Review: PROMOTING ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Ryerson has its own office dedicated to the pursuit of academic integrity through the education of students, faculty, and family on topics such as plagiarism and cheating. The website for the office of Academic Integrity features a five episode web series for students covering topics such as unintentional plagiarism and unauthorized group work. The office also promotes workshops for students offered through Student Learning Support throughout the year. Instructors may find the page aimed at faculty helpful. It includes sections on why students cheat, how to detect and prevent plagiarism, and how to report academic misconduct. The Office of Academic Integrity has prepared a Frequently Asked Questions document as well as two helpful pamphlets filled with best practices aimed specifically at Ryerson faculty. We have made them available for download here: Frequently Asked Questions By Instructors Faculty Best Practices: Promoting Academic Integrity in the Classroom [doc] Faculty Best Practices: Creating Multiple Choice & Short Answer Exam Questions [doc] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS BY INSTRUCTORS Last Updated: August 2014 Developed by Donna Bell and the Office of Academic Integrity. This information is also available as a Word document [doc]. What is the role of the Academic Integrity Officer? What is the Academic Integrity Council? How can I apply to join the Academic Integrity Council? What do I do if I suspect a student has committed academic misconduct? What do I do if I suspect academic misconduct in an exam setting? What do I do if I suspect more than one student in a case of academic misconduct? What do I do if a student approaches me stating they've seen another student commit an act of academic misconduct? How do I report a suspicion through the AIO Automated Reporting System? What if I choose to have a non-facilitated discussion with the student? What do I need to know/ do for a Facilitated Discussion? Review: If I find that a student has plagiarized or committed academic misconduct can I have the student redo or resubmit the assignment? What is the minimum penalty I can assign for a finding of academic misconduct? Can I just give a zero (0) for the work and not charge a student with academic misconduct? What is the maximum penalty I can assign for a finding of academic misconduct? How do I assign a student workshop? What happens if the student does not agree with my finding of academic misconduct and appeals the charge? Is there any Support or Guidance available to help Faculty prepare for a Facilitated or Non-Facilitated Discussion or an Appeal? WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE ACADEMIC INTEGRITY OFFICER? The Academic Integrity Officer is responsible for ensuring that all matters related to the implementation of the Student Code of Academic Conduct (Policy 60) are handled fairly and acts as neither an advocate for students or faculty nor a decision-maker in the process. The Academic Integrity Officer also provides policy-related guidance to students and faculty. Top WHAT IS THE ACADEMIC INTEGRITY COUNCIL? Effective September 1st. 2009, the Ryerson Senate approved the establishment of an Academic Integrity Council (AIC) consisting of both faculty and students which replaced the existing Faculty Appeals Committees and is administered through the Academic Integrity Office. The AIC's mandate is to promote and uphold academic integrity at Ryerson through both participating in educational activities and by holding hearings when it has been determined by faculty that students have engaged in academic misconduct. Members of the Academic Integrity Council are committed to upholding the integrity of the learning process and of a Ryerson degree. (From Top HOW CAN I APPLY TO JOIN THE ACADEMIC INTEGRITY COUNCIL? If you wish to become a member of the Academic Integrity Council please contact the Academic Integrity Office by email at for information on this process. Top WHAT DO I DO IF I SUSPECT A STUDENT HAS COMMITTED ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT? When you suspect that a student has committed academic misconduct the first step is to decide if you would like to have a Facilitated Discussion with the student and the Academic Integrity Office facilitator Review: or if you would like to have a non-Facilitated Discussion with the student without an Academic Integrity Office facilitator. The student has the right to request a Facilitated Discussion if they wish. If this is the case the instructor will be informed by the student or Academic Integrity Officer. Top WHAT DO I DO IF I SUSPECT ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT IN AN EXAM SETTING? In this case, students must be allowed to finish their exam. Instructors should mark on the student’s exam where they noticed the incident happening. If students are seen discussing during the exam it is ideal to move/separate them if possible. If a student is in possession of unauthorized material the instructor is to remove and retain this material. If an exam invigilator (in the Ryerson gyms or the Metro Toronto Convention Centre) suspects academic misconduct s/he should follow the same rules but should also file an “Exam Incident Form”. Top WHAT DO I DO IF I SUSPECT MORE THAN ONE STUDENT IN A CASE OF ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT? If two or more students are suspected in one case of academic misconduct the Academic Integrity Office must be contacted to assist in determining a fair process. Students may be called in for a discussion of the suspicion as a group or individually. The student has the right to request an individual meeting and can do so by contacting Top WHAT DO I DO IF A STUDENT APPROACHES ME STATING THEY'VE SEEN ANOTHER STUDENT COMMIT AN ACT OF ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT? The first thing to do is get all the details and gather information. If the student wishes to remain anonymous get details from them and proceed with gathering information. If the student does not wish to remain anonymous he/she may not be part of the initial discussion to be had with the other student. However, if the suspected student is charged with academic misconduct, the other student may attend the hearing as a witness for the instructor. Top HOW DO I REPORT A SUSPICION THROUGH THE AIO AUTOMATED REPORTING SYSTEM? Go to the Academic Integrity Automated Reporting System Go to the Misconduct referral sub tab under the Misconduct tab, submit the information and select facilitated discussion OR non-facilitated discussion. Review: You should request the discussion as soon as possible and when possible before the work is returned to the student. If the discussion is facilitated, the AIO arranges the room and sends a notification letter to the student and cc's the instructor and all necessary parties. Top WHAT IF I CHOOSE TO HAVE A NON FACILITATED DISCUSSION WITH THE STUDENT? If you choose to have a non-facilitated discussion you still need to report the suspicion via the Academic Integrity Automated Reporting System. Go to the Misconduct Referral Sub Tab under the Misconduct Tab, submit the information and select non-facilitated. The meeting should be held as soon as possible (usually within 5 working days). If grades are due before the meeting is complete and before a decision has been made a DEF (deferred) grade should be submitted for the student. It is inappropriate to submit an INC. Once you report the suspicion through the Automated Reporting System, a notification letter is sent on your behalf to the student (you and all relevant parties are copied). The Discussion is meant to be an open, informal and non-confrontational dialogue. No decision is to be made in the meeting. A neutral third party (other than the Chair/Director/other instructor) may attend the meeting as a note taker, if it is mutually agreed upon. The goal of the meeting is to get the necessary information or explanation needed to make a fair and appropriate decision. The instructor is to come to the meeting prepared to discuss the type of misconduct suspected and the reasons for the suspicion. The student may bring notes, drafts or other relevant documentation to the meeting. Remember to give the student time to answer. You will make your decision after the meeting based on what you have heard. Please document the details of the meeting on a Summary of Discussion Form and supply a copy to the student. This may be done by a neutral 3rd party. You have 3 working days to make a decision. The standard of proof in all decisions shall be a ‘balance of probabilities’. This means it is more likely than not that misconduct occurred. The Decision Letter is generated by the Automated Reporting System. Go to the non-facilitated tab, select the Final Decision sub tab and submit the information requested. You will be prompted with an email to verify and modify, if necessary, and then send. Review: The decision letter will be sent automatically to all relevant parties. If you decide that no charge is warranted but education is needed you may assign an Academic Integrity Tutorial as a course requirement. If you choose to assign the Fundamentals of Academic Integrity Quiz (FAI) click 'yes' in the decision form. If you are assigning an Academic Integrity Workshop click 'yes' on the decision form and you will automatically be prompted to assign up to a maximum of three (3) workshops. The student will receive notification by email that you have assigned the workshops and you will be notified when they are completed. Failure to complete the tutorial or workshops by the indicated date will result in the student being unable to register for courses in the next term. The Penalty: If you decide academic misconduct has occurred you must next decide on an appropriate penalty. The minimum penalty is a grade deduction on the work. You may also choose to assign a zero on the work, an 'F' (failure) in the course, or if you feel the situation is serious enough you may recommend a Disciplinary Suspension (not applicable for graduate students), Disciplinary Withdrawal or Expulsion. If this is the case please contact the Academic Integrity Office via email at to discuss recommendations. Top WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW/ DO FOR A FACILITATED DISCUSSION? If you choose to have a Facilitated Discussion with the Academic Integrity Officer (AIO) you first need to report your suspicion of academic misconduct on the Academic Integrity Office Automated Reporting System. Go the Misconduct Referral Sub Tab under the Misconduct Tab, submit the information and select Facilitated Discussion. Because you have chosen a Facilitated Discussion the Academic Integrity Office will arrange the room and send the notification letter to the student (you will be copied). The meeting is to be an open, informational and non-confrontational conversation between the instructor and the student facilitated by the Academic Integrity Office Facilitator. The instructor should come to the meeting prepared to discuss the details of the suspected misconduct and should bring any relevant material for review. Details of the meeting will be documented by the Academic Integrity Office Facilitator and then emailed to the instructor and student to review after the meeting. The instructor then has 3 working days from the day of the discussion to make a decision. Review: The instructor informs the Academic Integrity Office of the decision and the Academic Integrity Office sends out the decision letter to the student within 5 working days of the discussion. The Academic Integrity Office Facilitator will also explain the appeals process to both parties in the meeting. Top IF I FIND THAT A STUDENT HAS PLAGIARIZED OR COMMITTED ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT CAN I HAVE THE STUDENT REDO OR RESUBMIT THE ASSIGNMENT? It is not appropriate to have the student redo or resubmit the assignment. Other students in the class do not have this opportunity despite the challenges they may have faced in submitting their work and this would give the student whose work was plagiarized an unfair advantage and extended time to complete the assignment. Students must submit work that is not plagiarized and should be verifying this at the time of submission. If you find the student has committed academic misconduct the minimum penalty is a grade reduction on the work. Top WHAT IS THE MINIMUM PENALTY I CAN ASSIGN FOR A FINDING OF ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT? The minimum penalty is a grade reduction for the work. Top CAN I JUST GIVE A ZERO (0) FOR THE WORK AND NOT CHARGE A STUDENT WITH ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT? If you have determined that a student has committed academic misconduct it is not appropriate to give them a zero (0) for the work and not charge them with academic misconduct. In this case the student is free to appeal the grade of zero (0) and can tell the appeals committee they were never charged with academic misconduct. Top WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM PENALTY I CAN ASSIGN FOR A FINDING OF ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT? The maximum penalty that may be assigned by an instructor is an 'F' (failure) in the course. If you wish you may recommend a Disciplinary Suspension (DS), Disciplinary Withdrawal (DW) or Expulsion for undergraduate students and a Disciplinary Withdrawal (DW) or Expulsion for graduate students. If you wish to recommend either of these, an automatic hearing is held at the AIC level and for DW and Expulsions a Senate level hearing is required. Top HOW DO I ASSIGN A STUDENT WORKSHOP (with a suspicion of academic misconduct?) Review: If you wish to assign a student workshop or the Fundamentals of Academic Integrity Quiz go to the AIO Automated System This will be done on the decision tab . Enter the information and choose the workshop you wish the student to take (up to 3). The student will be emailed the information from the AIO and you will be notified when the workshop has been completed. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A SUSPICION OF ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT but would like to assign workshops: If you wish to assign a workshop(s) to a student for skill development, go to the workshops tab on the automated system. Choose the workshop you would like to assign (up to a maximum of three). Give the student a deadline for completion. The student will receive an email with the requested workshops and information on how to register. Have the student get written confirmation that the workshop has been completed and have them show it to you. Top WHAT HAPPENS IF THE STUDENT DOES NOT AGREE WITH MY FINDING OF ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT AND APPEALS THE CHARGE? Once a student has initiated an appeal, you will be forwarded a copy of their letter to the Academic Integrity Council (AIC) including their submitted evidence. You will be asked to respond to the student's letter and to supply any evidence you used to determine the charge of academic misconduct. Your response should be in the form of a letter addressed to the AIC. All of this information will then be organized into a package and supplied to all relevant parties including the AIC in preparation for the hearing. The hearing has a very set process which must be adhered to. This process is outlined here: Order of Hearing. Normally 2 hours are allotted. The first hour is for the hearing and the second hour is for the panel to deliberate. All parties leave for deliberation and a decision is sent via email within five (5) working days. Top IS THERE ANY SUPPORT OR GUIDANCE AVAILABLE TO HELP FACULTY PREPARE FOR A FACILITATED OR NON-FACILITATED DISCUSSION OR AN APPEAL? Review: The Academic Integrity Office is available to assist faculty with preparing for discussions regarding suspicion of academic misconduct – either Facilitated or Non Facilitated. Please contact the Academic Integrity Office at or call (416) 979-5000 ext. 3273 for further assistance. Top RESOURCES Plagiarism Prevention Tutorial: How to Avoid Common Forms of Plagiarism [ppt] by Kosha Bramesfeld, Ryerson University. Quiz questions for this tutorial are available from the Teachpsych website under the Ethical Issues tab. Guide to Plagiarism and Cyber-Plagiarism University of Alberta Libraries. The Academic Integrity Tutorial York University. Keeping It Honest McGill University. The section of the site aimed at instructors has some excellent tips for avoiding cheating and plagiarism, such as how to successfully implement seating plans during exams. Academic Integrity University of Guelph. The University of Guelph tutorial features a video vignette, quizzes, and The Ten Golden Rules of Academic Integrity. Academic Integrity University of Toronto. The site includes resources like How Not to Plagiarize, a document put together by Margaret Procter of the Writing Support Centre. TOP