallurgy, analytic chemistry, polymer science, molecular spectroscopy, chemistry
and material science practical exercises, chemistry and technology of materials
General physics (I and II), materials structure, solid state physics, quantum
mechanics, physics and solid state physics exercises, structure and properties of
Mathematics (I and II), mathematical methods for physics
Computer science and calculation (programming languages: fortran and pascal)
General economics
Knowledge of Metallurgy and Thermodynamics
CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams)
Surface and interface energy calculations with a multilayer model
Main experimental techniques used
Mother tongue
Other language(s)
Arc and induction melting, melt spinning, mold casting, electrochemical etching, 3-D
reconstruction by sequential polishing, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning
electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Rietveld analysis, Ultra High Vacuum,
Auger spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy
English and French
Publications on S. Curiotto, H. Chien, H. Meltzman, P. Wynblatt, G.S. Rohrer, W.D. Kaplan, D.
international journals
“Orientation Relationships of Copper Crystals on C-Plane Sapphire”
Acta Materialia, vol. 59 (2011) 5320-5331.
P. Krogstrup, S. Curiotto, E. Johnson, M. Aagesen, J. Nygaard and D. Chatain
“Impact of the liquid phase shape on the structure of III-V nanowires”
Physical Review Letters, vol. 106 (2011) 125505.
P. Wynblatt, S. Curiotto, D. Chatain
“A model of oxygen adsorption at liquid copper surfaces”
Surface Science, vol. 604 (2010) 1369-1376.
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Curiotto Stefano
I. Kaban, S. Curiotto, D. Chatain, W. Hoyer
“Surfaces, interfaces and phase transitions in Al-In monotectic alloys”
Acta Materialia, vol. 58 (2010) 3406-3414.
I. Egry, L. Ratke, M. Kolbe, D. Chatain, S. Curiotto, L. Battezzati, E. Johnson,
N. Pryds
“Interfacial properties of immiscible Co-Cu alloys”
Journal of Materials Science, vol. 45 (2010) 1979-1985.
L. Battezzati, E. Johnson, N. Pryds, A. Penna and S. Curiotto
“The solidification in the presence of a metastable miscibility gap: the case of
Co-Cu and Co-Cu-X alloys”
Materials Science Forum, vol. 649 (2010) 41-46.
S. Curiotto, D. Chatain
“Surface morphology and composition of c-, a- and m- sapphire surfaces in O2
and H2 environments”
Surface Science, vol. 603 (2009) 2688-2697.
S. Curiotto, D. Chatain
“Solid/liquid interfacial energy and wetting of Cu at Co surfaces and grain
Scripta Materialia, vol. 60 (2009) 40-43.
S. Curiotto, E. Johnson, F. Celegato, M. Coisson, N.H. Pryds
“Giant magnetoresistance in melt spun Cu 85Co10Ni5”
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 321 (2009) 131-136.
S. Curiotto, L. Battezzati, E. Johnson, M. Palumbo, N.H. Pryds
“The liquid metastable miscibility gap in the Cu-Co-Fe system”
Journal of Materials Science, vol. 43 (2008) 3253-3258.
I. Gallino, S. Curiotto, M. Baricco, M. Kassner, R. Busch
“Homogenization of highly alloyed Cu-Fe-Ni: a phase diagram study”
Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, vol. 29 (2008) 131-135.
S. Curiotto, L. Battezzati, E. Johnson, N.H. Pryds
“Thermodynamics and mechanism of demixing in undercooled Cu-Co-Ni alloys”
Acta Materialia, vol. 55 (2007) 6642–6650.
S. Curiotto, R. Greco, N.H. Pryds, E. Johnson, L. Battezzati
“The liquid metastable miscibility gap in Cu-based systems”
Fluid Phase Equilibria, vol. 256 (2007) 132-136.
L. Battezzati, S. Curiotto, E. Johnson, N.H. Pryds
“Undercooling and demixing in rapidly solidified Cu-Co alloys”
Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 449-451 (2007) 7-11.
S. Curiotto, N.H. Pryds, E. Johnson, L. Battezzati
“Effect of cooling rate on the solidification of Cu 58Co42”
Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 449-451 (2007) 644-648.
Enhancing achievements Oral presentation: S. Curiotto D. Chatain
Orientation relationships and interfacial energies of copper on c-plane sapphire
E-MRS 2011 spring meeting, Nice, France, 9-13 May 2011.
Seminar: S. Curiotto
Model of oxygen adsorption at the surface of liquid copper
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Curiotto Stefano
IENI-CNR, Genova, Italie, 25 November 2010.
Oral presentation: S. Curiotto D. Chatain
Orientation Relationships of Copper on Sapphire
Macan partner meeting, Bohinj, Slovenia, 25-28 July 2010.
Poster: S. Curiotto D. Chatain
Interfaces between copper crystals and sapphire
Macan Conference on Interfaces, Berlin, Germany, 14-17 November 2009.
Oral presentation: S. Curiotto D. Chatain
Cu/sapphire surfaces and interfaces
PICS 2009, Marseille, France, 10-13 June 2009.
Oral presentation: S. Curiotto D. Chatain
Interfaces of copper crystals with different sapphire planes
High Temperature Capillarity 2009, Athens, Greece, 5-9 May 2009.
Poster: S. Curiotto D. Chatain
Cu/sapphire surfaces and interfaces
Journées scientifiques du C’Nano PACA 2ème édition, Porquerolles, France,
25-27 May 2009.
Poster: S. Curiotto D. Chatain
Cu/sapphire surfaces and interfaces
High Temperature Capillarity 2009, Athens, Greece, 5-9 May 2009.
Oral presentation: S. Curiotto D. Chatain
Interfaces of copper crystals equilibrated on different sapphire planes
Materials Science and Technology 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA),
octobre 2008.
Oral presentation: S. Curiotto
Calculations and optimization of phase diagrams in Cu-based systems
PICS 2008, Marseille, France, 5-7 June 2008..
Oral presentation: S. Curiotto, D. Chatain, L. Battezzati, E. Johnson, N.H. Pryds
Liquid-liquid phase separation and wetting behavior in Cu-based systems
18th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Pau (France), 31
aout-4 septembre 2008.
Oral presentation: S. Curiotto, L. Battezzati, E. Johnson, N.H. Pryds
Liquid phase separation in Cu-Co alloys solidified with different cooling rate
3rd International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space, Nara (Japon)
octobre 2007.
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Curiotto Stefano