Dr. Kunshan Gao Professor, Marine Photobiology State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University Daxue Road 182 (HAIYANG-LOU), Xiamen, Fujian, 361005, China; Tel. 86-592-2187982, Fax: 86-592-2187963, Email: ksgao@xmu.edu.cn Web page: http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/englishweb/teacherfile.asp?tid=125 PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION Education: B.S. Ocean University of China, Fishery Biology, 1982. M.S.Tokyo University of oceanography, phycology, 1986. Ph.D, Kyoto University (Japan), ecological physiology of algae, 1989, supervised by Isamu Umezaki Professional Appointments Mingjiang Chair professor, Xiamen University Professor and director, Marine Biology Institute, Shantou Univ., 2000-2006 Professor for One-hundred talented program of CAS at Institute of Hydrobiology, 1997-2000. Associate professor, Shantou University, 1995-1996 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA, 1992-1994 Postdoctoral Research scientist, Research Institute of Kansai Electric Power Co., Japan, 1989-1992 Five relevant publications 1. Gao KS*, Xu JT, Gao G, Li Y, Hutchins D, Huang BQ, Jin P, Cai XN, Häder DP, Li W, Xu K, Liu N, and Riebesell U. 2012. Rising CO2 and increased light exposure synergistically reduce marine primary productivity. Nature Climate Change. DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1507. 2. Wu YP, Gao KS* and Riebesell U. 2010. CO2-induced seawater acidification affects physiological performance of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Biogeosciences. 7: 2915-2923. 3. Gao KS* and Zheng YQ. 2010. Combined effects of ocean acidification and solar UV radiation on photosynthesis, growth, pigmentation and calcification of the coralline alga Corallina sessilis (Rhodophyta). Global Change Biology. 16(8): 2388-2398. 4. Gao KS*, Ruan ZX, Villafañe VE, Gattuso JP and Helbling EW. 2009. Ocean acidification exacerbates the effect of UV radiation on the calcifying phytoplankter Emiliania huxleyi. Limnology and Oceanography. 54(6): 1855-1862. 5. Gao KS*, Wu YP, Li G, Wu HY, Villafañe VE and Helbling EW. 2007. Solar UV-radiation drives CO2-fixation in marine phytoplankton: A double-edged sword. Plant Physiology. 144(1): 54-59. Five other significant publications 6. Li G, Gao KS* and Gao G. 2011. Differential impacts of solar UV radiation on photosynthetic carbon fixation from the coastal to offshore surface waters in the South China Sea. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 87: 329-334. 7. Gao KS, Li P, Watanabe T and Helbling EW. 2008. Combined effects of ultraviolet radiation and temperature on morphology, photosynthesis and DNA of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (cyanophyta). Journal of Phycology. 44(3): 777-786. 8. Gao KS, Li G, Helbling EW and Villafañe VE. 2007. Variability of UVR effects on photosynthesis of summer phytoplankton assemblages from a tropical coastal area of the South China Sea. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 83(4): 802-809. 9. Wu HY, Gao KS, Villafañe VE, Watanabe T and Helbling EW. 2005. Effect of solar UV radiation on morphology and photosynthesis of filamentous cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 71(9): 5004-5013. 10. Gao KS, Aruga Y, Asada K, Ishihara T, Akano T and Kiyohara M. 1993. Calcification in the articulated coralline alga Carollina pilulifera, with special reference to the effect of elevated CO2 concentration. Marine Biology. 117:129 132. 1 Synergistic activities PI of NSFC key project “Effects of Ocean Acidification on Photosyntheitic CO2 Fixation in the SCS: interactive effects and mechanisms” (Project. No.40930846, 2010.1-2013.12). PI of NSFC key international collaboration (with Ulf Riebessell) project “Ecological effects of ocean acidification in the South China Sea: ecosystem-level response and mechanisms” (Project No. 41120164007, 2012.012016.12) Invited member, NSFC Ocean Scientific Steering Committee, 2010-present. Organizer and lead PI, XiangShan workshop “Acidifying Oceans: Prediction of impacts on marine ecosystems”, Xiangshan, Beijing, Feb., 2012. Scientific Steering Committee member, “973” CHOICE-C (Carbon cycling in the China Seas) project of China Ministry of Science and Technology. Invited Visiting Professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia, April, 2011. Invited speaker and Symposium chair, Asia-Pacific Phycological Forum, Korea, Oct, 2011. Invited speaker, 2011 National XiangShang Meeting “Carbon Sinks and Sources in Coastal Waters”. IGBP-SCOR-UNESCO The Ocean in High CO2 World (ocean acidification) Third Conference (2012) International Planning Committee member Editorial board, Journal of Applied Phycology, Springer, 1999- present. Editorial board, American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2010-. Collaborators including Former Students and Postdocs: Ulf Riebesell (IFM-GEOMAR), W. Helbling (Institute of photobiology, Argentina), Mario Giodano (Universita´ Politecnica delle Marche), David Hutchins (USC), BS Qiu (Huangzhong Normal Univ.), HY Wu (Mount Alison Univ.), YP Wu (Mount Alison Univ), ZX Ruan (Universita´ Politecnica delle Marche), DH Zou (Huangnan Univ of Sci and Tech), G Li (Mount Alison Univ) Current postdocs/graduate students Juntian Xu/Suresh Kumar/Wei Li/Yahe Li/Ying Zheng/Kai Xu/Peng Jin/Nana Liu/Shanwen Chen -Advisor for 16 Ph.D. and 14 Master past graduates. -Advisor for 3 undergraduates for senior research projects. -Advisor for 6 postdoctoral fellows, including one from Germany and one from India 2