Dear Candidate, Thank you for your interest in applying for a post with Capability Scotland. We are pleased to send you an application pack containing the application form and additional information about the post and the organisation. Your completed application form should reach the recruiting manager no later than the closing date. Late applications will not normally be accepted. Please note, as Capability Scotland is a charitable organisation any travel expenses incurred during the selection process are met by the applicant. Under section 1 of the application form you are asked to indicate whether or not you would like your application to be considered under the Two Ticks Positive about Disabled People scheme. Capability Scotland is committed to interviewing any candidate who has a disability and who meets the minimum criteria for the post. In essence, provided you meet the minimum criteria, you will be invited for interview. If you are successful following the selection process, Capability Scotland will conduct pre-appointment checks to ensure that you are suitable and eligible for employment and internally review the recruitment process before an unconditional offer of employment is made. These checks include reference checks, verification of qualifications and professional bodies, SSSC registration, a criminal records check, health screening questionnaire and verification of your eligibility to work in the UK. All applicants, including internal applicants, must ensure that ALL parts of the Application Form are completed. Failure to do so may result in your application not being considered. If you have not heard from us within 28 days of the closing date, please assume that your application has not been successful. Yours, HR Department Enc: Application Form Job Description (Mar13/HR/SOP) Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 1 of 11 Job Title: Ref No: 1. Personal Information Title (Optional): Full name: Email: Telephone (Home): Telephone (Mobile): National Insurance Number: Home Address (inc postcode) May we call you during the day? Yes No Are you licensed to drive in the UK? Yes No Do you have any endorsements on your licence? Yes No If yes, please give details Would you be willing and able to use Yes your car to transport customers if required? (Business Insurance required) No If you consider yourself to be a disabled Yes person do want to request a guaranteed interview under the Two Ticks Positive about Disabled People Scheme? No If you are invited to interview please discuss any adjustments, equipment or assistance you may need with the Recruiting Manager. Please indicate where you saw this Capability Scotland position: Website Internal Advert S1 Newspaper Other Please Specify (Mar13/HR/SOP) Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 2 of 11 2. Employment History Please give details of your current and previous employment, including any voluntary work. If you have held more than one position with the same employer, please detail each position separately. If necessary, you may continue on a separate sheet. Current/Most Recent Employer Employer Name: Address (including Postcode): Position: Hours Worked per Week: Dates of employment (month and year is minimum required): From to Summary of duties: Paid Voluntary Reason for Leaving: Salary: £ Notice required: 3. Previous Employment In the section below please provide details of all previous employment, starting with your most recent. You should include all periods of employment, temporary or permanent, and any periods of voluntary work since leaving school. Employer Name: Address (including Postcode): Position: Hours Worked per Week: Dates of employment (month and year is minimum required): From to Summary of duties: Paid Voluntary (Mar13/HR/SOP) Reason for Leaving: Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 3 of 11 (Mar13/HR/SOP) Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 4 of 11 Employer Name: Address (including Postcode): Position: Hours Worked per Week: Dates of employment (month and year is minimum required): From to Summary of duties: Paid Voluntary Employer Name: Reason for Leaving: Address (including Postcode): Position: Hours Worked per Week: Dates of employment (month and year is minimum required): From to Summary of duties Paid Voluntary Reason for Leaving: You may continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Please clearly name any additional sheets used and attach to the application form. (Mar13/HR/SOP) Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 5 of 11 Employment Gaps Please use this space to explain any gaps you have in your employment history since leaving school. 4. Registration with Professional Bodies If you have ever been registered with any Professional Bodies please provide details below even if you are no longer a member. Professional Body Name: Registration Number: Date Obtained: Status of Registration: Level of Membership: Professional Body Name: Registration Number: Date Obtained: Status of Registration: Level of Membership: Are you currently subject of a fitness to practice investigation or proceedings by a licensing or regulatory body, in the UK or in any other country? SSSC Registrations (if applicable) SSSC Registration Number SSSC Registration Category (Mar13/HR/SOP) Current Lapsed Current Lapsed Yes No Social worker Social work student Care Commission Officer Residential child care worker Worker in a care home service (adults) Worker in an adult day care service Worker in a day care of children service, for example in a nursery Worker in a school care Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 6 of 11 accommodation service Worker in a housing support service Worker in a care at home service Employer Date of Registration Any Conditions Registration attached to SSSC 5. Education and Qualifications Please provide full details of your education and qualifications. You will be required to provide original certificates prior to starting work. Establishment Name Subject studied Date(s) Attended Qualifications and Grades Achieved 6. Training Please provide full details of any relevant training that you have completed with your current/previous employer or in your own time. You may be required to provide proof of training undertaken prior to starting work. Training undertaken (Mar13/HR/SOP) Details of training Recruitment and Selection Procedure Date(s) Attended Page 7 of 11 7. General Information Please indicate your level of English language proficiency: High Moderate Low No Ability Low No Ability Spoken Reading Written Understanding Please indicate your level of IT Proficiency: High Moderate Word Excel Outlook Are you MIDAS trained? (driver specific) Yes No Expiry date: Do you hold a food hygiene certificate? Yes No Date of course: Do you hold a current first aid certificate? Yes No Expiry date: Please specify any days/ times on which you would be regularly unable to attend work: am pm evening overnight Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday (Mar13/HR/SOP) Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 8 of 11 8. References Please give name, address and occupation of two referees who have known you in a work capacity (unless the job advert specifically requests three). The first referee must be your current employer (or previous employer if you are not in work). The other referee should be an appropriate individual from an appropriate source. References will not be accepted from friends or family members. Capability Scotland reserves the right to contact any previous employers prior to appointment. The referees should be a line manager or equivalent. If this post is to be your first appointment or in instances where you are returning to work after a significant career break we may accept character or academic references. Referee 1 Referee 2 Name Organisation Full Address (including Postcode) Job Title / Relationship Email May we contact prior to formal offer? Yes No Yes No Signature Date Referee 3 Name Organisation Full Address (including Postcode) Job Title / Relationship Email May we contact prior to formal offer? Yes No Signature Date (Mar13/HR/SOP) Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 9 of 11 9. Supporting Statement In this section please demonstrate how your skills and experience meet the requirements of the job description and the competencies for the job. You may also include any other information that you feel is relevant to your application e.g. personal qualities, achievements at work, non-related or voluntary work experience. Please note failure to complete this section adequately may result in your application form not being shortlisted. Do not attach a C.V. (Mar13/HR/SOP) Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 10 of 11 You may continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Please clearly name any additional sheets used and attach to the application form. Do you have a relative employed by Capability Scotland? N.B. This question will not affect your application Yes No If yes, please state nature of the relationship Please indicate where your relative works Have you ever been employed by Capability Scotland before? Yes No If yes, please give details Are you currently employed by Capability Scotland? Yes No If yes, please give details If so, are you currently at risk of redundancy? Yes No If yes, please give details Declaration By signing this section: I declare that the information contained in this form and all sections is true, fair and accurate. I understand that if I am successful in this application, and any statement/information is subsequently discovered to be false or misleading, Capability Scotland may withdraw any offer of employment or dismiss me. I understand any offer of employment from Capability Scotland is subject to satisfactory completion of pre-employment checks and due diligence as appropriate. All information provided will be processed in connection with recruitment in accordance with data processing legislation. Signature Date We appreciate the interest you have shown in applying for this job and thank you for taking the time to make your application. If you have not heard from us within 28 days of the closing date, please assume that your application has not been successful. Please return your completed application form to the address specified on the advert. (Mar13/HR/SOP) Recruitment and Selection Procedure Page 11 of 11