ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training LLP-LdV-TOI-2010-DE-147 327 Italy (North) Lepido Rocco Research & Analysis Periode: Protection and preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets Organisational Structure Stage 1 How is the protection and preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets institutionally organized in your country/region? MiBAC: Ministry of Cultural Heritage (in Rome) • Superior Council of Cultural Assets and Enviromental Assets (in Rome) • Police Department of Preservation of Cultural Heritage (in Rome) • General Directions: – GD for Archaelogical Assets (in Rome) – GD for Architectural, Historical-Arts Assets and ethnoanthropological Assets (in Rome) – Regional GD for Cultural and enviromental Assets of Veneto Region (in Venice) – Regional GD for Cultural and enviromental Assets (in each italian Region); in Veneto Region: • Board of Archive Assets of Veneto Region (Venice) • Board of Historical and Art Assets and Ethnoanthropological of Veneto • Board of Archaeological Assets of Veneto • Board of Landscape and Architectural Assets of Venice, Belluno, Pauda and Treviso Provincial Administrations • Board of Landscape and Architectural Assets of Verona, Vicenza, Rovigo Provincial Administrations • Board of Landscape and Architectural Assets of Venice city and Venice Lagoon • Special Board of Historical, Artistic and ethnoanthropological Heritage and of of Venice and of Gronda Lagoon Museum Centres Boards depend on General Directions and their tasks are related to cultural, landscape, museum, archive assets. General Directions and Boards are the main responsible for the ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training LLP-LdV-TOI-2010-DE-147 327 Italy (North) Lepido Rocco Research & Analysis Periode: protection and preservation of historical assets in Italy. -Ministry of Cultural heritage , General Directorates (Direzioni Who has the main responsibility Generali), regional board of cultural heritage of Padua and Venice for the protection of historical (Sovrintendenza di Padova e Venezia), Regional Directorate of cultural heritage monuments and cultural assets and environmental conservation of Veneto Region. in your country/region? -Church institutions if culturale heritages are of religious interest Which authorities have the legislative competences/power for protection of historical monuments and cultural assets? - Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Enviormental Conservation - Local Technical Regional board of the ministry of cultural heritage: Le Soprintendenze “tecniche” locali (vedi § 1) - Religious Art and Cultural Assets belonging to Bishop Curia (Diocese) of Treviso, Belluno, Vittorio Veneto: Gli Uffici per l’Arte sacra ed i Beni Culturali della Curia ( Diocesi) vescovile di Treviso, Belluno, Vittorio Veneto. - Municipalities concerning buildings belonging to private citizens bound by urban planning regulations and their levels of protection , according to Levels of Protection Which guidelines / laws exist for protection, preservation and restoration of historical monuments and cultural assets in your country/region? a) at a National Level: - Decree 44/2004 and following amendments and annexes -Guidelines for the evaluation and reduction of seismic risk of cultural heritage, 2006 and amends of 2001 -Guidelines for the survey, analysis and planning of intervention of reparation and fortification of assembled buildings, 2010 -Ministerial Decree, 14.1.2008 on Constructions Ministry of Infrastructure and Tranport Circular, 2.2.2009 Guidelines for getting over architectonic barriers in cultural interest areas Decree of Republic President of the Republic, 9.7.2010, Semplified Proceeding for the landscape authorization (refer to Art. 146, section 9, Decree 42, 2004) b) Regional Level, Veneto Region: Regional laws for the concession of fundings related to restoration of cultural assets Regional law for the concession of fundings related to overthrowing of the architectonical barriers Is there a common definition of Historical Monuments: is to be considered as a cultural asset, including ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training LLP-LdV-TOI-2010-DE-147 327 Italy (North) Lepido Rocco historical monuments and cultural assets? Research & Analysis Periode: both the single architectonical handmade (such as a palace, building, church, etc.)and city walls, a garden or a whole landscape or a movable artistic evidence. Cultural Heritage is the whole set of material documents put together in years, that compose a city or part of it, an urban landscape or a non built environment, a series of evidences, etc. that are worth the conservation and preservation. Cultural Heritage is also the set of oral and written evidences of a population or of a single person (e.g. farmers culture) that have historical interest and thus represent a document. According to Decree 2004, Cultural Heritage are: movable goods and non movable goods that belong to State, to Regions, and to Other Public Authorities, moreover any to any other Authority or Public Association and to non profit Private Corporate Bodies, thus including Churc Authorities legally recognized, that represent artistic, historical, archeological and ento-anotropological interest. Cultual Heritage is the set of goods, that have a high historical importance, that are of public interest and compose the richness of a place and of that population. Protection and preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets The Situation - General overview Describe the current discussions/situation Summary: Protection of Cultural and Natural on preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets in your country/region (max. 500 characters). Assets recently there have been ongoing serious studies in our country for the restoration of the historical assets that either have historical or cultural importance while quitting the way we did ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training LLP-LdV-TOI-2010-DE-147 327 Italy (North) Lepido Rocco Research & Analysis Periode: in the 70's to protect our historical masterpieces, we now take care of our history by getting some help from the organisations that are serving for scientific researches. Now we are proud of the protection that is for the treasures found in yenikapı and üsküdar.but especially topics like allianoi prove that we don't pay attention to our history as much as it deserves. i. Positive trends: Improving scientific methods and materials about restoration of historical asset, increasing the number of Works about restoration of monuments and immovable cultural assets ii. Negative trends: Despite the opposition of environmentalist organizations -and non-governmental organizations, protection of historical assets can be sometimes ignored due to rentability of the lands. Especially the lack of protection of natural heritage, sometimes sacrifice of natural heritage to build touristic institutions Due to the high cost of restoration of historical building, institutions do not prefer to make restoration. List five approaches for the need of ARCHE project in your country (Macro level). -Gathering information about the works of European countries in the fields of protection, documentation, exhibition of movable cultural assets; -Wrong studies on the restoration of historical buildings and usage of wrong materials and techniques; -Gathering information about legal regulations related to the protection and restoration of historical monuments and cultural assets in European countries and practices of local authorities and government. Turkey’s belayed start to the protection and ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training LLP-LdV-TOI-2010-DE-147 327 Italy (North) Lepido Rocco Research & Analysis Periode: restoration of historical monuments and cultural assets compared to the European countries Short education duration of vocational education in the field of restoration, and present curriculum does not meeting the needs. Moreover, existence of just a few institution which offers further education. -Gathering information about the works of European countries in the fields of protection, documentation, exhibition of movable cultural assets Wrong studies on the restoration of historical buildings and usage of wrong materials and techniques, -Gathering information about legal regulations related to the protection and restoration of historical monuments and cultural assets in European countries and practices of local authorities and government Turkey’s belayed start to the protection and restoration of historical monuments and cultural assets compared to the European countries List five benefits of the ARCHE project related to your particular work in your region (Micro level). -Short education duration of vocational education in the field of restoration, and present curriculum does not meeting the needs. Moreover, existence of just a few institution which offers further education. We will gain knowledge of curriculum of the institutions offering vocational education in the field of restoration, thanks to ARCHE project. We will also ensure the transfer of good examples to our country and to our region. Workshops for craftsmen working on restoration and protection of historical assets will help them to increase their vocational development. Detailed information about traditional and modern techniques and materials being used in the ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training LLP-LdV-TOI-2010-DE-147 327 Italy (North) Lepido Rocco Research & Analysis Periode: countries of ARCHE project will be gained. Within the scope of the project, a study deposit will be created which will be furnished with historical building materials, assets and craftsmen equipment and has study and exhibition areas. With this, our students and those who want to work in the field of restoration will benefit from this deposit. List all actors and stakeholders in the field of preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets. Describe the already existing networks between these different actors. A technique library composed of studies and searches about Protection and Restoration will be established and this will be a source for further vocational studies. This will not only help ACHE project, it will also contribute to the upcoming studies. Ministry of Culture and Tourism Protection of Cultural and Natural Assets Boards Protection, Implementation and Auditing Bureau Foundations General Directorate Special Provincial Administration Authorities Local Authorities Registered Asset Owners Architecture offices Vocational institutions (bureaus, organizations,etc.) Universities Vocational Education Institutions ( Local Educational Authorities, Vocational High Schools and Private Education Institutions,Apprentice Education Centers, Public Education Centers, etc.) When restoring a historical asset; For project permissions, education studies, other permissions and for all other restoration phases above mentioned actors collaborate with each other. This cooperation and network have been shaped within the scope of mentioned law and regulations.